Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, for your delectation and pursuant to our Monday night jazz show, here courtesy of listener Porter are The Clifford Brown Ensemble, featuring Clifford Brown, Stu Williamson, Zoot Sims, Bob Gordon, Russ Freeman, Joe Mondragon, and Shelly Manne peforming Dahoud, and Joy Spring from the album Ensemble featuring Zoot Sims (1954, 7:35).

  = +0.35
9.92 » 9.15
6.71 » 7.93
3.35 » 3.25

Update: Here’s a special bonus feature for tonight’s show, in honour of the anticipated launch, later today, of the 10,000,000th visit to Small Dead Animals.

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

57 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Just watching “Soylent Green”. What a classic. How could we have known?
    They have the solution to our problems with street criminals. Scoops. Just scoop them up.

  2. An old girl friend of mine just loved this type of jazz. Is this contemporary jazz?
    On the other hand I preferred music of this sort.
    But I guess I just don’t know my jazz.

  3. From the BBC:
    BBC News (09/15/08) Ghosh, Pallab
    Sir Tim Berners-Lee is helping to create the World Wide Web Foundation, a new organization that will certify Web sites it finds to be trustworthy and a reliable source of information. Berners-Lee says there needs to be a new system that will give Web sites a label for trustworthiness once they have proven to be a reliable source. “On the Web the thinking of cults can spread very rapidly and suddenly a cult which was 12 people who had some deep personal issues suddenly find a formula which is very believable,” he says. “A sort of conspiracy theory of sorts and which you can imagine spreading to thousands of people and being deeply damaging.” Berners-Lee and colleagues at the World Wide Web consortium examined simple ways of branding Web sites, but concluded that a whole variety of different mechanisms are needed.
    Could be interesting to see who gets the goald seal.

  4. According to the courtesy of link I included in today’s SDA LNR show, Gunney99, listener Porter says that today’s show is a “very good example of West Coast Cool” jazz. Not that I know what that means, the music just sounded good enough to us here in the studio (and it passed our rigorous quality control and market suitability filters), so we made it into a show. (Also, I’ve queued your Pedro Infante suggestion for a future wild-card show).

  5. “To know him, for most Canadians, is not to like him better,”
    So says Strategic Counsel’s Peter Donolo, pollster for The Globe and Mail and CTV about Stéphane Dion.
    I wonder, post Oct 14, can the Liberal Party of Canada fire their MSM cheer leaders for running a poor campaign?
    Are Canadians becoming more leery and critical of the kool-aid they are served daily?

  6. Get on with it
    When a newspaper so characteristically restrained as the Financial Times, of London, runs headlines like, “Panic grips credit markets,” we can be sure that madness is in the air.
    It has been a week of anxiety on many levels. Those who, like me, make it their business to follow world news, will have noticed more than the credit markets going wild. We have Russians proposing to declare sovereignty over most of the Arctic Ocean, and sending nuclear bombers to Venezuela to revive Cold War brinksmanship; Pakistani troops ordered to fire on our allied soldiers in Afghanistan if they cross the border in hot pursuit; a fresh embassy bombing in Yemen, and other signs of an Al Qaeda revival throughout the Arabian region; more threats of Armageddon from Iran; North Korea passing again beyond the pale.

  7. A Tale of Two Hackers
    The housewife and the geeks.
    By Andrew M. Grossman
    Consider two cases. In one, a suburban housewife posed as a teenage boy on MySpace to learn more about her daughter’s on-again, off-again friend. In the other, a gang of computer geeks broke into the personal e-mail account of a vice-presidential candidate because they were seeking smear material.
    Here’s the odd thing: In all likelihood, both — the housewife and the hackers — will be tried under the same federal anti-hacking statute. It’s a case study in how good intentions can lead to bad laws

  8. A good take on the Liberals’ hope for triumph with reversing the Income Trust decision made by the Conservatives by Terence Corcoran, National Post,”The Liberal income trust dud”. He wrote “it was fed to the Globe & Mail by Liberal MP John McCallum”, the great financial wizard.
    A great headline for a Liberal Rag, or so they think. No doubt they’ll go find the same complainers they trotted out when the Conservatives made the change.

  9. “Troubled times for McClatchy (Dinosaur Media DeathWatch™)
    The McClatchy Co. has slashed its work force by 20 percent, cut its shareholder dividend in half – and might have to trim some more.
    In its 151st year, The Bee’s parent and America’s third-largest newspaper chain is facing “the biggest challenge in the company’s modern history,” said Gary Pruitt, McClatchy’s chairman and chief executive officer.
    Like practically every chain, McClatchy is struggling with a media revolution. Its newspapers, where it still makes most of its money, are losing ground to the Internet, though its combined newspaper-online readership is growing. But because of the insanely competitive nature of the Web, McClatchy’s own Web sites can’t grow their revenues quickly enough to make up the difference, even as their audiences grow.
    To make matter worse, McClatchy is deeply in debt due to its $4 billion takeover of Knight Ridder Inc. in 2006, a deal that Pruitt now describes in much more sobering terms than before.”
    Web escalates newspapers’ fight for survival”
    “There was a time when newspapers were a monopoly business, when people had no good way to get information other than to subscribe, and when businesses that wanted to promote their products had little choice but to buy newspaper ads.
    “Philip Meyer says that period is gone forever, and he knows when it ended: 1923.”

  10. “Liberals Deny Muzzle Placed on Dion’s Wife
    The Liberals deny the wife of leader Stephane Dion has been muzzled.
    Janine Krieber is launching a solo-tour of Canada this week.
    Her assistant told reporters that Liberal officials told Krieber she can’t talk to the media.
    Donna Lee Fowler later retracted her statement after campaign spokesman Daniel Lauzon denied Krieber was being muzzled.
    A Liberal insider told The Canadian Press that the campaign team does not want Krieber talking to the media and grabbing a share of the spotlight at a time when the party is attempting to highlight the team around Dion.”

  11. What would be the purpose of Dion’s wife doing a solo tour of Canada if she can’t talk to the media?
    If it’s merely an Autumn Leaves tour it’s kind of an expense the Liberals can’t really afford.
    The media are her friends, they’ll be making her out to be the next Jackie Kennedy when Steffi takes the reigns of power so she’d be foolish to hide or be silent. People would like to hear more about that sport jock, all-round athlete husband of hers.

  12. Socialists Idiot Chavez, Boob Lae, Mao Stlong say, China mirk GoodyGoody.
    Chavez, aka The Idiot, in China:
    “”China is showing the world that it isn’t necessary to harm anyone to be a great power.”
    “China’s tainted milk scare spreads globally
    CNN International – 40 minutes ago
    BEIJING, China (CNN) — African governments have stopped importing Chinese dairy products as the crisis which has seen more than 52000 Chinese children poisoned by melamine-tainted goods spreads.”
    “Mr. Brown instant coffee could contain melamine: CFIA
    For the second time in as many days, products linked to China’s tainted milk scandal have been recalled from supermarkets in Canada.’ (ctv)
    “Rae makes appeal to Green, NDP voters
    ..appealing to New Democrats and Green party supporters to unite behind the Liberals as the only way to defeat Stephen Harper” (nnw)

  13. Socialists Idiot Chavez, Boob Lae, Mao Stlong say, China mirk GoodyGoody.
    Chavez, aka The Idiot, in China:
    “”China is showing the world that it isn’t necessary to harm anyone to be a great power.”
    “China’s tainted milk scare spreads globally
    CNN International – 40 minutes ago
    BEIJING, China (CNN) — African governments have stopped importing Chinese dairy products as the crisis which has seen more than 52000 Chinese children poisoned by melamine-tainted goods spreads.”
    “Mr. Brown instant coffee could contain melamine: CFIA
    For the second time in as many days, products linked to China’s tainted milk scandal have been recalled from supermarkets in Canada.’ (ctv)
    “Rae makes appeal to Green, NDP voters
    ..appealing to New Democrats and Green party supporters to unite behind the Liberals as the only way to defeat Stephen Harper” (nnw)

  14. (Via SWJ) Sean D. Naylor, US Officer: Pakistani Forces Aided Taliban
    Pakistani military forces flew repeated helicopter missions into Afghanistan to resupply the Taliban during a fierce battle in June 2007, according to a U.S. Marine lieutenant colonel, who says his information is based on multiple U.S. and Afghan intelligence reports.
    The revelation by Lt. Col. Chris Nash, who commanded an embedded training team in eastern Afghanistan from June 2007 to March 2008, adds a new twist to the controversy over a U.S. special operations raid into Pakistan Sept. 3…

  15. Meanwhile over at the We hate Harper all the time National Newswatch the losers are trying to get the scandal count in the conservatives up to at least 5 a day. Boy do you tink it is izzy finding so many scandals with honest party when you overlooking liberal theives in the process. Go Toronto Star go you losers.

  16. (Via SWJ) Isambard Wilkinson, Pakistan chieftain hunts down Taliban
    Anwar Kamal has formed a lashkar, or tribal militia, that varies in strength from 2,000 to 10,000 to fight Taliban militants trespassing on his 200 square miles of mountain-bound territory.
    His armed tribesmen help him by hunting down Taliban “overspill” from the neighbouring badlands of Waziristan.
    His movement is at the vanguard of several tribes on the Pakistani-Afghan border that have formed militias to keep the Taliban – and hence Western-backed military operations against them – out of their areas…

  17. ET previously tipped this superb video. If you haven’t watched it, you should. If you have, it’s worth watching again.
    (Via Contentions) Criticizing Obama, Iraq Vet Helps McCain…
    A young Iraq veteran’s unofficial video letter to Barack Obama criticizing the candidate for his Iraq policy now ranks fourth in the number of… videos watched in the past 30 days… The message of 23-year-old Joe Cook’s two minute address is simple: he repeatedly states that the invasion of Iraq was not a mistake, and to call it such dishonors the memories of those who’ve died…

  18. Case example of extreme media election bias:
    “Help Obama’s Half-Brother Move Out of His Hut”
    The biggest scandal of the election campaign is going unreported, for the most part, by the mainstream newspapers and TV shows. Imagine if John McCain or Sarah Palin had a half-brother who was living in a hut. Imagine if McCain, a multimillionaire, did nothing to help the guy. Imagine if McCain came to the convention and spoke incessantly about compassion and how he was inspired by the biblical mandate: we are our brothers’ keepers! This would be the lead story on the evening news.
    So why aren’t the networks covering the fact that Barack Obama’s half-brother George lives in a 6 by 10 foot hut in the slums of Kenya? It took a reporter for the Italian edition of Vanity Fair to locate George Obama. Obama noted that when he met his famous half-brother in 2006 “we spoke for just a few minutes. It was like meeting a complete stranger.” George Obama also told the magazine that “I live here on less than a dollar month,” and “if anyone says something about my surname, I say we are not related. I am ashamed.” Obama has done absolutely nothing to help his unfortunate half-brother.

  19. And now the all time sngle most insane idea from any city council anywhere in Canada!!
    “TOURISM: SPRUCING UP GEORGE STREET St. John’s considers ‘family-friendly’ makeover for rowdy bar strip”
    I wonder how, exactly, you turn a block and a half of 40 plus bars and pubs into a family friendly area? George St. as it stands NOW is a reason people go to St. John’s.
    From today’s Mop and Pale.

  20. McCain should start a charitable campaign to help the Obama’s half-brother and donate $10K to get it rolling.

  21. Joshua Muravchik, Obama’s Leftism
    Four years later, Obama is the Democratic nominee, and even his occasional shrill attacks on his opponent seem to have chipped away little of the cornerstone of his own candidacy: the promise to bring us, all of us, together. Can he do that? Is he well-suited to raise the curtain on a new post-partisan, post-ideological era?
    From his record in office, it would hardly seem so… Obama has compiled one of the most partisan of all voting records…
    This touches directly on the question of what, beyond the platitudes of unity, hope, and change, Obama himself believes in. His voting record is one indication. Another is his intellectual evolution…

  22. Naomi Wolf weighs in at Huffington Post (via David Thompson):
    “The Battle Plan II: Sarah “Evita” Palin, the Muse of the Coming Police State”
    Please understand what you are looking at when you look at Sarah “Evita” Palin. You are looking at the designated muse of the coming American police state.

  23. *”That means Liberal leader Stephane Dion has made good on his promise that at least one-third of his candidates would be women.”
    Update: MSM runs with this.
    Gagged or muzzled?
    Dionkyites say, Madame, you may be gung ho; you may be a woman; but, you do not speak for Liberals.
    “Dion’s wife put under gag order by party”
    ” “We got the stop light from Ottawa,” said Krieber’s assistant, Donna Lee Fowler, who had been organizing Krieber’s schedule and setting up interviews.
    “Madame was gung ho. … Feel free to ask headquarters why they’ve decided to cancel all this.”” (winsun)
    *”Over one-third of Liberal candidates are women
    The Liberals are running a record number of female candidates in the federal election, surpassing the NDP for the first time.” (NP)

  24. I was on the National(?) Newswatch and linked to three different stories. They were all Toronto Star stories. I guess fair and balanced isn’t in NN’s vocabulary.
    Neil come back, please.

  25. Leftard brainwashing starts in BC high-schools thanks to HRC settlement
    VANCOUVER — A new high school course designed to promote tolerance and diversity by introducing to students concepts such as homophobia, heterosexism and cultural imperialism will not be taught in at least one school district in British Columbia this year, thanks to worries that students exposed to the material may become bigots.
    Social Justice 12 was developed as part of a settlement reached two years ago between B.C.’s Attorney General and two gay activists who filed a human rights complaint against the province, alleging classroom discrimination against homosexuals.
    “This course is absolutely working,” says Carol Sirianni, who teachers Social Justice 12 at Riverside Secondary school in Port Coquitlam, a suburb of Vancouver.
    Homosexuality is discussed “every day” in her classroom, she says. “But it doesn’t monopolize the conversation. It is part of a larger discussion about diversity and anti-discrimination.”

  26. That’s good OttRob. Just opening the door for Christianity to get back in on the curriculum, based on diversity and anti-discrimination, of course.

  27. Charles MacDonald, thanks for the Iraq Vet video link, it’s very powerful and must be watched through to the end.

  28. With funding from CIDA.
    Carlos Fraenkel, Teaching Aristotle in Indonesia
    [P]hilosophy can play an important role in the world’s largest Muslim country… Present-day Indonesia, at least as it presents itself to me, is a gigantic intellectual and political laboratory, where Islam is not only trying to come to terms with democracy but also with the country’s long-standing commitments to religious pluralism, modernization, and the construction of a national identity. Coping peacefully with the tensions that this process generates will require a good deal of creative thinking. It is here that the tools of philosophy may prove useful…

  29. Ex-nuclear safety chief quits – Former nuclear regulatory chief Linda Keen says the Conservative government dismissed her by parking her in a job that was an “artificial creation” and has formally stepped down from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
    Note to BozoKeen: ALL jobs that the government manufactures are artificial creations. This lady has been getting government cheques for so long, she can rationalize as good as any mouth-breathing bureaucrat on the taxpayer dime.

  30. Citoyen Dionky say,
    “”Beyond that, we want to have fun in life. Under a Liberal government, Canada will have more movies, more novels, more theatres and more music.””
    “”Some will say, ‘Don’t do that, the economy will have difficulties.’ Well, if there is a return on investment that is very advantageous, it is when you invest in arts and culture,” Dion said.”
    ” Green Shift won’t hit B.C. hard, Dion promises

  31. Taliban Jack Layton (NDPot) asks, what can you say about a man who has nothing between him and the sky?
    “Skinny-dipping incident prompts another NDP resignation in B.C.
    The NDP has lost another federal election candidate in B.C. over allegations of past inappropriate behavior.” (nnw)

  32. The new Joe Who on the 1929 market crash,
    “When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed,” Biden told Couric. “He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.”
    And the left is worried about Sarah being one heart beat away? This guy is making Dan Quayle look like Jefferson.
    ht to Hotair.

  33. Last one in is a Liberal!
    Who went skinny dipping with Boob Rae?
    Will Boob now resign his candidddature?
    After all, What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    “Going skinny dipping with politician and Liberal leadership candidate Bob Rae.” (rickmercer’s CBC memorable moments).

  34. The Hills are alive with the Sound of Music:
    “Under a Liberal govt, Canada will have more movies, more novels, more theatres and more Music”
    Mazz where did you dig that one up way too funny did Dion actually say that.

  35. The sacred cow of the left, socialized medicare, once again proves its superiority
    Health officials say a man who died in the waiting area of a major Winnipeg hospital’s emergency department may have been dead “for some time” before medical staff was alerted — 34 hours after he arrived.
    It appears the man was never assessed by a triage nurse and was not registered as a patient seeking care, Wright said.
    Someone in the waiting room alerted the hospital staff that the man appeared dead, and that’s when the man was finally seen by medical personnel, he said.

  36. Dionky say,
    “”Nobody muzzles Janine Krieber; it’s one of the reasons why I love her, ” Dion told reporters. “She’s a great asset for the campaign so this story is not true.””
    “Dion: Nobody muzzles my wife” (sun)
    “I have terrible luck. Last week my chauffeur ran off without my wife.”
    (H/T H.Y.)

  37. “Indiana Homez I do believe you were just about the only to actually watch the emmy’s. At least from the numbers.”
    posted by AtlanticJim Sept 22,08 on another thread.
    I didn’t watch the Emmy’s, I was surfing during the commercials on SNF when I happened to see Colbert. The few minutes I did see reinforces in my mind how smart the readers of this site are for not watching that show.
    The Emmy’s are a metaphor for the N.American elitists. If you compare the Emmy’s to a “beer and popcorn” style awards show(MTV movie awards for example)you can see what I mean. When you watch the MTV awards you are entertained with music, jokes ect. Now, when watching the Emmy’s you are bored out of your skull; but, you are happy that you’ve been graced by the presence of our Elite class.
    I’ll take “beer and popcorn” any day over crap I’m being told doesn’t stink.

  38. Canadian MSM will report this soon: Muslims slaying Muslims in Greece.
    Behold, the natural end result of multiculturalism.
    This sophism, “Somalis and Sudanese nourish Greek racism’ tells the tale.
    Then, there is this: “The Greeks were left to curse the hearts and reasoning of Africans as the fighting gave them more grounds to build on their racism, prejudices and xenophobia.”
    “A dark day in Athens : Somalis and Sudanese nourish Greek racism
    It was a bloody afternoon as machetes, axes and cutlasses swung from every corner leaving pieces of flesh and puddles of blood on the streets of Omonia in Athens Greece. The Sudanese and Somalians shocked the greek community to their very bones as they killed each other with reckless crudity. It was a scene that could have easily beffited the 3rd Century when barbarism was at its peak.”

  39. “It may be part of a centurylong trend,”
    “It” is global cooling. Shhh … don’t tell anyone.
    “Sun’s wind and output on extended dimmer switch, scientists say
    WASHINGTON – The sun has dialled back its furnace to the lowest levels seen in the space age, new measurements from a space probe show.
    >>>>> But don’t worry – it’s too small a difference to change life on Earth, scientists say.”
    “And for the first time in about a century, the sun went for two months this summer without sunspots, said NASA solar physicist David Hathaway.”
    “It is “like turning down the heat on a stove,” said McComas, a scientist who used the Ulysses solar probe to document a significantly weaker solar wind.”
    “For the past 15 years or so, the sun’s overall output seems to be lower than normal, even when it was at the maximum for its cycle about eight years ago, McComas said. It may be part of a centurylong trend, said Boston University space physicist Nancy Crooker.
    >>>>> “Some people historically have connected sunspots to weather, such as the Old Farmer’s Almanac. But solar scientists say there is no evidence to make any connection between solar activity and weather or long-term climate change.”

  40. “Latest Cycle 24 Sunspot: here today, gone tomorrow
    23 09 2008
    I decided to make an animated GIF of the latest cycle 24 sunspot, dubbed number 1002, which was literally a “flash in the pan””
    “One thing that has been common so far with all cycle 24 sunspots this year is that they have been small and very short lived. This one lived just slightly more than a whole day, a mere blip in solar time, where some sunspots will survive for a whole solar rotation (27 days) or more.”
