67 Replies to “Scratch Alan Colmes”

  1. Have we all noticed it’s only “progressives” who demonstrate such vile nastiness, particularly to a prominent woman or person of color who wanders off the reservation and becomes a conservative. In the “progressive” world-view, all women, all people of color are natural members of their “progressive” voting blocs. A conservative, self-made woman such as Sarah Palin is therefore a “traitor” in their warped world-view.
    This is the same sort of hatred exhibited against Clarence Thomas for having the temerity to be a black conservative. I predict a lot more such hatred towards Palin from the oh-so-enlightened during this election campaign.
    “President McCain”, “Vice-President Palin” sticks in their craw when these are the Entitlements of the Obamessiah and the sleazy hack Joe Biden whom the Obamessiah selected for his “gravitas”.

  2. Colmes’ wife:
    “Jocelyn Elise Crowley is an Associate Professor of Public Policy, a member of the Graduate Faculty in the Department of Political Science, and an Affiliated Faculty Member of the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies.”
    “has recently finished a book related to the fathers’ rights movement in America that will be published by Cornell University Press in 2008.”

  3. the libs will start screaming and will not stop until it’s over on nov. a liberal socialist has no conscience or soul.

  4. I cannot believe the amount of sexism that has oozed out since Palin was announced as VP pick. It’s started a slow, angry boil in my gut that seems to be building daily. Unfortunately, as a Canadian, I won’t get the ‘f*&k you’ pleasure of voting for Palin. I’ll just have to hope that there are a lot of women just like me south of the border. “Hell hath no fury” and all that.

  5. She’s a threat to the Demo-rats plain and simple. Why else are we hearing such guttersnipe remarks?
    Looks like the US has an election coming up based on race and gender. Some will use it and some will abuse it. If that’s what takes over from substance in the most powerful country in the free world, we’re in trouble.
    It’s soooo tiresome to hear the Airheads on our CTV, CBC, Global et al, talking up Obama as if he’s their new saviour.
    Never witnessed such a pack of brainless talking heads as we have in our media across the Canadian networks. THEY HAVEN’T GOT A CLUE. Bloody twits.
    One has to wonder what cultish spell Liberalism has over them.

  6. The fact that Sarah Palin is a believing Christian is going to immeasurably help her in this increasingly nasty gauntlet run for the Vice Presidency.
    Scripture says–and it’s true, I know from extensive experience–that if you follow Jesus Christ “the world will hate you.” We know what we’re in for but God’s grace abounds.
    In the Democrats, and all of their lib-left ilk, we have “the world is too much with us” crowd. Any deviation from their stilted and twisted script is cause for ridicule, belittlement, lies, innuendo, etc., etc. Ad hominems are de rigeur and one of their only weapons, as they live in La-La-Land, thus unable to base their criticisms on reality.
    Sarah Palin is probably a veteran of these particular trenches and will choose to see herself in God’s, her family’s, and her supporters’ mirror not in the grotesque, misshapen wicked-witch-who’s-the-fairest-of-them-all Democrat/MSM mirror.
    She’s one tough cookie–and the left are going to find that they can’t crumble her as easily as they suppose.

  7. With this commentary, Colmes has graduated from leftist deluded dweeb to dangerous full blown moral relativist.

  8. I love it when Libtards like Alan Colmes speak “off the script” like this. They drop the facade for just a second, and you can see what kind of people they really are.
    Here he’s grasping for any tiny little finger hold in the reputation of this woman. Clearly he’s willing to say anything at all, no matter how vile or tasteless, if it can peel a little paint off Ms. Palin’s shiny exterior.
    He didn’t even scuff the polish with this one, but he gave away a lot about himself. He’s the kind of guy professes equality of the sexes, but he’s willing to say a four time mother isn’t smart enough to decide what to do when delivering her fifth child. But only if she’s a Republican.
    What’s revealed is the sheer depth of this man’s hatred for anyone who dares to disagree with him in any tiny particular. He will cheerfully throw this accomplished woman to the dogs, and betray his own expressed beliefs in a heart beat to do it.
    Liberals are not -for- anything. They are only -against- things. What they are against is Christianity, traditional morality, personal freedom, and pretty much anything any conservative type says no matter what it is.
    If conservatives and the Christian church came out pro-choice, Alan Colmes and the entire Leftoverse would instantly become firebrand pro-lifers. That’s what we’re dealing with here.

  9. WTF. The pencil neck has the gall to try to downgrade Palin? I think he should step into the squared circle with her. It would probably be all over in about 2 seconds.Two hits. Palin hitting him and him hitting the mat. Maybe she can sue him for slander?

  10. I wonder how much flak this guys is going to get from the women in his workplace?
    In Canada, because of our healthcare rationing, the government run hospitals have to fly pregnant women to the US for delivery. BTW, which candidate is promoting socialized medicare in the US election?

  11. Who’s Alan Colmes? Basicly he’s a nobody with a bully pulpit that is so stupid as to help his political opponent gain political office.
    If his insane ramblings receive wide distribution more women will vote for Palin than would have voted for Palin before Colmes penned his bit of abuse.

  12. Surely, even in politics, one can sue for such slanderous comments. She can certainly demand an apology.

  13. Dare I say it. Palin is America’s resurection of Maggie Thatcher? And Colmes,well,no words to describe that sleaze.

  14. Another day, another Liberal man…
    Last night I accidentally heard the Lying Jackal on a political radio panel.
    It was made up of four “experts” (all guys) who all sounded like they got their information from a week old newspaper they found on the subway on the way to the studio.
    Anyway, again and again, the Lying Jackal said Palin was a ‘crazy pro-gun pro-lifer’.
    Obviously he has no idea how many of his fellow Canadians, including the natives he’s always pretending to be defending, are hunters like Palin.
    As for being pro-life (or anti-choice as he put it), I guess in his Liberal downtown world it WOULD be “crazy” not to abort your handicapped baby. After all, you’d have to hire a special nanny to look after it, and it would interfere with your cocktail parties and golf game.
    A word of advice: saying stupid things in a really loud voice doesn’t make them seem any smarter.

  15. Isn’t the Lying Jackal supposed to be a Catholic. Doesn’t he make a big deal about that? Aren’t Catholics supposed to be, uh, you know, “pro-life?” Doesn’t that make him a…
    Ah, forget about it. There’s no point anymore.

  16. Kathy, you live in Hogtown right? Why don’t you take a run over to the Jackal’s house and bite him on the knee?
    With any luck he’d have it treated at one of our lovely socially conscious hospitals and catch a nice socially conscious staph aureous infection.

  17. ‘Ol Allan must have got a call from the DemocRat brain trust, Rightgirl. Being a gutless weasel just comes with the territory when you’re a DemocRat mouthpiece. These guys don’t say what they want, they say what they’re told.
    They’d like to make the rest of us to do the same. That’s what I don’t like about them the most, I think.

  18. Colmes is the only reason I seldom watch Hannity & Clomes. I’m surprised that he can right. Hell,I didn’t even know he was an Obstetrician. IMH opinion the guy is a true leftoid idiot and a waste of oxygen.

  19. Remember Kate’s old post about Colmes about how, when asked about 9/11 being an inside job, said he was “an agnostic on the issue”?
    I’m a little surprised that wasn’t a career ender for him over at Fox.

  20. Colmes just displays the situational morality of all degenerate soft marxists…..or IS it FAS, it’s hard to tell FAS symptoms from socialist anti-intellectualism.

  21. Senator Obama is no slouch; despite some initial childish reactions to the Palin VP issue from within his team, I believe he has quickly realized that there is everything to lose and nothing to gain in attacking Palin. Also, it’s a complete aside and diversion from the legitimate target of his campaign: McCain himself.
    It appears he is already imposing some party discipline in this regard.
    However, judging from the blogs I’ve been visiting, he still has a big problem: far too many of his supporters seem to lack the discipline to toe the line and shut up.
    If they’re not careful, more strident loose-cannon Obama supporters could wreck their own campaign.
    Prattling on about whether Palin’s baby is her own or her daughter’s or whether she is a “fit mother” puts them squarely in the same league as those at the cranks at the other end of the political spectrum who are obsessed by the notions that Obama is somehow a Muslim or that his citizenship is questionable.
    Incidentally, I just learned that Palin’s husband is (part?) Inuit. A state governor, a mother, the wife of a regular working guy who is also an “indigenous American” – this just keeps getting better for McCain.

  22. apparently she drank screwdrivers….made with value right vodka and orange kool-aid…..or so a little bird told me….

  23. The hissing and screeching has begun. They are so frightened of Palin, they are literally vomiting up insults and insinuations in a knee-jerk response.
    She is like sunlight hitting vampires.
    The more disgusting the attacks, the more it shows how much the democrats fear of her.
    According to the way the Democrats play the game …. Our 100% real woman will trump their 50% Negro and they know it.

  24. Colmes is a pig. Let’s hope Sean Hannity has a few choice words for the weasel on the show tomorrow.
    The left just cannot handle the courageousness of this woman in the face of the cowardice of the militant pro-choice crowd. They hate her for it. Makes them look bad.

  25. I can’t comment on the above as I didn’t see it but what doesn’t sunrise me is the lack of press a remark like this has received. Had it come from a Republican he would have been run out of town or drawn and quartered.
    Press bias must have passed some moral responsibility by now, even by their own standards.

  26. Have we all noticed it’s only “progressives” who demonstrate such vile nastiness…
    Posted by: Dave in Pa. at August 31, 2008 7:12 AM
    This always struck me as ironic (which, of course, it is). In my experience, those of us on the right ridicule and make light of our friends on the left.
    But, those progressive folks on the left (who call themselves inclusive and tolerant), are the source of some of the most vile and insulting language I’ve ever heard, when directed at those on the right.
    To the point of the Alan Colmes post, it is disappointing to me. I generally like Alan Colmes, and watch Hannity and Colmes regularly (I’m so glad Fox News came to Canada!). I don’t agree with Colmes, of course, but have generally found him to be a civil voice on the left … at least one I’ve been able to listen to without getting angry or upset (the offsetting presence of Sean Hannity no doubt helps with this). However, this article will stick in my mind for a long time, plus the fact that he tried to remove it after the fact. Sad.

  27. “She’s one tough cookie–and the left are going to find that they can’t crumble her as easily as they suppose.”
    Posted by: batb at August 31, 2008 9:26 AM
    I hadn’t even heard her name, let alone 0f her being a Christian; I saw those “energy interviews” with her, and it is great to see someone at her stage in life using her talent and presence to do something other than help a degenerate televangelist husband sell miracle spring water and prayer hankies, or read out contact cards about people who put their hands on the tv and had their hangnails cured, or chill with androgynous hack authors about their “life-changing books” on christian talk tv.
    On the other hand, we Christians have burned ourselves badly at times by plastering “believer labels” on politicians (eg. Carter) and then refusing to believe evidence to the contrary, so obsessive are we about the need for a political kingdom of God.
    There can only be One. He will not yield.

  28. I hope they keep this up. It will show these clowns how weak their media is. Piss off the women and you will pay big time. Sarah Palin hasn’t even started yet to warm up. Being reading articles and blogs for the last three days since she has been announced as VP. As I stated before the “Dems” hit the home run in Denver but the “Reps” hit a bases loaded home run just by announcing Sarah Palin as VP.
    As far as being concerned about the call at “3am”, I would not be worried, anybody that can handle a gun killing a caribou is somebody with a steady hand and mind.
    That is far more than the “Dems” can even bring to the table. They can preach all they want about the dream but the “Reps” are actually living it now.

  29. “…the “Dems” hit the home run in Denver but the “Reps” hit a bases loaded home run just by announcing Sarah Palin as VP.
    As far as being concerned about the call at “3am”, I would not be worried, anybody that can handle a gun killing a caribou is somebody with a steady hand and mind.”
    Did you see McCain’s ad Friday during all the hissing on CNN, congratulating Obama and the Dem’s. on a successful convention? Someone on another blog commented on what a gentlemanly and honourable thing he did etc. etc.
    But did anyone noticed the cat that ate the canary smirk on McCain as basicly he said, your four days are over, and it’s back to work tomorrow? I thought he really was going to drop something that would spike their pinata, but couldn’t conceive of what that would be, didn’t think he could do it.
    Other leftwing writers where all over the choice, (as were many of their speculations, this one based on the wishful surmise that Wings would die soon after taking office of frozen shoulder syndrome or something.. ), ridiculing the notion of Palin sitting across the table from a blood-crazed v. Putin.
    A lot of the comments here are spot-on, how could any self-respecting woman of any political persuasion fail to notice the egregious, arrogant “because we can — because ugly chauvinism is ok if it serves the great DemoQuest for world domination” spitefulness of these comments.
    Let’s see if there is a real sisterhood, if it’s more than just about dead babies, paycheques and the right to smoke yourself to death.
    As for Putin, I think the Governor just might take a glass of warm milk, a tent peg and a hammer to any such meeting.

  30. I like the odds on this election now. Obama is only 1/2 black, but Sarah Palin is all woman.

  31. “The fact that Sarah Palin is a believing Christian is going to immeasurably help her in this increasingly nasty gauntlet run for the Vice Presidency.
    Scripture says–and it’s true, I know from extensive experience–that if you follow Jesus Christ “the world will hate you.” We know what we’re in for but God’s grace abounds.
    In the Democrats, and all of their lib-left ilk, we have “the world is too much with us” crowd. Any deviation from their stilted and twisted script is cause for ridicule, belittlement,…”
    Posted by: batb at August 31, 2008 9:26 AM
    A lot of evangelical Christians admire Mr. Obama.
    How many millions were watching at Saddleback “Church” (I can’t resist, sorry, adding here that Obama has saddled up Warren and the rest of his quasi-Christian fellow-travellers, and ridden them for all they are worth. Notice how he never finishes a sentence or thought when he refers to his “Christian faith”? How every time he does it distills down to a sort of Fabian/Marxist progressive social agenda? You won’t see him saying, “Well, of course like any real believer I know that Jesus Christ is Lord, that I and every democrat, republican, professing Christian and atheist will alike bow down before him and give account for our lives…)
    …how many millions of Christians watched this performance? How many are well-acquainted enough with the tenets of their faith that they can see the vast gulf between his mealy mouthed, “of course, it’s all about The Least of These”, his failure to suport the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, and the obvious fact that the majority of his supporters, fans, colleagues and media quislings have no interest in his interest in sticking up for The Least of These.
    If they had any clue what he was talking about, would there have been the frenzied “fee, fie, foe, fum, I smell the blood of of a (female, independent thinking, gun’toting, home-schooling, pro-life Nobody from Nowhere, whose only friends are Eskimos and who is so pathetic she was forced to marry an Eskimo and she doesn’t buy into Eugenics) Republican!!
    This Borg Horde honestly, sincerely, with all their hearts, believe that if they could just re-educate such beings they would be worthy of human status, and would be assimilated into the Collective with eternal and ineffable gratitude!
    Now they’re thinking, How did Head Start miss this one? We need to interview all the midwives and find out what went wrong? Not only wasn’t she snuffed out in the womb or strangled at birth or left do die on a dogsled trail somewhere or suffocated by Dewey Groupthink as a small child –she’s grown up to be an adult mighty in speech and deeds. She’s forsaken Pharoah’s Palace for her pathetic non-conformity.
    If Obama gets in, he’s got to Nuke homeschooling and make legislation that only carefully pre-screened ideologically pure mothers are allowed to be present at the birth of their own children.

  32. Yes, I agree that the small tiny smirk of satisfaction was there. It is in every photo that has being on the news web. I wonder how the MSM feels about getting TKOed with one punch by a 72 year old that is one heart beat away from being dead.
    The old guy has still got it.

  33. Yes, I agree that the small tiny smirk of satisfaction was there. It is in every photo that has being on the news web. I wonder how the MSM feels about getting TKOed with one punch by a 72 year old that is one heart beat away from being dead.
    The old guy has still got it.
    Posted by: Merle Underwood at August 31, 2008 2:23 PM
    Is Underwood a Pseudonym (like, Remington?)
    If it is you’re older than me! But not as old as McCain 🙂
    He has to be “heartened” by watching the Convention for four days, millions of dollars, trillions of man-hours of work, giving there BEST SHOT to a watching planet .. and they came up with a syncretism of Sesame Street (brought to you by the Letters “D”, “C” and “O”), Mr. Rogers
    (Barack and Michelle and Bill Ayers and…. are just a person in your neigbourhood, your neigbourhood, in your neighbourHOOD… HOOD…HOOD!) Star Wars (“Join me Luke! Come over to the Dark Side!) a Miley Cyrus concert, and Elmer Gantry.
    Surprised their werent’ any baptisms… in the name of Ted, Jimmy and Bill… follow me!
    When in his “humble” acceptance speech he thanked Ted. K. for his “spirit of service”, was Mr. Barack “the Least of These” Obama thinking of Mary Jo Kopechne?
    I digress.. (honorary) seniors’ moment.. anyway this was the best shot by the best and the brightest. And the bus blew up right after camp broke… Tell me McCain doesn’t feel ten years younger, a little limber, a little refreshed?
    I hope he takes a hint though and makes sure in his convention that NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING is said about the democrats or their friends. That would be the best strategy, and would really get the D’s off their game.
    What would they have to talk about for a week?

  34. Charles T.
    “A lot of evangelical Christians admire Mr. Obama.”
    They just want their ears tickled.

  35. Who would you put your trust and faith in sitting across the table from Putin in life or death discussions, Obama, Dion or Palin? Who would you trust with your money, your lively hood, your family’s well being, your source of information and someone to stand by your side and fight that was honorable, ethical and trustworthy, Obama, Dion, Layton, Clinton or any political leader for that matter or Don Cherry?

  36. charles t- nice posts. I like your ‘fee fie foe fum’ description of Palin.
    And that malicious fat old man, Michael Moore,and other Democrats, slurping with joy that the Hurricane will disrupt the Republican Convention – well, it’s come in handy, for it has provided a valid reason for Bush and Cheney not to come to the Convention. McCain-Palin’s image of Being New and Unconnected in Washington gains visual credibility by that.
    As for Bush, his legacy will be for the historians, and I am sure that he will be judged by them, as possibly one of the greatest Presidents in US history. His challenge was Islamic fascism against the US – and he met it, by deliberately cracking open the medieval fortresses of the Middle East and enabling them to change from tribalism to democracy. That has made the world a safer place. Islamic fascism has now turned inward, to fight its own people – and it won’t win.

  37. Here is a good speech. When I read it I just about spit my coffee this mornig.
    Brooks: A speech to the delegates
    By David Brooks
    Published: August 29, 2008
    DENVER: My fellow Americans, it is an honor to address the Democratic National Convention at this defining moment in history. We stand at a crossroads at a pivot point, near a fork in the road on the edge of a precipice in the midst of the most consequential election since last year’s “American Idol.”
    One path before us leads to the past, and the extinction of the human race. The other path leads to the future, when we will all be dead. We must choose wisely.
    We must close the book on the bleeding wounds of the old politics of division and sail our ship up a mountain of hope and plant our flag on the sunrise of a thousand tomorrows with an American promise that will never die! For this election isn’t about the past or the present, or even the pluperfect conditional. It’s about the future, and Barack Obama loves the future because that’s where all his accomplishments are.
    We meet today to pass the torch to a new generation of Americans, a generation that came of age amidst iced chais and mocha strawberry Frappuccinos, a generation with a historical memory that doesn’t extend back past Coke Zero.
    We meet today to heal the divisions that have torn this country. For we are all one country and one American family, whether we are caring and thoughtful Democrats or hate-filled and war-crazed Republicans. We must bring together left and right, marinara and carbonara, John and Elizabeth Edwards. On United we stand, on US Airways, there’s a 25-minute delay.
    Ladies and gentleman, I never expected to be speaking before you today. Like so many of our speakers at this convention, I come from a hard-working, middle-class family. I was leading a miserable little life, but, nevertheless, overcame great odds to live the American Dream. My great-grandfather fought in Patton’s army, along with Barack Obama’s great-grand uncles’ fourth cousin once removed.
    As a child, I was abandoned by my parents and lived with a colony of ants. We didn’t have much in the way of material possession, but we did have each other and the ability to carry far more than our own body weights. When I was young, I was temporarily paralyzed in a horrible anteater accident, but I never gave up my dream: the dream of speaking at a national political convention so my speech could be talked over by Wolf Blitzer and a gang of pundits.
    And today we Democrats meet in Denver, a suburb of Boulder, a city whose motto is, “A Taxi? You Must be Dreaming.” And in Denver, we Democrats showed America that we have cute daughters who will someday provide us with prestigious car-window stickers. We heard Hillary Clinton’s ringing endorsement of “the weak-looking thin guy who’s bound to lose.” We heard from Joe Biden, whose 643 years in the Senate make him uniquely qualified to pander to the middle class, whose family has been riding the Acela and before that the Metroliner for generations, who has been given a lifetime ban from the quiet car and who is himself a verbal train wreck waiting to happen.
    We got to know Barack and Michelle Obama, two tall, thin, rich, beautiful people who don’t perspire, but who nonetheless feel compassion for their squatter and smellier fellow citizens. We know that Barack could have gone to a prestigious law firm, like his big donors in the luxury boxes, but he chose to put his ego aside to become a professional politician, president of the United States and redeemer of the human race. We heard about his time as a community organizer, the three most fulfilling months of his life.
    We were thrilled by his speech in front of the Greek columns, which were conscientiously recycled from the concert, “Yanni, Live at the Acropolis.” We were honored by his pledge, that if elected president, he will serve at least four months before running for higher office. We were moved by his campaign slogan, “Vote Obama: He’s better than you’ll ever be.” We were inspired by dozens of Democratic senators who declared their lifelong love of John McCain before denouncing him as a reactionary opportunist who would destroy the country.
    No, this country cannot afford to elect John Bushmccain. Under Republican rule, locusts have stripped the land, adults wear crocs in public and M&M’s have lost their flavor. We must instead ride to the uplands of hope!
    For as Barack Obama suggested Thursday night, wherever there is a president who needs to tap America’s natural-gas reserves, I’ll be there. Wherever there is a need for a capital-gains readjustment for targeted small businesses, I’ll be there. Wherever there is a president committed to direct diplomacy with nuclear proliferators, I’ll be there, too! God bless the Democrats, and God Bless America!

  38. “someone to stand by your side and fight that was honorable, ethical and trustworthy, Obama, Dion, Layton, Clinton or any political leader for that matter or Don Cherry?”
    Posted by: Western Canadian at August 31, 2008 3:04 PM
    That is a very good question.
    IMO it is not a good idea to look for human messiahs.
    The God of the Bible, through it’s authors, stakes a claim that he is the One you seek; we must not seek another, he will not yield to our self-centered cravings; in fact his messengers say consistently that we will be condemned for trusting anyone who brings a message not from him.
    Rumour is that Don Cherry became a Christian; don’t know what he believes about this question though.

  39. Colmes is nothing more than Hannity’s straight man. If he had the slightest potential for coming up with a believable argument, he wouldn’t be opposite a control freak like Hannity. He’s Don Cherry’s Ron MacLean, or Johnny Carson’s Ed McMahon. He gets paid to come up with ridiculous statements that are easily shot down. He’s served his purpose once again.
    This idea that Ms Palin somehow “caused” her child’s condition needs to be addressed aggressively. It’s a genetic malfunction that’s very hard to predict. I hope some well intentioned medical expert will come forward to defend Ms Palin. As far as I can see, she did nothing out of the ordinary with her pregnancy.
    What was out of the ordinary is her decision to keep and raise her child. Many people choose to ship these kids off to institutions, or terminate the pregnancy. Her decision shows an ability to make long term commitments. This quality has been missing from a lot of polititians lately. John McCain has the same qualities. This team is definitely what America needs right now. I think they’ll make the right choice when they see all the facts.

  40. Here is a good speech. When I read it I just about spit my coffee this mornig.
    Brooks: A speech to the delegates
    That’s a gut buster. Got to leave it for later or I’ll need an IV.

  41. I like your ‘fee fie foe fum’ description ”
    Thanks; ET are you English? That is a line from an old English nursery rhyme I think, which was very scary when I was young. I have no idea of the spelling; but it is a timely rhyme!

  42. The last time anyone like Obama came along, he wound up nailed to a cross. I suspect history is about to repeat itself … metaphorically speaking.

  43. Merle Underwood: “Here is a good speech. When I read it I just about spit my coffee this mornig.”
    Sorry, my editor’s fingers are itching to make a wee correction here: This is the speech David Brooks, columnist for the New York Times WOULD HAVE GIVEN if he’d been one of the many offered a place at the DNC speechifying podium.
    At least he got to make the speech in print: It’s hilarious!
