8 Replies to ““Dagenais waited until the federal election was over…””

  1. I’m with Ezra and Steyn, but these “blogrolls” have to go. Soon the list will be longer than the actual page content.

  2. i imagine lurking for the election was only part of the reason it took two months to get ezra’s words from point “a” to point “b”. they’re in no hurry, they’ve got a big budget.
    but, if i were in that person’s shoes i certainly wouldn’t look forward to the prospect of being accused of doing something silly. especially with knowledge of ezra’s well-known position on the subject of freedom of expression. she had to know he would exercise his rights.
    how long will it be before their budget is cut?

  3. Thank G*d for Ezera. The mere thought of being hauled before a HRC kangaroo court knowing that if, and that’s a big if, you win you are still financially ruined would likely have me going postal.
    Disclaimer: Referencing the HRCs to kangaroos is in no way a slight towards marsupials.

  4. Subtle ain’t he? ROFL!!!
    I really have to find out where the conference at King’s is and make my way over there on the 1st. I get the feeling that live Ezra will be better than lawyer edited Ezra!

  5. Ezra hasn’t revealed much about his time spent in the CPC War Room in Ottawa during the election. We can assume this was discussed.Let’s hope with a stronger mandate we see a ‘cleanup’ of the kangaroo court.

  6. I can only assume the lapse in judgement was because Harper got a minority government and suspect the CHRCs and their other talking head/Roos are trying to keep the ball in play hoping Harper will not move on them.

  7. I admit to having as guilty as others in ranting about these would-be-tyrants, but we are aiming at the wrong target. The real culprits are our politicians who created these monsters and who refuse to do anything even with these zealots running amok. The political parties in Parliament are all equally guilty. Unless people start taking to the streets and holding massive demonstrations, nothing will change.
    How is it that logging or land development to say nothing of “saving the whatever” can bring out bus load after bus load of activists and protesters while the loss of freedom is ignored by the population on a whole?
