22 Replies to “Infidel Blogging Awards!”

  1. Yuh-all can forget the coveted “Most Hunkey Redneck Award”; I have that one all sowed up.

  2. Suggestions for additional subcategories in the life time _hrc arrivals, departures lounge awards:
    Arrivals: Example: Best fit sinecure by a provincial premier with one too many vote splitting leftists contesting a civic election involving an up and coming Tory rival.
    Departures: Example: Putting spotlight on former super keen _hrc staffers now trying to blend into sensitive, inappropriate, or murky jobs elsewhere.

  3. I guess “Best Non-Partisan Blog” isn’t being considered, huh?
    I hope you win in the highly-coveted Best Feminist Blog category, Kate!

  4. A lot of blogger award naval gazing going on here.
    For now why not concentrate and do a MSM Obama suckholers award?
    Next concentrate blogs totally on the HRC’s, to put the Harper government on notice that Canadian HRC’s are basically sh**, in a free society..
    Do this lest creeping narcissim overtakes the blogosphere and total uselessness and insignificance results while biased MSM lickspittle journos smirk.

  5. It’s a toss-up between SDA and 5ft of Furry.
    Maybe we can have a tie-breaker…where’s the wading pool and the jello pudding?

  6. Errr…the Muslim community accounts for less than a tenth of a percent of all HRC complaints. HRCs were operating in Canada for decades prior to the arrival of Muslims in meaningful numbers. So why name a free speech award the Infidel Awards? Doesn’t make any sense.
    Ah, I see what’s happening. Some Islamophobitard is hitching his Islamophobitardedness onto the free speech express:

    # Category No. 3) Most Insulting to the Prophet Blog…
    # Category No.4) Best Anti-Islamist Blog Post

    Um, are we sure whoever came up with this is over the age of twelve? This is ca-ca poo-poo stuff.

  7. Islamophobitard? Gee, that’s a new one.
    You might want to look into the OIC assault on free speech, now that they’ve got UN backing. Oh, and how Mo controlled free speech. You’ll find it in the Hadiths.
    Moralist, my ass.

  8. You know, you could have taken the whole thing with a grain of salt. I mean, you’ve had the top blog in Canada for, what, four or five years straight?
    You have a huge readership.
    You inspire other people.
    So couldn’t you have been the “bigger” person, and let the feminists have their little award in this meaningless Blog Awards?
    Is it so important to you to send your readers to the site to waste my personal time deleting the duplicate submissions for your entrance into the category? Do you think you’re being amusing to anyone but those who worship you?
    Politics is divisive. The point of the CBA’s is to bring people together in the commonality of the fact we’re all bloggers.
    Can you stop being petty for five minutes?

  9. Hey RA, I for one thought it was really funny. I hadn’t planned on visiting but after reading your post I think I might.

  10. To bad you missed the point of my first two posts you left up for awhile Raphael. You must have felt pretty silly when you read my long delayed third post.
    Obviously I don’t like feminists Raphael. I am also grateful that Kate brought your contest to my attention, so I could cause you some difficulty. Deliberately, for your cause costs me money. If it was a worthy cause, it could stand on its own feet without government support.

  11. What are you talking about “my cause” or “government support”? I’m volunteering to help the CBA’s. It’s not my contest.
    I’m not a feminist and I actually don’t like the entire idea of feminism. But I don’t get my panties in a knot just because they’re running a category for one in the CBA’s.
    This pretty much goes to show that people will support Kate despite having no clue what the cause is about.

  12. Raphael….it wasn’t Kate who started the crap. She was nominated,and then almost within seconds,admin jumped all over her and SDA. Go a few post below and have a look at the screenshots before the Fembot supporters starting deleting enmasse.
    As for gubbermint support,does the term SOW mean anything do you? There is NOT ONE lefty/socialist/birckenstock clad feminist who IS NOT on the gubbermint tit at some level,and that costs ME money.Sure can tell you are from the center of the universe,and just moved to LaLa Land.

  13. All these causes Raphael.
    Well, the CBA cause elected to include a category for the Feminist cause. The CBA allows said fem’s to edit.
    You waved the flag, encouraged troops to drive people of a certain view off the hill, or you did it yourself.
    Least you can do is stop whining.

  14. “Sanctimonius, know nothing blowhard” sound?
    Couldn’a said it better BCF. LM would last 20 minutes in a locker room before someone “tuned” the insufferable p***k out.

  15. Kate if you are not a feminist you should be. Best one ever is Maggie Thatcher.
    Truth is Truth

  16. Like Raphael, I’m one of the people volunteering to help run the CBAs. If you would read the damn rules, you’ll see that the reason we keep deleting your comments is because it’s not your sandbox. The comment boxes are for nominations, not postulating. All we want to do is let bloggers recognize the good work of other bloggers — why do you have to be jerks about it?
    And, FWIW, the “admin” who made the first comment was a troll, not one of us, as were about half a dozen fake Kates who commented later in the thread.

  17. BCF: The conviction rate of ethnics and chicks at HRCs appears to be holding steady at roughly zero percent. As if they are coming for you, poseur.
    Women and ethnics under zero threat fronting as free speechers at the instruction of the neocon MSM; it’s as if a bunch of Nazis were giving themselves Best Holocaust Survivor awards. Perverse.

  18. “Politics is divisive. The point of the CBA’s is to bring people together in the commonality of the fact we’re all bloggers.”
    With an award given to the top feminist blog?
    You’ve got to be kidding. Another Belinda Liberal wanker posing as a Conservative. Still having adolescent trouble figuring out your identity?
    “All we want to do is let bloggers recognize the good work of other bloggers”
    Good work? You mean good leftist, irresponsible, irrational, hate filled feminist work?
    “at the instruction of the neocon MSM”
    Hi! I’m from planet Pluto.
