Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, for your delectation and pursuant to our Sunday night classical music show, here is Luciano Pavarotti performing Il Duca di Mantova‘s (the cynical Duke of Mantua’s) canzone, La Donna È Mobile (the Woman is Fickle), in the 1983 movie version of Giuseppe Verdi‘s 1851 opera Rigoletto (2:50).

Today’s ΔVe: Decima 9.15 » 9.92, Nanos 6.03 » 3.35.

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

55 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. From Tor Star :Lib Senator Jim Munson saying that we will see Steffie ‘unplugged’ this week.Lookin forward to that mess!
    BTW,looks like Jason has dumped WK from his blogroll ‘friends’ again,and warned,Warren is not a Liberal!The infighting continues.

  2. My response to the bogus email from PMSH government server:
    Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
    We’ve already done HELL and back, thanks for the great joke.
    Are the LIEberals still calling you “Hitler”?
    Any time you need me to open up a can of “WHUP ASS”, just let me know.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”
    Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 19:34:54 +0000
    From: pm@PM.GC.CA
    Subject: Why you shouldn’t fear me
    Hi The Average Canadian,
    Stephen Harper wanted to tell you…
    My name is Stephen Harper. I am an ALBERTAN, here me roar! My goal is to make Canada America’s 51st state and destroy health care that all Canadians cherish by infusing my propaganda with hard core ad hominem attacks. Please vote for me, because if you do, I promise you’ll be able to vote for McCain 2012!
    We are a tar sands level party, not a grass roots party. We consider anything with the word \”Green\” offensive, except for the almighty American dollar, which we hope to be able to implement in the coming months! We shall first have to make sure that American and Canadian jelly beans have the same standards, and then we shall proceed.
    I hope everyone has a great weekend,
    Take care,
    Stephen \”I can lead you to Hell but not back\” Harper
    If you agree click here.

  3. More Obama skulldugery:
    Report: Organizers of Iran rally threatened with loss of tax-exempt status if they invited Palin
    Seriously. Fox News and the Journal should be all over this. Judging from the number of Democrats quoted in the piece as being upset about it, there’s no shortage of people willing to leak. Let’s find out who, precisely, decided that inviting a prominent Republican to a nonpartisan rally might warrant a visit from the IRS.

  4. WHEREAS I have discovered that sleeping on my left side inevitably results in my waking up to a sopping wet pillow, AND
    WHEREAS I have also discovered that sleeping on my right side results in a completely dry pillow,
    THEREFORE I declare that I have scientifically discovered the existence of the “drooling left”.
    Now, where’s my Nobel prize? Anybody seen it? Hey, Al, you seen my Nobel prize? Al? AL!!

  5. From Rusty Shakleford at My Pet Jawa:
    Hope, Change, & Lies: Orchestrated “Grassroots” Smear Campaigns & the People that Run Them
    A long read but must read.

  6. Anybody see Bob Rae interviewed by Craig Oliver today? Soft ball after soft ball, even a little giggle fest over breaking news of Rae’s Conservative opponent resigning, until Oliver poked Rae with a question about the Green Shift. He told Bob that most Canadians were confused and frankly unimpressed with this confusing policy. Rae bitch slapped Oliver saying that sounded like editorial comment and hoped that didn’t influence how the news is reported, then blabbed on and on defending it uninterrupted. I thought Oliver would have grown balls during this and snap back at Rae for questioning his professional integrity but no! Oliver didn’t even blink instead asking for the final question what Rae thought of the story being reported that his opponent that dropped out wrote some nasty comments on a blog in the past and what that said about the party overall. As expected Rae hit it out of the park. Craig Oliver you cowered at a time when you could have put Rae (who sweats smug) in his place and regain some respect back that you desperately need. Pathetic journalism!

  7. WTF.WTF.A Ndp candidate,Julian West has admitted to taking his clothes off in front of MINORS while he was attending some conference,in his hotel room. Layton is not going to turf him.!!! WTF,this does not appear to be an incidence where you walk out of the shower and someone catches a glimpse,this appears to be a pedophile moment.The mind boggles. All I can say is WTF,why Jack?,what are you thinking? Turf him now…..Don’t you know that the libs already have the convict vote locked up?

  8. Boots, Craig Oliver serves one master. If he has to take a few shots to his ‘integrity’ to serve,he will. Oliver despises the consevatives and has said so.There is nothing that would make him happier than contributing to a liberal victory.If the libs get back into power,I figure that Oliver and Newman will have a duel for the next GG appointment,may the best sychophant win.

  9. wallyj:
    All politicians are now in election mode, expect more silliness and stupidity as the mudfest continues.
    The NDP can now call this “TROWSERGATE”.
    Its a MAD, MAD, MAD World, that was a movie I think, only this is no movie.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  10. Updated, 2 weeks into campaign:
    CPC seats
    Atlantic Canada-9/31 seats. 1 NL, 2 NS, 5 NB, 1
    PEI (no change from 2006)
    NWT, Yukon, Nunavit- 1/3 seats (1 seat gain from 2006)
    QUE- 29/75s seats (18 seat gain)
    ON- 44/105 seats (3 seat gain)
    Prairies- 48/56 seats (2 seat gain)
    BC- 21/36 seats (2 seat gain)
    Majority 155/308
    CPC 152/308 37% (-2%)
    LPC-76/308 27% (+1%)
    NDP- 44/308 19% (+1%)
    Bloc-34/309 8% (0)
    Ind- 2/308 .2% (0)
    Green 0/308 8% (0)
    CPC lose 9 seats this week from last. CPC minority with 152 seats, 4 short of a majority. Green Shift will continue to be a problem out west, especially in BC, AB & SK. I think the talk of Harper Majority likely cooled some voters this past week. The trust issue resonates with voters with regards to Harper especially in Atlantic Canada and ON/QUE.
    Another CPC candidate resigned today, Rae’s riding, so look for the week to start off negative again for the CPC and for polling numbers to keep sliding down to the 34-36% level. If that is the last of the so called gaffes and the CPC can get its message out, their numbers will rebound slightly but it will come down to how Quebecers and Ontarians “see” the CPC when they are standing in the voting booth on Oct. 14th. I believe a significant % of the undecideds will remain so until the very last moment. It all comes down to messaging now in the final 3 weeks.
    Also saw the NDP ad this evening and it was very good. Just Jack with his sleeves rolled up talking too Canadians about a different kind of strong. Well spoken and easy to understand, real meat and potatoe kind of talk. I think the NDP #‘s will go up from these ads and the LPC and Green to come down. The split on the left will be the most talked about aspect of this campaign from the armchair 1/4backing analysis to follow post election.
    See you next Sunday.

  11. All of the original youtube videos supporting Rusty Shakleford’s blog have been taken down.
    Can you say “Guilty as charged”

  12. The War within Islam: Muslims killing Muslims.
    Stand back.
    “What would you do?
    Here’s some sad YouTube video of Pakistani security guards at the Marriott Hotel trying to put out a ruse fire in the truck bomb that was to detonate moments later. The men you see in the video had but seconds to live. The guards initially run from the truck as it crashes the barrier. Later, when the truck bursts into flames, the watchmen, impelled by a sense of duty and concern, return with fire extinguishers to try and put the blaze out. Of course they were falling for the old “suck ‘em in so we can blow them up” routine that the al-Qaeda so often use to maximize their mayhem. Variations on this ploy are one-two attacks in which a small bomb is blown near a larger device waiting to catch responding emergency workers and civilians who come to the help of victims.”

  13. Don’t know where the money is going to come from for all the Liberal promises coming forward.
    They’re promising to return the status of Income Trusts, and billions in other promises and not raise taxes! Sounds like Bob Rae economics and the path to bankruptcy. It costs money to put a chicken in every pot, revenue has to come from somewhere. Sounds like Voo-Doo economics 101.
    How do you operate with huge expenditures and not raise taxes to keep the wheels turning?

  14. There is an outstanding speech Welders gave at the Dutch parliment posted at Gates of Vienna. I would encourage you to read it cause he holds no punches. This computer won’t allow me to access it.

  15. Liz…we know they are just empty ‘promises’ to tickle the ears of the voters. Who has the time or desire or ability to do the number crunching on the budget?
    And the socialist mindset has the masses numbed down in to thinking the ‘guvament’ is a money tree. They don’t realise that the ‘government’ is that box on your pay stub that says ‘income tax deducted.’

  16. Boots: Rae sweats smug! Good one!
    ‘Same as oooozes smugness. I can barely stand seeing him or listening to him. He’s SUCH a phony, SUCH a sleazeball, SUCH a sucky schmoozer, and all of his strings are being pulled by Power Corp.

  17. Thanks for the graph Vit…just who is Nanos polling? Did I read something about his history with the Libs?

  18. It’s rather ironic that Jack Layton saw fit to dump his candidates for using illegal drugs. Aren’t they in favor of shoot-up sites where that’s exactly what they shoot up, ILLEGAL drugs.

  19. Sarah Palin, He Must Be Stopped
    Tomorrow, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will come to New York — to the heart of what he calls the Great Satan — and speak freely in this, a country whose demise he has called for.
    Ahmadinejad may choose his words carefully, but underneath all of the rhetoric is an agenda that threatens all who seek a safer and freer world. We gather here today to highlight the Iranian dictator’s intentions and to call for action to thwart him.
    He must be stopped…

  20. Israeli intelligence revises estimate: Iran is progressing fast towards a nuclear bomb
    The director of research at Israeli military intelligence (AMAN), Brig. Yossi Baidatz, surprised the Israeli cabinet Sunday Sept. 21, with a new appreciation of Iran’s nuclear timetable. Tehran, he disclosed, has already stocked one-third or even half the quantity of enriched uranium needed for a nuclear bomb. He warned the ministers that Iran is dashing at top speed towards a nuclear weapons capability and nothing stands in the way of its headlong advance, including international sanctions.
    Separately, former Israeli army chief Lt. Gen (Res.) Moshe Yaalon said in a radio interview that an Israel-Iranian war is unavoidable…

  21. Layton not ruling out a Coalition
    “Layton Hints at NDP,Liberal Coaliton”
    National NewsWatch 09/22/08
    That’s a scary thought for Canada

  22. The attempt will be broadcast live.
    Kathryn Liptrott, Flying across the Channel by jetpack
    Weather permitting, on Wednesday lunchtime Rossy will board a light aircraft that will climb to about 10,000ft above Calais. He will fire up the four jet turbines under the wing, which is strapped to his back, then jump out, hurtling down to earth at about 185mph before levelling out at about 5,000ft and flying at about 115mph for the 22 miles to Dover. If he succeeds he is guaranteed a place in the record books. If he fails he could find himself dodging container ships in one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world – or worse…

  23. From Fife:..all based on a 7 mo.old cost analysis,and not factoring in changes to economy.
    Total Lib spending in platform:54 BILLION
    New spending 16.4 BIL.
    Factored in to this is 40 BILLION from a ‘green consumption tax’
    Also,not in this total,was 400B. for ‘cleaner water’
    Fife was questioning the change in oil costs,how this would affect.
    Great tough on crime speech from PMSH this am…he got out ahead of Dion!

  24. Charles…thanks for that link to Sarah Palin’s speech ‘that would have been’.
    Good for the NY Sun to carry it.One of the commenters suggest it was the Dems that pulled out of the protest to keep the rally non-partisan…hence the organisers had to cancel Palin.
    Obama …what a wimp…non-partisan on international affairs. He wouldn’t stand up for the US during the campaign, why would he do it if elected?
    We can only ‘imagine’ the speech that would have been his…John Lennon being his ghost writer.

  25. Yeah, bryanr, the prospect of a coalition between the Dippers under Layton and the Liberals under Dion/Rae/and whoever else is in the closet is a frightening thought.
    It’s a prospect that could do one of two things,lead to massive support for the Conservatives to nullify it, or, cause another election is short order.

  26. Ad$Cam John McCallum presents:
    “dozens of third party community groups being given a sneak peek, so that they can prepare gushing praise for the Liberal platform.”
    “Liberals believe in careful stewardship of taxpayer money.”
    “We’ve done it before. We found 11 billion in savings in 2005. So we did it. No reason we can’t do it again.”
    “Liberal Platform Meeting Call: Childcare low priority, gut the military, silence on the Green Shift
    If you’re interested, I have here an MP3 of the conference call held today by the Liberal Party with MPs and community activists to discuss today’s launch of the Liberal Party platform.
    There are several interesting points. Going back to standard Liberal-style practise, the military is going to be bled dry. Childcare spaces will be made if the Liberals find money after paying for everything else. And the Green Shift? Not mentioned during the main presentation.
    The conference call took place this morning at 9:30am. John McCallum chaired the call, with various Liberal MPs and dozens of third party community groups being given a sneak peek, so that they can prepare gushing praise for the Liberal platform.
    Here’s the raw recording of that meeting. It’s in four parts:”

  27. actualy liz, i believe there has been a coalition of some sort for years they may not publicaly acknowledge it but just look at the former high ranking provincial NDP’ers there are in the Liberal party of today. Laytons Hint at a Coalition, Along with the PM’s Youth Crime annoucement today should sway the fencesitters one way or the other, Will an official “Socialist coalition” take this country down the road to oblivion, You can bet on it.

  28. * TEN MILLION * (mid day Wednesday)
    Double digit milestone !! (the only thing in the economy that’s going up 🙂

  29. (NYT warning) Anand Giridharadas, Land of Gandhi Asserts Itself as Global Military Power
    India, which gave the world the idea of Gandhian nonviolence, has long derided the force-projecting ways of the great powers. It focused its own military on self-defense against two neighbors, Pakistan and China.
    But in recent years, while world attention has focused on China’s military, India has begun to refashion itself as an armed power with global reach: a power willing and able to dispatch troops thousands of miles from the subcontinent to protect its oil shipments and trade routes, to defend its large expatriate population in the Middle East and to shoulder international peacekeeping duties…

  30. Prank? Pranksters? Scumbags from the left. Prosecute them.
    “The poster said that the intrusion started off as a “prank.””
    More prank here* from the scumbag MSM/CanPress with its sneering.
    “Memphis Democrat Rep. Confirms Son Is Subject Of Speculation In Connection With Palin Hack
    Democratic Rep. Mike Kernell of Tennessee has acknowledged that his 20-year son, David Kernell, is the subject of Internet postings alleging he is the person who hacked into Sarah Palin’s e-mail, according to The Tennesseean.
    “The person they’re talking about is my son,” said Kernell.”
    **PMO calls in spooks to find pranksters who sent emails in Harper’s …
    The Canadian Press, OTTAWA – 6 hours ago”

  31. Rubbish- capitalism, as it is now, is not a Ponzi scheme….The thefts that you refer to are carried out, not by capitalism, but by SOCIALIST governments.Socialism is the ponzi scheme…..
    Posted by: ET at September 20

    “It’s basically a Ponzi scheme, as you know, that sooner or later, was going to collapse.”
    John McCain on 60 minutes, Sept. 21/08
    Either ET is so blinded by partisanship, she is incapable of critical thought, or the good old USofA is socialist.

  32. Gary Becker, The Crisis of Global Capitalism?
    Is this the final “Crisis of Global Capitalism”- to borrow the title of a book by George Soros written shortly after the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98? The crisis that kills capitalism has been said to happen during every major recession and financial crisis ever since Karl Marx prophesized the collapse of capitalism in the middle of the 19th century. Although I admit to having greatly underestimated the severity of this financial crisis, I am confident that sizable world economic growth will resume under a mainly capitalist world economy…

    Six days after the “revelation” of private words in a private conference call, this piece by Harris McLeod appears at The Hill Times (September 22, 2008)[via National Newswatch]:
    “Ritz gaffe calls into question sincerity of PM’s new warmer image: Veteran reporters on the PM’s election tour also say Stephen Harper is a ‘cool serene cat,’ has learned from mistakes.”
    Harris McLeod must be hard up for something to write about. This is getting absolutely ridiculous. This is such old news that it’s like unmercifully flogging a dead horse.
    Enough, already. The Hill Times, Harris McLeod, and National Newswatch are coming across as total idiots and partisan hacks. So what else is new?

  34. Heads-up
    Columnist David Warren will again be a guest panelist on CTS-TV Michael Coren Show, 8pm Eastern Wednesday Sept.24, repeating at noon next day.

  35. Layton’s remarks about Lib/Dipper “coalition” is laughable and extremely stupid on his part.
    First, unless they increase their seat totals from last election, that “coalition” will not have enough seats to form government, without support from separatists in Quebec. That should be unacceptable to any federal party in Canada.
    Issue to issue cooperation is one thing, but strategic minority or coalition is simply not in the cards.
    More importantly, Layton talks about cooperation, with the likely result his vote bleeds off toe Liberals, with right Lib vote moving to Tories, in anticipation of possible coalition.
    Layon is a jackass. He has an oppotunity to distance himself from the Grits, to present himself as potential leader of the opposition. Instead, this fool proposes getting into bed with the most corrupt party in the modern history of this country.
    I predict Dion won’t be the only casualty after the next election. Layton will be joining him in the consigned to history category.
    Works for me though. I can’t see how Tories won’t benefit from Layton’s revelation.

  36. I think Canadians should be reminded very LOUDLY of the dangers of a 155 seat plurality.
    I remember very well the last time the Liberals and the NDP were in bed together.
    Denying that is just as, if not more important than a majority.
    This country still hasn’t recovered from that unholy leftogynist debacle.

  37. Will the msm ‘un-bury’ this? Link over at Nat.News to blog with photos of our own Lizzie-May speaking at an anti-Israel rally few yrs ago.Seems there were a few ‘dippers’ there as well.

  38. The bottom line is a Con majority. They get it, Citoyen Dion, Taliban Jack, Non-Resident Ignatieff, and the (new and improved) socialist failure Bob Rae, will all be dumped in light of the next generation.
    They’re not gonna wait around until 2012, providing PMSH actually keeps his word on fixed election dates. Which I doubt.
    Now, if Steffi keeps a minority intact, look for Bob to insert the knife in December….

  39. Liberal Citoyen Dionky’s Green Shaft= a Tax on everything. Any buyers?
    Oil price increase = “the biggest one-day price jump ever”*.
    Meanwhile, AGW price is melting down, down, down.
    “Economic crisis threatens EU measures on climate change
    BRUXELLES (AFP) – The recent economic downturn could push the European Union to adopt more modest ambitions in its fight against climate change.”
    *”Oil leaps to $130
    Oil prices leaped more than $25 (U.S.) a barrel Monday” (g-m)

  40. Over at Mike Duffy Live, political commentator Peter Donolo, political strategist, communications advisor, and former Director of Communications in the office of Prime Minister Jean Chrétien from 1993 to 1999, has admitted that all of the [MSM-manufactured–my comment] CPC gaffes seem to be having no negative effect on PMSH and his party.
    Isn’t this GR-8?!! Donolo looked kind of miffed and worried, but said that now that PMSH is a “known quantity,” unlike in the 2006 election, Canadians–TA DA!–are going to make their electoral decisions based on his record over the past two and a half years.
    Now, that’s sensible. The MSM should simply stuff their CPC pile-on. It’s a lot of sound and fury signifying absolutely nothing and they’re looking like the utter a**hats they are.

  41. >>>>> “GIM, the company set up by Gore to sell “carbon offsets” in return for planting trees, was a prized Lehman client.”
    Lehman >>>>> Bankrupt.
    Charge Gore, Hansen, Suzuki, et al, with fraud.
    “Financial crisis: Lehman misses out on carbon credit scam
    What is the connection between the bankrupt Lehman Brothers and the likelihood that in four years’ time our electricity bills will jump another 25 per cent (on top of the rises likely from soaring coal and gas prices)?
    The answer is that, before its collapse, Lehman was pitching to become the leader in the vast trade created by the new worldwide regulatory system to “fight climate change” by curbing emissions of carbon dioxide.
    The biggest money-spinners will be the schemes whereby industry will pay for permits to emit CO2 at so much a ton, either directly to governments or by buying them on an international market.
    This market, soon to be worth trillions of pounds, was where Lehman hoped to be “the prime brokerage for emissions permits”, as it set out in two hefty reports on “The Business of Climate Change”.
    Advised by some of the world’s leading global warming activists, such as Dr James Hansen and Al Gore (a close friend of the firm’s erstwhile managing director Theodore Roosevelt IV), Lehman bought their message wholesale. GIM, the company set up by Gore to sell “carbon offsets” in return for planting trees, was a prized Lehman client.” (telegraphUK)

  42. Mao Stlong aglees: Nephew Boob Lae a sociarist stal.
    Mao Stlong say, nephews Boob and John Lae suckled on Mao’s milk.
    “Don’t split left-wing vote, Rae insists in Ottawa West-Nepean
    Liberal star Bob Rae is appealing to New Democrats and Green party supporters to unite behind the Liberals as the only way to defeat Stephen Harper’s Conservative government.” (citizen)

  43. “Daily Sun: 22 Sep 08
    NEW SUNSPOT: A new sunspot is emerging in the sun’s northern hemisphere. After several months of almost-relentlessly blank suns, “this is like a breath of fresh plasma,” says photographer Pete Lawrence who sends this picture from Selsey, UK. The magnetic polarity of the emerging spot identifies it as a member of new Sunspot Cycle 24.”
