“What could be more American than an Undocumented First Family?”

I was away for much of the summer and, when I returned, the entire campaign felt like an absurd satire I wasn’t quite up to speed on. But truly, in a world in which the many illegal foreign contributions to the leading candidate’s unprecedented fundraising include his own deportation-ordered aunt, satire is dead.”

41 Replies to ““What could be more American than an Undocumented First Family?””

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7704052.stm
    Joking aside, this is an incredibly sad story. Obama is a US Senator who is unable or unwilling to take care of his own family. Yet his faithful auntie continues to send cheques to his campaign while Mr. Obama does nothing for her. And what exactly has he done for his constituents in Illinois by voting present over 200 times? Ayers, Rezko, Jeremiah Wright – this guy has consistently shown bad judgement.
    Why didn’t the Boston Globe break this story? Instead we have to read it in The Times of London, same thing with his brother George living on a dollar a day in Kenya. Obama could help him out immensely by just giving his brother – a dollar/day.
    Is this change that America wants to believe in?

  2. Well, it’s a preview of what Obama’s atttitude toward illegals that break our laws will be. He knew damn well his aunt was here and under what circumstances. So typical of the smarmily deceitful left. They ave no principles. Period. Any of them.

  3. A pathetic end to a great Country? Obama is the perfect double for Nero should he be elected. With the sleaze surrounding this guy would you trust him with your money or future? Boy o boy are you going to get change.
    Me, I still can’t see the American people electing this guy.

  4. sarge remembers bush1 havin his friends illegally riffle through clintons passport files right before he lost sarge thinks he knows the last gasp of a doomed campaign when sarge sees one

  5. Phantom remembers the Clintons having 200 FBI files in their possession, sarge.
    Phantom remembers the discovery that Obammessiah has a frickin’ brother living in serious poverty in the bad part of Kenya, Phantom pretty much decided Obama was a scumbag right there. Finding out Aunty Zeituni is not only living in poverty in the bad part of Chi-town, but is under a freakin’ deportation order to boot, that’s the mayo on the sh1t sandwich that is Obama.
    What kind of “social justice” community organizer type lets his aunts and brothers rot when he has the power and the money to fix them up?
    Back to boot camp for you, sarge. Maybe if you study hard they’ll let you have a brush to clean out the latrines.

  6. If there was an honest media in the USA Maobama would be toasted about 20 times already. As it is the terrorist-loving socialist is getting a free ride to the White House.
    Welcome to the third world!

  7. A statement given to the AP by Obama’s campaign said, “Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed.”
    Ever get the feeling that Obama does not know anything? For a well educated guy, he knows absolutely nothing about his close friends and family members. Seems to me the One is either the most arrogant POS to walk the earth or the most ignorant. Either way he has not done anything to warrant his run for the POTUS. And a cheap PR!!CK with his own money to boot, his Christian values are shining through.

  8. Forget “auntie”. Why has Baracorn not had to come up a US Birth Certificate to prove he is in fact eligible to run for President? There are lots of questions there but don’t count on the leftards in the MSM to ask them.

  9. The incredible malfeance,skullduggery,and outright deceit that is the Obama campaign is the proof that proves the corruptness and incompetence of the Bush regime. 🙂

  10. Obama’s aunt an illegal immigrant, report says
    From the comments:
    Obama’s redistribution of wealth Part 1
    Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign that read ‘Vote Obama, I need the money.’ Once in the restaurant my server had on a ‘Obama 08’ tie. When the bill came I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama redistribution of wealth concept. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip to the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed from my sight. I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I’ve decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy was grateful. At the end of my rather unscientific redistribution experiment I realized the homeless guy was grateful for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was pretty angry that I gave away the money he did earn. MORAL:Redistribution of wealth is easier to swallow in concept than in application?
    Posted By rambo at 3:18 PM Saturday, November 01 2008

  11. *
    you figure she’s gonna pay back the 4 years worth
    of “public housing” rent money she owes, since
    she went underground after being ordered

  12. At this point I’ve had enough of the Obamarama bullshit. Can’t stand hearing the name, Barak Obama, Barak Obama, Barak Obama, yada, yada with all media hype for what seems like eternity
    If they elect him, they’ll know what hit them in due course. All the Canadians who are his adoring fans may be in for a few surprises as well.

  13. Vote for Obama!!! Get ring side seats for the next American Revolution!I wonder how long the 0 takes time to figure out Canada is the 2nd largest Nation in the world, with a population less than California? What does any good Marxist do next?
    Thing is, he will not become President. McCain will. THis whole thing has become bad theater, with Obama as Hamlet.

  14. Trudeau years …DUMB, Chretien years….DUMBER,……Obama years…DUMBEST
    gosh darn those yankeedoodles beat us at our national pastime…electing Marxist socialist “leaders”!!!!!

  15. Trudeau years …DUMB, Chretien years….DUMBER,……Obama years…DUMBEST
    gosh darn those yankeedoodles beat us at our national pastime…electing Marxist socialist “leaders”!!!!!

  16. “If they elect him, they’ll know what hit them in due course.”
    Except Liz, the media hates Bush as much as they adore Obama. That’ll make it twice as easy for the Democrats to pass blame on the Bush years for at least one term.

  17. I’ve never heard such ignorance in my life. You guys are going to criticize Obama for not sending money to his brother George in Kenya? You are going to criticize him for not kicking his aunt out, and at the same time criticize him for not doing more to help her? Make up your freakin mind…. Have you ever even considered the fact that people outside of America may be proud to work for the money they earn and don’t want to be “taken care of” by a relative over 5000 miles away. You degrade his aunt by saying shes rotting in the slums, yet is she? I havnt heard anything about her living in extreme poverty or living a life of misery. She probably has a place to stay in because Obama pulled a couple strings. Could you blame him for giving his own blood a helping hand. This isn’t even a criminal act on her part, and will be dealt with outside the criminal court system. Obama is not the antichrist, so stop treating him like one. What problem do you have with giving the middle class a tax cut while restoring the tax policy set forth under reagan and clinton in which America was posting a national surplus. McCain in 2000 called the tax cuts for the rich that Bush wanted to and later did implement, unfair, and that he couldnt vote for them under good conscious. He proposed a bigger tax cut for the middle class while matintaining the same tax for the upper tier. That is exactly what Obama is doing, and that is the perfect example of the hypocrisy that has driven me from the right and to give the Democrats a chance.

  18. I’ve never heard such ignorance in my life. You guys are going to criticize Obama for not sending money to his brother George in Kenya? You are going to criticize him for not kicking his aunt out, and at the same time criticize him for not doing more to help her? Make up your freakin mind…. Have you ever even considered the fact that people outside of America may be proud to work for the money they earn and don’t want to be “taken care of” by a relative over 5000 miles away. You degrade his aunt by saying shes rotting in the slums, yet is she? I havnt heard anything about her living in extreme poverty or living a life of misery. She probably has a place to stay in because Obama pulled a couple strings. Could you blame him for giving his own blood a helping hand. This isn’t even a criminal act on her part, and will be dealt with outside the criminal court system. Obama is not the antichrist, so stop treating him like one. What problem do you have with giving the middle class a tax cut while restoring the tax policy set forth under reagan and clinton in which America was posting a national surplus. McCain in 2000 called the tax cuts for the rich that Bush wanted to and later did implement, unfair, and that he couldnt vote for them under good conscious. He proposed a bigger tax cut for the middle class while matintaining the same tax for the upper tier. That is exactly what Obama is doing, and that is the perfect example of the hypocrisy that has driven me from the right and to give the Democrats a chance.

  19. I’ve never heard such ignorance in my life. You guys are going to criticize Obama for not sending money to his brother George in Kenya? You are going to criticize him for not kicking his aunt out, and at the same time criticize him for not doing more to help her? Make up your freakin mind…. Have you ever even considered the fact that people outside of America may be proud to work for the money they earn and don’t want to be “taken care of” by a relative over 5000 miles away. You degrade his aunt by saying shes rotting in the slums, yet is she? I havnt heard anything about her living in extreme poverty or living a life of misery. She probably has a place to stay in because Obama pulled a couple strings. Could you blame him for giving his own blood a helping hand. This isn’t even a criminal act on her part, and will be dealt with outside the criminal court system. Obama is not the antichrist, so stop treating him like one. What problem do you have with giving the middle class a tax cut while restoring the tax policy set forth under reagan and clinton in which America was posting a national surplus. McCain in 2000 called the tax cuts for the rich that Bush wanted to and later did implement, unfair, and that he couldnt vote for them under good conscious. He proposed a bigger tax cut for the middle class while matintaining the same tax for the upper tier. That is exactly what Obama is doing, and that is the perfect example of the hypocrisy that has driven me from the right and to give the Democrats a chance.

  20. There are so many things wrong with this story.
    She was living in public housing as an illegal alien. She still wasn’t deported 4 years after a judge ordered her to leave.
    She illegally contributed to his campaign and he illegally accepted it.
    He used his influence to funnel govt money to Rezko, Ayers, and Wright but wouldn’t even help his own aunt gain assylum.
    He threw aunti under the train. He’s right that the law should apply but he did so only for political expediency.
    I hope all the latinos who support him realize he just said we should deport illegal aliens.

  21. A 3% increase in taxes on people making over 250,000 dollars a year isn’t socialism. A 39% tax on the top tier was what we had for decades until the Bush machine made some cuts for the Haliburton and big oil buddies. Also, did you realize that this was the first time in our history that we went to war without raising taxes to pay for it. Infact, we cut taxes to pay for it? How the hell does that make sense? Where the hell is this money come from? How the hell will our children be able to pay back all this debt to China that we are putting on their backs. All thanks to your conservative, King George Bush II!

  22. Black is white. Good is bad. Up is down.
    Obama is in every respect the opposite of an idealized candidate for president. For the unthinking, the still-salivating for a retry at Camelot, he’s their guy. Common sense has nothing to do with their choice. Like the saying goes, if they had sense they’d be Republicans.
    For the thoughtful American, Obama, and his supporters, and his press, and his henchmen, are a horror. People exactly like ‘Patriotic American’, who will say anything, do anything, believe anything. The kind of people who once you find out who they are, you never ever have anything to do with again.
    God bless Canada, though. Because when Obama’s US decides to copy your HRC laws or those that regulate PC-only behavior in Brussels or London, your own country will never get out of the hole it has so willingly crawled into. We’ll pull you down and you’ll drown for sure.
    I’m thinking Russia for the young. They’re starting to look like the US in the 30’s. And they may still be becoming freer and capitalistic than the west. Maybe their former satelites, as long as they don’t have decent ports or vacation spots that the Kremlin misses.

  23. Hey, PA, read the news, that tax raise will now apply to those making 150,000 not 250,000. But another day has passed and he seems to reduce it 50,000/day. The middleclass will get no tax break unless they are ones who will lose their jobs. No job, no income, no taxes.

  24. With all of Big “O”s talk of wealth redistribution does that mean that the other Big “O”….Opray……will be getting by on let’s say 20 grand and the rest of her wealth is spread out amongst the masses? Maybe she shoulda been making notes on her show that featured how to get 2 meals outa one chicken.
    And how about all the other stars in a lather over Obama? Will they move outa Beverly Hills into trailer parks and let the great unwashed sunbathe by their pools?
    Or is wealth redistribution not gonna apply to them?

  25. Wow, Western Canadian, Nero, you nailed it, but, then I got thinking about Caligula.
    Tuesday is going to be one hell of a day. Pray for this old republic of ours.
    My husband went to cast an early ballot here in Florida today because he’ll be out of town on Tuesday. The place was mobbed with Obama yobs, too dumb to vote unless they are cajoled and herded, with their handlers hovering in the area. It’s sickening.
    The creep will probably win. I’m being a realist here. The Messiah can’t deliver at which point the dumbed down among us will lose their new religion and fade away. But, that’s after some very agonizng realities set in.
    It’s all so stupid.

  26. Dear POWinCA all the latinos that support him are not all illegal aliens or we would not be able to vote him into office next week!!!

  27. From my vantage point in Alberta Penny , I still think the thinking and hard working Americans will show up and vote the right way, the heartland of America can see through this media invented empty suit. Mr Obama has a lot of serious baggage that only a moronic liberal or Oprah could overlook. I’m praying for you Penny and my cousins in Minnesota, that this phoney bastard is run out of Washington soon.

  28. Patriotic American is a troll. And like a typical Leftard Troll he voted twice illegally by hitting reply twice.
    Beware the Troll of the Dice.

  29. “Dear POWinCA all the latinos that support him are not all illegal aliens or we would not be able to vote him into office next week!!!
    Posted by: FormerRepublicaninCA at November 1, 2008 11:19 PM ”
    That’s right. That’s why they have ACORN,so you illegals can vote him in.Enjoy your “change”,sucker.

  30. Dear Patriotic American. You are a retard, sir. Your special needs mental status is common in the DemocRat party and is the main reason pond scum such as Bill Clinton and Obama run it. Let me count the ways.
    1. “You guys are going to criticize Obama for not sending money to his brother George in Kenya?” Yes, I am. What kind of man is an “anti-poverty activist”, is a US senator for the Democrat “friend of the little guy” Party, has considerable personal wealth, and has plenty of friends in the anti-poverty biz, but yet leaves his BROTHER rotting in a Kenyan slum? Answer, a FAKE FACED one. A lying one. A man with the moral back bone of a squid.
    2. “You are going to criticize him for not kicking his aunt out, and at the same time criticize him for not doing more to help her?” No, I am not criticizing Obama for not kicking his own flesh and blood out of the country. Only Hitler Youth do stuff like that. I’m saying that he didn’t give enough of a crap to lift the phone and fix her up, even though she’s in his frickin’ memoirs. Lying fake face again, squared this time.
    3. “Have you ever even considered the fact that people outside of America may be proud to work for the money they earn and don’t want to be “taken care of” by a relative over 5000 miles away.” Yes, I’m sure Obama’s brother is proud to live in a SLUM in a country where slum dweller = poor starving bastard living in something you wouldn’t keep chickens in. Or I would be, if I hadn’t read the interview the brother gave. He’s ain’t proud.
    4. “You degrade his aunt by saying shes rotting in the slums, yet is she? I havnt heard anything about her living in extreme poverty or living a life of misery.” While the South Side projects are a holiday resort compared to the slums of Kenya, they are also a world famous example of urban planning at its worst. She lives in one of the cruddiest, most dangerous, most rat infested crap holes in the USA. On welfare. That qualifies as rotting in my book.
    5. “She probably has a place to stay in because Obama pulled a couple strings. Could you blame him for giving his own blood a helping hand.” Since he’s already come out and said he has no idea where Aunty was living, you are assuming he lied about that. I think if that’s the best he could do for Aunty he’s a p1ss poor senator and not much of a nephew either. Bad liar too, since she’s been giving money to his campaign.
    Me, I take him at his word. He didn’t know or care a damn where she lived. Because he’s a fake faced lying dickweed.
    6. “Obama is not the antichrist, so stop treating him like one.” I am not the one running a campaign designed to build up a lying p.o.s. socialist ward heeler who won’t even look after his own family into the Second Coming(tm). I’m treating him as he deserves. He’s a marxist with no moral scruples, he needs to be defeated so bad he never crawls out from under his rock again.
    7. “What problem do you have with giving the middle class a tax cut while restoring the tax policy set forth under reagan and clinton in which America was posting a national surplus.” I like tax cuts. Tax cuts are good. Bigger is better.
    But if you think Obama’s going to cut your taxes, you’re a friggin’ mega retard. He’s a tax and spend liberal. He takes from the rich and buys votes from the poor. The term “rich” is variable. Obama will be moving the richness bar down from $250K+ to $80k+ right after the election. If you’ve got two dimes to rub together, Obama’s taking both of them. Just what the country needs in the middle of a banking crisis.
    BTW, since when is the income of “rich” people something government should be able to steal and give away? Just wondering when that became ok, you know?

  31. bartinsky, here’s hoping, but, “hard working” Americans have been replaced over the decades with slackers, slobs at the public trough, and poorly educated people without critical thinking skills thanks to our failing schools and the lefty swill broadcast by the MSM. It’s the same disease that infects too many in Canada and the EU.

  32. An illegal Aunt. Of course people should obey the law, but come on, is he supposed to disown her? Do YOU support any of YOUR deadbeat relatives in these times? As for Aunti, she did her widow’s mite, and the campaign never bothered to check. Now someone in the GOP found out, and the ranting. I looked over the pages of photos for the Obama campaign, showing geeks and guillotines trashing the Bush and McCain campaigns. Infantile. Seems to me I read how Abraham Lincoln was ridiculed as a monkey for being tall and lanky. So what. The conservative Chicago school of Economics has gutted this country’s economy. While Ayers was once a radical leftie, out of compassion. Jeramiah Wright is making a living out of play acting as an “Angry Black Preacher” selling recycled desegregation rhetoric to the black middle class, now enjoying the good life and feeling guilty about it, just as liberal whites like Bill Ayers did. Maybe we need to understand that each side has plenty to gripe about, accept that there may be some common goals, and just different routes to get there.

  33. Why would Obamba worry about paying out of pocket to help an Aunt or African relative?
    His intent will be to become president and have the American people pay for his illegal Aunt. Then he will have the American people pay off the Kenyan government with some sort of “needy aid” and have them slip a bit to his other relatives Chicago style.
    Get rich or die trying!…………………………How many people actually believe Mr. Obamkin $250K+ per year will pay a dime over the minimum reported annual presidential salary. His money has been moving offshore for years, and that would include the millions scraped off his undisclosed nearing 1 billion campaign contributions………………..Just like a Pakistani army general………….(Google Pakistani Billionaires) to see who Obamba intends to hang with.

  34. My doctor always whines about how many years he spent in University and residency racking up student loans and other associated costs. Now he makes over 250K per year the prick!
    I on the other hand dropped out of high school but was able to work on and off alternating between unemployment, welfare, under the table work and occasionally some menial labor positions.
    Well I’m sick of it because although I do have a roof over my head and food in the refrigerator I want one of those new big plasma TV’s I see everyone else getting, and I’m sick and tired of seeing that A-hole doctor of mine rolling up to the clinic in his new Mercedes.
    That’s why my vote will be for Obamba, cuz he promised me that I’m gonna get a piece of that crackers action………Speaden the wealth and sharin the love, that’s what it’s about yall.
    Obamba said “We need to tax the rich and give to the working people……” that’s me a working people………. I’m workin it every day.
