25 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
    Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage.

  2. “First, take back the party and institute real reform. We will not accept moving to the left to “get along”.”
    This is the benefit of an Obama Presidency. McCain would have been better for POTUS today(JMO), but a McCain win probably would have hurt the GOP in the long term. It reminds me of a sports franchise that hasn’t done a good job of moving old players out and bringing young players in. This loss will force the GOP to “go young” to some extent. When I say “young” I don’t mean it literally, but literally, it wouldn’t hurt either. What I mean is the playbook needs to be revamped, they need some new plays; but, those new plays are just the old ones that Republicans seem to have forgotten.
    Some have suggested throwing the social conservative faction under the bus. I disagree, social conservatism is a path that the GOP can use to attract minority votes. I expect Obama to sway from the “centrist” positions he put forward in the campaign, and move to the left wrt social issues when the chance arises. I couldn’t help but notice the cringe on the face of Biden when he was forced to say the “Democrats are against gay marriage”. That was a strategic sacrifice in an attempt to win swing votes, but I don’t believe that is the prevailing view of big wig Democrats.

  3. The racism of the left and the type of blacks who would leave such a note for a waitress never fail to astound.

  4. The racism of the left and the type of blacks who would leave such a note for a waitress never fail to astound.
    Posted by: Mississauga Matt at November 6, 2008 11:43 AM
    Matt,Matt. Doncha know blacks can’t BE/ARE racist,just us white,slave owning honkies? Sheeze.Get with the new world program…:):)

  5. White Liberal Democrats support the “Blacks” because they live with the guilt of being responsible for most of the oppression of the “Blacks” since and before the civil war.
    Republicans didn’t just “free the slaves” they also gave them the right to vote and the right to hold public office. Which the Democrats by legislation then took away from them.
    We hear all about the “right-wing racists” but Liberal Democrats caused the post-civil war political oppression of the “Black’s” in America.
    The things we don’t learn in school.
    ‘The 14th Amendment granted citizenship, and thus the vote, to blacks, and was passed in 1868.’

  6. The note looks like an “Obama-Nation”(tm) to me.
    Now we get reverse racism:
    “Blacks run the new Black House, bitch.”
    Yo talking like some reverse KKK 1930s Democrat, the “cross be burnin’ Hedy Fry” LIEberal!
    What’ch yo momma tol’ you about speakin’ like a dumb ass slave child? Ain’t you heard nothin’ bout yo preacher man Martin Luther King. It ain’t about the color of yo skin dummy, its about the CONTENT OF YO CHARACTER.
    And LORD HAVE MERCY, we gonna improve yo character down behind the woodshed!
    Now if yo wanna open up that can of whup ass we can accommodate yo!
    “I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me…”
    Now yo better get with the REAL MESSIAH program or there be hellfire and brimstone!
    Or as they say in Newfoundland:
    LORD, THUNDER, and JESUS why can’t we find a conservative voice at the marriage feast table?
    Oh yeah, they voted down Same Sex Marriage in California, Arizona and Florida. Americans still have some common sense.
    Y’all can swing like a monkey from the tree but that don’t make it marriage.
    The proposition that conservatism is dead is vastly overstated. Or as Mark Twain once remarked:
    “The news of my demise, is vastly overstated.”
    And should y’all fo’git, it was Lincoln, a fine Republican, who shut down slavery!!
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

  7. I still can’t get the quote ” The slave is now the master” out of my head. It seems so very, very wrong on so many, many levels.

  8. Well said Doug. I think the thing that strikes home, is that every civilization has its cycle. The United States has been bankrupting its treasury for years now. The logarithmic plot of the national debt yields a straight line – that is unsustainable.

  9. I don’t know if this is indicative of the average African American across the US but I have seen cases where racism is blamed for tons of stuff – and it is usually in cities in the north of the US.
    A story:
    The first time I visited Chicago was in ’94. I went with my dad and my sister to see my dad’s cousin – they are both off the boat – one went to Chicago and the other went to Hamilton – they have completely different cultural experiences when they compare the US and Canada (it’s interesting to hear their stories btw).
    Anyway, we went to the top of the Sears Tower doing the normal tourist thing. When we left the tower we were looking for a place to eat and we wanted to do the EL thing around Chicago and then take the EL to Wrigley field for a game that night.
    We were approached by a Black guy in an overcoat – probably because we stuck out like sore thumbs – and he started talking us up – and being goofs from Canada we actually listened – he asked us where we were going – we explained – probably too candidly.
    He then opened his overcoat and lo and behold there was an array of watches attached to the inside (this is the truth). He told us all about these watches. We new right away that these were either stolen or knockoffs. We said no way – we’re out of here pal – and we burned it. He then yelled after us, “You’re racist!”.
    He didn’t get it that there is no way that we are buying a stolen watch – no matter what colour you are.

  10. ccon- Unfortunatly that isn’t an isolated incident.
    Whenever my wife and I go on holidays, it is usually on a cruise. I cannot remember how many times we have been lined up to disembark, embark,
    go through customs etc. when Blacks will come up and just butt in at the head of the line. Their feeling of entitlement is palpable and of course no one will complain. The culture of victimization
    has taken over a lot of these people and it is indeed a truly sad thing to witness.
    this isn’t racist in any way, it is merely an observation that has been made by more people than just ourselves. I call them as I see them.

  11. Gerry
    We were at the laundry mat in an area that is predominantly black. At the mat a woman shoved our cloths aside so she could occupy 1.5 spots vs our 0.5 spots. My wife quickly put her and her cloths in their place. The end result was 2.0 spaces for us and being called a racist.

  12. “The healing continues… “A New and Kinder Obamaland”. ”
    I see Pam Geller is your new buddy.
    Her contribution to recent political discourse was her theory that Obama is the illegitimate son of Malcolm X.
    Little Green Footballs gave her the toss because she was too friendly with Euroweenies of the fascist persuasion.
    As for that nasty note, I believe that leaving “political” statements in lieu of tips was a recent rightist innovation.

  13. I live down here in Mississippi-the poorest state in the country, with a lot of black people. Most of them are nice, but there are those who walk the roads at night and you can’t see them until you are right there in front of them. It is like they just dare you to run over them and then probably want a lawsuit after you hurt them, whether it is your fault or not. Most of these black kids are brought up by their parents teaching them that white people are the bad people and I believe that is why racism still exists today. Obama stayed in “Reverend” Wright’s church for 20 years and said he never knew he was like that after Wright made his comments. How can he not know that? I have been brought up in church (Baptist) for all 29 years of my life and it sure has been a good effect on me so I will respect president-elect Obama, but I cannot agree with him on all that he has proposed-and it was more than the economy. My 2 main reason I voted against him were because he said he supports abortion and same-sex marriage-2 things which will destroy families everywhere IF we let it.

  14. Good point dizzy. I make no conclusions based on a cell phone picture of some anonymous note. Level heads should prevail. There will be plenty to think about in the months upcoming, and energies should not be wasted on curiousities.

  15. Hey, the GOP will most-def run Jeb Bush in 2012; make that, Jeb will run the GOP in 2012. Jeb’s the only one who can beat Obama in 2012–will he run??

  16. Posted by: Gerry Atric at November 6, 2008 1:24 PM
    It’s sort of your own fault for treating rude black people differently from rude white people.
    About forty years ago my older brother got into it with a white guy that butted in front of a black guy, who was also in front of my brother. The black guy didn’t complain, but my brother kicked the guy to the back of the line. The guy asked my brother why he was sticking up for a ni**ger. It never occured to the guy that his rudeness was affecting everyone in line, black and white.
    Fast forward 40 years and ask yourself, if every detail of that story was reversed, would a black good samaritan come to the rescue of a white guy in that lineup? In my opinion, it would only happen if there were some older people in the line. Or maybe that same guy my brother helped.

  17. “Tastes like Chicago”???
    You realize that on the CB “Chicago” is referred to as “Sh*tcago”.

  18. twoonie
    I think no matter how good another Bush may be, that brand will not be re-tried
    Bobby Jindal is where my money is. George Prescott Bush, Jeb’s son, is a remote possibility for involvement ten to twenty years down the line.
    But, then again, two years ago I would have bet my house that Hillary would have been the next president . . .

  19. The good thing is they have found themselves, they are now on the inside of American society as so many of them have said over the past couple of days, not the outside. It should also mean that along with greatest hurtle of all being conquered there are no excuses left to becoming successes within American society, should it not? It is now up to the black community to prove to all that these past injustices were indeed the cause of their failure within American society, should it not? The ball is now firmly in the black communities court.

  20. Erik, not to say skepticism isn’t the correct approach… however, if you don’t take a photo and its source on its word, but believe a well-known quote written by Sir Alex Fraser Tytler was said by some guy named Doug, you’re not being very consistent. My apologies if I’ve misunderstood your recognition. – Doug, you should use quotation marks and attributes. Among other things, they communicate sincerity.

  21. “LORD, THUNDER, and JESUS”
    You have the phonetic version, Hans. It’s actually “Lard t’underin’ Jesus!”

  22. dewart khedive:
    I stand corrected: “Lard t’underin’ Jesus!”
    I didn’t have my English = Newfie dictionary handy!
    Maybe we should send the Newfie = English dictionary to Danny Williams, cause with all that ABC spellin nonsense, no one in Ottawa can understand what in the Hell he is sayin.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment Großherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

  23. Notice most of the ire (Incredible, when they won No joy in socialist Ville.) was directed at Conservative Female Bloggers. Particularly Jewish sites. As a man I just say to the nut less monkeys who attacked them. You make scum eatable.
    Just wait for his civilian “police”. Than the end of a free internet. Unfairness doctrine. The CTRC is already planning the same game here.
    Soon America will truly have just, one voice. O
