28 Replies to “The Black”

  1. Well, it wasn’t meant to be a metaphor. Just a well done montage of clips from one of my favourite movies.

  2. I tell you Its a good thing you did not post this on liblogs, otherwise you would of been called a racist, they would of frothed at the mouth, no one over there is “allowed” to critisize in anyway, the messiah, if anyone does, I have noticed they attack them viciously.

  3. There is something about a young person and the beauty and grace of a wonderful horse that is truly astounding. I don’t think McCain needs it, he knows how to fight to the end. It is a great metaphor though.

  4. You can actually see the movie in a series of clips on Youtube, if you type in “black stallion”. They’re posted in 10 minute segments.

  5. How this relates to the presidential campaign or to John McCain is beyond me, but as the horse ran along the track at the end, possibly in catch-up mode, I did find myself shouting (mentally) “Go, go, go!”. There’s something touching about raw displays of animal power, especially when they are performed in the service of no visible goal other than pure joy. My own response is tinged with religious overtones. To the atheists out there (and I mean this in a respectful way), try making a horse sometime. Hell, try your hand at a duck, or even an amoeba.

  6. One further thought. I do think the charm of this video and others like it is the cooperation between animal and human. A dog and a human, particularly a young human, could have a similar effect. We long for connection with something bigger than ourselves, and animals provide one such link.

  7. Bought our youngest daughter a 7 year old paint mare on Friday for her B-day. It’s our 2nd, the other is a 1/4 horse mare 5 year old.
    Being from the far east coast we knew SFA about horses, even though my grandfather was a farmer. They are absolutely the most amazing creatures. Dropping off the paint with the herd on Friday was incredible, just the way the herd welcomes another horse and the heirarchy that gets established from the get go.
    My favourite horse movie is Sea Biscuit. “When a little guy doesn’t know he’s a little guy, he can do amazing things.” Priceless.

  8. This is going to get me in trouble, but I seem to recall that one shot in the movie, of the horse swimming in deep water, with the camera below so that the horse was silhouetted against the blue surface of the water, it was shown clearly…
    the horse….
    was not……
    a stallion…..
    There has to be a message there…

  9. I have only been on a horse twice.One horse I was on decided to go into the bush to have a meal,I can’t tell you how many times I was bitten and stung,wearing only some shorts and a t-shirt.I remember wondering if I should try and jump off,but was afraid of the height.To see this young boy riding bareback on this amazing animal is truly inspiring.I think I’ll jog down to Blockbuster to return the movies I rented,it is raining outside though….

  10. The owners of Cass Ole, the Arabian stallion who played “The Black” in the majority of the movie, wouldn’t permit him to be used for the swimming or racing scenes.

  11. we gots a MARE on the pharm that eats stallions:-)))))
    she’s big, real BIG,(almost 18 hands and still growing), and dominant, but a real sweety around ppl
    just got to luv these big powerfull beasts

  12. RSP: “My own response is tinged with religious overtones.”
    Mine too. My first thought was how can anyone not believe in God when seeing the beauty of these creations: child and horse riding free against the backdrop of nature’s magnificence?
    None of them “just” happened …

  13. Re: “Was that a young John Mcaine owning the stallion?” by Wuberman.
    I would suggest you try Ridlin.

  14. We have to give credit is due, many times it should go to the not so lowly animal, wonderful creatures.
    The Black Stallion was favourite in our household.
    These magnificent creatures give us loyalty,grace and humility, not often apparent in the human species.

  15. Whatever the “racial” undertones, the metaphorical underpinnings or the political aimed satire …
    Watching a horse run along a beach like that is only topped by being on the back of one, feeling the wave spray in your face, feeling the power under you and in the best of circumstances, knowing the horse so well that you know they’re having as much of a blast as you are.
    Memories ….
