107 Replies to “Palin More Popular Than Obama”

  1. bar:
    As opposed to the substance at the Democrat Convention?
    Expect little substance from either side until the presidential debates.
    Is Palin currently working in the MSM or are you dredging up the past?

  2. Remember four years ago, all those Hollywood types saying that if President Bush was re-elected, they’d move to Canada?
    So what happened – yes, Buch was re-elected and no, nobody moved to Canada.
    I guess they changed their minds once they compared our incomes and tax rates to theirs.

  3. True, I do expect more of a platform by the time the debates roll around, I just tend to react to people who only have negative things to say as being the ones who are desperate, or perhaps have no real plan.
    The substance of the democratic convention was Obama laying out different issues which he felt needed to be addressed. They weren’t comprehensive, nor were they supposed to be; it seemed like the dems were laying out their plan and gave a vague overview of how they would be “different” than the republicans, all wrapped up in feel-good rhetoric, but now I at least understand what they stand for.
    As to the past, hasn’t SDA been bringing up the fact that Obama spent a few years helping people less fortunate than him, and somehow finding fault in that? Why is Palin off limits to the same inspection?

  4. Doug…you are right on,I noticed it as well,they used the distant camera view so often it became obvious what they were trying to do,just close ups for Obama though.

  5. Here is the Question:
    It’s quite true that she never got deeply entrenched in the MSM, but I do find it a bit ironic.
    Posted by: bar_jebus at September 5, 2008 2:58 PM
    And here is the answer, apparently official:
    Is Palin currently working in the MSM or are you dredging up the past?
    Posted by: set you free at September 5, 2008 3:04 PM
    I have to say, ‘set you free’, that it’s time for you to be set free. Party discipline has been so constricting for you that I am worried that you may be experiencing a form of intellectual asphyxiation. Not that it’s not funny to see the words of someone who is so ON MESSAGE it’s ridiculous, but still.
    To be serious, is there any way you could simply post some of the instruction EMails you get from HQ, complete with their origin information? That would be a very real contribution to people trying to understand the shady world of internet politics.

  6. This is from a Hot Air article called “The Palin Sisterhood”, it says what a lot of people, male and female, are thinking…
    “I’m not that into politics,” said Delores Field, an Alaska Inupiat from Eagle River, near Anchorage, who does not consider herself a Democrat or a Republican. “I’m just going to vote for Trig Van Palin’s mom.”

  7. “I could and only found insults hurled at Obama…there was no substance to them”
    You mean the fact that Obama’s has no substance, or practical experience isn’t substance? As for the insults, what did Sarah Palin and her children have to endure leading up to her speech?

  8. I skimmed a few articles concerning Palin on that Democratic Underground website. It is filled with bitter, hateful, prejudiced, and ignorant people. They are positively on fire with fury of Palin.
    Good job, Sarah! Hopefully a lot of their heads will explode!

  9. Irwin Daisy:
    Newt Gingrich himself admitted that Obama and Biden have just as much experience as McCain and Palin have regarding “executive experience” on the daily show, since that’s the buzzword everyone seems to be throwing around. The dem campaign refused to comment about Palin’s family situation. Rabbid lefties tried to turn that non-story into something useful and it flopped…big deal, she’s in politics, how is family scrunity relevant to the discussion? Hillary endured just as much, and the funniest thing of all was that the Republican’s loved to tell her that if she can’t take the heat in the “gentlemans club”, then she isn’t fit for office, since Hillary was playing the gender card…and then who of all people ends up playing the gender card? Palin! Wow!

  10. David.
    As Kathy mentioned you are new here, obviously.
    Feel free to check the web for the info you are looking for WRT the meltdown on the left.
    There’s more to the blogosphere than SDA.
    Do you need instructions from grok?By e-mail?

  11. david:
    Was the question so difficult to answer that you had to resort to a ridiculous personal attack?

  12. Not more popular. More scandalous. I think most people were wondering if she were going to start speaking in tongues, or talking about it being god’s will that she become vp.
    It’s so funny that they’re talking about “change” when in fact they’ve been in power for the past decade. Still… Americans are actually that easy to trick. Much like you guys here it seems.
    Say… what do you guys make of the cbc poll that indicates the Conservatives are in the lead? What are those lefties up to? Are they trying to trick youse?!!! What sort of Liberal sponsored plot is this anyway?

  13. ba-jebus – are you sure about the veracity of that statement from Gingrich? Neither Obama nor Biden have any executive experience. Palin, of course, does.
    I don’t think that Hillary endured the same kind of vicious and malicious attacks as are being leveled against her by the left – eg, that her fifth child isn’t hers; that it’s her daughters; that a woman with children has no right to aspire to high office, etc. Palin wasn’t playing the gender card; the attacks against her were doing just that.
    Equally, I have no idea of the democratic plan, other than repeated statements that ‘you’ll feel better’ when we change things. The only change I can hear from them is higher taxes, bigger govt, redistribution of money to others, no infrastructural devt, and talk, talk, talk.
    What people have found fault with in Obama’s community work is that it had little to do with people ‘less fortunate’ than him and a great deal to do with political activism.
    As Michele Malkin states, “Obama’s community organizing days involved training grievance-mongers from the far-left ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). The ACORN mob is infamous for its bully tactics (which they dub “direct actions”); Obama supporters have recounted his role in organizing an ambush on a government planning meeting about a landfill project opposed by Chicago’s minority lobbies.”
    bar – are you serious, that the left and the Democrats are involved only in “choos[ing]e to spend their time serving the poor or helping out the eldery?” Do you seriously believe that such actions are not merely exclusive to the left and democrats but that that Set has not also busied itself with enrichment, self-advancement, etc, etc?
    No, most of us don’t despite journalism; we despite unethical and uncritical and biased journalism. There’s a difference, you know. Mark Steyn, for example is ethical, critical and unbiased. Same with Victor Davis Hanson, Michelle Malkin, Ed Morrisey.
    By the way, most people have done community work at some time, including, gasp, Bush. Hmm. Does that make Obama a version of Bush??

  14. After Pres Bush won his second term it was reported that the increase in patients to pyschiatric offices to deal with democratic nervous breakdowns was huge. Especially in Florida. Guess those offices better clear the decks for more of the same.

  15. Posted by: bar_jebus at September 5, 2008 2:58 PM
    Hey Bar,,, I kindof look at it like this. Mr Barack and Company have spent over $1 Billion Dollars in this adventure and they are still tied in the polls. They should be toating a 15 point advantage, eh ?
    Personally, us rednecks down heya in Louisi-Yana don’t think we’ve seen ugly yet. Most of the Liberal Commentators on the Alphabet Channels are so close to losing it, (ie, Matthews, Olberman, Soladad and the despicable Wolf.)
    What’s really interesting is when the liberal feminist presstitutes struggle for words while impugning Palin’s character. I mean, comon, what happened to burning bra’s together and the sisterhood of the traveling female politicians ?
    I thought birds of a feather stuck together ? But, of course, I reckon that’s only true if you are migrating out of the country after your candidate loses.

  16. For future reference, when referring to lefties, it is “get with the pogrom” not get with the program.

  17. Ummmm, how, exactly, do three US senators (one of which only has a passing knowledge of where the Senate is physically located) with ZERO executive experience have more executive experience than someone with almost two years of executive experience?

  18. Yes they are grok, mine was completely deleted.
    I reckon they didn’t take my reference to Nazi Feminist Transgendered Vampires meeting once a month to kindly.

  19. ET,
    Good comments. This is the transcript from Newt and John’s conversation:
    “Gingrich: Democrats now have to argue that her lack of knowledge and experience for the vice presidency is a real threat in case something happens to McCain. But we’re going to put Obama, who has a similar lack of knowledge and experience in the presidency….You can’t find a single executive decision that either Obama or Biden has made in their entire career.
    Stewart: Or that McCain, by that definition.
    Gingrich: That’s exactly right.”
    The comments about Palin were of course quite stupid, but I didn’t hear anything from a podium regarding that from the DNC, simply from silly media types. I think Hillary endured a far greater trial than Palin did: Namely that she was challenged on every policy question imaginable whereas other nominee’s were given a free ride, especially BHO. If I as a politician only had to face questions about whether I should stay at home to raise my family, I’d run for PM here in Canada ASAP.
    “Equally, I have no idea of the democratic plan, other than repeated statements that ‘you’ll feel better’ when we change things.”
    They do have policy, but the fact that they have any kind of message that gives hope is an indicator to me. Obviously it’s simple rhetoric, but he’s exhorting the populace rather than fear mongering with them. The last 8 years of republican rule has been terrorist this, terrorist that, every second sentence. When a president gains approval or obtains legislation by appealing to peoples hope for a better future rather than their fears, I think it’s a big step forward.
    As to the Malkin stuff, if Obama really was just a sh*t-disturber, then that’s really sad. I myself don’t agree with North American entitlement, but what I have read is that he actually helped start a job training program, a college prep program, and the so-called tenants rights program which I assume is what you’re referring to. He did that all after getting his BA, working to help people for 3 years….that’s more than just a “little” time trying to help the less fortunate.
    Being someone who went to University, I also value education, and the republicans are sorely lacking in this respect. BHO and Biden both have almost a decade of school behind them, including law degree’s from prestigous universities, whereas McCain was nearly bottom of his naval class, and Palin went to 5 schools in 6 years just to finish journalism. I don’t think that university is the be all and end all, but it diminishes my confidence in their intellectual abilities.

  20. I think Victor D Hanson said it best:
    Palinize: to slander and caricature a working-class female public figure for the noble advancement of liberalism.

  21. “it diminishes my confidence in their intellectual abilities.”
    I have three university degrees: B.A. in English, LL.B (law), and B.Ed. You may now kiss my a$$ and I will expect your vote should I run for election. And thanks for thinking I’m, like, really smart.

  22. wyatt salt:
    Well, you’ve just proved that education and intelligence indeed can be mutually exclusive of each other. Unfortunately I don’t share your view that education has absolutely nothing to do with a person’s fitness to lead a nation.

  23. “I don’t think that Hillary endured the same kind of vicious and malicious attacks”
    Only from her own party during the primaries:)

  24. The smartest man I ever knew once told me that any relationship between education and intelligence is purely coincidental.
    He was a commercial pilot, an aero-engine mechanic, aero-frame mechanic, master carpenter, electrician, plumber and welder. Those were his hobbies. Professionally he was the Chief Investigator for the NS Police Commission as well as thier Director and Inspector of Security Services. When he retired they hired three university grads to fill his job.
    Not bad for someone with a grade 9 education.
    And if ever I doubted my dad’s words, I had but to look around me during the 6 years I spent in university.

  25. why doesn’t Canada have any real conservatives running for election?
    Canada needs a Sarah Palin and in the upcoming federal election I’ll be writing in her name on the ballot because I’m tired of all the fake Canadian conservatives – people like that jerk Danny Williams

  26. bar-jebus – then, your conclusion that
    “Obama and Biden have just as much experience as McCain and Palin have regarding “executive experience” is not sustantiated by the quotes.
    The quotes don’t include Palin in ‘no executive experience’. Gingrich was saying that the Democrats will try to argue that way; but it isn’t the truth.
    I certainly agree that Obama was given a free ride in the Democratic nomination process. His past ties with Ayers, with Wright, his lack of experience – have all been slithered over by the Democrats.
    But, his wife and children weren’t attacked, his gender wasn’t attacked – as was done to Palin.
    I think that you are setting up an invalid argument by saying that Obama’s focus on Hope (vs Fear) is admirable. No candidate campaigns on Fear. Obama’s focus on Hope is a deliberate strategy that sets him up as the Bringer Of Good Things. Such arrogance, such narcissistic egoism is dangerous. Only demagogues talk that way. It is also unrealistic. Evil exists and if we are told to ignore it (as did Clinton) then, we will be faced with what happened on 9/11.
    As for ‘the last 8 years of Republican have been terrorist this/that’…perhaps you’ve been on the moon for these 8 years. Obviously, you never heard or 9/11 and the bombings in London, Madrid, Indonesia. Perhaps you’ve never heard of the Taliban and their take-over of Afghanistan and their imposition of a tyrannical rule – confining women to the home, no education for women. Perhaps you’ve never heard of Somalia, never heard of the ‘jihad’. That’s the only conclusion I can think of for such a remarkable ignorance of reality on your part.
    When a President recognizes that Islamic fascism is real, confronts it, and makes one’s country safe – that’s quite an achievement. Bush has done that – and with his moving democracy into the ME, he is disabling the cause of Islamic fascism.
    What I’ve read of Obama’s ‘community service’ is quite different from what you’ve read.
    As to education – hmm. I’ve got four university degrees – and so what. I used to tell my students that what really counted, was not what they read in the books and were told by professors – but the learning they did on their own. And you didn’t need a university degree to do that.
    I assure you, I’ve met more prejudiced, ignorant, biased and arrogant people from within the fields of ‘higher education’ than outside that sacred realm. Going to university confirms NOTHING about intellectual capabilities, it tells us NOTHING about your ability to see through the slithering garbage of fraudulent argument, it doesn’t enable you to think critically or be unbiased and objective. So, attempting to claim superiority via the laurels of a university education – can’t be done.
    After all, in our own country, we have Dion, with his PHD, telling us that a blatant tax grab is actually a strategy to reduce ‘pollution’; telling us that ‘pollution’ and ’emissions’ are the same; telling us that a reduction from 15% to 13.5% is a 10 per cent reduction (it’s 1.5 per cent – doesn’t he know any Latin?).
    So -sorry, but a university education means twat as a Sign of intelligence and ability to lead a nation.

  27. Palin More Popular Than Obama
    Hold on there Kate, ain’t that statement a bit-o-racism there? I mean, after all….you should know there girl…

  28. as I watch David Brooks say things like “she attacked, but did it nicely”.
    I don’t think I’ll ever tire watching liberal skin being ripped off of bone. I’m hungry now — Oh yes, it’s Friday and I may go out for dinner — perhaps a small dead (fried) animal is in order!

  29. “Brad at September 5, 2008 6:50 PM
    why doesn’t Canada have any real conservatives running for election?”
    I don’t know about that. Ezra has taken a leave from his blog until mid October………..

  30. By the way, most people have done community work at some time, including, gasp, Bush. Hmm. Does that make Obama a version of Bush??
    ET — noooooooo , tell me it is not so!
    And as for bush haters, here is a “recycled” bush hater comment…
    pu leze
    4 teh
    bush 2

  31. ET: I saw an extremely irritated Gingrich interviewed on the floor at the RNC, in which he clearly spelled out Palin’s executive experience vs. Obama’s total lack thereof. The interview ended abruptly when he asked the interviewer to name a single executive decision, a single accomplishment of Obama’s. The end. Nada. Zero. He.Has.No.Executive.Experience.
    It is for this reason that Stanley’s Kurtz’s yeoman-like research into the Annenberg Challenge is so important. Obama was chairman. Not really executive experience in the sense of Palin’s, but at least we might see the results of his chairmanship vis-a-vis educational improvement in Chicago. Which was, nada. Zero. After $100+ million. Zero. And if you look at the kinds of hard-left-bolshevik projects got funded and the kinds that got denied, the zero is not surprising.

  32. If you are wondering what the community organizer jab was about, it was when Obama was asked to compare his experience to Palin’s, he said that his experience running his campaign was stronger than her experience as mayor. Well, Palin is a former mayor and Obama is a former community organizer. That is where the humor comes from. Do you get it now? Obama started the whole thing with his ridiculous answer to the question. Hence he is fair game.
    I can’t put it any simpler for you.
    Here is Obama’s campaign
    “Senator Obama’s spokesman noted upon hearing about Senator John McCain’s selection of Governor Palin: “Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency.” ”
    She is also a former high school student, why didn’t he just say that? Why does he overlook her current job overseeing a budget of 11 billion dollars and 15000 employees? In light of the above, does “former community organizer” still sound so over the line? Or are community organizers, for some reason, more sensitive than small town mayors?

  33. Unfortunately I don’t share your view that education has absolutely nothing to do with a person’s fitness to lead a nation.
    So, bar_jebus, just exactly what specific education would qualify a person, a citizen of the US, for the White House, or better put, what education or lack of it would disqualify one? Is there a degree that would be specific, all inclusive for the job? Common sense, a good character, life experience, a successful trade, a successful small business, a quick mind sans a formal education would be disqualifiers? Is that what you are saying?
    America, my friend, unlike the elitist ruled faultering democracies of Europe was never based on the elitist ideal of Platos Republic’s philosopher kings where a designated elite were only fit to rule. “Education” is a bogus and rather stupid criteria for leadership.
    Many American Presidents weren’t A students. Here’s an interesting stat, a disproportionate number were left-handed – Truman, Ford, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan. McCain is a lefty. I have my theories on this, but, my point is that an “education” has little meaning. Most of the really interesting and smartest people I’ve ever met were self-educated. Sarah Palin could have been a plumber or ran a moose meat bruger joint on her way to governor for all that I care, she’s smart, goal oriented and has great social and leadership skills. You can’t learn that in a classroom. She’s not an elitist twit like yourself.

  34. Brad 6:50: One name: Diane Ablonczy. Sharp, Palinesque wit. (Geez! new metaphors and adjectives invented in mere days.)

  35. This is a favorite fantasy of American Liberals. Have you ever seen such nonsense? I hear it all the time. They always express the fantasy with an expression of complete determination. I give them this link to Canadian Immigration. Yes, it’s always Canada. I ask them, “What’s wrong with Mexico?,” since so many of them vacation there. Com’on, use a little imagination. It never crosses their minds, and they’re nonplussed at having to admit there are actually countries worse than ones that fail to acknowledge your choice of President, even so close as Mexico. I’ve lived overseas. They know that. Calling their bluff never goes over well, but frankly, I tire of the whining.
    One guy I knew at the the time of the last Bush election actually did attempt to emigrate but was rejected. Apparently Canada rejects foreign loons whose health would be a clear burden and without valuable skills. I overtly sympathized but privately congratulated Canada on maintaining a reasoned immigration policy.

  36. Don’t you love it when leftards talk about fear mongering, all the while claiming that the US government has a secret army of operatives who can crash planes, blow up skyscrapers, etc, all with complete impunity and without leaving a trace of evidence. I mean, even the Joker doesn’t have an army like that, and he is fictional.
    You want to see fear mongering? Go to a Michael Moore movie, or watch an Al Gore slide show.

  37. I dropped this in another thread, but it may be even more relevant here’
    Re the former mayor of wa-silli’s experience [as the hush,hush,Don’t tell] Governor:
    From the Wall Street Journal: (http://tinyurl.com/6aqt3k)
    “…By February 2007 she’d released her requirements for pipeline bidding. They were stricter, and included only a $500 million state incentive. By May a cowed state house—reeling from scandal—passed her legislation.
    The producers warned they would not bid, nor would anyone else. Five groups submitted proposals. A few months before the legislature awarded its license to TransCanada this July, Conoco and BP suddenly announced they’d be building their own pipeline with no state inducements whatsoever. They’d suddenly found the money.
    Mrs. Palin has meanwhile passed an ethics law. She’s tightened up oil oversight. She forced the legislature to rewrite the oil tax law. That new law raised taxes on the industry, for which Mrs. Palin is now taking some knocks, but the political background here is crucial.
    The GOP machine has crumbled. Attorney General Renkes resigned. Mr. Ruedrich was fined $12,000. Jim Clark—Mr. Murkowski’s lead pipeline negotiator—pleaded guilty to conspiring with an oil firm. At least three legislators have been convicted. Sen. Ted Stevens is under indictment for oil entanglements, while Rep. Don Young is under investigation….”
    No executive experience, apparently… I think one of her first duties should be to require an ethics bill for the commercial users of the public airwaves, or goodbye licence…

  38. From the DU link:
    “I’m a scientist and lack of funding is already forcing people to leave. If McCain is elected, I won’t even both trying to find a position in this country. Even if I find one, I will be unlikely to get the funding to keep it. So why bother?”
    Doesn’t that pretty much sum it up? If the frackin’ government won’t hand me a living I’m taking my ball and going home …
    That is some truly bitter vitriol on DU. How come none of them ever follow through on threats to leave?

  39. Tin in Vermont: Don’t you love it when leftards talk about fear mongering, all the while claiming that the US government has a secret army of operatives who can crash planes, blow up skyscrapers, etc, all with complete impunity and without leaving a trace of evidence.
    Tim, you forgot the part where this grand conspiracy is all masterminded by GWB, a dumber than a chimp moron…

  40. Was wondering if and its still a big if McCain wins…..will there be riots. It seem alot of Obama surporters often riot when say; a leader is shot or a gang banger is shot by police or a jury comes down with a verdict they don’t like. I wonder if police across the USA aren’t starting to plan for the worst????

  41. bar-jebus, I also have three university degrees (two baccalaureate and one masters), and I suspect there are many others here who have university degrees.
    I believe you may have confused education with indoctrination. Not the same thing at all although where university is concerned, sometimes the former is nothing but the later. I suspect this could be the case where you’re concerned, especially if your field is in a social science.

  42. The only problem with the moonbats threats to leave the USA is that many of them think they should come to Canada eh ?
    The few who actually do soon tire of living in an actual socialist state and head back the the safety of the Good Ole….

  43. Not to worry. They are merely going back to Frisco and Berkeley. Good timing, too, cause median prices on real estate are falling for the first time in this decade.
