16 Replies to “Frankly, My Dear”

  1. What was brilliant about that rather mundane, tiresome piece of crap, PC guy? And what did Mistress Kate have to do with it? Sheesh.

  2. OK so what was it that caused the ban this one??…was it the Islamophobic veil on Mini Hot Cha?

  3. “OK so what was it that caused the ban this one??…was it the Islamophobic veil on Mini Hot Cha?”
    no, I think it was the beastiality innuendo at the end. Kissing a squirrel in a hot tub is just nasty :O

  4. The supposed “brilliance” lies inthe fact that this is an old cartoon in which Native people are made fun of through archaic stereotypes.
    I’m presuming this, since I didn’t watch the thing – life’s too short. And also I’m too smart and cultured to get my jollies from watching an old cartoon from when it was A-okay to mock Native people simply because they’re Native people.
    Kate regularly posts this stuff – old cartoons which trade in derogatory stereotypes about black people, Chinese people, Native people – with the heading “Frankly My Dear…” because she’s saying ‘Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn if this is non-P.C. or if it offends delicate liberal sensitivities, etc., etc. (yawn)’
    The cartoons were made at a time when mores were different and people didn’t know they were being ignorant and offensive. They’re posted here because a strand of conservatism is proud of being ignorant and offensive. Why? Because they know liberals hold the opposing view.
    As usual, it’s seen that the modern conservative has no principles of his/her own: they take their marching orders from the liberals – whatever the liberals do, conservatives mindlessly adopt the opposite view. They think they’re performing a brave outrageous act.
    But they’re only living a life governed by childish spite while displaying their intellectual bankruptcy. Oh well, they can always look towards their next, brave, outrageous act/post.

  5. I’m so happy you were able to get so much out of a three word subject line, real. Tell me – did your mother drink while she was pregnant, too?

  6. Tell me – did your mother drink while she was pregnant, too?
    No – but she did drop him on his head several times.

  7. There is a Bugs Bunny WB cartoon where a Elmer Fudd is portrayed as a Scott in full kilt playing the bagpipes. I could not find a link to it as it is likely not banned. Some of the nasty traits attributed to a Scott are presented in jest. I and most other people of Scottish heritage find this comic most enjoyable. It simply cannot do any damage to Scot’s and does much to allay any prejudice against us. If you can’t joke about yourself you have the problem.
    My bet is that the people portrayed in fun in this cartoon are not the complainants.
