67 Replies to “Scratch Alan Colmes”

  1. John V: You’re comparing Barack Obama to Jesus Christ?
    What’s OB-Wanna-B-President got in common with Jesus?
    What’s he given up in his life? What sacrifices has he made? Is he willing to lay down his life?
    JC had no place to lay his head, whereas Obama lives in a mansion.
    JC was an electriying, life-changing speaker and spoke the Truth–in fact, He is the Truth–whereas OB’s oratory skills are pretty much tied to his Utopian, lib-left ideals and aren’t exactly electrifying or life-changing.
    Etc., etc.
    Be very careful when comparing a politician to Jesus Christ. There isn’t one who begins to stack up to Him–and you run the risk of being badly ridiculed.

  2. Merle: Thanks, that was hilarious.
    Re: Sarah Palin – I often read and post on a site called “slashdot” (motto: “News for nerds”). Normally, they deal with tech matters, but they do have a section on politics. Naturally, the Palin nomination generated a lot of heat. There were some supporters, and some criticism that she was a “pander” candidate (which to me is a fair comment; I don’t believe it, but I can see where others would). But the majority of critics had seized on her one comment that she would like to see creationism taught along side evolutionary theory (a comment she of course later withdrew, but that didn’t seem to bother the critics).
    Now, I’m no biblical literalist. I don’t think God created the world in six days (unless you believe the old joke where a man asks God if a million years to him is like a second, and a million dollars is like a penny, and when God says yes, asks “Then can I have a penny?”, and God says “Sure, just a second”). But the evolutionists foamed at the mouth that creationism was myth, and evolution was science.
    So I asked them, if man evolved from the apes, as evolutionary theory said it does, why are there not still monkeys evolving into men? Why did that process go on for over 100,000 years, and then suddenly stop 34,000 years ago? If “natural selection” applies, shouldn’t smarter male monkeys be mating with more females, and thus monkeys should be getting smarter? After all, that’s what evolutionary theory said happened in the past, so why should it suddenly stop?
    As usual, when you challenge a liberal on the facts, all you get back is bluster and evasion. Not one person was able to answer my question. Now, I believe there are parts of evolutionary theory that are true. I remember reading about a white moth in England that used to disguise itself against the white bark of birch trees. But after the Industrial Revolution, many of the trees became marred with soot, and the white moths stood out like beacons for hungry birds. But, occasionally, one of the white moths had offspring that were mottled. These blended in perfectly with the trees, and eventually were able to outproduce the white moths. At the time (this was the 70’s), the mottled moths far outnumbered the white moths. (Now that there is less soot produced, I wonder if that process has reversed?)
    But my point stands: there are holes in evolutionary theory too. It is not a complete explanation of what happened. Evolution does not explain the “spontaneous generation” of life. No scientist has ever been able to apply electricity to various inert goos and produce living bacteria, which is the standard evolutionary explanation for the start of life. The evolutionists, who say their theory is “testable and verifiable” have no answer but invective when you put this example before them.
    Natural selection, as in the moth example, makes perfect sense to me, but why has that process stopped with apes? Why are we not seeing more half-man, half-apes? Or, for that matter, why are the environmentalists crying that the world is losing “100 species a day”? According to evolutionary theory, shouldn’t new species be appearing all the time? Again, no answer from the evolutionists.
    Now, I don’t know what the answer to the origin of life is. I don’t believe there was an Adam and an Eve or a Garden of Eden, but I find it kind of hard to believe we evolved from amoebas, particularly since, once again, no scientist has ever been able to produce a double-celled amoeba from single cell ones in a lab, despite the evolutionists’ claim that their theory is “testable and verifiable”
    So, to me, both theories (creationism and evolution) have holes that haven’t been filled. A request to have both theories taught doesn’t seem so crazy to me. In fact, some variant on the Intelligent Design theory seems most plausible to me – maybe we’re like a giant game of “SimCity” to God. But again, suggest that to the evolutionists, and they start frothing at the mouth again.
    They’re just like Liberals – they’ve already made their minds up, and don’t try to confuse them with the facts.

  3. batb,
    Perhaps you have been missing the adulation for Obama by the left. He is often called “The One” the messiah etc.
    His ego and arrogance can only lead one to believe that this is a politician who thinks he has the power of a true Saviour. In a speech by him he actually stated that with him in power the seas will stop rising, the climate change issue will be solved etc. In other words, he controls the sun.
    If you watched the DNC you will have witnessed the deification of the grand Obama.
    It seems you are not fully informed on current events and lacking in your understanding of metaphor.
    I did mention the word’s “metaphorically speaking” … what do you think those words mean you twit?

  4. KevinB: There are good scientific answers to all of the questions you have asked, and evolutionary biologists can answer all of them (and have). To attempt to do so in a blog posting would not be productive – the answers are long and complex. You make assumptions on proof that are indeed not even the right questions; your statements are founded on a profound ignorance of biology and its systems (and I say that without any malice intended – it is the situation with most people, most especially those of faith).
    I gave up “debating” evolution with lay folk many years ago – the gap in knowledge and understanding is just too great. I know that that statement sounds condescending and mean, but its not, its the simple truth. It took me 4 years of study to conceptualize the topic, and another 7 to understand the mechanics. Speciation was one of my specialties at university. Once the mechanics are truly understood, the path of natural selection is clear, but its not a simple process.
    It continues as we speak, every minute, of every day, to every species, bar none. Its as simple as the predation by man on passenger pigeons, and as complex as a fatal car accident on any Sunday afternoon.

  5. What Alan Colmes is asying is sane compared to the madness spewing forth on some sites. This is just a taste from one .
    TRUTH will OUT September 1st, 2008 – 3:36 am
    There is so much WEIRDNESS in the details of this story, ABOUT WHO IS THE MOTHER OF TRIG PALIN, that the story seems plausible. Details like all that cr*p about her water breaking, then her staying on in Texas to give her speech, then driving to airport, boarding plane and flying from TX to Alaska–a trip that takes many hours… Nobody on board noticed she was pregnant or in labor?! Oh, she says “I wasn’t in labor, I know my body”–yeah right!
    No photos seem to be available that show a definitely pregnant Sarah Palin in 2008, but there are photos that show a HUGELY pregnant Sarah P. with her first child; and there are photos that show her daughter Bristol with protruding belly. (This is the daughter who disappeared from school around December 2007, about the time it was learned the baby would have Down Syndrome.)
    The REASON any of this is important is because Sarah Palin has made herself out to be a “paragon of virtue” poster-mom for *Abstinence, *Non-sex education, *Non-contraception, *Non-abortion (even in cases of incest and rape!), *Pro-Creationism, *Pro-KILLING OF WILDLIFE with BOUNTY GIVEN to hunters, drilling Anwar, etc. etc.; i.e., *she* wants to DEFINE LIFE herself and DICTATE to all of us how we get to define life and make crucial life-decisions.
    If Sarah Palin is lying about who is the mother of Trig, she is a liar & fraud that we do not need in the White House. Or are you Republicans all so beguiled by a DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO candidate that you’ll vote for that person, regardless of how obviously they are lying?
    Hope the TRUTH comes out sooner rather than later on all this cr*p, so we know for sure WHAT kind of people these candidates are.

  6. KevinB said: “So I asked them, if man evolved from the apes, as evolutionary theory said it does, why are there not still monkeys evolving into men? Why did that process go on for over 100,000 years, and then suddenly stop 34,000 years ago?”
    Kevin, I read your comment and I despair. You’ve gotta be kidding me.
    When people say that there needs to be a separation of church and state, stuff like this is why. If Sarah Palin came out with a darb like that Obama would win in a landslide.
    Evolution has nothing to do with being a Christian. Nothing. Zero. Its a THEORY. A model made up to explain observed occurrences which people have noticed over the years. You don’t see people arguing about the theory of Relativity as if it was of some vital religious significance, do you?
    As it happens, natural selection is about as bulletproof as theory ever gets. It has been as well observed and verified as relativity has. You can watch it happen in a petri dish in real time through a microscope. You can use it to do things like design better electronic circuits or computer programs. You can predict things with 100% accuracy, things like bacteria evolving antibiotic resistance or the progression of a mutation through a bacterial population.
    Only the willfully ignorant or the politically ingenuous question the existence of evolution. Because you know what? Just because you don’t understand something does not mean NO ONE does. Evolution is just as real, as observable and as predictable as the sun.
    Which one do you want people thinking you are, politically ingenuous or willfully ignorant?

  7. JJM
    “””” puts them squarely in the same league as those at the cranks at the other end of the political spectrum who are obsessed by the notions that Obama is somehow a Muslim or that his citizenship is questionable.””””
    actually it’s a democrap that has launched a law suit against hussein regarding his meeting the required standards to be POTUS. And there are 2 such requirements, citizenship and the pledge of allegiance. The pledge is the one that is the most questionable.

  8. Few can respond graciously to the shaking of foundations. The more willfully blind one’s adherence is to conflicting principles, the more vicious the defense of same, and the pettier. Statistically, of course, not categorically.
    The Palin choice was positively inspired, and I use the word in its technical sense. Watch the money. This is going to get much worse.

  9. From Hotair: (http://hotair.com/archives/2008/08/30/desperation-from-democrats/)
    “Sarah Palin wasn’t REALLY pregnant — it’s her daughter’s child.”
    “This popped up on a Daily Kos diary and has unfortunately been repeated by bloggers who should know better. The rumor is a weird reversal of the John Edwards story, only this time, critics refute Palin’s maternity. Supposedly, so the story goes, the baby really was their eldest daughter’s (currently in high school), and not hers. The proof? At six months, Palin didn’t “look pregnant”, and supposedly her daughter had mono and took some time off from school. That’s it.
    This is, simply, despicable. Babies born to teen mothers rarely have Down’s Syndrome anyway, whereas the possibility for that with a mother in her 40s is about 1 in 20. Athletic women sometimes do not show until late in the pregnancy. The whole rumor rests on the notion that the state’s most visible woman could carry out a fake pregnancy in front of the press while simultaneously hiding her daughter, and then pull a switcheroo — and for what possible purpose? To cover up a teen pregnancy, in this day and age? Give me a break.
    The picture below was published at the end of February, and she certainly appears to be significantly wider than we saw yesterday on the dais.”
    http://hotair.cachefly.net/images/2008-08/palin-pregnant.jpg (originating from: http://community.adn.com/node/118874)

  10. I hope this is on topic…at least it’s about Sarah Palin and the stories that perhaps little Trig is not her son…and waters breaking.
    My waters broke with one of my children a full 24 hours before she was born. It would have been quite possible for me to have flown from Texas to Alaska before I went into hard labour. It was a full 12 hours before hard labour set in…
    Yeah, I know. I have friends whose babies came one, two hours after their waters broke, but all women are different: We all need to remember that…

  11. KevinB at 6:57 PM
    You’v just demonstrated you don’t understand squat about the “THEORY” of evolution
    so I suggest you not preach about it

  12. These people have absolutely no class. This left blog-sphere put this into play just as smear. It is going to backfire on them. Kind of reminds of the Heidi Fry and the burning cross. She will pay for that remark for the rest of her life. I don’t think anybody in the right blog-sphere will let them forget.

  13. “Last night I accidentally heard the Lying Jackal on a political radio panel.”
    Lyin Jackal = Gilligan
    Alfonso Cashbagliano = The Skipper
