107 Replies to “Palin More Popular Than Obama”

  1. ps, if Obama wins, WE are going to the land of SDA where we’ll make friends with Kate and wonder why we waited so long. But we’ll stay US citizens so we can be rude to the right people without CHRC crapola. We may even do that (move north) illegally so we can get good deals. Depends.

  2. This debate on the merits of an education reminds me of my favourite scene in “Good Will Hunting” where Matt Damon informs some punk graduate student that he just dropped $150,000 on an education he could have had for a $1.50 in late charges at the local library.
    Least favourite scene? When the same character promotes Howard Zinn’s “People’s History of the United States”.

  3. If one reads these ratings with a rational eye, it looks like Obama, Palin, and McCain all attracted the same sized audience, 39 million, give or take. The only one lower down is Biden, whose numbers I don’t know. What is also unknown (I don’t know if it’s a known unknown or an unknown unknown, and Sec Rumsfeld isn’t here to ask) is the degree of overlap betwen those three audiences, the percentages who watched any pair of speeches or possibly all three. To the degree that the audience simply consists of political sports watchers, there’s no particular popularity rating implied.
    There’s no doubting Gov Palin’s popularity in Alaska, however. And a fine source for news on her governorship and, … um, … associated stories is the Anchorage Daily News, which has a full section devoted to Gov. Sarah Palin:
    And there’s no doubting it’s a proud moment for The Last Frontier. Even Trooper Mike Wooten agrees that Palin’s VP nomination is “absolutely wonderful for the state of Alaska.”

  4. The only mistake Obama’s mom did was this and the same mistake repeated by his son Obma was:
    Obama’s mom big mistake was while she was white AMerican married black man and as result the skin colour of Obma turn to be Black too
    and also Obama did also married black woman evenif he married white woman he may have chance taht his two daughter become white too
    sorry I just kidddig
    Now : let review these two canadidat
    Palin Vs. Obama
    Palin accepted for VP nommenesse and Obama is for presidency then so far Obama is hihger
    Obama already won the otehr woman Hillry then most likely can win this new comer woman palin easier since fight Hilley was much harder than Palin so far Obama is winning in his manner
    Palin is under so many question now while Obama already pass those questionars therefore weakness of Palin now will cuase nobody bring up weakness of Obma now any more and pay attention to find weakness in her therefore this will cause that Obmaa will win by reduce attention to his today weakness now
    Palin has degree in Jounalist and Obma has degree in law from good university in related to politic Obma is wining
    Palin able to tlak nicer but mostly becuase she was in MIss USA teach her tactic of never talk when she is tired while Obama some times talk when he is tireds and his manager book him to too many lecture therefore Obma dod ot have good manager while Pain has good manager mostl ikely should be her hudnbad
    Palin has 5 kids and who are white but has problems and Obma has two black daughter but normal then from family view Obma will win hers
    Palin like war and fight whiel Obmaa like peace Obmaw will win that too
    Palin has less experince from smal Eskimoo Hillbili city and Obama was to too many citry from univeristy and up to now and travel to outside of USA as well
    Palin do not understand forgin policya nd security and Obma understand this and while Obma taravel already by having Mrs. Price black woman who were or stil is with Mr. Bush forgith already know the black face woamn and can welcom now black men face replace her
    again Obma will win this
    Plain is christian and Obma has Muslim-Chritian and unknow relgin made him more winner of people from both can trust him more than one relgion paren background for forgin and discrimiantion exist in USA
    black colour of Obma and white face of Palin will win Obma to fight racist in USa
    and people who like whie look at Obma ‘s mom can be ok too
    Obam work forbigger comunity while Palin from samll community therfroe Obma will win her too
    Palin ‘s pregrant daugher and abortion will caus Obma win again peopel think obma not let her dauhger let become prgent before married
    Palin and Obma are in age almost even and tied
    Palin help 72 years man Mccain in prison of war and Obma will got advice from 66 years Joe Biden younger than McCain who is Joe is criminal lawyer in age again Obma pikc younger know how to control criminla and war by pick the Joe then again Obma is better in pick
    Palin and McCain wife are beauty queen and Obma ‘s wife are not too attractive will cause less pay attetion to sex of woman here instead pay attention to what he plan to say while if McCain or palin talk peopel talk what dress she wear and her personal life to listen to poltic view and attection go to her to her words therefore for poltic is not good candiate shoud chose woman not get sexualy get attracgtive but also woman in polic shoule sse more serious and more profesioanl nobody call them “hot’ if woman in poltica call them ‘hot’ they must change job to hollywood and leave politc woman with strong voice use for p otlice even Bush’s wife nobody tell her ‘hot’ but can call Palin is not good for htis postition get attrect so many men and not good candicat she travcel to middle east and among arab men or other men or strangers not good for her security too
    the winner so far is Obmaa
    but still obma and must change Demorac and reduce diccrimiatnionand racit in USA as well who divid the coutnty and people not pay attetnion to balck are all good or white all bad
    He Obma must chhose good honest and profestionl peoeplm and welcom white woman too nd give sselif confidence to Muslim and black in USa and help WHite reduce their hate to made coutrny redcue corrution as well and I do not like Obma seat with Holywodd or Opera or Newyork previosu mayer this Newyorkneed real revlotion to change city who divided in two sections.
    Obama must reduce abortion and help reduce maried before age and help poor coutnry get balcne and have good tax for poor, mid clas and rich peopel to help US and their neigghor get work together not fighta nd not more war and incrase security and eduation and job for black
    who is winner so far : Obama
    people who like McCain/palin are people who are racict or dicriminate who love to fight Muslim and all other countires who not know there is otehr option to choose too while fight is only for evil not for all people and blame tehir problems to other is not good too
    AMerican are different than Canadain culture.
    what Canadian must do ONly think about Canada and best intrest of Canda not USa her we do not car who we only care how to deal with Canada good
    this is my analysis may be I am wrong too who know this AMerican are so tricky and lie so much

  5. new discovery about Sarah:
    changing 6 collegs in 6 years it proof she is not
    smart and she is not stable and fight for every small thing and not patient or care
    probably she was dumb too?
    how come her parents let her to do this?
    Oh god this woamn is full stranger in any shape or angel you can watch her
    who find her adn realy we should not trust in anypoltician in United state any more
    Sarah Palin: A flip-flopper before she wasn’t; went to 6 colleges in 6 years
    Updated Friday, September 5th 2008, 1:14 PM
    Sarah Palin during her college years.
    Sampling schools as if they were ice cream flavors, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin switched colleges six times in six years – sometimes because she just didn’t like the weather.
    Palin began her college marathon in 1982 after graduating from Wasilla High School in Alaska, her biography, “Sarah,” says. She and three friends enrolled at the University of Hawaii in Hilo.
    Upon arrival in Hilo, it rained for three weeks straight. She and her friends quickly realized that Hilo is located on the rainy side of the Big Island.

  6. New, please, please, please, pretty please…
    get some help with the English language. Maybe even consider taking English lessons. After that, you can work on your logic and social graces too.
