32 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. Does this mean, Kate, that one day while you were out huntin’ small animals on your land, up came abubbublin’ crude? Texas tea? Well, now you’ll be able to keep your family fed and move to the hills, Beverly Hills, that is. Will those schnauzies will soon be wearing diamond-studded collars.
    Maybe you can spare a few bucks to help poor Borat pay off his leadership debts.

  2. Nothing keeps a home cozy warm in the Saskabush winter like locally produced heating products.

  3. The dufus really worrying about the falling price of oil is Danny “Big Mouth” Williams. He was full of himself at $140 oil and did his whole ABC thing figuring he was rich and could diss PMSH.
    Now with prices down 50% his offshore wealth has evaporated and he is going to have to go to Ottawa and beg for more handouts.
    Beg Danny, beg. It so becomes you.

  4. Oh to own Mineral Rights in S.E. Saskatchewan and not just surface rights.Beverly Hills for sure.
    Sweet light gravity oil to boot,little upgrading recquired with some water to separate,great for Brad Wall and Saskatchewan residents.
    Big Bad Oil,Big Bad Alberta and now Big Bad Sask.
    No Carbon Tax, Nice try Dion

  5. In many ways the prairies are far more interesting than mountainscapes.
    Back in the day, I used to build power lines south of Maple Creek and Medicine Hat district. You could see the curvature of the earth manifest itself in the picket formations of the poles running out to the horizon. This was an awesome visual effect of the flatland sweetgrass prairie. The sky is just so huge there. A sure antidote for claustrophobics.

  6. Down here in SE Saskatchean, Allan, the production delays are being caused by a shortage of diesel – such as they are. A recent traffic survey of HWY 13 showed 250 vehicles per hour between 7am and 9am. (Most of them trucks.)

  7. It dis not fair dat only the wess has all the henergy because of a fluke of nature.
    Or is it ?
    [Utica may fill Quebec’s needs
    Junex sees Rabaska supplying U.S. market
    KEVIN DOUGHERTY, The Gazette
    Published: Tuesday, April 08
    The discovery of approximately 4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in Quebec, enough to supply the province’s needs for 20 years, could make two proposed liquefied natural gas ports redundant for the Quebec market.]The Gazette

  8. windmills are being put up on wolfe island and if they are work as bad and are as ugly as they are in new brunswick hell we don’t need em.

  9. Aaother reason to marry me, Kate.
    My half-brother is a Macmillan; so we’re almost familly already.

  10. Just what is it you have against the Giants? And are their fans really worse than any other team’s?

  11. Kate
    It looks like a good producer judging from the tanks/control equipment. Is this a new play or an extension of an existing field? Sask Oil?

  12. I sure wish we had Rush Limbaugh broadcasts here in Canada. If we did you people would know it is not Al Gore IT is “Algore” as in halloween Scary. Good on ya for the well ! Pump lots.

  13. If you squint just a little bit, it looks like a scene straight out of GIANT (right Vit?).
    What’s next?
    A CBC series with the name ‘DELISLE’ splashed across the screen complete with panning in on the infamous ‘JR’ McMillan Ranch at Southfork Sask?
    Hey, that sounds a hell of lot better than Little Mosque.
    Milk it Kate!
