48 Replies to ““You were suckered, Mr. Makin.” (Bumped)”

  1. That’s amazing. I have a lot of respect for Mr Makin from his book on the Guy Paul Morin trials. Quite how he completely messed up the Lucy issue is beyond me.

  2. What a pathetic piece of un-researched journalism – and for this to be given prominence in the Globe is even more pathetic.
    Kudos to those who responded in the comments at the Globe. After reading all of the cautions re possible editing (for clarity or whatever),non printing of, etc., etc., I don’t send any comments to any of the newspapers.
    It is actually the newspapers who are getting much of their info from the blogosphere yet are still spewing forth this amateurish kind of sop. Unfortunately, far to many people are seeing this and accepting it a face value.

  3. The MSM & journalists used to have it so easy.
    They pointed the fingers.
    They never went under the microscope.
    They made or ruined careers.
    Now they have bloggers pointing fingers at them, pointing fingers at them, exposing their sloppiness, bias and outright lies.
    No wonder they fear the power of bloggers.

  4. And those were just the comments that the G&M let through !!
    David Warren, on Greta Van Susteren, reveals how/why Heather Mallick could write such trash on a CBC website.
    And near the end of the video, David makes a point about Canada’s HRC; (paraphrasing)
    [Many Canadian journalists, with right wing views, have been hauled before the HRC for comments on political correct topics such as ssm, Islam. It would be inconceivable that the CBC’s Heather Mallick would be brought before the Canadian HRC for making such vugar comments about Sarah Pallin.]DW
    David claims that Mallick may have done us all a favour. He claims that nearly all of Canada’s left wing journalist are ‘thinking’ exactly what Mallick wrote on the CBC’s web site.
    And the Canadian media wonders why the American tourists are staying away !!??
    Canadian liberal fascism is being reported on by major American media. Think that is a good thing ??

  5. So. Does the pseudo-Nazi hunter now sue all those people who wrote into the comments section? Or can I take the Slop & Pail to the HRC,because now they have incited fear in me of Warman suing me?

  6. I admit that I didn’t read the article, could not lower myself to that! But, what I did find interesting was reading the comments. There were 23 comments: 23 against Lucy and the HRC. So, in the long run let these so called reporters keep publishing this crap and they in the end will be their own demise.

  7. “…in which the readers know more about the topic than the writer”
    Even if most of what they know is factually incorrect or has no basis in law. And then, of course, there is the delicious irony of folks who are getting sued because they relied on Bernard Klatt as a computer “expert” accusing a writer of being “suckered”.

  8. These HRC’s were never about eradicating racism.
    But they now seem to be about enforcing and moralizing the concept of political correctness.
    Shit, all you have to do is visit a couple of political blogs to discover that hatred is as natural to the human condition as love, greed or competitiveness.
    It is simply an oft-demonstrated short-cicuit in socialist/leftist thinking to believe you can change the human animal through legislation. We already see where the MSM’s failed attempts to support this “phony morality” have gotten their shareholders.
    Hopefully one day, the left wil come to accept the fact that blacks, gays, women, immigrants and muslims hate people too.

  9. Posted by: Fred at September 20, 2008 11:55 AM
    Well said Fred. I would like to add that for 40+ years they have mislead the readers. Now in the last 5 years they are being left behind in the dust. To top it off the MSM is reaching into the bottom of the barrel for good reporting, witch is not working out for them. For every piece of sh*t the MSM is putting out there, bloggers are all over it and getting the truth out. For myself i would like to thank you very much to site of SDA for links to commenter’s and other blogs. Keep up the good work.

  10. “If people want to switch places with me and invest thousands of hours of their time in holding neo-Nazis accountable for illegal conduct – and are willing to put up with the death threats – I would encourage them to get in touch with me,” Mr. Warman said.
    Hey, $40,000 isn’t chump change for a cake job like trolling sites and baiting potty-mouthed teenagers and some poor harmless suckers out there on the fringe with an anti-social streak. I’ll switch places. Your job should be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel if you’ve picked the right sites. Alas, I suspect you haven’t been managing your time efficiently.
    The only obstacle is that I’m in the US, but, you could think of it as outsourcing your business offshore. I can get the job done with a fax machine.
    And, the death threats, quit you b*t*hing, it’s a boring day in psych nursing when there isn’t one. We all have our job issues.
    You need to leave your phone number if you happen to be passing through here, Richard, which I’m guessing you do on a regular basis.

  11. Canada so desperatly needs an arm of Fox News to clean out the rot and filth that is the CBC CTV and Global here in Canada. Whatever the certian family in Quebec and a slime ball in China want is printed in our MSM, times they are a changin, fear is running deep in the board rooms of these liberal lovin places because the police society they so dearly like has turned against them in the form of blogs, where the truth always comes out.

  12. Thanks for the Bill Whittle article. And that’s the point – the readers know more about the HRC situation and about genuine truth and morality than the HRC and its acolytes.
    The point is – the people, not the elitists, those intellectual sophists – they are the site of wisdom and knowledge.
    Whittle writes ab out the anger of the left. Why are they so angry? What is the source of their contempt for the average man on the street?
    “Only this: the living proof that they are not needed. Not needed to govern, not needed to influence and guide, not needed to lecture us on our intellectual and moral failings which are visible only from the heights of Manhattan skyscrapers or the palaces up on Mulholland Drive. Not needed. We can do it — and do it better — without all of them.”
    That’s right. We, the people, can do without the sophists, those intellectual elitists, isolated in their govt funded cocoons, insisting on telling the ‘peasants’ what to think, what to do, what to consume, how to live. That’s why they are so angry at Palin. That’s why the HRC and its supporters operate – out of fear of the people, and a deep awareness of their own uselessness.

  13. Took a couple of minutes of my time last evening to see what the CBC was saying about our election.
    Seems like Mr. Mansbridge is now using Bill O’Reilly’s show “The Factor” lines such as “the spin stops here” (left out “because we are looking out for you”. Also one of Bill’s spots called Reality Check now on CBC news.
    Give me a break. Can’t they come up with their own lines. Reason’s why The Factor is so good at keeping Canadians informed how bad things are – re Heather Mallick obnoxious comments. In Saskatchewan find it on Channel 251 6pm.

  14. What is so amusing about the G&M article on “Lucy” is that it is clearly a plant…it uses similar words and phrases from a July/07 article (another plant) in the Ottawa Citizen.
    Now dear Lucy whines about all the time this crusade has cost him.
    Since he works at DND – how much of his investigation has been on government time and computer? DND allows it’s employees to SPY on Canadians?
    Lucy could be useful on the front lines in Afghanistan but unlike his Father who served honorably – he chooses to fly a desk and collect CHRC and CJC reward points.
    He asks others to change places with him…I tried contacting him but there appears to be no one home. LOL

  15. when debating freedom
    if some blogs or blgs of newspaper get permison with stand by operator with edit
    let people talk with no identification it is ok
    but if you like to print the megazine
    you must see the actuel documetns nd evidence before you print it to public
    like befor youu go judges you can back and foth two lawyer and say all right and wrong
    wen yu present paper before judge you msut say it with truh or as much as you think moraly and ethicaly is true
    you can not relay in all document on blogs unless again they are use reference to document said as the base is correct
    if blogs use refernce to Global and mail then later newspaper is reponsible for what he said in their blogs is correct if theri journalist wrote it and accoutable for that matter
    it means journalis has not righ to say right or wrong as tehir signaut and name of their newspaper unless is corect
    but say yoru comments with or without awarness may be ok with some limit
    just for ever bdy debating that to see what is real solution is
    also tel convesation is nto evidence or film
    only recoreded conference call with live audience as proof is ok for witness saying what they hear is corect not some one aduit the tel or film later for use agains parties is moraly is wrong
    use of deivie to get teh news not to cut the correct news and sayit with wrong informaton intentiaonly taht time the journalis is accountable to HRC
    since teh person has licnece for journalis is like you have driving lience
    if you are l awyer you cna say anything you like
    if you are engineer has limit too for your signature
    that way HRC can look and track who spread wrong news and bring countreis wrong for hate
    if all news is wrong intentianlay and get paid to do so that is HATE
    put comment from public is not accountable but can get some idea from it

  16. Globe & Mail writers and editors with their homosexual agenda just love Richard Warman and CHRC.
    Globe & Mail editors use their own form censorship all the time.
    They use a computer program that allows people to comment on their articles and displays these comments as posted on their website on only on a computer screen of commenter while these comments are not visible to anybody else.
    Commenters selection system they have and use created situation where over half of comments posted on their website on any given subject that can be read by the public are written and posted by sexual deviants.

  17. Articles like Makin’s are the reason I call the Globe and Mail the Probe and Fail.
    Makin didn’t probe deeply enough and failed to come up with the story that should have been written.
    Why would I–why would anyone–pay for such shoddy journalism when you can check out the blogs every day?

  18. Because you can not fully trust all what you can see in blogs and all the blogs
    if we can see anything is print from now one mst be say in truth to public tehn taht is document we can follow law sue if newspaer say it in wrong in blogs you cna not fully get documetns it and know commenter in newpaper journlis must be coloec and talk with peopel who knwo teh fact or witness that fact
    teh problem in Sep 11 is corrution in news media in FOX and CNN who docuemtn wrong
    in future peopel lie Muslim can sue FOX for defamtion
    or at least we must say some way to real get real truth look at so many blogs who has time to sourt the truth fast
    and may real trut can get lsot and never get documents it
    we need both I think
    plus how to feed the journalis in web page
    they need to get money by sell newspaper to pay their food on table too for support of them to say the truh not only get the money from ads from big company or like CLinton -Palin got moeny form Jewish to go for compeition with Iran and USA polic not for sake of AMericna profit there teh jounlasit and politcan must get feed correctlya dn permisable otherwise got corrupt with ease with donation or money of ads as you can see CNN does it
    if criminal in USA can do the crime and buy the big media no say it or trime it then who is accoutable aht signature of that jorunalist
    if that journalis agree not to report it then that crimial never come to them again for say he false news or get punish for say it lie to public
    even politian is in treat of geting wrong news to their table
    if politcna not get correct news tehy will judge wrong to that matter too
    get news and docuemtn it correct is important for future of ethci and save so many live and take all crimila out of the way to hell

  19. Truewest said: And then, of course, there is the delicious irony of folks who are getting sued because they relied on Bernard Klatt as a computer “expert” accusing a writer of being “suckered”.
    I love the people who continue to parrot that argument. The CHRC relied on Bernard Klatt as an expert witness in several tribunal hearings, so when our opponents say that it just shows their stupidity.
    On a related note, the CHRC hung Warman out to dry on the Ouwendyk case a couple of weeks ago by pulling out and leaving him all by himself on his side of the room. At least we think he was by himself. I did hear a rumour that Pogue Mahone, Axetogrind, Lucy and Rob M. Simpson where there, but, of course we couldn’t see them. 🙂
    But, I really wish you could have been at the final arguments of the Marc Lemire tribunal hearings, truewest. I don’t know which was my favourite part. It was either the moment where the lawyer for the Justice Department was reading all of the allegations against Richard Warman and the CHRC (including the Cools allegation) and suggesting to the Chair that he could take the matter to Federal Court to have it thrown out for abuse of process.
    Or, it might have been when Margot Blight decided to throw your man-crush under the bus to protect Vigna. She must have spent 10 minutes reading transcripts from the Beaumont case to try to prove that it was only Richard Warman who wanted to switch out a piece of evidence that had “Welcome Jadewarr” on the top.
    It was like being at the free speech SuperBowl!

  20. Amazing !! That the leftists do not come here and tell their troll to shut up, your embarrassing us.

  21. It must be humiliating having your article corrected by people who know more about this than yourself. Have for a good long time. Especially when every letter posted added up to him be played a patsy by his subject of discussion You know the personage that cannot be nammed). This guy must live in a cave. This is stone age journalism at best.
    The one thing I liked was just how many folks have woken up to the fact of this coo coo Egg of neo Marxism in Canadian democracy, is becoming understood for the subversive nightmare it is . I was pleased about that.

  22. There are many comments that mention ordinary Canadians.
    Who is an ordinary canandian and less then ordinary and who is extraordinary?
    This is the idea of socialist (greens included), fascists, communists and other assorted ‘ists, they need to classify and qualify everybody else, lest there is no money in their ideas. What else would they do for living?
    Canadians are what they are, some are poor, some are rich.
    Some are stupid (rich and poor), some are smart (rich and poor).
    Some are fat (rich and poor), some are thin (rich and poor).
    Some are short (rich and poor), some are tall (rich and poor).
    All of them (rich and poor), eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, look funny when they do sex.

  23. Wow! Those comments at G&M were brutal. I almost feels sorry for Mr. Makin….but not quite.
    One gets the impression Canadians are mad as hell and ain’t taking it any more.

  24. Forgot to add that the most extraordinary Canadians are those that comment (not that here thinks is extraordinary, though in own mind maybe I’m OK).
    Comment anywhere, blogs, letters to the editor or where ever. Those that let others know what they think are using the freedoms to the full potential.
    This is very important, internet is the most usefull tool to let everyone know what you think, even anonymously.

  25. As a totally suspicious cynic, I would never expect a puff piece to show up in a newspaper just because a reporter was feeling generous and had a blank space to fill. As a mixed metaphor, I shall set my alarm to “quid pro quo” and “wait for the other shoe to drop”.

  26. I’m amazed and positively surprised by the nature of the comments at the G&M, and by the extent of opposition to the HRCs. It seems like something has changed and that a lot more Canadians across the country, including in Ontario, aren’t happy with either the behaviour of the HRCs or the Liberal governance mindset that promotes them.
    Makin and the twiddle-thumbed old-guard parrots are suddenly so…last year. I’m guessing that Warman’s upcoming cases in the legitimate court system aren’t looking quite so…useful to him.

  27. For some bizarre reason my Mac went batshit 3 times trying to visit the G&M comments page and crashed all my tabs. I’m running Firefox with NoScript.
    No problem – fired up the live Ubuntu CD. Presto!

  28. Oh the irony, the Globe and Mail has a discussion thread about free speech and they end up deleting comments about free speech.
    Time to go and read another chapter of Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism”.

  29. Perhaps Makin agrees with Warman. It makes sense. He is a MSM journalist. They are all to some degree committing career suicide these days.

  30. This always shuts truewest up:
    The link takes you a post done by Mike Brock, which shows W submitted documents printed from the web to the CHRT as evidence dated Nov 23rd, nearly six weeks after the infamous Ann Cools post of Sept 13 2003.
    Lo and Behold the documents W printed off and submitted show the same IP address as that of the Cools post.
    Just another wild coincidence I guess, right Truewest?

  31. Just more idiots trying to behave like the “Schweinhund” on the DND dime.
    Mr. Warman should get an unescorted pass to ‘Taleban country’ where he can experience real fascism straight up, instead of the faux fascism that ‘Jadewarr’ tries to pass online.
    Pseudo National Socialism brought to you by someone employed on the DND dime. Kind of ironic ain’t it?
    Thats like the Bundesnachrichten Dienst being called out for their “Pseudo Nazi” activities.
    Half the so called neo Nazis were government employees supposedly baiting others with neo Nazi statements.
    Two of the most notorious leaders of Germany’s neo
    Nazi movement have been unmasked as intelligence agents. After police arrested 27-year-old “Tilo S,” leader of the White Aryan Rebels heavy metal band, “they found during questioning that he was a secret agent,” reported the London Daily Telegraph on July 31st. Germany’s BND intelligence agency “had recruited him for information about neo-fascist organizations,” without advising local police agencies. Last year, White Aryan Rebels released a sickening song entitled “The Bullet is for You,” which mentioned, by name, two young bi-racial children of German tennis star Boris Becker.
    The August 13th edition of the London Guardian reported that Adolf von Thadden, leader of the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party, was “an intelligence agent working for the British … throughout the four years he led the NPD, from 1967 to 1971.” Dr. Hans Josef Horchem, who headed Germany’s Verfassungsschutz (VfS) security service from 1969 to 1981, told the Guardian that he learned of Thadden’s status from a British intelligence liaison officer in the late 1970s. This revelation followed the disclosure that several other neo-Nazis allied with the NPD were on the payroll of German intelligence, prompting “debate about the extent to which counter-intelligence officers were sustaining the far right in their efforts to monitor it,” observed the Guardian.
    Same schtick, different decade.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  32. It’s interesting that the G&M (Like S&M, but intellectualy poseur) responded to the internet commetns, and then, realising the mistake of their response, courtesy yhe internet again, they reversed position.
    I think this indicates confusion.

  33. Because everybody (ok, just truewest) knows that it should be illegal to reprint excerpts of official transcripts of sworn expert testimony in public hearings paid for by our tax dollars.

  34. Perhaps Makin agrees with War-man. It makes sense. He is a MSM journalist. They are all to some degree committing career suicide these days.

  35. Pro-Liberal party propaganda being printed in the Blob & Snail during an election? Wow, didn’t see that coming.
    Well, I did actually. HRCs are a Liberal invention, can’t have them being made to look TOO bad during an election, can we? I mean, the CPC might [gasp!] win! And then the world would end!

  36. “The Warman technique involves trolling far-right websites in search of hate propaganda.”
    Obviously if your trolling for hate, “far right” websites would be the ONLY place to look.
    No far-left, radical Islamic, or anywhere else could possibly harbor hate.

  37. To my way of thinking their just showing themselves for the vassals of hate they are. I like that they as David intimated, babbling along unaware of how truly frightening they sound to normal folks.
    This is a fine example of why we need free speech. The fact she has become an international black eye is just gravy against them with their Utopian hive mentality of manic collectivism. Its like evil looking fireworks are a poppin. This way we can shoot them down before they can taint the pool more than they do.
    There are watchmen. They are you & me.

  38. It’s a rice-bowl issue. You almost have to feel sorry for Makin. This wasn’t his idea. The Lib war room called the Globe and ordered them to do a puff piece on Lucy. Poor Makin got it dropped on his desk. Putting his salary and position ahead of any lingering thread of integrity, he cranked it out. Around 1/10th of 1% of potential voters have any idea who Lucy is, and the sheeple ate it up.

  39. The G&M is no worse than any other Canadian paper on-line when it comes to comments. I think the apex of incompetence in the field is currently held by THE TORONTO STAR. Unfortunately, the Globe & Mail has become rather LIKE the STAR of late. Hardly surprising, then, that the G&M now mirrors the STAR”s transparent incompetence at online comments management.
    By the way, people interested in learning about current events – including current events in Canada – do NOT turn to ANY Canadian MSM anymore (and haven’t for about a decade).
    Then again, there was a time when Canadians were – at least statistically – more literate than virtually any western population. Of course, that was decades ago.
    Canada currently places significantly lower than the USA in the literacy arena. Perhaps that is why Americans are better informed about international and domestic events than are Canadians. Could it be that contemplating one’s belly button for decades on end comes at a COST?
    Told ya!

  40. Loosey-Goosey Lucy Warman is so sensitive, isn’t he?
    Perhaps he is TOO SENSITIVE to be a member of the Law Society.
    Isn’t “lawfare” as Lucy practices it against the code of conduct for practicing lawyers in Ontario? Yup, it is.
    Just who in the Canadian Government is Lucy blowing in order to receive these “protections”?
    I’ve seen Lucy Warman. You don’t get lips like that from sucking lemons.
    No that there’s anything WRONG with that…
