49 Replies to “I Won’t Have To Worry About Paying My Mortgage*”

  1. “I worked nine hours a day for 4 days and got paid half of what I should have earned,” said Randall Waldon.
    That sounds about right. It’s called “Redistribution of Wealth” and it starts… right now.

  2. This reminds me of helping put up a Circus Tent, about 50 years ago on a promise of getting free admission to the performance later. “There’s a sucker born every….”

  3. You get paid for “door-knocking”? There are no volunteers?
    Wow. Watch out, Obama, people like the woman in that last “pay my mortgage” clip are gonna be storming the White House if their handouts don’t come fast enough.

  4. soccermom- I sort of expected most canvassers to be volunteers as well. Kind of speaks to the true spirit of support for the candidate. What if the McCain campaign had offered $15 an hour?
    If this is a small sampling of a larger group, there might be a lot of disgruntled Obama supporters out there. Pretty soon they’ll be blaming his white heritage.

  5. Hmmm
    Let’s look at this… average wage of a Walmart worker in the United States (per Penn & Teller episode on the subject) = 10.70 per hour.
    Wage of Obama worker? $10 per hour.
    I thought Obama was supposed to be the man of the people, the candidate for worker’s rights, the man that promised income redistribution to all.
    Why then is he paying his campaign workers LESS than what Walmart pays it’s employees?
    I’m also wondering if the difference in what they got and what they were supposed to get had anything to do with withholding taxes.

  6. Quote of the Week
    ‘I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.’
    Thomas Jefferson 1802

  7. I guess all those Obama voters are “entitled to their entitlements”, after all. Liberals are the same in Canada and the U.S.

  8. Interesting.
    Create a workforce bent on government handouts for minimal effort by promising a handout for minimal effort then deny the handout. Brilliant!
    When did mortgage lenders start accepting “pre-paid Visa cards” as payment? I thought paying credit with credit was considered irresponsible use? I’m sure there are a few drug dealers and pimps that have scrounged up some of the old manual credit card machines! Cha-ching!

  9. Yep; she’s going to have her mortgage paid and get free gas. That’s part of the “Change” from BHO; just like the “New Deal” from FDR.
    I hope Harper takes advantage of this. Just a few fundamental changes to our Health Care fiasco, uh, er, I mean System, and all our Canadian trained Doctors will be back home.

  10. HEH. Just wait until Peggy and the rest show up next month,wanting thier mortgage checks,and gas vouchers!!!

  11. Here’s the “change”: Bush out, Obama in.
    Important new first policy: New puppy for the White House.
    Clock ahead 1 year: “Where’s my tax credit? It’s only $250 out of $2500!”

  12. There may be lots of disappointment. I dont remember Obama promising to “deliver”. But it might be some kind of implicit expectation. I can only hope that is for a small minority, but humanity never fails to disappoint in matters this petty.

  13. It is a different type of person who works for a Democratic campaign than one who works for a Republican campaign. All of us who participate in a Republican campaign put in our hours for free.
    Republicans attract people who will volunteer. These are the types of people who are involved in amateur sports, churches, charities, and other similar activites. The Democratic camapign attracts the type of person who is used to working at a minimum wage job – fast food, WalMart, etc. This is not a surprise.

  14. It is a different type of person who works for a Democratic campaign than one who works for a Republican campaign. All of us who participate in a Republican campaign put in our hours for free.
    Republicans attract people who will volunteer. These are the types of people who are involved in amateur sports, churches, charities, and other similar activities. The Democratic campaign attracts the type of person who is used to working at a minimum wage job – fast food, WalMart, etc. This particular event could never happen to Republicans.

  15. I guess those folks are “rich” and therefore shouldn’t be bothered about their duty to “spread the wealth”.

  16. Heh.
    Maybe the big O will delay his pro-union rules until after the next election so he can win a second term without his campaign staff unionizing…

  17. “P O” will not be able to satisfy the black population in America no matter how hard he tries. Its a zero sum game. This Messiah will turn out to be an Uncle Tom in the eyes of many blacks over the next four years. Tough gig.

  18. I wonder how long before Pres.Obama has his PMPM moment:
    “Screw the Red Book… Don’t tell me what’s in the Red Book. I wrote the goddamned thing. And I know that it’s a lot of crap.”

  19. I mentioned that – pay my mortgage and gas- at JNW and did the lefties come after me. Wanted proof etc that those signs, stmts, were said, and believed. I just said that many of those people are in for a huge shock when the truth comes out, it ain’t going to happen.
    Wonder how long before the media is finally punished for the lies they told the american people and facts they kept hidden.

  20. they weren’t volunteers?!?
    Maybe I’m a little naive, I didn’t realize they were paid employees. How many employees did they have?

  21. Let me remove a little of the naivetivity for ya,ChrisinMB. Demorats/NDP/LIEberals/facists/marxists,coomies. The only thing they “Volunteer” is YOUR money,YOUR life,YOUR freedoms,and YOUR way of life.
    I wouldn’t thunk you knew that,being from “NDP Central”(Manitoba) and all.

  22. Oh, my. President-elect for two days and the stock market is bleeding to death again.
    Don’t bother plaguing Egypt, Mr. Messiah – make an ocean red with ink.
    Glib and cocky know-it-alls, like Al-Obama and his thieves, and their sucker supporters, usually have to learn the hard way, if they learn at all.

  23. the signals I am hearing indicate the follwoing
    – non taxable UI
    – extension of UI
    – Judge power to “make it easier to pay” mortgage
    – 90 day foreclosure moratorium
    – Another cheque in the mail stimulus package (like the one that didnt work last time)
    Whether these fit under the Obama will pay my gas and mortgage statement is the question. A seperate question is whether these are advisable or unadvisable things to do.
    All I know is they are $$$$$expensive$$$$ things.
    While I am supportive of meltdown prevention, I am less supportive of temp measures that prolong the pain by masking it. As well, how in the heck are they paying for this.
    The US learned the lesson in the 60’s you cant do guns and butter, one or the other. So if O is going to do this then you are looking at a significant and quick cut in US deployments overseas, Iraq is OVER…and I mean OVER, Afghanistan will see an increase but it will be to a short term thing to hive off Taliban from Al Queada, cut and deal and leave.
    One of them is unsustainable. You can debate whether it is retreat, redployment or mission accomplished…but the facts are the US cannot sustain this level of military and domestic spending, let alone an increase at the current level of taxes. Something has to give or the solution will be imposed by events.
    Now whether the domestic spending increase and changes in mortgage law are advisable is another question. I am for keeping people in homes, to a point. Our own banks learned that from the 1980 recession and applied it in 1990. Foreclosing is a last option, especially if only for reasons of loan demand due to lack of equity, i.e. customer is making payments but the loan is “unsecured” due to the drop in equity.
    But if this is about wealth transfers from lenders to borrowers…or sbsidies from governments to lenders to pay off equity for the borrowers I am less thrilled.
    We may have climbed back over the cliff but it isnt that far away and one good earthquake or bad move puts us right back into the abyss. Obama has a very small amount of time to do some things correctly.
    My biggest worry was that the Gordon Brown was asking the Arab states to put money into the IMF…you think that wont come with a price? What a freaking mess….we will be lucky to pull out of this with all our body parts still attatched.
    For good or ill it is Obama’s chance to fix….lets hope he gets it mostly right.
    Gas and mortgage…beats beer and popcorn I guess.

  24. Obama did promise “change” didn’t he?

    Where ‘more’ means ‘less’ perhaps?
    Fits the bassackwardness rhetoric they yammered on about.
    Yep, this is going to be highly entertaining in the next two years.
    Stocking up on the popcorn…

  25. A few thoughts:
    Many have mentioned that BO won’t be able to uphold his promises; but, I can think of one he can keep: Raising taxes.
    I think many have confused what Obama said with what he means. BO has promised “skyrocketing energy” prices to help the middle class. What he meant is that the price of energy will skyrocket; but, he will counter that with free sweaters and turtle necks for everyone!

  26. i can hardly wait until all except the government elete are at the same level of misery. could be slow could be fast.

  27. From the article:

    “They say that they gonna call you or they going to mail it to you, but I don’t know. We’ll see what happens,” said Antron Grose.


    “Talking about they’ll mail it to us. I ain’t worried about that, man. They’re not going to mail nothin’,” said Martin.

    I hope English class is one of the freebies Barry’s handing out.

  28. “Funny how the “news” organization found an excuse to disable comments on this story.”
    I am soo disappointed.
    I wanted to read what the “hundreds” had already posted.
    Must have been embarrassing for the big (_o_).

  29. “I want my money today! It’s my money. I want it right now!” yelled one former campaign worker.”
    Funny how quickly they become Republicans.

  30. The one good thing about a President Obama is that he’s black; I hope for improvement in race relations.
    As Thumper says: “if ya can’t say somethin’ nice, don’t say nuthin at all”.

  31. First youse takes youse illegal campaign contribution$ and youse puts dem in da ofshore account yoose sets up in a place dat mebe donwt got no strict banking laws, den you gits a hole bunch of dem prepaid credit card$ and youse hands dem out ‘for services rendered’, ha ha youse slowpokes allgits it now doncha? Ya see if you keeps da mounts lo nuff nobody gonna notice, kinda nice if ya got somebody on the inside to, but no matter, stil easy nuff. And the man he donwt catch on at all or maybe he gonna turn the blind eye cause youse makes it wurt his wile. Prised nun you cats caught dis one. Read dirty dealing by pete lilley pg 68. most people would say why bother amounts are too low ta chek comliance weak spot

  32. “Hey don’t sweat it baby, big daddy O will hook you up! Now get yo ass back out on that street corner and make me some suga”.
    “It’s all goooood”.

  33. polly, are you nuts? do you lack critical analysis skills, uninformed or all of the above?

  34. “The one good thing about a President Obama is that he’s black; I hope for improvement in race relations.”
    Yeah, I’m sure race relations will improve.
    That’s why Barack attended Jeremiah’s sermons for 20 years, to learn how to improve race relations.

  35. “The one good thing about a President Obama is that he’s black; I hope for improvement in race relations.”
    Yes, yes of course, and he’s also an on and off again Muslim so now all Muslims will love Americans like bothers.
    Now that the Americans have a black president all the planets racial worries are behind us. Possibly now we can concentrate on what’s really important and develop better relationships with the Faringy in the gamma quadrant. Things have never been the same with “them” since that debacle with the Klingon’s.
