The Sound Of Settled Science

From the comments – “Come on, if the Sun affected the Earth temperature it would be hotter in the day time than at night. Oh, wait…”

26 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. Awesome post.
    And great comment.
    How do you feel about Sarah Palin not (currently) buying into the man-made global warming nonsense?

  2. Yah, I can’t imagine an open fusion reactor only 93 million miles away having any effect on our weather.

  3. Come on, if the Sun affected the Earth temperature it would be hotter in the day time than at night.
    Oh, wait…

  4. I heard that there were vast rivers of gold on the sun. Perhaps we could get that gold if we went to the sun at night.

  5. Another mega hurricane will hit New Orleans..
    Of course this is climate changes triggered by global warming.
    more evidence…

  6. QS (What happened to the Atheist?),
    How old are you?…Powerful hurricanes have been recorded from way back. Before the industrial revolution. Do your homework.
    How was your summer in Quebec? Sizzling hot?…NOT!…How was your past winter?…Lot’s of snow?…That was just a taste of seasons to come. For years and maybe a decade or 2.
    At least use ‘climate change’ in describing your nonsense. Although the term CC is idiotic because climate has always “changed”, you would sound less like a fool than Global Warming for which more and more people are realizing by themselves is just not happening.
    If you are going to blinfully follow a trendy religion/cult at least keep in step with it. GW is out, it now CC before you eventually jump the shark to the next scare: Global Cooling (Which has already been exploited many times in the past BTW)

  7. the words the longest since or the warmest since or the coldest since seem to be used alot. well when anyone can say with 100% accuracy what actually happened before the since i might be concerned with what will happen tomorrow.

  8. QS (What happened to the Atheist?),
    He watched Obamba’s speech and found God.
    There is nothing Obama can’t do.

  9. buy long underwear & go long on energy stocks.
    This is the beginning of another mini Ice Age. It ain’t gonna be pretty, but since the River Thames will freeze over in Winter, maybe the Brits will get into hockey.
    New home for the Leafs ??

  10. C’mon. Don’t you know the Earth’s climate is actually influenced from its core? Which is,of course,not producing enough heat now because the evil oil companies have been pumping out its supply of oil/gas? Sheesh.Get with it people.No way a huge nuclear fusion reactor 93 million miles away can influence our climate!! That’s why Alaska is warming.They don’t drill in ANWR,so Mother Gaia is being nice to them.

  11. Somewhere George Bush has a whole sh!tlocker full of sunspots stored away. Probably underneath the CIA building.
    Either that or The Phantom sucked them up the tailpipe of his truck.
    Either way, New Orleans is DOOMED!!! Muooohoooohaaaa haaaaa! [eeeevile conservative sunspot stealing laughter]

  12. Quote from article:-
    “In particular I am referring to the arrogance, the activities aimed at shutting down debate; the outright fabrications; the mindless defence of bogus science; and the politicisation of the IPCC process and the science process itself.
    Yet it is at just this moment, when the IPCC’s house of cards is crumbling, that the politicians of the Western world are using it to propose steps that can only damage our way of life beyond recognition.”
    From an excellent summary on the global warming shell game.

  13. The last time there was such a lack of sunspots was during the little ice age which lasted from 1645 to 1715. The International Climate Science Coalition site has posted a paper predicting that the present derth of sunspots will last until around 2040. This site also presents a paper that tears a strip off the MSM for promoting the mass hysteria surrounding the subject of anthropogenic global warming. There is also a link to a paper from the CATO institute which basically states (and here I paraphrase) that ‘the world can best combat climate change by reducing present-day vulnerabilities rather than through overly aggressive GHG reductions.’
    Here in central Alberta we have experienced the shortest vegetable growing season I can remember. It lasted from Mid-June to mid-August. Last night we had a hard frost and I will have to dig under about half of what I planted.
    Climate change beyond our control…yes. Global warming…my ass.

  14. the Bush family is the cause of global warming. The prophet O’Bama has said’generations shall look back to this time when the oceans stopped rising and global warming ceased’. I believe in this fairy tale.

  15. quebecois separatiste said:
    “Another mega hurricane will hit New Orleans..
    Of course this is climate changes triggered by global warming.”
    Think about what you’re going to say before you post it. If you did, then you need to start reading some books.

  16. It’s not a “mega hurricane”, it’s a plain old category 3. Hurricanes are nothing new. It’s also the first hurricane of the season, and the season is almost over.
    New Orleans was a disaster waiting to happen. You can’t keep piling stuff onto a floating bog, and expect it to stay afloat.
    I used to keep track of sunspots because they have an effect on GPS signals. During the really hot summers we had a few years ago, GPS signals were very unreliable. This last year has seen a vast improvement in reception. The equipment dealers are quick to claim they’ve improved the receivers, but I have a couple of 8 year old receivers that are working better than they did when they were new. There are no more satellites up there than there were back then, so I’m positive it’s the lack of sunspots.
    If you want to accurately track weather, ask a surveyor. They are outside all day, every day. It’s been cooling down for at least three years in most of Canada. The winters have been getting slightly colder for a couple of years, but the biggest change is the lack of any really hot weather. I remember those blistering days in Southern Alberta. It used to hit 35 in Medicine Hat for almost a month every summer.

  17. Sydney shivers.
    “Coldest August in 64 years
    August 31, 2008 – 3:25PM
    Sydney has shivered through its coldest August in 64 years.
    The harbour city had an average maximum temperature during the month of 17 degrees celsius, slightly below the long-term normal of 18.
    The average overnight temperature also was down one degree to eight degrees, according to the figures.
    With the average minimum and maximum temperatures combined, Sydney’s average temperature during the month came in at 12.7 degrees. meteorologist Matt Pearce said while it was a sliver below the long-term normal of 13.3 degrees it was the coldest August since 1944.”

  18. “””””Of course this is climate changes triggered by global warming.””””
    hate to tell you this, the climate has been changing for about 4 1/2 BILLION years, and it was a lot warmer waaaaay back then, than it is now:-))))

  19. The real time images show Gustav to be more disorganized than it should be if it is to maintain even category 3. But anything can happen.
    Even Kerry Emmanuel has gone on record as saying that hurricanes are not a product of global warming. Landsea and Grey have always maintained that there is no connection. If anything, warmer conditions should reduce hurricane intensity since the difference between sea and air temperatures would be lessened. Also, warmer air tends to have more sheering winds which break up cyclonic storms.
    There is little doubt that New Orleans will get beaten about, it sits right in the middle of hurricane alley. Unless they take some action to shore up the levees, they can expect to suffer every time even a small storm hits. The government is more at fault for the damages than nature is, and not because Bush wouldn’t give in on Kyoto, but becasue he and a long list of previous presidents have neglected the real problem, US citizens living below sea level without adequate protection.

  20. Fascience can be funny.
    They force a hockey stick bias into global temperature data to fabricate a warming trend, and global ice rinks result.
