Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, for your delectation and pursuant to our Saturday night contemporary music show, here are Henry Mancini and the Terry Gibbs Band, featuring Plas Johnson, Gus Bivona, and Frank Capp, performing Mr. Mancini’s Pink Panther Theme (3:07). Sweet.

How much would you pay for that? But wait, there’s more! For special bonus points, here is The Pink Panther himself performing Pink on the Cob (6:19), which I think you may find relevant to the general political tenor here at Small Dead Animals.

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome in the comments.

20 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Delusion at its finest. This is the epitome of naivety, mixed with class thinking. Only a rich Champaign guzzling socialite could believe this tripe. Its not only that she insults anyone who thinks to vote Republican as hillbillies or bible thumpers with the mutability of a snake. You can smell the distain emanating from her like a skunk.
    If this is the best they can rationalize a Socialist, media coddled “social organizer” (what used to be called subversives”) than If America votes for this empty suite. I can only see disaster coming. I notice she throws in the usual slurs about the US again with the sense of her own superiority as a Canadian with the typical anti-American airs.
    Obama win would open eyes
    Diane Francis, Financial Post
    The United States is the richest and most dynamic country in the world and will remain so after the current economic and financial crises are fixed globally. But inside the United States is a Third World country, of up to 70 or 80 million people, who are disenfranchised in terms of education and economics.
    These are people who live in unsafe neighbourhoods in sub-standard housing, are one paycheque, or ailment, away from bankruptcy and have no choice but to send their kids to poorly funded public schools that would not meet minimal accreditation standards in Canada or Europe.
    More at:

  2. Thank you Mr.V. This tune sent me to limewire,got there and found out that at some long ago forgotten time,I had already downloaded it.Oh well,cheers,I smiled again.

  3. Ijust happened to read Ms. Francis by accident and I was completely taken aback. Has she been drinking that Obama Kool Aid? Has an alien taken over her body.
    What kind of advocate for free enterprise can possibly go for Barack Obama?

  4. (Via SWJ) Candace Rondeaux, Canadian Troops in Afghanistan Measure Success Inch by Inch
    The soldiers’ target, a Taliban bomb-supply compound, was only a little more than two miles away. But it took the contingent of 200-plus troops about three hours to march from the cemetery to the insurgent stronghold. That is the way the war is being fought in southern Afghanistan: inch by inch.
    The pace is frustratingly slow for many of the 2,500 Canadian troops fighting to break the Taliban’s hold on Kandahar. The insurgents move swiftly under cover through much of the province. But for the Canadians, every tactical wiggle in Kandahar involves days of planning and dozens — sometimes hundreds — of soldiers…

  5. (Via SWJ) Candace Rondeaux, Canadian Troops in Afghanistan Measure Success Inch by Inch
    The soldiers’ target, a Taliban bomb-supply compound, was only a little more than two miles away. But it took the contingent of 200-plus troops about three hours to march from the cemetery to the insurgent stronghold. That is the way the war is being fought in southern Afghanistan: inch by inch.
    The pace is frustratingly slow for many of the 2,500 Canadian troops fighting to break the Taliban’s hold on Kandahar. The insurgents move swiftly under cover through much of the province. But for the Canadians, every tactical wiggle in Kandahar involves days of planning and dozens — sometimes hundreds — of soldiers…

  6. (PDF warning) Lt. Col. (ret.) Timothy L. Thomas, China’s Electronic Long-Range Reconnaissance
    Since 2005, Chinese cyber attacks against U.S. systems have increased at an alarming rate. However, the term “attack” carries unwanted connotations; these unwarranted incursions are more likely reconnaissance missions to collect intelligence on U.S. military systems, to spot vulnerabilites or plant trap-doors or viruses in our systems, and to ensure that the China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has an immediate advantage in the event of war involving America and China…

  7. ‘Got my poppy on. ‘Am off to Ottawa next week to remember our war dead … the cost of my freedom …
    … and my father and grandfathers, all of whom were vets and are no longer with us.
    May they rest in peace.

  8. Expanded Tory cabinet to cost $3.9-million in salaries
    The Canadian Press
    November 2, 2008 at 1:55 PM EST
    “The total cost of staffing ministerial offices — roughly $24.2-million in salaries — has increased 19 per cent with last week’s shuffle, and has jumped 42 per cent since the Tories presented their first cabinet in 2006.
    The Conservatives had 26 ministers in their initial 2006 cabinet, expanded that to 31 ministers over their first term in office, and now have 37 ministers following the latest shuffle….But the government makes the opposite case: that the addition of new ministers will save money in the long run.
    At a time when governments need to clamp down on spending, Harper spokesman Kory Teneycke said the extra ministers will provide additional political oversight of departmental budgets.”
    How Liberal does that sound? Hey – we’re going to increase the size and cost of government to save you money!
    Great thinking from the faux-Cons: an NDP economic policy move.
    They’re frauds.

  9. Hardboiled…I have never resented the salaries of MP’s and cabinet ministers per se.
    I just expect them to earn it. They have time now to do that.I’m looking forward to some good CPC butt kicking government activities, starting with beaurocratic housecleaning, and moving right along to firing the CBC so-called news teams, and booting the HRC’s.
    And if that doesn’t happen over the next 12 months please come here and say they are frauds, and you can even rub it in, and say ‘I told you so’.

  10. All dat bucks to da “frauds”.
    “Conservative Party
    Third Quarter: $6,367,676.44 from 47,315 contributors
    Second Quarter: $3,525,352.31 from 33,833 contributors
    First Quarter: $4,954,550.22 from 44,345 contributors
    Fiscal 2007: $16,990,765.90 from 159,122 contributors”
    “[Cash-strapped Liberals fall behind NDP in fundraising]” (g-m)

    Steyn on America
    Sunday, 02 November 2008
    from National Review
    It’s a bit late in the day to say what I’m looking for in a candidate. So let me say what I’m looking for in a voter. It was nicely summed up by Marc Ambinder in The Atlantic Monthly, contrasting McCain and Obama back at the end of primary season as they clinched their respective nominations:
    The enormous crowd in the Xcel center seems ready to lift Obama on its shoulders; the much smaller audience for McCain’s speech interrupted his remarks with stilted cheers.
    And God bless ‘em: Three stilted cheers for the stilted cheerers. There, surely, is the republican ideal: a land whose citizenry declines to offer anything more generous than stilted cheers for whichever of their fellows presumes to lead them. Alas, we stingy stilted cheerers are a dying breed, and, if present polls are any indication, on November 4th Americans will be looking for a leader they can exalt with more full-throated hosannas. Two and a third centuries after the Declaration of Independence, the monarchical strain in American politics is stronger than ever: Not for us a citizen-executive promising a chicken in every pot; we seek a benign sovereign promising hope in every pot – presumably a specialty item hand-crafted by some Vermonty artisan type.,com_frontpage/Itemid,33/
