Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, for your delectation and pursuant to our Saturday night contemporary music show, we have a shiny new feature for you: here is our first SDA LNR Quiz. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to determine how far into this song it takes you to identify it. The clip starts about one-third of the way into the song, just to keep things properly obfuscated.

The title of the song is sung at the end, so (1) you don’t have to wait more than the length of the song to get the answer, and so (2) if you report on how fast you recognized the song, it’s on an honour basis only. And if you do want to take the quiz, you should probably do so before reading the comments, since someone will surely enough spill the beans there soon. Yet if you are going to claim to have recognized this song in four notes, then there has to be a reason for that, so you better have a good story to tell 😉

Listen to Tonight’s Quiz Song (7.5 MB MP3)

Update: Oh zot. Well, Kelly has pointed out in the comments that apparently the site I was using to host the quiz has a daily download bandwidth limit, and that has now been exceeded. I guess that kind of spoils the quiz, but here for your delectation anyway is the orginal work: Part 1 & Part 2. The quiz started at 6:25 in part 1.

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

47 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida – Iron Butterfly
    About 10 seconds. Your hints and cutting out the first bit did it.
    Now I’ll check to see if I’m right.

  2. Yes, indeed, that was Iron Butterfly performing In-a-Gadda-da-Vida (In the Garden of Eden) in 1968. As the kids over at Wikipedia say…

    “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” is a seventeen-minute five-second psychedelic rock song by Iron Butterfly, released on their 1968 album In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, occupying the entire second side of the album. The song is considered significant in rock history because, together with Blue Cheer and Steppenwolf, it marks the point when psychedelic music produced heavy metal.

    “The song features a memorable, ‘endless, droning minor-key riff,’ on guitar and bass which functions as an ostinato repeated for almost the entire length of the song. It is also used as the basis for extended organ and guitar solos, which are interrupted in the middle by an extended drum solo, one of the first such solos on a rock record and one of the most famous in rock. What made this particular drum solo unique was its surreal tribal sound. Bushy had his drums miked and fed into a rotating Leslie speaker to give them a phasing sound and also took the bottoms off his toms to give them a more heavy sound. It’s then followed by Doug Ingle’s ethereal polyphonic organ solo […]”.
    Yet the question remains, Ural, why did you recognize it after 10 seconds?

  3. It took until 6:05 before I was absolutely sure but I suspected much earlier from how long the drum solo went on that it could be none other than In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. Haven’t heard this since about 1970.

  4. Misspent youth … I actually had the album. I would never recognize any song on the other side … don’t even know if the needle ever touched there.

  5. Great idea posting the quiz song. I guessed it in less than one second. I may have had an unfair advantage, however.
    I have always had a strong audio memory. When there is a similar quiz on the radio, I can usually identify any song I know pretty quickly.
    A few years ago I was in the car and they played just a few notes from the drum solo of this song. I was stumped. When I found out the answer, I couldn’t believe I missed it. I went home and played the CD over and over. I studied the song, particularly the drum solo and vowed never to miss that song again.
    Cheers !

  6. Don’t miss Iowahawk’s latest: The Idiossey.
    The beginning:
    The Idiossey
    The Not-Really-That-Epic Poem of Obamacles
    (with Apologies to Homer)
    Book the First: A question for the Muse
    Speak to me, O Muse, of this resourceful man
    who strides so boldly upon the golden shrine at Invescos,
    Between Ionic plywood columns, to the kleig light altar.
    Fair Obamacles, favored of the gods, ascends to Olympus
    Amidst lusty tributes and the strumming lyres of Media;
    Their mounted skyboxes echo with the singing of his name
    While Olbermos and Mattheus in their greasy togas wrassle
    For first honor of basking in their hero’s reflected glory.
    Who is this man, so bronzed in countenance,
    So skilled of TelePropter, clean and articulate
    whose ears like a stately urn’s protrude?
    So now, daughter of Zeus, tell us his story.
    And just the Cliff Notes if you don’t mind,
    We don’t have all day.
    Said the Muse:
    I will tell the story of Obamacles through my scribe Iowahawk.
    But this shit is copyrighted, so reproduce at your peril.

  7. I had the LP too, Ural. Now to be fair, I have to tell my good story 😉 Shortly after tonight’s SDA LNR feature song was released, I was in grade 7, first year of Junior High, at St. Rose Catholic school. And it turns out that, though it interfered with my study of batteries at that time, I was enrolled in a “drama” class (no volition was involved). Anyway, one day our drama teacher hauled us all down, in class, to the stage of our school’s gymnasium, and he turned off the lights and fired up a hi-fi stereo and played In-a-Gadda-da-Vida. He would probably get sued for that now-a-days. Nevertheless, as a student of Bach and electronic music (I already told you about the batteries), I must say I was impressed. Without that introduction, I might have missed the significance of Pink Floyd‘s performance of Astronomy Domine on their Ummagumma album in 1969 (the link is a ’67 clip, but I didn’t know about it ’till I bought the album).

  8. This file can not be viewed or downloaded because the owner of this file, vitruvius’s 200 megabyte bandwidth for today has been exceeded. Please try again tomorrow.

  9. I wasn’t able to complete the quiz, Vitruvius, because I got a pop up saying Vitruvius had “exceeeded his bandwidth” tonight. Then the message said, “Try again tomorrow.”
    Well, I’m impatient and there was no guarantee I wouldn’t get the same message tomorrow, so I peeked. ‘Not sure I would have recognized the tune but the song was around in my last year of college. I’m a folkie, though, so even if I had recognized the song, I don’t think I’d have been able to remember the title or the name of the group who recorded it.

  10. I was 14, and lusting after a slim little beauty with musical tastes that ran to Yummy Yummy Yummy I got love in my tummy.
    Like a spider from mars Inagaddadavida boomed out of the speakers. In a flash I abandoned her and all semblance of responsible youth and swung heartily into the tail end of the sixties early seventies in a drug addled haze.
    We were expanding our minds don’t you know.

  11. Vitruvius,
    The first concert I went to was Pink Floyd at the Sales Pavilion … 1970. The memory is fuzzy (as it was the day after the concert) … but I think they did a lot of the Ummagumma tunes.

  12. I missed the quiz part, but when I moved the cursor to the appropriate start point I knew I would have had absolutely no difficulty in recognizing this Iron Butterfly song. Part of my mis-spent youth involved listening to Inagaddadavida over and over again in a friends room with the lights out, incense burning and the only illumination being a UV light shining on a “Stoned Again” poster by Robert Crumb. I still have my Inagaddadavida LP but haven’t listened to it for a few years. Out of curiousity I did listen to the other side of the Iron Butterfly LP about 15 years ago and decided I hadn’t missed anything when we neglected to listen to that side 40 years ago.

  13. Hmm, I guess this puts me in the minority; for I don’t think I’ve mis-spent any part of my life. Say, that reminds me, it’s time to spend some time sleeping, and so I bid y’all best wishes; as always thanks to our gracious hostess Kate, and please don’t forget to tip your waitress and the doorman as you depart for another night from le Club chez SDA Late Nite Radio

  14. Go George Bush.
    “When President Bush speaks to the Republican convention on Monday, he is expected to tout the “surge” of forces in Iraq as one of his proudest achievements.” (NYSlimes)
    “Troop ‘Surge’ Took Place Amid Doubt and Debate (before and after the Nov 2006 ‘thumpin’)
    Go Sarah Palin.
    “When the Ice Worms Nest Again
    (Conceivably by Robert Service; in any case, an Alaskan
    tradition in the 20s and 30s. Recorded by Wilf Carter —Montana
    Slim — sometime in the 1940s).
    There’s a husky, dusky maiden in the Arctic
    And she waits for me but it is not in vain,
    For some day I’ll put my mukluks on and ask her
    If she’ll wed me when the ice worms nest again.
    cho: In the land of the pale blue snow,
    Where it’s ninety-nine below,
    And the polar bears are roaming o’er the plain,
    In the shadow of the Pole
    I will clasp her to my soul,
    We’ll be happy when the ice worms nest again.” (H/T Wilf Carter)
    Way up north, (North To Alaska.)
    Way up north, (North To Alaska.)
    North to Alaska,
    They’re goin’ North, the rush is on.
    North to Alaska,
    They’re goin’ North, the rush is on.
    Big Sam left Seattle in the year of ’92,
    With George Pratt, his partner, and brother, Billy, too.
    They crossed the Yukon River and found the bonanza gold.
    Below that old white mountain just a little south-east of Nome.” (H/T Johnny Horton)

    “Dimitri Soudas, spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Office, said in an e-mail to the Canadian Press on Saturday that “Alfonso Gagliano receiving a loan from Farm Credit Canada was disturbing.”
    “The Conservative Government believes that money should go to help farmers, not former Liberal cabinet ministers,” he said.
    Soudas said the Tories are in the process of tightening the guidelines that Crown corporations must take into account when loaning money.
    He said that means all federal Crown corporations engaged in commercial lending will have to take into account “the personal integrity” of an individual during the review of that person’s loan application.”
    *Librano$$$$$ vintage Gagliano.
    *”In New York he held a different kind of title, according to secret FBI documents obtained by the Daily News: “made” member of the Bonanno crime family.
    Gagliano was identified as a long-time soldier in the Bonanno crime family by Frank Lino, a former Mafia capo-turned-informer.”

  16. 27 April 2008, Sunday Meeting the Governor on a Commercial Flight
    Submitted by Elizabeth Eubanks on April 29, 2008 – 1:34pm
    While delayed in the New Orleans Airport, I reflect back to my airport surprise when leaving Fairbanks after the PolarTREC Orientation in March. I look around and wonder if I will see the Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal milling about and waiting to catch a flight. Doubtful since most Governors travel via private aircraft at least around their own state. Governor Jindal cruises Louisiana in a three million dollar state police helicopter. This is not the case for Alaska’s Governor Sarah Palin.
    There were several of us PolarTRECers waiting in the Fairbanks, AK airport to catch our planes home. We were chatting about all we had learned when Kristen Timm, ARCUS administrator said “ Look, there is the Hottest Governor in the United States” as she has been publicly deemed by media and fans.
    Of course I had to check out the “Hottest Governor in the US” and quickly turned to see her pregnant (she has since had her baby) with bags and daughter in tote. Then it struck me as odd. Why is the Governor of Alaska in the airport and preparing to get onto my commercial flight?
    I questioned PolarTRECer Craig Kasemodel an Alaskan resident. He let me know that Governor Palin sold the corporate jet after securing her official Governor position.
    Governor Pallin said she would sell the jet because it was impractical and that the Alaska state inventory would be relieved of this dept. The jet was sold on EBay to Larry Reynolds for 2.1 million dollars.
    Not only is Governor Palin “Hot”, but she is also very kind.
    I approached the Governor and told her a little bit about PolarTREC and why I was in Alaska. She told me that she knew of the program and then introduced me to her adorable daughter Piper. We chatted about Florida and Barrow, Alaska and flying commercial. She said she really enjoys and prefers flying with people who either live in or are visiting Alaska. She even flies coach! She was kind enough to take several photos with me.”
    “Despite DailyKos Smear Merchants, Palin’s Pregnancy Confirmed”

  17. Eyore: Thanks for the laugh. David Brooks’ article is a hoot!
    Here’s his take on Barack and Michelle:
    We got to know Barack and Michelle Obama, two tall, thin, rich, beautiful people who don’t perspire, but who nonetheless feel compassion for their squatter and smellier fellow citizens. We know that Barack could have gone to a prestigious law firm, like his big donors in the luxury boxes, but he chose to put his ego aside to become a professional politician, president of the United States and redeemer of the human race. We heard about his time as a community organizer, the three most fulfilling months of his life.

  18. “The Aspers support the federal Liberal Party. They’re pro-Israel. They think rich people like themselves deserve tax breaks. They support privatizing healthcare delivery. And they believe their newspapers…should agree with them.”
    “You can fit everyone who controls significant Canadian media in my office,” Vince Carlin, chair of the School of Journalism at Ryerson University in Toronto, told the Washington Post (1/27/02). “This is not a healthy situation.”

  19. (Via SWJ) Sean Rayment, SAS kills hundreds of terrorists in ‘secret war’ against al-Qaeda in Iraq
    More than 3,500 insurgents have been “taken off the streets of Baghdad” by the elite British force in a series of audacious “Black Ops” over the past two years.
    It is understood that while the majority of the terrorists were captured, several hundred, who were mainly members of the organisation known as “al-Qa’eda in Iraq” have been killed by the SAS…

  20. Joshua Muravchik, Obama’s Talking Cure
    …The general line was encapsulated by the television news star Anderson Cooper last year in a leading question to Barack Obama:

    In the spirit of . . . bold leadership would you be willing to meet . . . during the first year of your administration . . . with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea, in order to bridge the gap that divides our countries?

    Obama did not hesitate. “I would,” he replied. “And the reason is . . . that the notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them—which has been the guiding diplomatic principle of this administration—is ridiculous.”
    As is his wont, Obama later offered up a number of qualifications and clarifications of this statement. Electoral maneuvering aside, however, he stuck to his main position, which he seemed to treat as so obviously true as to be irrefutable. But is it? How valuable is diplomacy? Can it in fact “bridge the gap” with enemies by disclosing unsuspected common ground and thereby changing the equation between them and us? Has it ever done so?

  21. Surrender monkey(s)? Where? Who?
    Socialist-Liberal Citoyen Dion surrenders-cuts’n runs again; 43 surrenders.
    Then there was Napoleon’s Retreat from Moscow.*
    “Harper and Dion to meet regarding election
    [Meeting 01 September, 2008.]
    By Kathleen Harris, Sun Media OTTAWA – Liberal Leader Stephane Dion has agreed to meet with Prime Minister Stephen Harper tommorow but it’s not clear if talks will stave off a federal election.”
    “Reuters Canada, Canada – 29 Aug 2008
    Liberal leader Stephane Dion, head of the largest opposition party, has said he is not available to talk to Harper until September 9. …”
    “So you see what they say in the hysterical books
    Isn’t always quite right
    It was Boney who got deaf and dumb breakfast
    And Josephluent who said ‘Not tonight!’
    For she made him sleep downstairs on the hearthrug
    Tossin and turning without rest
    Kicking the cat and chewing his nails
    And sticking his hand up his vest.”

  22. Ah, yes, Iron Butterfly, have the album too btw. Always pissed at the radio stations playing only the pop version of it to fit in the 3 minute slot. As a drummer in a sea cadet band I always had my sticks out trying to keep up with the drum solo (much to the annoyance of my parents).
    The album was always present for the basement rec room gathering a la That ’70s Show along with Steppenwolf & Led Zepplin. Ahhh, memories. It’s like deja vu all over again.

  23. How’s our favorite & alleged mob connected Conservative plaything Coulliard doing?
    Ok. Seems she has a book coming out. But, buried in the bowels of a mop and pail story about her…(
    “The opposition has also asked questions in the House on the fact that Ms. Couillard’s mother, Diane Bellemare, was appointed by the cabinet in August, 2007, to the Employment Insurance Board of Referees. A source said the RCMP have also sought information on that appointment.”

  24. So I thinks to myself, what does this patronage position pay? I couldn’t find out the per diem. But I did happen to spend 15 long minutes in the morass of government to see how much taxpayers – and you are getting screwed.
    As a novel piece of bureaucrap, here’s the ‘how-to’ on being a Referee, including the crazy requirement that one ‘has to be able to use a computer’ (page 15 – Yet, after dumping some $000’s into Ipsos Reid to do a survey of EI Referees everywhere,
    Ipsos discovered that only 83% actually could use a computer (

  25. Nice. All these patronage appointments (only 637 responded to the survey out of an unpublished total) are there only because they are campaign workers, their families, friends, donors, or similarly connected to a politician. Nowhere is there published how to become one, nor an application form. Maybe just a donation and some volunteer hours away. No requisite for skills, just ‘expectations’. All on your taxpayer dime. From the politician’s hand, to the sycophant’s wallet. Straightforward, no?
    With thanks to Fortier, Cote, and Bernier – the standard pillage of the till continues. It’s ok, as long as it isn’t those evil Libranos huh? Simply being able to get a politico on the horn, and some well placed boot-licking can get you straight onto the government cheque delivery plan.
    Despite the colour of your tie. Free your mind. Partisanship is for morons. These Cons are playing you for suckers, as any political party will. Political parties are their own constituency, for themselves, by themselves. Not for those governed.

  26. The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good – Samuel Johnson
    Isn’t it refreshing to hear conservative words from a conservative, just once in awhile?

  27. The RNC is going to be scaled down considerably due to hurricane Gustav bearing down on the coastline. Is this just bad luck,or did the obamessiah conjure it up?

  28. I was 13, and my best friend played drums, so this one was easy. I also have it in my collection, and my kids actually listen to it.

  29. Charles M- Southpaws really are more inclined to achieve higher goals. My mother was a southpaw, as is my older sister. They were both ridiculed and beaten into converting by elementary school teachers. Back then they were referred to as “sinster”, which implied they sat at the left hand of God with the dark one. Many of them were beaten into converting up ’til the sixties.
    I’ve known many lefties, and they seem to have more artistic talents. Hendrix, Cobain, and many other ground breaking musicians were southpaws.
    All I can say is this might be a clumsy fight between McCain and Obama. When 2 southpaws fight, they have the same problem as a conventional fighter has against a southpaw. The power shots are coming from the wrong angles, and they can get caught guarding the wrong side.

  30. Does this surprise anyone?
    Mainstream Media Admits Anti-Family Bias: NBC to ‘Gay’ Activists: ‘Your Victories Are Our Victories’.
    “After listening to speaker after speaker express hatred and contempt for political and religious conservatives while plotting how to advance the homosexual activist agenda through journalism…”
    Proof that Rev. Stephen Boissoin was only speaking the truth.

  31. “Canadian Forces plane arrives in New Orleans
    OTTAWA — A large Canadian Forces aircraft touched down in New Orleans on Sunday evening, prepared to evacuate “medically vulnerable” individuals from the region threatened by hurricane Gustav.
    Defence Minister Peter MacKay said a C-17 plane, carrying a team of 12 medical personnel, arrived in Lakefront, La., around 5:30 p.m. ET and will transport up to 150 people per trip to a safety zone.
    “We put the minimal number of Canadian Forces personnel on board to make room for as many people as we possibly could,” MacKay said in a telephone interview from Nova Scotia.” (ctv)

  32. Just heard that McCain will be flying down to the gulf to be there if catastrophe happens. Obama,meanwhile,has said he will be in contact with the leaders at the scene. I wonder if he will be talking to McCain?

  33. “Ex-Dem Chair Apologizes for Hurricane Remark
    ABC News’ Teddy Davis Reports: Former DNC Chairman Don Fowler apologized on Sunday for joking in a private conversation that the timing of Hurricane Gustav demonstrates that God is on the side of the Democrats.
    “If this offended anybody, I personally apologize,” Fowler told ABC News. “It was a mistake, and it was a satirical statement made in jest. And one that I clearly don’t believe.”
    Fowler was secretly recorded by the person sitting behind him while flying from Denver, Colo., to Charlotte, N.C., following the Democratic National Convention. His conversation with Rep. John Spratt, D-S.C., was anonymously posted to YouTube and highlighted by, a conservative blog.
    Watch it HERE.
    “One doesn’t anticipate that one’s private conversation will be surreptitiously taped by some right-wing nutcase,” said Fowler. “But that’s the nature of what we’re dealing with.”
    Fowler, a superdelegate who endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2007, was caught on tape saying: “The hurricane’s going to hit New Orleans about the time they start. The timing is — at least it appears now that it’ll be there Monday. That just demonstrates that God’s on our side. [Laughter] Everything’s cool.””
    Watch the video here:

  34. dp: “I’ve known many lefties, and they seem to have more artistic talents.”
    Just like Kate.

  35. “Misspent youth … I actually had the album. I would never recognize any song on the other side … don’t even know if the needle ever touched there.”
    I listen to the other side of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida more often than the side-long side. “Flowers And Beads”, in particular, is absolutely gorgeous.

  36. 0:26 – thinking Rasputin
    ~5:00 – thinking Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict by Pink Floyd
    6:14 thinking Inna Gadda Da Vida
    6:28 sure of it
