Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, for your delectation and pursuant to our Monday night jazz show, here courtesy of listener Porter are The Clifford Brown Ensemble, featuring Clifford Brown, Stu Williamson, Zoot Sims, Bob Gordon, Russ Freeman, Joe Mondragon, and Shelly Manne peforming Dahoud, and Joy Spring from the album Ensemble featuring Zoot Sims (1954, 7:35).

  = +0.35
9.92 » 9.15
6.71 » 7.93
3.35 » 3.25

Update: Here’s a special bonus feature for tonight’s show, in honour of the anticipated launch, later today, of the 10,000,000th visit to Small Dead Animals.

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

57 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Gunney99-
    In defense of myself not being able to post from work, “West Coast Cool” is the West Coast variation of Be-Bop, as pioneered by Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie and the like. To summate a potentially long history, the end of the swing era left a plethora of excellent soloists looking for new music. Those who thrived in the big band sound rarely found work as the new smaller combos took over the stages, and the dance halls closed.
    If you would like to learn more, start your search using the Pacific Jazz record label and follow the names. You might not be surprised to find out that these same people ended up writing the theme music to all your favorite television shows.
    Lots of fun to chase down.
    I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
    PS: I’ll try to give more links to Vitruvius, if allowed. And a small correction, it’s “Dahoud”, not the typo on the clip “Daahoud”.

  2. Thanks for the reminder maz2, clean forgot about Boob Rae’s skinny dipping episode on Mercer. He was starkers so he’s gotta go. Liberals have a policy on nudity apparently, zero tolerance!

  3. The data is American, of course.
    (Via Contentions) Rob Stein, Study Finds Major Shift in Abortion Demographics
    The face of women who have abortions has shifted significantly in the past 30 years, with relatively fewer white childless teenagers and more mothers of color in their 20s and 30s opting to terminate their pregnancies, according to a report being released today…
    Although abortion rates have declined among all racial and ethnic groups, large disparities persist, with Hispanic and black women having the procedure at rates three to five times the rate of white women…

  4. Vitruvius-
    I have some other examples that you can throw on the back of the stove to stay warm.
    Gerry Mulligan’s pianoless quintet from Rome 1956 performing “Walkin’ Shoes” (I know this is the name of the cut, again):
    Same show, but one of the song’s he’s best known for, “Bernie’s Tune” :
    My latest favorite (they change all the time): Shorty Rogers-trumpet, former first chair for Woody Herman, and Stan Kenton, great arranger and composer, here in a BBC recording of ” Diablo’s Dance”:
    I’ll finish with one last example, the Lighthouse All-Stars: “One For Buck” :
    I hope I haven’t intruded, but this is fun stuff for me, and I had no idea that people, other than goofs like me, still liked this stuff.
    Thank you very much for this Vitruvius,and of course, our hostess, Kate. Congratulations again.

  5. There was a bit more to the Julian West story than just skinnydipping in front of minors. He also stripped down and asked the children if they wanted to participate in ‘body painting’… Layton originally said that he would not ask for his resignation. If Jack knew this and I imagine he did,he should be tarred and feathered along with the perv.Another story that cbc failed to follow up on.

  6. Again
    Antisemitism, welcomed and cheered.
    By Anne Bayefsky
    Tuesday, September 23, 2008 will go down in history as the day the United Nations General Assembly provided a platform for a head of state to spew unadulterated, vile antisemitism — and the assembled nations of the world clapped.
    The United Nations has become the largest global purveyor of antisemitism in the world today. In the full knowledge that the president of Iran denies the Holocaust and advocates the destruction of the U.N. member state of Israel, the U.N. invited him to mount the dais and gave him a megaphone.
