88 Replies to “Not Nearly As Ugly As It Will Get If McCain Wins”

  1. Kate – if clicking on *that* is supposed to take us to a link of some sort – it isn’t working.

  2. I still think the FCC-mandated switch to digital broadcasting in February will be the biggest factor in the rioting and looting and the election result merely a pretext. Gots to be able to watch the Lakers, sho nuf.

  3. Well, I’ll make a prediction. The polls are skewed, as usual, and Americans are going to pick the only choice we have, Palin, and oh yeah, that old guy she hangs around with….

  4. Kate,
    I, too, fear that there will be rioting in the US tomorrow, regardless of who wins the election. But, if Barrack loses – and if the primaries are any indication, he will lose – the rioting will never end. History has taught that there is nothing more violent than an angry socialist.

  5. I 100% agree, I fear for America no matter who wins. If Obama, for the socialism that will be delivered to them wrapped in hope and change. If McCain, for the race-based violence that will erupt.

  6. Doubts about Obama, I have many. But if the polls are correct he will win. I agree with the sentiment in the article, “this too shall pass”.
    Obama will either be successful or not. There is a huge swing contingent that are voting for him that would drop him, as they would any leader, if there are bad times over some time.
    The question is more for 4 years from now. Will there be trouble in 2012 if he loses and he has not done a good job. That’s going to be the real test….but to that end, whoever wins tomorrow, lets hope, for all our sake, that they do a better than average job, or at least an average job as President. A below avaerage President is the last thing anyone needs right now.

  7. And the one thing Trudeau said that made sense was reference to us, Canada, in bed with a sleeping elephant.(Exact quote anyone?)
    She’s about to roll over and fart…get ready!

  8. Relax folks.
    This contest is not as important as the media would lead you to believe.
    Most Americans, like most people everywhere, are more interested in a full stomach and exhausted genitals than they are in the leadership of government.
    It’ll take more than a smooth-talking hustler to stamp out Freedom in America.

  9. It’s the “most important election in history”, and I’ve been hearing that since Ike was running.
    Obama by a nose, no payout for “place’ or “show”.

  10. Not only that – but if McCain wins – Oprah’s 2 day “Election Extravaganza” will be one sorry program with the weeping and blaming.
    I hope for it, just so I can see how the “extravaganza” is handled when Oprah doesn’t get what she wants.

  11. I predict that America will come to its senses and elect McCain/Palin. Whatever results from that choice will be better than the disaster that Obama/Biden will deliver.

  12. Can’t you just imagine the finger pointing from the left if Obama loses. It would equal that of a compass on a merry-go-round with their in-house press core, CNN, leading the charge.
    I still can’t see American the great stooping to the depths of a socialist wind bag as their President. Black, white or purple, a disaster in the making for future generations.

  13. If McCain loses, America loses. As will the world.
    I see no good coming out of an Obama victory.
    If there’s riots after a McCain win, then it will prove that the Left is racist and violent.

  14. “If there’s riots after a McCain win, then it will prove that the Left is racist and violent.”
    The sad thing Canadian sentinel is the left using these threats as a voting strategy, and they have,
    Vote for us or we’ll get violent!
    Thats a double plus good reason to vote against them.

  15. I agree with Trent. Riots will occur no matter whether Omaba wins or loses. If indeed he loses, the rift between the races will be wider than ever since the ’60’s. In any event, there’s going to be a few less housing projects standing and a few less TV’s in shop windows come Wednesday morning. Few less people on the planet, too.

  16. America lived through the four years of Jimmy the peanut farmer and eight years of Slick Willie. The tab for Jimmy came to some serious coin, it took Ronald Regan to pull them out of that slump and finally win the Cold War that Carter was busy losing.
    Right now we (America catches the cold, Canada gets pneumonia) are paying Slick Willie’s tab for all that affirmative action vote buying in the 1990’s, and unfortunately the mega leverage scam from the Bush administration too. (WTF were they thinking?!!!) A lot of people getting hurt bad. America will live through it though, its only money.
    I’m thinking the Obama tab is going to rival Jimmy Carter, easy. He’s going to be an expensive mistake for the USA, particularly if he gets to appoint a bunch of yes-men to the Supreme Court like Kate mentioned.
    McCain probably won’t do anything spectacularly idiotic. That’d be my bet, were I an American. Sucks to have that as a choice, but that’s what you get for not kicking the Republican Party in the bag every week for the last 20 years. The price of freedom is a lot of kicking. (CPC voters take note, -now- is the time to be pestering your MPs and party factotums. Lean on ’em hard, kids.)
    Tomorrow we find out how many people bought the hype. Keep your powder dry, my friends.

  17. Another way to look at the Left’s threatening violence in the event that Obama doesn’t win is…
    They’re saying, effectively, that the only way to keep the peace in America is to elect the guy they like. Failure to elect him, they say, will lead to something approaching what might resemble civil war (what’s most commonly called “riots”).

  18. Certainly Obama is a ‘socialist windbag’. He is also personally a narcissist, and both a pawn and user of the Democratic Party and its corruption.
    But I don’t see the American people as socialists; their constitution is based on the rights and responsibilities of the individual.
    I wonder if there’s another factor at play for the broad mass appeal of Obama, and the public’s willing indifference to his leftist socialism and his emptiness.
    I wonder if Americans are fed up with being their post WWII role as Saviour of the World, required to step in with money and assistance, both in manpower and military, in problems all over the world. And vilified for its actions.
    The UN, which was set up for this role has instead degenerated into a corrupt self-serving massive set of fat bureaucrats.
    I wonder if, for the average American, this focus on Obama is not about his socialism which they seem to ignore because for most of them, socialism has no reality…but is instead, a focus on protectionism. On a withdrawal of the US from the world and a feeling that others in the world ought to take on this role.

  19. I agree. Rioting no matter who wins.
    If McCain wins the Oba-maniacs will go nuts. If Obama wins his supporters will celebrate in the same way fanatics do when the home team wins the cup.

  20. Go McCain/Palin!
    The Dems MAY have divided and conquered, for now. The heavy investments in blood and treasure towards a more Democratic ME will be gambled, could be lost. Black against white, men against women, rich against poor, life for convicted killers over life for helpless babies, previous agreements and investments undermined or abandoned. It is ugly. And the Chicago Exchange will push government mandated carbon credits as “investments”. Must remember, Chicago is where pigs go to be slaughtered. Also, I don’t think Obama was properly vetted by the Dems, but once elected, he will be and the Clinton Whitewater Investigation could look like a stroll in the park.
    John McCain and Sarah Palin might lose but they are not going to die, so please, no eulogys, and a minority in Congress does not mean no power. With less to lose, minoritys can be effective. The Dems will have to enact legislation and the Congress critters have phones and emails and constituients who know how to use them. So pass the beer and popcorn. Win or lose, McCain and Palin and other Republicans must go back to work. Big infrastruture jobs will be ongoing. Alaska, Canada and The Lower 48 need that pipeline. Gov. Palin will still get important work done there.

  21. Obama is clearly the front-runner but I think that he will lose. His support base relies heavily on unreliable voters. Since the polls are showing such an Obama landslide these voter, such as young people and other first time voters, may not go through with the hassle of voting. Republicans, OTOH, will go to the polls even if they have little hope of winning because they see voting as a civic duty (similar to voting trends among CPC and NDP). Given that the margins in the battleground states are much closer than they appear, this may turn into a surprise McCain victory.
    Regardless, there will be riots. The US is entering an era where the divide between left and right are opening up into a wide chasm. I predict that these divisions will result in fly-over country alienation similar to western Canadian alienation. The similarities between Trudeau and Obama are eerie. From energy to redistribution to constitutional leanings. Obama is also being supported and protected by the same class of people.

  22. It’s not the racial factor about this election which concerns me, it’s the “agenda” of the political left…
    If the polls are correct and Obama wins the Presidency then get ready for the New World Order….
    America’s economy will be destroyed, the “fairness doctrine” will censor all media, the troops will be withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan in disgrace, and the US government will triple in size…
    this is the most important election in our history and if Obama wins then America’s enemies are going to take over…

  23. Hey the Coaster’s did a tune like that back in the golden fifties:
    Riot in Cell Block #9
    July the second, it was nineteen sixty-three
    I was servin’ time for armed robbery
    Four o’clock in the mornin’, I was layin’ back in my cell
    I heard the whistle blow then I heard somebody yell
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    Down in cell block number 9
    The riot started down in cell block number 4
    Spread like wild fire across the prison floor
    Scar-face Jones said, “It’s too late to quit”
    Pass the dynamite ’cause the fuse is lit
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    Down in cell block number 9
    Y’all gotta stop that stuff goin’ on over there
    If ya don’t stop that riot, y’all gonna get the chair
    I said, “Hey now boys, get ready to run
    Here come the warden with a tommy gun”
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    Down in cell block number 9
    In the forty-seventh hour the tear gas
    It got our men
    We are all back in our cells
    But every now and then
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    There’s a riot goin’ on
    Down in cell block number 9
    Republican John McCain boldly declared “Mac is Back” as he predicted victory in his election race with Democrat Barack Obama at a rally in the battleground state of Pennsylvania.
    The fired-up 72-year-old Arizona senator, who is trailing Senator Obama in polls, renewed his attacks on his opponent’s patriotism and tax plans in a rally before several hundred supporters crammed into a school gymnasium.
    “I’ve been in a lot of campaigns, I know when momentum is there. We’re going to win Pennsylvania, we’re going to win this election,” Senator McCain said.
    “I sense it, I feel it, I know it.
    “I say again my friends, we’re going to win here. We’ve got two days, knock on doors, with your help we can win. We need you to volunteer, we need a new direction and we have to fight for it.
    “My friends – the Mac is Back.”
    Get ready for another “Beer and Acorn” or is that “Beer and Popcorn” moment.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment GroĂźherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

  24. if BO wins it will be the most entertaining 4 years of political history ever.
    He will have to disappoint groups to play one promise off against the other . . . and since he has made sooooooooooooo many promises the potential for disappointment is soooooooooooooooo great.
    Just wait – by month 12, the Koz Kiddies will turn on BO as he shuffles his policies to accommodate the $$$$ democrats.

  25. I think McCain/Palin will pull this thing out and I also think (like concrete’s comment) that life will go on. One thing that also might be good with a McCain/Palin win could be the final nail in the coffin for all these media hypsters and pollsters – because it will be realized that they cannot influence the American people.

  26. Re: “Rioting if Obama loses.” You didn’t do a whole lot of thinking and/or research before you posted that, Kate. Twenty Fours hours before the election, don’t you believe we should just wait and see what happens. I believe McCain will suffer the biggest loss in recent USA history. And really, after a revolution and a civil war, a good riot is now long overdue. If you really hate blacks that bad, there are great anger therapists in S’toon. They’ll get a cushion, pin a photo of Obama (Matin Luther King, Sammy Davis Junior etc. etc.,) on the surface, and you can go at them with a foam bat. No one gets hurt, Kate gets rid of her anger, and everyone good home happy. My buddy was court ordered to do that, simply because he hated his “Ex.” In the end, he discovered that all along, he really loved her. They just weren’t “compatible.” (Or should I say, com-bat-able.)

  27. Don’t worry folks, if Obama loses he will simply tell his supporters to calmly accept the choice that America has made in its wisdon, and to peacefully celebrate the great strides that were made during this historic campaign, and to begin preparing for 2012.
    I mean how hard could it possibly be to reign in your supporters behavior, compared to saving the plantet?

  28. Speaking of “The View”, the great Dennis Miller was on O’Reilly the other day. He said: “Who knew that Rosie O’Donnell was the smart one?”

  29. If Obama does somehow lose (I’m pretty sure he’s going to win) there WILL be riots in the streets. That’s a fact. There will be some very upset Obama supporters.
    Obama will win. It won’t be a huge landslide like Raegan had. It will be somewhere between the size of the Clinton and Bush victories.

  30. I’m not that optimistic that McCain can pull this off. He hasn’t been very effective in my opinion in conveying the only messge that matters, a strong economic message, forget Iraq and national security, the American public is focused on the economy. The empty promises uttered and forever shifting from Obama’s mouth have no money in reality to ever be implemented, sadly, too many sheeple here are too economically challeneged to get that. Obama isn’t going to protect their little personal turf. They will understand that when it is too late. The middle class will shoulder this folly and it won’t be pretty.
    Four years of Obama and Nancy Pelosi and we will be a diminished country by every metric. I guess the lessons of history are too easily forgotten and must be repeated every few generations.
    Jimmy Carter was aberration, misguided and spineless, he cost us dearly over the decades. He empowered every third rate thug to have a go at the US like the Iranian hostage takers with impunity. I can’t even image with drooling salivation the joy that people that wish us harm will be feeling with an Obama win tomorrow.
    I’ve already mentally moved on to the 2012 election. The media can’t hold Obama up for four years of utter policy failures on every front.

  31. We obliviously gravitate to our own, as I do not know well one Democrat, all my frinds/aquaintances are Republican. I agree with you ET but socialism is like cancer, it starts and grows with one being unaware. Overall yes, I feel the same.
    Should McCain win, and I do believe he will, I agree with others that all the sign waving tantrum throwing children will be shrieking to and with the press. As well that segment of the population that spins it’s wheels year after year in self pity will probably be out demonstrating their god given right to burn and loot to show their displeasure in the democratic process.

  32. Posted by: peter o’keefe at November 3, 2008 9:40 AM
    “Most Americans, like most people everywhere, are more interested in a full stomach and exhausted genitals than they are in the leadership of government.”
    That sounds a lot like ‘clinging to our guns and our Bibles’ speak. Don’t sell us short in fly-over country. We know a snake-oil salesman when we hear one.
    Posted by: Canadian Sentinel at November 3, 2008 10:34 AM
    “If there’s riots after a McCain win, then it will prove that the Left is racist and violent.”
    The Left has ALREADY proven that they are racist, with a bent toward violence if they don’t get their way. Obama only made riots a given because he is the one who made this election about race.

  33. *
    well… if any place in america is gonna be burned
    to the ground… it’ll start with chicago.
    sleep well, saint barry.

  34. “Re: “Rioting if Obama loses.” You didn’t do a whole lot of thinking and/or research before you posted that, Kate”
    Skipping out on remedial reading class again, eh Sucks?

  35. Posted by: Reality Sucks at November 3, 2008 11:42 AM
    “And really, after a revolution and a civil war, a good riot is now long overdue. If you really hate blacks that bad, there are great anger therapists in S’toon.”
    Damn, your “Reality” does really “Suck”. Glad I’m not you.
    Kate is doing nothing more than posting the exact thoughts that a good portion of us in the MidWest, with middle-America values, have been thinking for quite a while. It’s nothing at all to do with hating blacks. It’s everything to do with a black making the election all about him being black. See if your “reality” can get you past that one.

  36. To “Yoop” and “Kate.” I stand corrected. E-mail me tomorrow night after the USA polls close!!

  37. PS: Re: Kate is doing nothing more than posting the exact thoughts that a good portion of us in the Midwest, with middle-America values, have been thinking for quite while…..”
    Yes, and I’ve done nothing more than post the thoughts and feelings of those poor people of lower class America who cannot speak and think for themselves, because the so called “middle class” have not yet devised a viable education system.”

  38. Aside from the fact that you flatter Obama by calling him a socialist (has anyone ever been a bigger shill for capitalism than Obama?), I get the sense that you good folk around here are using the term “socialism” pejoratively. 🙂
    I stated on here back during the DNC, that this contest was over. The DNC was the dunk that could not be trumped. Palin was a good response but redundant. It will always already have been too late.
    If I’m wrong I’ll gladly admit pace you all that an Ice Age is indeed around the corner and that sustainable economies are for suckas. I too will live by the creed “Give me overabundantly or give me not at all”, having of course burned all my Alan Greenspan “How’s capitalism working for you?” t-shirts.

  39. Our education system does teach things you apparently missed, such as the intended use of a dictionary. Here’s part of what you have been missing.
    con·text (kŏntĕkst′)
    1. The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning.
    2. The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting.
    [Middle English, composition, from Latin contextus, from past participle of contexere, to join together : com-, com- + texere, to weave; see teks- in Indo-European roots.]

  40. But I don’t see the American people as socialists; their constitution is based on the rights and responsibilities of the individual.
    Forget where now, but the other day I read about a survey in which a slight majority expressed a preference for bigger government and more services, whereas in 2000 the edge was +15% for smaller government.
    Me: I’ve been a libertarian for most of my adult life but lately I’m thinking that maybe I should take up another hobby, one with at least some prospect of success: maybe the search for extra-terrestial life which seems a more propitious pursuit than for smaller, constitutionally limited government.

  41. reality sucks – what an incredibly arrogant and elitist statement you just made, that you consider yourself the spokesman for ‘those poor people of lower class America who cannot speak and think for themselves’.
    Everyone has the capacity to think and speak; you don’t require any special education to do so. You simply require the will, on your own individual part, to think for yourself, to be curious, to explore – rather than allowing others, such as you, Reality Sucks, to take away those rights and abilities.
    How dare you assume abrogate those rights and assign them to yourself? Again, no education system anywhere, is going to instill curiosity and self-reliance. But, an elitist such as you, can polemically insist to these people, that you will do their thinking and speaking for them.
    No, Obama’s ideas have nothing to do with capitalism and a great deal to do with socialism. The very essence of socialism is ‘levelling’, where you level the wealth capacity and productivity and results of an economy to a narrow range. You do this by constant removel of any wealth above a certain threshold and redistributing it to the population. The goal is a narrow wealth range.
    Result? The economy slithers to a dead halt. Socialist or levelled economies are ‘no-growth’ economies. The focus is on stability and therefore, the means of change, which is dissent and differences, are removed from the scene.
    Capitalism enables change, innovation and progress, because it permits a wide range of wealth distribution. It does this because it leaves the power-to-make wealth in the hands of the producer. This wealth is then distributed to the wider population in a different manner than the socialist method. It’s distributed by wages, by private foundations, by entrepreneurs, etc. In other words, it’s distributed in return for ‘work’, while the socialist system distributes wealth in return for…nothing.
    The term ‘sustainable economy’ is meaningless. All economies must sustain their population and their resources.

  42. New to the thread here, so this may have already been said. As much as I dread an Obama victory, a McCain win would set off a firestorm not seen since the Civil War. And while the battlelines were fairly clear back then (North and South), this conflict would be on every streetcorner, and every household.

  43. Posted by: ET at November 3, 2008 1:36 PM
    “reality sucks – what an incredibly arrogant and elitist statement you just made…”
    But isn’t that exactly what the Obama campaign has been exhibiting as common traits through the entire primary and general election campaigns? Arrogance and elitism have seemed to easily flow from Obama and his minions at the times they thought they were not being “on the record” or when they believed they were with like-minded souls.
    Obama has pretty much let it be known, in unguarded moments, that he considered the middle and lower class electorate, that clings to their guns and bibles, a group that needs/requires the firm hand and quidance of a well-intentioned and benevolent government. Of course the wealthy class must be willing, and consider it a patriotic duty, to give a greater portion of their wealth to assure the government can meet these *obligations*. Thusly, no further thought or feeling required.
    Kind of a reversal:
    Thought and feeling: no service
    No thought, no feeling: free service.
    It’s that reality that really sucks.
