I Remember When I Was Little

… my mother never left for church without her best Sunday cleaver tucked into her handbag;

Four people were injured and three arrested in a fight at a West Valley City Mosque on Friday that drew about 100 people leaving midday prayers. [….] The fight started with a conflict between a 26-year-old man and a juvenile, as the crowded parking lot emptied. The 26-year-old had a box cutter, and another man drew a knife to defend the juvenile, starting the fight.

65 Replies to “I Remember When I Was Little”

  1. Wow, tough day at the mosque.
    Just a little thing about a parking space?
    Over a hundred people involved?
    Multiple fights?
    4 Arrests?
    Sounds more like an emptying bar on a weekend night.

  2. Let’s play the moral equivalence game…We hear all the time about Christians coming out of churches and rioting and Jews coming out of synagogues and rioting, eh?
    And what harm could a fundamentalist Muslim possibly do with a silly old box cutter anyway???

  3. I’ll gladly donate money to send them lots and lots of knives, so that next time they can all be armed.

  4. Being blocked by double parking, in the Middle East is not unusual. The locals are generally baffled by the frustration expressed Westerners who are anxious to get on their way. Patience, patience.
    In this case these people seem to have adopted American expectations and took offence when their freedom of the open road was impeded.
    Its clear Western culture must be blamed for this.

  5. Would these be considered “moderate” Muslims? We keep hearing the term moderate to describe Muslims which says they keep within reasonable bounds, not extreme. It does constantly remind us that they do have potential for straying from moderate to radical causing terror and mayhem wherever they exist.
    Going to a place of worship packing knives sort of deletes the purpose, unless they go for a different type of inspiration.

  6. Can we expect this to inspire a laugh-filled episode of “Little Mosque On The Prairie”?

  7. JJM, the answer is no, it’s too close to reality, “Little Mosque On The Prairie” is a farce.

  8. Gee,my Mom just brought a purse full of hard candy to keep our ‘brood’ quiet in church.

  9. the reason I will not attend church anymore is a ban on having a hand held surface to air missile launcher in the communion line.

  10. Hmmmmm… muslims go to pray to their god, pull out weapons and attempt to butcher each other… I can live with that.

  11. Lucky Mo banned them from drinkin’.
    mussi version of friday night fights that are usually “reserved” for the natives.

  12. “Let’s play the moral equivalence game…We hear all the time about Christians coming out of churches and rioting and Jews coming out of synagogues and rioting, eh?”
    Well, since you decided to be a prick about it, here you go:
    or how about this one:
    Some more:

  13. When I lived in Arizona I never went anywhere without a gun -and- a knife. Knife was in case the gun jammed. Thing about a knife, it never malfunctions. I like that.
    Why go armed everywhere? Because I could, obviously. No need to, it was safe like my own living room.
    Because you know, I never ever saw anybody fighting coming out of a church, synagogue, gurudwara, temple… or even the mall. I saw maybe five road-rage type incidents in three years. In Toronto I used to see that in a week.
    Odd, all these thousands of heavily armed, cranky, mean, sexist/racist/homophobe white men running around loose on the streets and none of them freaked out and killed a bunch of people, no shootouts at the OK Coral (which is actually in Arizona, y’know), no guys getting out of their cars and blasting the schmuck who just cut them off.
    Utah is about the same as Arizona for CCW. Usually people won’t risk getting shot over a parking space, or even a contrasting opinion on the Prophet’s words (peace be upon him, eh?). But I guess some cultures take longer to acclimate to their new surroundings than others.
    I’m sure they’ll figure it out eventually, given the number of cranky white men available to “explain” things to them down there in Salt Lake.

  14. “onward christian soldiers….”
    ….believe it or else you sinners but not long ago the phrase had a certain literal validity….and was applied unabashedly in practical terms without any doubt or self recrimination…..and if you’re a results oriented soul it’s a perfectly shaped lovely and utilitarian jesuit thing…..and isn’t that nice ?
    ite missa est

  15. I know why you go around armed Phantom. The way you mouth off on this site is probably how you would act on the street and you would get your butt kicked daily.

  16. ROC,
    Phantom is consistent and correct in his comments. I find myself in agreement with him pretty much all the time. Perhaps you are unaccustomed to someone who speaks up and spews reality. That can be scary.
    I too don’t like to go anywhere without a weapon of some sort at my disposal. I subscribe to the Tarantino philosophy that “it’s better to have a gun and not need it, than to need one and not have it”.
    I guess it’s a boy scout thing.
    Always Be prepared!
    They used to teach that sort of thing before the progressives banned badness.

  17. Right of Center, I’m not a shy and retiring type. I pretty much speak my mind wherever I go, not just on the blogs but in “real life” too. Oddly, people do not try to kick my butt. Never happens.
    You might want to think about that a little.

  18. I know why you go around armed Phantom. The way you mouth off on this site is probably how you would act on the street and you would get your butt kicked daily.
    Posted by: Right of centre at August 17, 2008 11:56 AM
    If you knew how many of us were armed, you’d probably think twice about making comments like this. Butt kicking is a thing of the past. With all the armed criminals on the street today, fair fights only happen at organized events. I assume everybody who looks me in the eye is armed. My butt-kicking skills don’t usually factor into my decisions on how to handle social situations any more.
    Next time you see someone handling an incident calmly, and avoiding an escalation, you should ask yourself if he acted that way to avoid being hurt, or avoid being arrested for manslaughter.

  19. Lovely, just lovely. There’s nothing like a good hate-filled sermon to get the parishioners all riled up, eh?
    Maybe that’s why I got the chills when we drove by a Muslim elementary and secondary school compound last weekend (in BC), with a huge banner on the building “Built with a Generous Donation from Saudi Arabia”.

  20. “If you knew how many of us were armed, you’d probably think twice about making comments like this”
    Is that a threat dp?
    If it is it kinda defeats Phantom’s POV about being leveled headed in public because you carry a weapon.
    If you are saying if somebody insluts you in public it would be justification for a use of your weapon then I am not the one with the issue.
    I dont have a problem with carrying a weapon my comment was I know why Phantom needs one.
    “Next time you see someone handling an incident calmly, and avoiding an escalation, you should ask yourself if he acted that way to avoid being hurt, or avoid being arrested for manslaughter”-dp
    Or just maybe the person is acting like a well adjusted person but I think that is hard for you to accept. Maybe you should ask yourself why.

  21. THIS woman will kill before becoming a victim ever again, and I don’t give a crap who it is. Lessons learned first hand ROC.
    Notice you didn’t have any condemnation for your box cutter carrying muslim brothers in arms just leaving a peaceful sermon?

  22. ROC, it seems to me that you were the first to mention butt-kicking in response to mouthing-off.
    “The way you mouth off on this site is probably how you would act on the street and you would get your butt kicked daily.”
    I must agree with the people who feel they have a right to defend themselves against a bully who would kick their butt for a perceived verbal insult. To me, using a weapon to level the field is no more violent than using fists on a less physically capable person.

  23. Right of Center said: “I dont have a problem with carrying a weapon my comment was I know why Phantom needs one.”
    As I live in Ontario these days I carry nothing sir, as I am in considerably more danger from the authorities than from any common pond scum. I carried in Arizona because I could, not because I needed to.
    And yet though I am presently unarmed, my often voiced views do not result in fisticuffs from outraged people trying to teach me a lesson. This could be due to my daunting size and demeanor, or possibly more people agree with me than not.
    I leave it to you to consider which is the more likely.

  24. “Notice you didn’t have any condemnation for your box cutter carrying muslim brothers in arms just leaving a peaceful sermon?
    So where did you read that I support the Muslims?
    If they gave medals for jumping to conclusions you would take gold. Fools abound.
    “THIS woman will kill before becoming a victim ever again, and I don’t give a crap who it is.” -Idd
    Careful..if that situation ever happened a statement like this could make things difficult for you if you ever had to defend yourself in court.
    “I must agree with the people who feel they have a right to defend themselves against a bully who would kick their butt for a perceived verbal insult.”-Glasnost
    Seems to me the bully would be the person mouthing off and then hiding behind a weapon. Probaly suffers from little man syndrom.

  25. Rob Nicholson (Justice Minister) would you now consider a box cutter registry?
    That at least seems to be within your intellectual capacity, we know the free speech thing is too hard for you.

  26. “And yet though I am presently unarmed, my often voiced views do not result in fisticuffs from outraged people trying to teach me a lesson. This could be due to my daunting size and demeanor, or possibly more people agree with me than not.
    I leave it to you to consider which is the more likely.”-Phantom
    I choose neither it is probably just pity, as you probably come off as slow.

  27. ROC- Why do you feel threatened by people who believe it’s their right to defend themselves? I certainly don’t, because I have no intention of messing with them. You must have other intentions.

  28. Hmn, it would seem Right of Center -does- have a problem with people carrying. Typically he can’t articulate what that problem is.
    It’s my contention sir that allowing the average civilian to go armed has a salutary effect on public discourse and behaviour, based on my personal experience living in the USA and upon my extensive readings on the subject.
    Cases like the Friday night Mosque fight mentioned by Kate are -extremely- rare in such jurisdictions. I think that is because most of the time when these things start an armed civilian offers to shoot the stupid low-life who is misbehaving, and said low-life runs away as fast as he possibly can.
    Furthermore, the mere fact that there IS a mosque in Salt Lake City, home of the Mormon Cathedral, where armed civilians are the rule not the exception, would seem to contradict the Leftist promoted stereotype of gun owners as frothing hate-filled killers.
    Clearly, I’m a lucky little slow kid that some clear thinking normal grown-up person like ROC doesn’t kick my objectionable little butt, if I run around saying crazy stuff like that all the time.
    My butt farts in your general direction, sir.

  29. groinpullerredux maintains the Phantom rules…
    …… and I too, in defending mesself from the untutored cutpurses louts layabouts and alms seekers who nowadays infest every niche and corner of the urbes always have a quickly jerry-rigged weapon to hand….it’s the work of a moment to unload and thus deter some itinerant thugee from breaching the peace.
    ….why, imho a man would be a fool not to.

  30. So, ROC it seems we’re back to your original contention that a person (like Phantom perhaps) deserves to get his butt kicked for saying something that someone (like you perhaps) perceives as mouthing-off.

  31. Actually, ROC is not planning on doing any butt-kicking. I know exactly why the idea of people being ready and willing to defend themselves bothers him so much. He’s the guy who loses his cool and cuts people off. He’s the guy who screams at people, and flips them off when he can’t squeeze into traffic.
    Instead of toning his own behaviour down, he wants the rest of us to be powerless to put him in his place.
    I get animated sometimes too. I’ve been known to flip people off, and worse. That doesn’t mean I begrudge them the right to give some of it back. If someone wants to kick my ass, I’d never use a weapon. If someone wants to cut my throat, that’s a whole different game.

  32. Hey Alex,
    Nice try with the rebuttal examples!
    The first one is as close as you got.
    Church goers clashing with radical left wing protesters over a sainthood issue.
    How is this the same as fellow members of a mosque getting into a fight over parking and pulling out bladed weapons??
    The rest of your examples are about outside wack jobs using a congregation to vent frustration. Other than one guy who defended his fellow church goers, they were all just victims.
    If that’s the best you’ve got, why even bother?

  33. “My butt farts in your general direction, sir.”
    Good one!!
    I never said I have an objection to carrying a weapon but I can see you have trouble reading too.
    Typically you and some of your friends like to assume and I expect that. It is your only way you can wrap your simple heads around a situation. It is absolute or nothing, pretty sad.
    I am just staing I think you are a fool and you probably bully behind a weapon. There now we are both assuming.
    Understand now? Probably not….sigh.
    I feel shame I wasted my time on you.

  34. Personally I believe only street thugs and scum bags carry box cutters or knives. Sadly we aren’t allowed to pack heat in Canada, thankfully three years of intense Martial Arts should keep me safe from the scum bags.
    LOL that headline is hilarious Kate, nope no weapons at the RC Church-wine but no box cutters Jesus kinda frowns on people attacking others.

  35. i sport an as yet undetected sword cane….i look ambulatorily challenged…and therefore a pigeon ready for the plucking but let me assure you that is NOT the case…..
    and yes, i call my walking stick ‘scaramouche”.

  36. “Rob Nicholson (Justice Minister) would you now consider a box cutter registry?”
    Okay, I confess: I have 5 box cutters at home. (gasp!)
    I keep them right next to my 5 tape measures so if need be I can at least find one when I need it. I swear these things move by themselves after I go to bed…
    In regards to ROC’s butt kicking tantrums, “well, my dad can beat your dad…” Hey, it worked 40-50 years ago.
    I also love the way leftoids always pull out the threat of violence when someone speaks their mind and it is not the “approved dogma” expected.

  37. “If that’s the best you’ve got, why even bother?”
    Because there are plenty of rational people around who, unlike you, won’t simply dismiss facts which make them uncomfortable.
    As to the part about them all being victims … I guess the lunatic who shot up a congregation because they were too “liberal” for his tastes was just a victim too, huh? He wasn’t at all motivated by the Christian religion, no-siree-bob!

  38. ahhhhh!!!
    thread full of KEY BOARD WORRIERS
    I thinks all you worriers should congregate and demonstate (your manly stuff) as I could use a comedy show

  39. So far this thread has only one person proponing butt-kicking for a verbal offense. For the record, there is nothing anyone could say to me that would cause me to respond with violence. Therefore, I expect the same tolerance from others, and I would be quite prepared to use a weapon to defend my butt from someone attacking me simply because they were offended by something I said. Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe that is what most of the [warriors] are saying here.

  40. By the way GYM, it’s called testosterone, and the men can’t help it – it’s their nature.

  41. Here are some people who agree with The Phantom.
    “A tiny Texas school district may be the first in the nation to allow teachers and staff to pack guns for protection when classes begin later this month, a newspaper reported.”
    What madness is this? ARMED teachers? The thinking is as follows: we already authorize and trust these people to protect the children in their care, even from their parents should the occasion arise. It is reasonable to -equip- them to do the job as well, is it not?
    From the article: “Superintendent David Thweatt said the small community is a 30-minute drive from the sheriff’s office, leaving students and teachers without protection. He said the district’s lone campus sits 500 feet from heavily trafficked U.S. 287, which could make it a target.”
    “When the federal government started making schools gun-free zones, that’s when all of these shootings started. Why would you put it out there that a group of people can’t defend themselves? That’s like saying ‘sic ’em’ to a dog,” Thweatt said in Friday’s online edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.”
    Prob’ly said it in a real heavy Texas twang, too.
    Clearly, the world has gone insane. Simple cowboy common sense is being allowed to trump political correctness. This cannot be!
    Let the hand wringing begin.
