What Is This Google That You Speak Of?


During the event, Professor John Miller of Ryerson slagged Mark Steyn as a mere ‘polemicist’ and not a responsible journalist. As an example, he used Mark’s quoting of Ayatollah Khomeini from (he said) the now infamous Macleans article. Looks like he’s been trusting the citations of the SockPuppets, because as Steyn himself notes, it’s actually from the Maclean’s article ‘Celebrate tolerance, or you’re dead‘.
Miller asserted that after a thorough Internet search, he found the Khomeini quote only in one comment on one [echh, ptui] blog.
Meanwhile, Ezra was surfing online, and interrupted a minute later to point out he’d just then Googled 100+ references to the quote in question, including one from the eminently liberal Harper’s Magazine, 1985. Public pantsing accomplished.
The point isn’t the fact that Ezra scored a point, but that the new media mindset is different. “Fact? Fact-check. Don’t take old media or other political speech as taken for granted. Dig around; check the sources.” In leading up to this presentation– for which Dr. Miller and others presumably had week and weeks to prepare, why didn’t a journalism professor know how to Google and fact-check on the internet?

(Because everything he knows about journalism, he lurned by reading the New York Times.)
Lots more freespeechy goodness today there and at FFoF, where, if you search the fine print, you’ll discover she has a new book out.

8 Replies to “What Is This Google That You Speak Of?”

  1. If you follow the links you’ll find this gem:
    “Packer, 40, of Huntington, N.Y., arrives early to media events. … “I’m the best person to come to — anywhere,” says Packer. “I always give time, and I always have an answer.”
    While Packer says “honesty is very important to me,” he does admit that about 5% of the time, “I’m making stuff up to get in the paper.”

    “At times the media can be gullible, but they have to take people at their word,” he explains.

  2. With the amount of times the MSM and the Journo Skool Profs get pantsed and pants themselves you’d think they like public humiliation.

  3. Speaks volumes for the research abilities and therefor the credibility of Ryerson faculty.
    And students ?
    You don’t suppose this is an isolated incident do you.

  4. Ryerson students are among the more rabid participants in the annual “Israel Apartheid” hate fest. You can assume that they are not interested in any information that would be less than flattering to Islam.
    I think it is a worthwhile read to take a look at the liveblog of the event here http://www.j-source.ca/english_new/detail.php?id=2969
    Again, it shows what a hero Ezra Levant in this continuing battle. He was the most exciting presenter, and gathered the most attention, and although the lefty elites continue to hold their nose, younger and more open-minded people are really rallying around him.

  5. I attended the Joseph Howe Symposium on November 1, and had the good fortune of meeting and talking to Ezra for a few minutes after the day’s agenda was completed. I can certainly attest to the interest this remarkable man generates and that a good number of younger people were waiting to talk to him after I had finished.
    Your use of the dinosaur in the “Not waiting for the Asteroid” segments is so appropriate, Kate. When Ezra google-searched the Ayatollah Khomeini quote on his laptop in literally minutes, and caught Professor Miller with his “foot in it”, I don’t believe the moment was lost on anyone there, with the possible exception of the good professor (the dinosaur not aware of the coming asteroid). Your readers may also check out, if they have not already done so, Mark Steyn’s take on the whole business; just hope I never get him p.o.’d at me.
