14 Replies to “Everything He Knows About Being President”

  1. I find it interesting. Not surprising, but what’s the right word – revealing?
    Elections have always been a bit of a popularity contest – cf Stanfield and the football – but this is the first true “American Idol President”

  2. I don’t know cloister.
    How does it feel to be in day 1001 of a Conservative government?

  3. Cloister: Abe Lincoln liked to say that the hen was the wisest bird in creation since she didn’t cackle until AFTER the egg had been laid.

  4. For those interested in what might be going on south of the border just Google this. Cloward-Piven Strategy.Some familiar names show up but maybe you folks know all this stuff already.

  5. Atlantic Jim,
    That’s Day 1,001 of a *minority* Conservative government elected by only 36-38% of Canadians, so I guess it only feels half-horrible.
    Free Thinker,
    I’ll bet you a golden egg the triple-sweep’s a done deal.

  6. I can see it now: “The Hussein Hegemony.” As Paul Erdman said of one of his own books, “It’s the sort of book people buy at the airport… and leave on the plane.”
    Plot: Successful political candidate is kidnapped and murdered by his own party on 5 November. They replace him with a clone/ changeling who turns out to be the Hidden Imam…
    Scenario 2: “The Blood of Hussein” — no longer a rather inspired Pakistani movie about collaborating with Gen. Zia. Instead, B. Hussein Obama becomes the target of every major Western intelligence agency and a variety of Islamist headcases, while only the incompetents at the CIA and State Department try to protect him. Can he survive?
    Relax, Hussein, it’s just fiction because you won’t win.

  7. “Hey, how does it feel to watch the U.S. senate, house and presidency all going Democratic?”
    After they’ve run the US economy into the ground, we can HOPE it will be the last time ever.

  8. Hey homies, how y’all doin?
    Just think, in three months, Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan could be on the NSC, and Hugo Chavez could be visiting in the Lincoln bedroom, while Barack chats to Vlad and Dimitry about who gets the Ukraine.
    Good times !!!
    I wanna get up in your face, bitches.
    Let freedom ring (off the hook).

  9. Prediction bets: (no money just kudos points)
    #1. Obama wins –celebration riots in the streets approximately 10 million damage and a few celebratory murders.
    #2. McCain wins – F*cking anarchy in the streets touching a Trillion dollars and the collapse of a nation.

  10. Barack’s standard speech — “I bring change. You want change. You don’t want Bush. I ain’t Bush. don’t cheer, vote. I won’t be Bush. I’ll bring change.”
    Hey, got change for a ten?
