That BC Game

Thoroughly enjoyed myself at the BC-Riders game on Saturday night. It was a bit chilly with the wind, but not that bad.

BC defence dominated us. Good on them. The Riders, injuries or not, have to play better. Coaching has to be better. Play-calling has to be better. I don’t understand the decision to kick with a minute and change left. Our defence was outstanding, but come on, play to win!

To the fan who threw a beer can at the Lions, you’re a loser. You are a complete and utter drunken fool and you should be charged, named, ridiculed and banned.


17 Replies to “That BC Game”

  1. I only resisted saying something negative about Saskatchewan fans because the vast majority really are having a great time, and are the complete opposite of those bozos who threw beer cans.
    I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw all those beer cans raining down. In Saskatchewan.
    The people sitting beside those idiots should turn them in. The reputation of Sask fans has been unfairly tarnished, as has happened in other cities whenever some see a celebration (or in this case a complaint) as an excuse for violent behaviour. These aren’t fans, and should not be allowed in the building.
    On another note – how ’bout them Stamps!

  2. The saddest thing about the louts who pelted the Lions bench with beer……is that they would choose to do that on a night dedicated to Lancaster…..Ron weeps

  3. As a waterboy and diehard BC Lions Fan I can assure you we believe the vast majority of Roughrider fans support the CFL, and each has their full quota of “louts” who attend.

  4. I was on the East Side. I wasn’t throwing the beer or water bottles but the TV didn’t show everything that happened.
    They just showed a replay where Corey Grant was clearly facemasked and then fumbled the ball.
    The Lion player then threw the ball into the crowd in a tremendous display of sportsmanship. After he threw the ball that’s when the beer started raining down.
    I’m not saying that the fans were right, however the BC Lions are not blameless. The player decided to get the crowd involved when he tossed the ball into the stands.

  5. My god-daughter’s sister got me tickets for my first CFL game this weekend. I’ve only started to even notice the CFL over the last few years but my first game ever was Winnipeg at Hamilton. At half-time, I got to see “Pinball” Clements and Doug Flutie and three others (sorry to the others) entered into the Canadian Football Hall of Fame. Very nice and exciting.
    Being a Detroit Lions fan, when Hamilton fouled up the field goal with a minute left which would have tied the game, I felt like I found my CFL team. Still, a great experience.

  6. What the heck happened to my Eskimos? This team rips my guts out. What a bunch of Jekyl and Hydes (sp?).

  7. Lions fan here, and I attended the prior game at BC Place against the riders. My first live CFL game in years, and I was thoroughly impressed at the positive and LOUD atmosphere in the building. There were no shortage of folks in the stands wearing rider green (good for them!), and lots of good natured taunting back and forth.
    Both games were extremely close, played right down to the last few minutes of the fourth quarter. I was certainly pleased to see the Lions win both, but both games could have easily gone either way. I thought the riders played a great game this past Saturday — their defence is amazing. Holding the lions to 9 points on 6 turnovers in the 1st half is amazing. Of course, concerning for riders fans that there were that many turnovers.
    Nonetheless, it would be a thing of beauty, I think, if BC or the Riders should get seeded in the east, and see a Lions/Rider Grey Cup. Not sure how likely that will be to happen, but as things stand, an all western Grey Cup isn’t out of the question. 🙂

  8. I’m a bit surprised by this turn of events in the Riders season.
    like many, I had expected more, although they still have that big first number in their record this year… “8-4” after their incredible start.
    I expect (really I hope for it) we’ll be entertaining green fans in the post season, if mid-October isn’t too brutal for them… your next home game is Oct.3, our next home game is Oct.13, you know what I’m talkin’ ’bout…
    I understand it’s difficult to get tickets to Rider games this year? and that’s great news with back to back excellent seasons, I’ve worked in Regina for the past few years, although I’ve always signed with “marc in calgary” I’ve been in foreign territory “out east”, I’ve enjoyed my stay in your neighborhood. I even took my 3 kids into “The Store” in the Northgate Mall once. My youngest complained of an itch after that but you know the coconuts don’t fall too far from the tree.
    It’s good to be home, where the white horse with the smiling girl runs around “the center for football excellence” from time to time…

  9. This is symptomatic of the low football IQ in Riderville. All heart, no brains and narcissistic to the end. Rider fans spend more time bloviating about how great they are than they do analyzing the game during the week. Obviously a few bad apples ruins the batch, but this excuse doesn’t cut it when the incidents happen again and again.
    I have noticed markets that have teams that lose more often than not are more prone to this behavior ie… Oakland and Cleveland. This may be something that will correct itself as the Riders organization has turned itself around.

  10. I think it was Roy Shivers disguised as a happy white dude who throw the first beer to try and throw mud on our good name.

  11. I was just talking to one of the girls at work and she said she was sitting in the beer throwing section during the last game. According to her, the Lions player through a football into the crowd, hitting an older lady and hurting her. This in turn angered the fans who responded by throwing beer and jeering the Lions.

  12. Regardless, the Riders are now in trouble. Clearly, they are no longer the best in the west. They probably could not even beat Hamilton or Toronto at this point, which bodes ill as they are no longer in first, and will probably fall to last place.

  13. Rider fans are definitely the most rabid in the CFL but I have been disturbed at the trend in their behaviour. A company we deal with brought my wife and I to Calgary last year and we got to see a Rider game from their luxury box. On the train to the game some of the Rider fans were already completely drunk with one fan having to get off and start throwing up. At the game in the bathrooms there were a couple of drunk rider fans trying to pick a fight but the Calgary fans ignored them. After the game when lined up to get on the train again, when the doors opened a bunch of young drunk rider fans ran through the lines of people pushing them aside, almost knocking down an elderly man to force their way in first. They packed it so tight that a girl was being crushed and was screaming. It was so bad even some other rider fans were cussing out the drunks. We caught the next train and a couple of the rider fans were so drunk I don’t think they knew what city they were in and they were very loud, rude and vulgar. The majority of the rider fans were good but there was a lot of bad behaviour. The beer can throwing is just another evidence of that. If I ever get another chance to go to a Rider game I think I will decline.

  14. It’s cyclical. It’s the cool thing now to go to the Riders game and get roaring drunk to show how fun it is. Once the security clamps down, the louts will slither back under the floor boards and the real fans will take their place.
    We see it every couple years with our student section at Wpg Stadium. Right now for us is a bad time as well.

  15. put the criminal youth in public isnot going to hit the kid in age below 18
    it hit bit to face of his or her parents
    which is not fair in all the case
    kid will grow and will change later
    but pressure increase to parents more
    who should to blame if we facing youth criminals
    government and politicna
    schools and education
    their friend
    family member
    bad tv and game
    church and mosque
    lack of understanding needs of today children
    lack of time spend for grow children as the result of parent both must wokr hard to birng food on the table
    lack of parents education how to deal with bully kids
    – do we need to limit come back hom on certain time
    – do we need to limit kid back home by school boss or parents or freinds
    – do we have to cut all dance club and bad movies and bad fun
    =lack of enogh fun for kid
    – less morally
    – OR THE AGE of them made them this stage
    – can we have to send kids with parents to footballs game and charge parents if they drop and do viloance to game players or kids himself
    – how to cut the violance form hocky when players bit each other
    – how to cut the horrible scarymovie
    – how to control gune and roses and kinfe and
    – how to teach kid self defense not bit up other dins
    – how to cut the bully and diciplin children
    and etc.
    or all the above with diff
    put kid in public newspaper is not going to resolve the problmes today
    how to find real soluton is important
    finally for any bit up two kids do we have to charge them or only bring the kid to station and scare tehm do no repeat by tlak with specialst police and send them to progrma for anger management or just simly charge them is not the result
    chargin polic quickly is not the solution
    increase pschycology of kid understand them
    and find better solution can be fix in station of police with no criminal charge
    still all system is not proper two kid fight and they got charge for smile fight that next day they can talk and be freind again
    police say do not see yoru freind you do fight aigan for two years or so that is ridiculs
    put kids in public is not proper solution is only embrasment for parnets that may be we need put embrasment to politican and education here instead of not help grow kids healthy mind here
    or simply blame mayor of city and police?
    this must go to debate and studymore not jump to conclusion so fast

  16. Ben at 6:09PM.
    You do know you attended a Stamps game at McMahon Stadium right? Pre-packaged and selective outrage doesn’t seem to be your strong suit.

  17. A. Cooper wrote “You do know you attended a Stamps game at McMahon Stadium right?”
    If you are referring to my statement “A company we deal with brought my wife and I to Calgary last year and we got to see a Rider game from their luxury box.” look at the sentence, it was the companies luxury box at McMahon Stadium. As far as selective outrage, not wanting to write a book, I was selective, only mentioning a few of the many incidents I witnessed that day. This year we made the trip to Calgary to see the Lions play and it was a pleasure to go to. I didn’t witness any of the rude behaviour from any of the BC or Calgary fans on the train or at the Stadium. There was a good natured drunk Rider fan near us at that game who was in his Rider jersey shouting “Go Riders Go” but he wasn’t rude, only humorous.
    The Riders were always my second favorite team but in the past few years that has changed due in large part to the large number of very loud and rude Rider fans (these fans are a minority of Rider fans) who don’t seem to realize that this is a game that is to be enjoyed. With that in mind, when your kicker misses a field goal, be frustrated but don’t dump manure on his neighbors lawn. When Henry Burris plays for you and he is the greatest guy ever and then next year returns to play for Calgary again, don’t take it personal and then trash him as the worst person in history. When Kerry Joseph plays for you and he is the greatest and then he is traded, don’t trash him. When a ref misses a call, don’t take it personally and throw full beer cans at the opposition players (Rider fans seem to have bad aim. Kicker misses a field goal and his neighbor gets manure on his lawn. Rider fans think the refs miss a call so they throw beer at Lions LOL).
    So put that beer can down, I want the Rider fans back that I used to be able to sit down and enjoy a game and some good natured joking with.
