32 Replies to “Question 10”

  1. I just wish all conservatives would remind themselves Harper has a Minority Government and you can only do so much.
    So far the liberals haven’t bitten on the election issue, the press has, but that doesn’t mean much. I am waiting for him to say there will be no election until the fixed date then come out with some legislation that would absolutely screw the liberals into forcing an election.
    Olympic swimming would have another venue, the cesspool backstroke.

  2. Hmm, I’ve recieved many letters and phone calls requesting money.
    I’ve not recieved any requests for my opinion, to date.

  3. Called the CPC 1-866-808-8407 and requested the survey, also explained why I wouldn’t be giving them any money until the HRC’s are gone.
    Survey’s in the mail.

  4. I just wish all conservatives would remind themselves Harper has a Minority Government and you can only do so much.
    So far the liberals haven’t bitten on the election issue, the press has, but that doesn’t mean much. I am waiting for him to say there will be no election until the fixed date then come out with some legislation that would absolutely screw the liberals into forcing an election.
    Olympic swimming would have another venue, the cesspool backstroke.

  5. Why doesn’t Harper put up or shut up?
    Table a bill that “Fires Them All” , call it a confidence vote and see if the scared chicken shit opposition have the guts to vote against it.
    He could do the same with the Gun Registry or any of the other conservative policies he’s supposed to support
    Either way the bill is received what’s the diff. ?

  6. Geez richfisher, get that message to Harper today!
    Best damned advice he could get from the grass roots of conservatism!
    Order of Canada for richfisher.
    On the second thought, forget it, Morgethaler has diminished that trinket!!

  7. WC…I’m thinking the same lines as you. Has PMSH actually ‘leaked’ info WRT an election on Oct. 14?
    Doubt it.
    Last week the TO Sun headline blared “October 14 Election”…and in fine print ‘not officially.’
    This has been a media game with no official statement from the PMO.
    Remember he is a master chess player, while the media and Libs are stuck on tic-tac-toe.

  8. A watered down version of Harper is still ten times better than anything else Dion or Layton brings to the table.I believe Mr. Harper knows exactly what he’s doing and that he has a battle going on on many fronts,once a majority is his,then just watch him.

  9. The HRC’s are beyond useless, well past their best before date.
    Save the money, just get rid of them.

  10. WC
    I agree; but, I am concerned with the Conservatives “cap & trade” plan. Instituting a Carbon reduction monetary system will make S.Harper as bad if not worse that the other leaders because PMSH knows the AGW is a fraud.

  11. On second thought molarmauler, the fact that Ezra is taking a hiatus from blogging does indicate something definite on the horizon.
    Could he be taking Monte Solberg’s place?

  12. called 866-808-8407 and was redirected to the conservative party research group who said they didn’t do surveys ???

  13. If human rights tribunals are eliminated, who will handle complaints of discrimination in employment, housing and other services normally avialable to the public?
    Besides Mark Steyn, who has claimed they were persecuted?

  14. David…you have some catch up reading to do for your homework this w/e.
    WRT the possibility on an election can you feel the love, the fear, the desperation on the left?No wonder the rushed home from Winnipeg!
    Time to unite the left, just not in time for upcoming election.Some news from the Guelph by-election.

  15. If the Cons are indeed intent on tossing the HRT’s then at some point they have engage and de-program the Canadian electorate (see David’s comments). You know the minute they bring up the subject there’ll be a sh#tstorm kicked up by the political left and their stooges in the media, so to my mind the sooner the better.
    I think it’s so touching that a number of people here not only believe in the “hidden agenda,” but also think it’s the way to go – Harper and co must and are hiding their deeply held beliefs until such time as they get a majority (whenever that may be), all without a shred of evidence that they’ll actually do something save this flimsy survey.
    Either the Cons believe in freedom of speech and defend it to the utmost – including taking on lamers like Jack! Layton and the CBC – or they don’t. Using it as a possible schtick to get them elected doesn’t get my vote.

  16. On reflection, I’m pissed off that a group of overpaid, coddled, elected representatives, many of them with law degrees, aren’t able to figure out whether the HRCs have become rogue creatures of Government WITHOUT CONDUCTING A F**KING SURVEY!
    (*smoke coming from ears*)
    The Harper regime is now making policy, or rather campaign platform planks, based on what Tim Horton’s customers think at any particular moment?!
    So much for conservative principles.

  17. “I’ll miss the redirected CPC donations.”
    They won’t. They already have raised more money than they can legally spend, which renders your attempted burn null and void. Nice try though.
    “So much for conservative principles.”
    The Harper government has paid down over thirty five billion dollars of federal debt, while simultaneously enacting (WARNING: this agument contains math and facts not suitable for baby boomers) a twelve billion dollar tax cut, equal to six percent of government revenues at the time they were elected, an unparalleled record of conservatism at the federal level in an expanding economy. He has put the brakes on the etatist express, and there hasn’t been a Liberal judge appointed to the bench in almost 3 years.
    That’s conservative. That’s Stephen Joseph Harper.
    The fake conservatives here who are hating on him over superficial matters look like idiots and make guys like me look like geniuses for backing him. Section 13 of the HRA doesn’t even make the list of top 10 restrictions on expression in Canada, there’s still libel law, criminal hate speech, zero tolerance policies on domestic matters, etc. etc., all of which will remain if/when Section 13 is gone.
    You people WILL support Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada and you WILL like it, understood?

  18. No one has answered the question. If the HRTs, and HRCs, are abolished, who will handle complaints of discrimination?

  19. Ah David…
    There are 10 other HRCs in Canada, they are under provincial control.
    If Harper rescinds section 13 from the Federal domain, it wont mean diddly to any of the provincial commissions.
    To answer your question the provincial HRCs will handle your concerns.

  20. You people WILL support Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada and you WILL like it, understood?
    Posted by: Legacy Moralist at September 5, 2008 4:06 PM
    Must … support … Stephen Harper. Must … like it.
    Must … approve of giving taxpayers money to Quebec City for a CFL team. The stadium will be built, then some guy will get the franchise for a pittance and the stadium for free.
    ‘Cause that’s … conservative?

  21. David – the HRC’s don’t need to go entirely, but two things have to happen.
    First, Section 13 has to be abolished, the word “likely” has no place in any legislation.
    Secondly, the scope of the HRC has to be redefined to limit it to descrimination in employment (not workplace conditions, but whether or not you get the job-you still have to wash your hands), accomodation, and service(refused) in retail outlets.
    Another plus would be to define “identifiable groups”. White people should be included. For example, if I’m refused service in an “ethnic” restaurant and told to leave because I’m a “Honkey” I should have a basis for a complaint.
    There are also two NON-NEGOTIABLE changes that have to happen.
    First: FIRE THEM ALL. The current staff and management have proven themselves incompetent, biased, and corrupt. There is not a single staffer at the CHRC that deserves to keep their job. Any that weren’t actively involved in the illegal activities were certainly aware of it and did nothing to remedy the problem… FURE THEM ALL.
    Second: A sweeping law must be added to the books that says words to the effect “All judicual bodies, tribunals, commissions, inquiry’s, and other quasi legal bodies who generate a judgment, verdict, opinion, or statement are BOUND BY THE RULES OF EVIDENCE”
    The CHRC would be hamstrung, RW would be out of business, Two Saskatoon cops would still be employed, if this were the case.
    Don’t expect the CPC to campaign on this, and I wouldn’t even ask a candidate about it, during the election. Step 1: win the election, Step 2: Initiate these changes on the first day of the new government.
    …..just thinkin!

  22. David…if the HRC’s are fired the white,heterosexual Christian men might have to fend for themselves.

  23. I had to google your claim, Matt, since it was the first I heard of it. Looks like you’re fibbin’:
    “QUEBEC CITY, MONTREAL — The federal government has rejected a proposal that could have paved the way for a Canadian Football League franchise in Quebec City saying Ottawa was not in the business of subsidizing professional sports.
    Federal Transport Minister Lawrence Cannon refused to accept a proposal by a group of local investors calling for changes to Laval University’s new sports complex that would have allowed for the expansion of the university’s football field in order to meet CFL requirements. Mr. Cannon stated that the necessary changes were not possible and that the Laval University project would have to proceed as planned.
    “The project that was submitted, which due diligence was done by our officials, does not include a football stadium for the CFL. We are not in that business. I’ve said No to Winnipeg. I’m not going to go and fund football stadiums for the CFL,” Mr. Cannon said.

    Mr. Cannon’s blunt statement killed the plan and left local investors scrambling for an alternative project.”
    Wow. You’re just making stuff up now. I can’t believe you just did that, but I sure am glad you did. Makes you fake conservatives look even worse.
    Football enrollment has quadrupled in Quebec in a very short time, I am happy to learn from the article, and now that the FEMALE Quebec sports minister is banning fighting in the QMJHL that number will only go up.
    Back to politics: ever notice how the fake conservatives who complain Harper isn’t conservative enough invariably come from the liberal\left wing of the CPC? Show me a conservative backstabber and I will show you a militant gay marriage activist affirmative action supporting open immigration loving lib-left closet Obama supporter. Nobody on the left or right is buying your schtick.

  24. You googled but stopped when you found something you liked. In fact, if you look at the context in which that story is linked, you’ll quickly find that the Globe re-wrote and then completely obliterated the original. Thankfully CFL.ca still has an excerpt of the original:
    The federal government will announce today a multimillion dollar infrastructure program for Quebec that could pave the way for a Canadian Football league franchise in Quebec City.
    The federal funding includes the expansion and renovation of Quebec City’s Laval University sports centre where local investors are offering to expand the football stadium in their bid for a CFL franchise.
    According to prominent Quebec City lawyer Marc Bellemare, local investors have already set aside half of the $40-million needed to expand the stadium with the other half expected to come from other potential investors once the project is approved.
    However the head of Laval University Denis Brière has been reluctant in giving his full support to the stadium’s expansion for a CFL franchise.
    “It would be irresponsible to say no to the expansion of the football stadium.,” Mr. Bellemare said on behalf of the anonymous investors in an interview on Tuesday. “The investors need to settle the situation involving the stadium. And then we can move and show the rest of Canada that Quebec City is truly a city capable of attracting a CFL franchise.”
    According to a marketing conducted on behalf of the investors the marketing firm Impact Recherche, 71 per cent of Quebec City residents support a CFL franchise. The study obtained by the Globe and Mail showed that 43-per cent of the 1001 people polled would be interested in purchasing a season ticket and that 85-per cent believed that Laval University sports centre would be an appropriate location to hold CFL games. ”
    If the Cons have clarified their position, good for them, but what I wrote was hardly a lie.
    Someone in the comments at CFL.ca mentions Bob McCowan’s show on The Fan – that’s where I first heard about the whole thing.
    If you’re not buying my “schtick,” I’m good with that, ’cause you seem a bit nuts.
