88 Replies to “Not Nearly As Ugly As It Will Get If McCain Wins”

  1. Ostrich pic Ted? They live in Africa don’t they?
    You need to find a better pic like this one of BIG LIVE ANIMALS:
    Mother Cougar vs Grizzly Bear
    Grizzly bear goes hibernatin’ cause winter is coming.
    For all there huffing and bluffing, that you get from the ‘godless socialists’ about religious nuts, given the “Democratically inspired Acorn” rubbish, one could return the appellation now:
    “God does not want Democratic Acorn nuts, but rather spiritual fruit.”
    There is your ‘Beer and Acorn’ moment Ted!
    …”and God Bless You.”
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

  2. That’s a great clip, Hans. But, alas, I think the ostrich image, which was meant for readers here predicting a McCain win and not meant for McCain, is the appropriate one. How one can think McCain is going to win tomorrow is like think Dion had a chance of becoming Prime Minister in the last week of the campaign. And it is not going to be a squeeker either.

  3. Hang in there Penny, we ain’t dead yet.
    First thing the Media reported was that John could die at any minute then came ACORN registering 2 Million new Democrats then came the Polls showing John down then came the graphs showing Obama winning the Electoral Votes then came the massive endorsements from the Big Three Newspapers, the Alphabet Channels and Hollywood’s Most Rich and Famous (who are almost as dead as McCain) then came the bombardment of the Internet from Obama’s Truth Squad and try as they might and $900 Million Dollars later, still can’t get Obama past the 50% mark with 8-12 points floating around UN-Decided. Their whole plan is too discourage you from Voting.
    This ain’t no Cake-Walk for Obama and we know first hand the Media is corrupt, has no morals, will fix the polls (2000 and 2004) and is Bought and Paid for by the DNC, Soros and Buffet. I don’t see any polls showing what those 18 Million pee-od Hillary Voters are gona do. That’s one Poll you sure as hell won’t see. They are not polling likely Jews and they are walking around the Latinos with kid gloves. The only polls making the rounds is what percentage of White Men are stupid enuf to vote for Liberal Socialism.
    So, basically let me sum this up, the Media is LYING, they should be hung for Treason and Sedition for what they have been pulling the last 8 years. I live in fly-over-country and doubt very seriously that Obama will win, now if by some miracle, or massive Voter Fraud he does get elected we will not start any riots, but we will not let our houses be burned, either.
    Semper Fi and keep that powder dry.

  4. Oh gead, that was poorly typed. Should have been:
    “Anyone thinking McCain is going to win tomorrow is like thinking Dion had a chance of becoming Prime Minister in the last week of the Canadian campaign.”

  5. Typical Republican voter tricks:
    Virginia State Police may press charges against the person responsible for a bogus flyer in the Hampton Roads, Virginia area that told Democrats to vote on the day after Tuesday’s election, according to the state’s Board of Elections.

  6. Typical Republican voter tricks:
    Virginia State Police may press charges against the person responsible for a bogus flyer in the Hampton Roads, Virginia area that told Democrats to vote on the day after Tuesday’s election, according to the state’s Board of Elections.

  7. yoop – I agree. But that sense of self-annointed superiority, that insistence on an ignorant lower class that requires the ‘noblesse oblige’ caretaking of an elite class is the very essence of the left, whether it be Democrats or NDP/Liberals.
    As such a perspective, what it does is set up the mass of the population in a status with little variance in wealth and power. The elite are another class altogether, endowed by ‘right’ (heredity, authority) to rule. They control the wealth and the redistribution of wealth; by taxes and ‘benefits to the masses’.
    We had a nice example of such a mindset on another thread the other day. I can’t remember his name but he was arguing that an Ivy League education privileged an individual and enabled him to Rule, while a member of this ‘Joe Whoever’ class had no such rights or abilities.
    I think Obama is using and being used by the Democratic Party. He has absolutely nothing constructive to offer America in the way of policies, programs or a future path.
    If he didn’t win, and there were riots, this would prove that American is not ready for a ‘black’ President. I use the term ‘black’ because Obama and the Democrats have made race an integral component of this competition. If he wins and there are ‘victory riots’ this proves the same thing.
    However, I’m assuming he will win. This will prove to America, at least, that ‘race’ is over as an issue. Hopefully, it will also be used to slow down the sense of entitlement-as-victims of many black people, eg the infamous Mr. Wright and others of his ilk.
    And, I’m also assuming that Obama will only last for one term. American is not a socialist nation; it cannot operate as a non-productive population of bench-sitters. Its made up of entrepreneurs, innovators and firm individuals. Socialism won’t ‘fly’ in America.
    I’m also predicting that the real reason for the Obama/Democrat win is that desire of America for protectionism, isolation and refusal to be the Active Arm of the Free World. Since the UN has rejected its role and become a corrupt morass of freeloaders and thieves, the USA has taken on that role. I predict it will refuse. I wonder how the rest of the world will manage on its own?
    That includes Canada which has for almost its entire lifetime, relied on the US consumer alone, to purchase its goods. Canada, alone of all economies, has never bothered to compete in the world market, never bothered to make its goods attractive and competitive to others. Instead it has sat back and relied on the US consumer alone. I wonder, will Canada start to mature and move out into the world over the next four years?

  8. Ted you are too overconfident.
    Look at the video symbolism again. You have forgotten the PUMA(Cougar) effect of voters in the US.
    The Power of P.U.M.A On Display at the Polls in Florida…
    October 31, 2008 by PUMA Pundit
    99% of Democrats support Obama right? Wrong. Take a look at this snippet coming out of Florida:
    Democrats are beaming that their party is outperforming the Republicans in early voting, releasing numbers Wednesday that show registrants of their party ahead 54 percent to 30 percent among the 1.4 million voters who have gone to the polls early.
    but guess what the same article goes on to state?
    A Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll gave McCain a 49-45 lead over Democrat Barack Obama among Floridians who have already voted.
    So Obama has a 6.4% advantage in turnout , yet is losing by 4%. Who could these democrats who are not voting for Obama possibly be?
    Hmmm. Does the word “PUMA” ring a bell?e
    If I say “PUMA” you say “Pounce”… PUMA… Pounce… PUMA… Pounce!
    Ya just gotta learn to “Dance with the Big Cats”
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

  9. Currently there is a sharp divide in USA between conservative/traditionalist/right and the liberal/collectivist/left. Does anyone really think that this will not result in disaster? Disparate world views in one society historically leads to schism.
    Only time will tell.

  10. There will be turmoil no matter who wins tomorrow. If McCain wins,the carnage will start by the weekend. If Obama wins,the s**t will hit the fan sometime in the summer when the ‘believers’ realize they bought snake oil from the slick salesman.

  11. ConGris
    I don’t prescibe to the “civil war is coming” theory; but, just for fun the way I see it is this: Socialist p**sies get their a$#3s kicked;-)
    Now is a good time to remember the wisdom of two great Americans Matt Stone and Trey Parker:
    We’re d**ks! We’re reckless, arrogant, stupid d**ks. And the Film Actors Guild are p&&sies. And Kim Jong Il is an a$$hole. P**sies don’t like d**ks, because p##sies get f’d by d##ks. But d%&ks also f a$$holes: a$$holes that just want to s*#t on everything. P%%sies may think they can deal with a$$holes their way. But the only thing that can f an a$$hole is a d##k, with some balls. The problem with d##ks is: they f too much or f when it isn’t appropriate – and it takes a p##sy to show them that. But sometimes, p##sies can be so full of s#%t that they become a$$holes themselves… because p#%sies are an inch and half away from a$$ holes. I don’t know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don’t let us f this a$$hole, we’re going to have our d#%ks and p#$sies all covered in s@%t!

  12. The turnout models are based on enthusiasm. 76 percent of Dems are jazzed by Obama, while only 55 percent are excited by McCain, so the assumption is that more D’s will vote. But 65 percent of R’s disapprove of Obama while only 45 percent of D’s disapprove of McCain. Makes you wonder if the likely voter models are missing negative energy on the Republican side?

  13. I predict that McCain will do better than the polls have been indicating, but that he won’t win. It’s probably true that people tend to be less likely to admit to pollsters — depending, say, on who’s in the room when they get the call — that they oppose Obama, but that would have been in effect from the get-go; recent poll-aggregate numbers show Obama in the ascendant.
    Obama’s massively, almost religiously motivated on-the-ground organizers are going to get out the vote in a big way and that will probably make the difference if it’s close.
    If McCain pulls it out in a squeaker there’s going to be a massive poo-storm and some arson/looting/destruction of property in certain…neighbourhoods. IF the early numbers show McCain in the lead, look for the usual suspects in the broadcast media to light that match by trotting out examples, on election night, of people who were turned away at polling stations; that in most cases they simply weren’t eligible or didn’t register will be neither here nor there to all the outraged loons.
    If the result is a close one, we’re not going to know the final result for a few weeks. It will get ugly in the interim, and the non-stop media assault over the issue of “turned away” voters will end up winning it for Brocko.
    Let’s see, McCain wins, Obama wins…it’s close, it’s not close….yup, I think I’ve covered all the bases.

  14. Well, I’d certainly like to thank my Canadian neighbors who are wishing us well- I think it’s going to be a squeaker.
    Tomorrow will be very “interesting,” in the Chinese curse sort of way.
    See Y’all on the Other Side…

  15. Agree EBD
    I think that there will be a squeaker win by BO, which will be attributable in part to his soaring rhetoric and (in other part) to dirty tricks, or shall we say aggressive registration
    If it’s a tie, which I doubt, things will get ugly
    The election in 2004 wasn’t “stolen” – the result was effectively a tie – and then it became a game to see who could get the tie broken quickly and legally, hence GWB term two

  16. You’re right Erik,the 2004 election wasn’t stolen. Though there are some that may argue that the 2000 election results were jobbed. I wouldn’t be one of them.

  17. “past eight years of Bush hatred”?
    Hey, for the past three years the guy’s been hated by 75% of the total population.
    I know you guys don’t like to have your delusions challenged, but there is such a thing as objective reality.

  18. Posted by: Ted at 12:07 PM
    teddy, great likeness of you, butt you should have posted a left-side shot, it would be much more telling

  19. polls
    lies, damn lies, and statistics (polls)
    many people may worry that their “choice” will be recorded against their phone number, thusly any demo about to jump ship will lie, and then vote the other way, I’m thinking this could be a big factor this time around, as “they” (demos jumping ship) don’t want to be pegged as RACISTS
    just my 2 cents worth:-))))

  20. I’m intrigued by the end-time prophecy that “the great city is split into three parts” … hmmm, west, centre, east? Two of those parts are blue and one is red.
    The part that is red (Americans have their colour scheme reversed, red should be Democrat, no?) could wish to bail out on the blue states after this event, if the blue states prevail.
    I could see the rapid growth of a movement that I call “the Heartland Republic” stretching from Texas to Alberta. Western Canada might want to realign with this entity and let Canada undergo the same natural split. Provinces and states like BC, WA and OR might need to split at the Cascades and let nature take its course.
    Frankly, I don’t see independent-minded, largely Christian westerners away from the coast and the fleshpots, putting up with an endless and growing reign of politically correct terror from the eastern liberal establishment supported by the media and the west coast libertines and entertainers … and the heartlanders have most of the guns. The military could easily split along those lines, and we have most of the nukes too.
    This is perhaps fore-ordained too. If God wanted to punish the sins of the God-denying liberals, he might want them all in one place, close to sea level. And it’s working out just that way. A hundred foot rise in sea level would pretty much end the Democrat picnic in mid-sandwich.

  21. You have to wonder about the brains of folks who would burn down their own communities. Human Intellegence is too highly rated when in groups. The mob mind is an entity to itself.
    Kate is probably right, there will be riots if Obama loses. The Republicans will just leave to offshore accounts. It will be the middle class that suffers for the users.

  22. “that told Democrats to vote on the day after Tuesday’s election, according to the state’s Board of Elections.”
    Anyone so incredibly stupid as to be unaware of the date of the election should forfeit his/her right to cast a ballot for the local community association, never mind the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet.

  23. I was partly kidding, but really, it makes me wonder when I see the divisions in North America and the odd way that the worst offenders are clustered around the coastlines. Of course, there would likely be some warning and people would be able to move up-country.
    A large asteroid impact in the ocean, or the sudden melting of Antarctica, could just about destroy the media and the Democratic Party as well as the Canadian Liberals … but it isn’t all good news.

  24. Heather Malice at it again.
    She forgets that Ronald Reagan took the US back to top of the world status 27 years ago. That was only 18 years after the bullet took out the first of the womanizing democrats.
    Reagan broke communism, not any Democrat backstepper.

  25. Peter, your comments aren’t that off of the wall. The Red States and western Canada are all about agriculture, mining, oil and gas, the basics of life that some latte sipping lefty coastal moonbat who isn’t sure where packaged meat comes from would be totally unable to provide for himself. Perhaps that’s the big difference in culture and attitudes.
    Speculating that Obama and the Dems will do a Herbert Hoover, make all of the wrong moves in this recession, you can bet that your basic urban lefty will be hard pressed to figure out an austerity plan for himself. People with some pioneer spirit aren’t as mentally vulnerable.
    Here’s hoping that Obama’s socialism now entering our great country in this economic downturn, which I think will be steep, will end all of the naivete about political promises. Unlike FDR’s day, our last quasi-socialist, the internet moves with lightening speed in flushing out stupidity. It will be more of a force with time.
    The only free cheese is in a mouse trap.

  26. “I’ve done nothing more than post the thoughts and feelings of those poor people of lower class America who cannot speak and think for themselves”
    Posted by: Reality Sucks at November 3, 2008 1:08 PM
    It’s one thing to suggest a person or group of people are disenfranchised or have little political voice. But, Reality Sucks betrays the true agenda of the Liberal Left: the proles have to be led by the ruling class because “they cannot speak and think for themselves.”
    This statement is appallingly arrogant and elitist, but I’ll give RS credit for honestly revealing the true leftie modus operandi.
    Note to Reality Sucks: everybody has the capacity for free thought and speech (save perhaps for the mentally incapacitated). Not you, or the political elites you support have any special capacity in this regard.
