107 Replies to “Palin More Popular Than Obama”

  1. Unfortunately, many of them will want to come to Canada, especially if we let Dion win our election.
    Anyone for the Republic of SaskBerta?

  2. If the disgruntled U.S. voters feel they have to leave their country because of McCain/Palin they better not come here. We’re stuffed to gills with left wingers as it is…

  3. Fine – just don’t bother coming to Canada. We have enough angry, bitter American born leftists who know nothing about our country, culture and government. We don’t need anymore of these guys trying to create some socialist republic utopia they dream about everytime they smoke up.

  4. Our Father, who art in heaven, please keep these toked up nutters as far away from Canada as possible. If it is not clear yet, marijuana clearly affects rational thought processes.

  5. This “If ______ (fill in Republican of choice) gets elected we’ll leave.” meme is getting a bit worn. It’d have more credibility if it were coming from lefties living in Cuba or N Korea saying “Unless ______(fill in Dem of choice) gets elected we’ll stay in our socialist paradise.” But of course it never does.

  6. If on the other hand Republicans leave the US in the event of an unlikely Obama win they should be welcomed warmly in the Demented Dominion.

  7. I would respectfully suggest that Venezuela might be the perfect country for these Democratic Underground people.
    H. Chavez is almost as anti-American as they are, and is well along in ****ing up his country – excuse me,
    turning Venezuela into a socialist paradise.

  8. I suggest France. It would be like mutual punishment.
    The leftards would have to suffer the French.
    The French would have to suffer not only leftards, but AMERICAN leftards.
    It’s Lose-Lose-Win (and you know who wins!)

  9. Oh Bullcrap, they said the samething when Gore and Kerry were losing. They are not going anywhere, daggummit, just like that MT Nutcase Alec Baldwin.
    Go SaraCuda !!!

  10. Well buddy, if you and your wife come to Canada just don’t be bringing the a$$hole Alex Baldwin (allwind) with you.

  11. How about an exchange? The liberals can all go to Canada and the Canadians sick of liberalism/Nannyism can come to the United States. I don’t see how that’s anything but a win-win for all involved.
    If Obama wins, America will be screwed.

  12. It’s so infantile and predictable. They swoon over these left wing parrots who say all the appropriate sound bites and then expect everyone else to mindlessly give up their votes.

  13. The same blowhards always threaten this when democracy doesn’t go thier way, but in typical leftist fashion -it’s all talk.

  14. Any of these DU (Dolts Unlimited) prospective migrants show up at our doorstep, they need to be treated with the same care and courtesy as if they had “al qaeda” monogrammed on their birkenstocks. Because in the end, that’s where it all leads.

  15. “What ever happened to the good old days when protestors would set themselves on fire…”
    Yes, I can do without A.Baldwin and the rest of those (F)ilm (A)ctors (G)uild ‘s.

  16. So in other words, the empty heads give us their usual empty threat if the empty suit does not win. Isn’t that act getting a bit stale by now?

  17. You owe it to yourselves for the best laugh of the day to click through and read the whole DU moonbat exodus thread. It looks like Canada is off the hook, Australia was mentioned more. The funniest was this entry:
    Good plan. Islands are cheap. 90 million for a nice one.
    We just need to put in about $720 each. That’s a plan and I’m in.
    Another little moonbat lamented that the “progressive” anti-gun states won’t do because the kind of armaments they’d need couldn’t be bought. Another little moonbat nixed Britain as a fascist place with spy cameras. I’m sure he couldn’t tell you what party is responsible for trashing the place.
    Most of them are young people operating on 6 guinea pig power worth of reason and logic and a small kid’s fantasy play. I bet most of them haven’t organized a way out of mom and dad’s house yet. It’s the married idiots or the one poster with three kids that are truly pathetic.
    McCain got it right last night. Education is “the civil rights issue of our times”. As a nation our kids are being dumbed down at an alarming rate thanks to the public schools. It’s working its way into our elections.

  18. Best Comment I’ve found so far on the blogs:
    “Sarah Palin didn’t gut the donkey, she field dressed her intended prey after a clean and humane kill.”
    The “Obama-Nation”(tm) is still smarting from their recent “McCaining”.
    The elephants go marching on two by two, hurrah, hurrah!
    One Elephant Two elephants
    One elephant went out to play
    upon a spiders web one day,
    He had such enormous fun
    that he called for another elephant to come.
    Two elephants went out to play
    upon a spiders web one day,
    They had such enormous fun
    that they called for another elephant to come.
    And there are the elephants, two and two,
    Lumbering on as they always do!
    The men who lead them look so small
    I wonder the elephants mind at all
    As they wag their queer
    Long trunks, and peer
    Through their beady eyes,–folks say they know
    No end of things, and I’m sure it’s so!
    And you never must do a thing that’s bad
    Or that possibly might make an elephant mad,
    For he’ll never forgive you, it appears,
    And will punish you sure, if it takes him _years!_
    So do not stare
    But take good care
    To mind your manners, and always try
    To smile politely as they go by!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  19. I wanted to post a request on DU that these folks leave the US immediately, please, without waiting until November. But comments by DrD and Ratt are far more telling. As they suggest, leftist poseurs will never, repeat never, leave the US. As American citizens, they are among the luckiest people on the planet, and they know it.

  20. If they ever come to Canada, tell them “that’s not here” and direct to Alaska. They may learn thing or two about life ………and hunting.

  21. This is all getting very enjoyable and making my Friday rather fun.
    In the last election a few of my Democrat friends in the US swore they would leave the US if Bush got re-elected.
    They are all still there…in the end it was all talk…they know where the grass is greener.
    I see on Drudge he has a picture of Oprah interviewing Obama above the headline. Too funny and very clever.
    I can’t help but think that the Dems are digging themselves a hole faster than they can think.
    Like Hillary they thought they had it in the bag, that they were the chosen ones, and reality is suddenly beginning to hit. George Soros must be crying over his breakfast cereal.

  22. Experience tells us that those idiots who make idle threats and promises rarely, if ever, follow through.
    Those who are serious about something simply do it …. without fanfare.
    NRaleighLiberal is probably living the good life in the USA and has absolutely no intentions of ever giving it up. If, however, he is serious and not simply just another left-wing sniveller, North Korea would be the destination of choice.

  23. Tsk tsk
    All this hysteria by extreme Democraps, just because Sarah dropped kicked Barrack right between his Roman columns??

  24. Wow, there’s a whole bunch of stupid going on at that Democratic Underground place. I can’t call it DU cause that’s Ducks Unlimited.

  25. Did anyone notice the backdrops at the two conventions?
    DNC – Phony Greek (Styrofoam) Columns
    RNC- American Flag
    They fit.

  26. If only they would keep their word.
    They should try Russia, North-Korea or China then they will still get the government they want.

  27. Did anyone mention two thirds of the polling for this result was complete before Palin’s speech and all of it done before McCain’s (not that it matters much)?
    The bounce is yet to be measured.

  28. The press may have entered a death spiral on the Palin issue.
    The more they criticize her the more people get down on the press and support her.
    The press cannot suddenly shift and start being kind to her, they would destroy what’s left of their readership on the left.
    They are in a catch 22 and it looks good on them. They can drown in their own vinegar.

  29. I have a crush on this Govenor Palin…almost as strong as the one I have on Kate…
    Loved this line from Jonah Goldberg: “She was put on this earth to do two things: kill caribou and kick butt. She’s all out of caribou.”
    I would buy that t-shirt!

  30. Maybe they should take their brand of progressive socialism to countries which really need it, like Pakistan, Saudia Arabia, Indonesia, Iran, China, etc.

  31. Democratic commenter: “…we are going to have to consider getting out of this country – it is truly, truly, perhaps permanently, f***ed. I am utterly disgusted, as I watch David Brooks say things like ‘she attacked, but did it nicely’.
    LOL! First, isn’t that what Alec Baldwin said before GW Bush won the election? Where’s Alec now?
    Not in the True North Strong and Free, that’s for sure.
    Second, oh boo, hoo, hoo, Mr. Entilted Democrat: That nasty ol’ David Brooks. Never mind what the attack dogs in the MSM were saying about Mrs. Palin–far crappier stuff than she ever said about the Obamessiah.
    My advice to the leftie moonbats: GROW UP, GET REAL, AND GET WITH THE PROGRAM.

  32. By the way, for those interested in serious statistical analysis (ha ha!), on 30 August, I went to two key sites:
    At http://www.googlefight.com, Biden easily won over Palin with 4,180,000 hits to her measly 397,000.
    At http://www.google.com/trends, Biden again easily overwhelmed Palin who, not surprisingly, only beat him out in Alaska.
    Today (5 September), I returned to these two prestigious monitoring tools and the results are interesting.
    At http://www.googlefight.com, Palin now has 7,330,000 hits with Biden at 4,190,000.
    As for http://www.google.com/trends, Palin is now streaking ahead of Biden EVERYWHERE.
    This concludes my report.

  33. As recalled from my PolSci intro into Canadian Politics, I think it ironic that one reason for Alberta being so conservative in nature is because of the high levels of American emigration to that region in its early days.
    Now a second wave is considering a migration north, only this time they’d be of the Dipper persuasion.
    Give us your tired, your homeless, your hungry etc. But just make sure you bring your work ethic with you.

  34. Phil:
    Albertans welcome anybody who understands they will have an opportunity to work with us to build our province.
    To their credit, Saskatchewan is also enjoying an economic boom thanks to throwing off the shackles of socialism in their last provincial election.
    B.C.? Not so sure. They seem to have taken a turn for the worse. Just spend a couple of weeks there on holidays and did not like the 3.5 cent/litre green tax. Curiously, I see no improvement in their environment … it was as beautiful as it always is.

  35. Send that link to Stockwell.
    If he can keep those Kansas folks out…
    All rifles to the border.
    The challenge is “Free Health Care!”.
    If they say “Yay!”…you get to keep the infection from spreading.
    😀 😀

  36. Did anyone else notice during the Republican speeches that CNN insisted on showing the teleprompter during Gugliani and Palin’s speeches? They even confirmed my suspicions on their deliberateness when Anderson Cooper even mentioned Palin’s use of a teleprompter. Funny, no mention or camera angle captured this during the Obama speeches. I guess they’re all so gifted and intelligent they don’t need one and Republicans are so dumb they do? Heck, I’m surprised Palin can read!!
    What a joke. I’ve come so close to upchucking on a nightly basis.

  37. Are they “Threatening to Move to Canada”? Because that’s right out of the Stuff White People Like playbook. Awesome!

  38. If Obama loses, there will be riots in the streets and the left and black groups will start tearing Obama apart. It won’t be pretty.
    Having said that I can’t wait to see the inaugural balls with old-fashioned McCain doing the fox trot.

  39. Hilarious prelude to a pee-your-pants funny meltdown when McCain wins.
    The comments put a big smile on my face, especially this one:
    “Folks if they steal the election then there will be a civil war in this country.
    No one talks about it but that’s what will happen!! There are more of us than of them. We will kick their asses!!”
    Indeed. But I wonder, apart from the statistical error, if the moonbat remembers that his party is against guns. I reckon they’ll have to settle for ‘peace’ and leftover ‘Bush bad’ signs to “kick their asses” with.

  40. “Ever wonder why American leftists never leave for Cuba rather than Canada?”
    American leftists, much like their Canadian counterparts, prefer their socialism in small doses with things like big government making decisions on their behalf … thereby relieving them of the burden of exercising choice and taking responsibility. What they fail to realize is that socialism is much like a cancerous tumor … it grows and feeds on the life force of the host (the general populace) until the only solution is to remove it entirely.
    With any luck, PMSH will win a majority and begin the tumor removing procedure. American lefties will then be left with the options of putting their money where their mouths are and migrating to Cuba or STFU.

  41. Maybe I’m just ignorant, but I just needed some info from you fellow SDA readers. What evidence, or rather where are you basing your feelings that Obama is shaking in his boots? That the left is “melting down”, or has no idea how to counter Palin? I watched the RNC as often as I could and only found insults hurled at Obama…there was no substance to them, it was simply a series of rants and disparaging remarks about those who choose to spend their time serving the poor or helping out the eldery?
    On top of that, reading about Palin, it turns out she has attended 5 colleges in 6 years…majoring in numerous different areas but finally finishing in….journalism? Isn’t that exactly what most here despise? The MSM? It’s quite true that she never got deeply entrenched in the MSM, but I do find it a bit ironic.
