Palin Attacks Orchestrated

Rusty Shackleford has turned his attention (and his skills) from bringing down jihadist websites to investigate the origin of the Palin smears;

Extensive research was conducted by the Jawa Report to determine the source of smears directed toward Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Those smears included false allegations that she belonged to a secessionist political party and that she has radical anti-American views.
Our research suggests that a subdivision of one of the largest public relations firms in the world most likely started and promulgated rumors about Sarah Palin that were known to be false. These rumors were spread in a surreptitious manner to avoid exposure.
It is also likely that the PR firm was paid by outside sources to run the smear campaign. While not conclusive, evidence suggests a link to the Barack Obama campaign.

It’s a long and detailed post. Don’t be surprised to see this story break through to the mainstream.

65 Replies to “Palin Attacks Orchestrated”

  1. While Fox or Rush may run with this,I’d be surprised if the MSM even looks at it.Good for Rusty though,that must have taken a lot of time and effort.You tube is busy deleting,nothing to see here folks,just move along.

  2. Well the Winnipeg Sun finally covered Heather Mallicks viscious attack on Sarah Palin course they only covered the backlash so they could denounce any republican or civil person who complained.
    Maybe the will cover this in 2112 or something,
    Unbiased there’s a word.

  3. I would be surprised if the media covers this seriously. More likely they will hold it up as an example of right wing paranoia. After all, everyone know that the left would never engage in: dirty politics, character assassinations, rumors, racism, sexism, lies. I mean anyone that thinks that the left is capable of such things are the same crazies that believe that the MSM is biased.

  4. Smallish article in Sunday’s Focus section of the New York Times (top page 6) about the years of left investment in the innocence of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who were executed for espionage. Still no major mea culpa from academia or documentary makers since one of the fellow spies finally confessed all.
    Don’t hold your breath for 20 minute feature on CBC Radio about this end to the story. So far the left line is that they didn’t pass on any important secrets and that their trial was a witchhunt.

  5. qwerty1 posted this “Hope, Change, & Lies: Orchestrated ‘Grassroots’ Smear Campaign & the People that Run Them” piece at the Jawa Report under Reader Tips this morning. It’s a real eye-opener.
    AMAZING–or, maybe not so amazing. It’s true what “they” say: Truth is stranger than fiction.
    If you weren’t in the habit of sleuthing and sniffing out the rot, who would believe the permutations the Left goes to, to discredit their political opponents and to cover their tracks.
    If you made a movie of this, people would go along with it as mere fantasy or an entertaining conspiracy story. But, folks, this is REAL LIFE!
    With the MSM and the lib-left Dems holding hands, heck, sharing the same bed, I wonder what the chances are of its hitting the MSM? Of course, the U.S. has Rush Limbaugh and the FOX news channel, so there’s more hope of it seeing the light of day in the States than a similar story would have here in the Derailed Dominion.
    ‘Just look at what’s going on up here, with not a word from CBC, Global, CTV and our print media.

  6. Does this really surprise anyone, glad there is some evidence to back up the intuition. We will see if there are any stronger links that come out because this is still pretty thin.
    Did anyone really profile the original poster of the Trig is not Sarah’s baby rumour. For an internet rumour it sure got big play…struck me as odd.
    Anyway, we will see how this develops.

  7. I met in my life so women like Palin alot in Canda the problems of them
    this kind of women is good for mid job not for hight job tehy bring embrasment
    tehy are good assitant they are not good leader
    tehy are oppourtunist and say anything tehy liek to say
    and reason she may say those sepetion of Alsaka is only because she like to do any thing she likes to do and when she can not do it
    she change the law change the power in politic she sue people over and over as we saw her backgroun she fight with every body to get any thing she wants
    she ask certian change in Alsaka and if Americna senat say No and then she look for sepration of Alaska
    and this is also we can see in Qubequa party and they asked seperation of quebec to free anything they like to do
    and we heard conservaite like to sepear west of Canda and albeta from rest of canda we are not sure that is correct or not!
    seperation is not the solution and that is reason those group in conservative or in republican are all the time fight and like war to do anyhing they liek to do
    I also saw taht kind of behavior in more Catholic religon and among theri women in Canda who are not shame tosay any thing they liek tos aya nd like to do anything they like to do under freedom again each has limit and they are nto care of what theygian may damage so many other people and that is selfish to my ieda
    as we can see IRA Irish group, Mafia Italin and we see Republican are more Catholic famrer or we can see Spanish catholic are more to vote to those kind of seperat their job
    and may be all because they have diff relgion catholci are smaller than protstan and like and saw all the tiem for their right and now get frustration and like more seperaton to do more
    seperation is not the result work togetehr is challange and again it back for they like to fight alot and if you are not listen to me I divorce or I seperate Alsaka from rest of USA
    this woman has so many controversy in her speech
    WHO is she really?
    As I said republican and Liberal need to have good security check and human resources before hire anybody to that level and that was their mistake if Palin siad taht he is OUT of game!!
    when person in politic too much lie and too much controversy peopel can not trust them
    politician must be honest to public or mus leave the office immideatly no more trick from them this si cost so much damage to all of us so far

  8. This group MUST have a direct connection to the Hacking of her E-mail Account. Where are the FBI & Secret Service investigations? Hello!

  9. “…Hacking of her E-mail Account. Where are the FBI & Secret Service investigations? Hello!”
    FBI served search warrants at midnight on Sunday for the alleged email hacker at his college dorm. Gentleman by the name of David Kernell, posting as “rubico”.

  10. “Where are the FBI & Secret Service investigations? Hello”
    right here
    Sep 22 2008 1:39 PM EDT
    FBI Searches College Student’s Home In Sarah Palin E-Mail-Hack Investigation
    Hackers also hit Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly in retaliation for his comments on the case.
    By Gil Kaufman
    FBI agents served a federal search warrant to 20-year-old University of Tennessee student David Kernell early Sunday morning in their investigation into the hacking of Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s e-mail last week. According to WBIR TV, an unidentified witness told the station that several FBI agents entered Kernell’s Fort Sanders, Tennessee, residence around midnight, looking for clues that might tie the son of Democratic State Representative Mike Kernell to the case.
    A Department of Justice spokesperson confirmed some “investigatory activity” in the Knoxville area related to the Palin case, but said no charges have been filed.
    Last week, someone broke into Palin’s Yahoo! e-mail account and publicly posted a number of her private messages. The FBI and Secret Service immediately opened an investigation, but were initially stymied when The Associated Press refused to hand over copies of the e-mails. ”

  11. Did anyone really profile the original poster of the Trig is not Sarah’s baby rumour. For an internet rumour it sure got big play…struck me as odd.
    Posted by: Stephen at September 22, 2008 2:18 PM
    Everything I’ve seen on the subject (mainly on Contentions) implicates Andrew Sullivan at The Atlantic. Down with the Beagle Blogger!

  12. Thanks Kate for the LGF link. Have been reading a lot of news articles about the USA elections. The left wing MSM is sure blowing this election for the Dems. Every time they put out false reports it is being jumped all over by the bloggers. It shows that the reporting is very lazy on fact checking. This twice in two weeks that LDF has linked to reports that have damaged the credibility of news reports. All I can say is keep up the good work blogging community and keep leaving the MSM in the dust.
    “Maybe we can all apply to be a community organizer just like Obama” Sarc off.

  13. “Don’t be surprised to see this story break through to the mainstream.”
    Until I re-read this line, my brain had substituted MSM for mainstream. I thought is was Kate who had a momentary seizure. I guess it was me this time 😉

  14. Stephen, here are several implicating Andrew Sullivan:
    Media Nation (31 August 2008)
    The Corner (1 September 2008)
    Crunchy Con (1 September 2008)
    And from Contentions (there were several more that I don’t have time to ferret out):
    The Blogger Weeps Into His Beagle
    The Beagle Blogger and Mr. Quintus Slide

  15. Thanks Kathryn….there was actually a blogger who wrote “I am acussing Sarah Palin of lying” this is the story that got picked up. Nobody credited the blogger, nobody stated the background of the blogger….at least to my knowledge.
    It was probably the lowest point I have ever seen internet “discussion” go. A very serious accusation about a pretty touchy subject and not one piece of evaluation, by either side, of the original source.
    My “spidey sense” told me it was a orchestrated attempt, hence my lack of surprise at Rusty’s article, but nobody addressed the original firestorm.

  16. “Don’t be surprised to see this story break through to the mainstream.”
    I’d be surprised if it DOES break through into the MSM. In this election year, the majority of the American MSM have made an art form of not covering the truth about Obama and the Democrats and making up “truth” about McCain, Palin and the Republicans. My contempt for the majority of the MSM knows no bounds. They are despicable leftist lickspittle propagandists for the Democrats.

  17. To take a step back:
    It goes without saying that slime ops of this particular kind are reprehensible, but it’s naive, surely, to imagine that they’re not across-the-board standard operating procedure in this context. Just sensible due diligence to dig for and leverage any and all available dirt and downside, and anything that can be spun or twisted to look like dirt or downside, on one’s opponents, isn’t it? And can we honestly assert that the “good guys” or their agents and designates aren’t up to essentially the same class of action?
    Much is at stake, and every available weapon and strategy is going to be unleashed, whether overtly or covertly, skilfully (that is to say, untraceably) or clumsily (detectable and expose-able with some digging), by all parties to the process, in the battle to win, leaving entirely aside considerations of ethics, common grace, and good vs. bad form and taste. It’s a given.
    Have I become jaded, or is this not just how the game is played at this point in history?

  18. “…despicable leftist lickspittle propagandists… “, LOL, love it. Somehow I can see this quote attributed to Sylvester the Cat.
    Dave, if you think the media is drinking from the purple koolaid fountain in the US, you should give a read/listen to MSM dribbling up here in Canuckistan. The poor little journalists have to worry about putting the spin on both our election and yours. Up north of the 49th, the leftoid progressive party rewards the media faithful with government appointments or senate seats.
    btw, Although I have to pay extra, I can still get Fox News up here.

  19. I don’t think any of the smear stories have gained any traction with undecided or GOP voters; therefore, the whole exercise is nothing but preaching to the choir. The unintended consequence is some voters who may have decided to vote for or were leaning to Obama may have second thoughts because of the attacks on women in general.
    I’m glad NEW is hear to bloviate about how Palin is a good choice for mid-management but not upper management. Apparently you don’t have to be able to communicate coherently to be “upper management” but executive and life experience will be frowned upon. I suppose New would rather a candidate brought in his/her worn-out knee pads to show how much time a candidate spends talking to imaginary people.

  20. and la shaidle invented “soy scented spittle ” yesterday…that’s every bit as good as ‘suffering succotash’ …

  21. Heather Mallick’s column got a mention in the London Free Press. They said Fox News was raining down on her. The only quote from Mallick’s column was that Palin appealed to the white trash.
    I wonder if whomever wrote the article even bothered to read the Mallick piece. The white trash line was the least offensive thing in there.

  22. if this investigation by shakleford does hit pay dirt then the msm will have no choice but to cover it. And if that happens it’s the whole ballgame.
    Not that this has never happened before lbj had a huge spy op going against rmn in’68.

  23. Fox News Channel has been reporting on the coordinated Palin smear today. Thank gawd for satellite tv!

  24. “tehy are good assitant they are not good leader” -new
    Each day we get a new aphorism of bigotry.

  25. I was embarrassed when O’Reilly called out the CBC. As Colbert would say “He nailed it”, the CBC has made us all look bad.
    Speaking of Colbert, he and Stewart were on the Emmy’s and as per usual Colbert was very funny. Prune anyone?

  26. I was listening to the Bill Good Show on CKNW Vancouver today. They had some media people including CBC’s Ian Hamiman Sing (spelling sorry those alien names baffle me) They were discussing a big meeting of journalists this evening where they will be discussing the ‘Glean Shift’ (coined here by me) whereby the MSM is not longer the news source of choice by a growing number. They are worried no doubt.
    MY POINT: A caller mentioned the horrid Mallick slur against Sarah Palin and none of them had heard about it. Shocking?
    The caller referenced the Greta Van Susteren bit on FOX where David Warren was a guest … nothing.
    These idiots are indeed committing suicide. Although I think at least Ian H. was faking it since he is a CBC guy. It seems they just didn’t want to discuss such an outrage.
    Piss on the MSM. And shame on them for either their lack knowledge about a huge news story involving the disgrace of one of their own or their unwillingness to acknowledge it on air.
    Greta called Mallick a pig twice during the interview. You would think that might have gotten around the CBC water cooler.

  27. They should be charged with: Attempted Palin-oscopy!
    Columny!! I tell ya, COLUMNY!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  28. ‘Watching Newman and Duffy simultaneously, which takes some dexterity.
    Noticed that Don Newman is going a little easier on BRAWWWWWDCAST. ‘More like BRAWWDCAST. Ya think maybe he reads some of the blogs?

  29. People who are good leader are people who are honest knowledge educatged experience work in big cooperation and know the public and still study the books and learn info to upto date by new technology adn learn with no stop every day a lesson to upgrade their knowledge as a leader
    and hire good team who are depend on themand if they saw tehy are not good team tehy will change them to better person untill all get match
    Palin is only good some tell her go and let made peopel to dance she can not dance herslef she is lack of enough info to call her leader yet
    she must learn alot to gain that for another 8 years
    I say my opion based on my experince

    you can read these book reference too
    but Allan Leighton must listen to us and give us favor for I recommanded his book to you
    still he has so much problmes
    and not know Muslim

    he is not the one so many otehr books you can read

    I give you some tools and clue to study
    about who is the best leade and the best manger and the bes directore and the best employees
    by go to goole and find the best selling book published so far
    and if we can say if Loblaw cut his past fraud and past today halal food this year new president of loblaw who is products of England wrote book about leadership as well
    for you to start with
    but some people are write good may not act good

    next go to big cooperation in world and see who are their executive of them and thier company leader and see hwo they got success to date
    and learn from them
    if you know all thoe above keys elements
    then send all those books to McCaina and Obama and Harper and Dion and tell them read it well and learn from existing leader in big cooperaion soem lesson not all the lesson some are crook too

    do not forget some peopel may write good book in real life not obey their rules too
    we msut learn it from some master

  30. Indiana Homez I do believe you were just about the only to actually watch the emmy’s. At least from the numbers.
    Hijack over. Back to your regularly scheduled thread.

  31. Why is the National Post running a story, currently among the more popular stories at its site, entitled “Is Sarah Palin smart enough to be VP?”
    If this is what a right wing Canadian paper looks like then I shudder to think what they are printing at the Globe these days. And to answer the question: she didn’t need affirmative action to get into her college program, unlike Obama.
    Cripes, I’m as anti-feminist as you will find, and even *I* think the article and subsequent conversation is genuinely sexist.

  32. Hey everyone
    Remember all those smarmy posts Kate used to write ridiculing people who said the economy was bad? ‘Recession watch’ or aomething like that?
    Yeah, I’ll be ‘waiting’ for this story to break into the mainstream 😉
    Isn’t it time for another couple hundred posts “debunking” global warming, too?

  33. Perhaps the Dems should be thinking of inviting CBC’s one and only Heather Mallick to speak at their next fund raiser. They could use a boost about now.
    Oh, and when she is done, no return is necessary. Just keep her and her strident ‘opinions’ down there – move her over to the KOS or something when you get sick of her.

  34. Hard Right ~ Bwah ha – and hard on the heels of Hans Rupprecht’s uber-crisp “columny”, no less. Some very amusing high-end second-level-derivative abstraction happening here. Both of you, at least, unquestionably grossly intellectually overqualified for the demands of the veep-ship.

  35. George Bush is always portrayed by the media as dump as a post, falling over his feet, cant talk correctly, totally incompetent, yadda, yadda, yadda. Now Palin is just as stupid yet all these brilliant lights in the democratic party, bankers and top execs on Wall Street couldn’t perhaps wonder if lending money to people who couldn’t pay it back and perhaps, perhaps may default on their mortgages by the millions might be a slight problem! Nope couldn’t happen we’re way too smart for that.
