11 Replies to “Frankly, My Dear”

  1. Does that ever bring back memories. When I was a kid in the ’60s I had the Jungle Book LP and listened to it over and over, including this song. I don’t even remember seeing the movie but the songs are still with me. “A delisssssioussss man cub…”

  2. But…what is politically incorrect about the King of the Swingers song from Jungle Book?

  3. Hey, isn’t that the way the LIEberals ran Parliament?
    Those monkey’s were always wanting to play with fire.

  4. “But…what is politically incorrect about the King of the Swingers song from Jungle Book?”
    I’m sure cartoonists of the 40’s would have been equally dumbfounded.

  5. My kids watched this movie about 100 times, and I never got tired of watching it with them. I could probably sit down and watch it right now, except I think the tape is worn out.

  6. Is that Louis Prima doing the orangutan’s voice?
    I’ve never seen “The Jungle Book”, I feel deprived.

  7. Yes, it’s Louis Prima’s voice (who also sang Jump, Jive & Wail reborn in that GAP commercial). According to the commentary, his actions also mimics Prima’s stage show and the sidekick mimics Prima’s sidekick.

  8. .
    Stunning original animation. It is amazing what the Disney animators were capable of.
    That being said, I must confess, there is no substitute for Kipling. There is a nobility which Kipling bestows upon the jungle animals, which does not exist in the Disney movie (or any other movie based on the Jungle Book for that matter). I hope someday, someone will produce a film of the Jungle Book that embodies the mood and nobility which exists in the original book.
