91 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Dear Leader Can’t Do?”

  1. Just another example of the MSM destroying itself and wondering why people are switching to online news sources.
    Assuming that the first amendment still holds in the US for the next 2 years, the ineptitude of BO will be available for all to see online. Right now BO has nowhere to go except down and it will be interesting to see what happens when the inflated expectations of what BO was going to do collide with reality.

  2. A curious blurb from the post:
    The survey shows the Republican party no longer enjoys the issues that have for so long benefited the conservative coalition. One finding said that approximately 72 percent of voters agreed: “The Republican Party used to stand for keeping government spending under control, but not anymore.” Who bears responsibility?
    The future of Canadian conservative party fortunes perhaps?
    Can you picture Trudeau riding the same schlock in a decade?

  3. Is There Nothing That Dear Leader Can’t Do?
    One thing he can do is quit smoking. Does not have the will power.

  4. “I pleasure myself whenever you make a stump speech!”
    – Chris Matthews character to Barak Obama character in a recent Saturday Night Live skit.

  5. The news is saying that John (I went to Nam) Kerry could be our next Sec of state.
    Sweet 4 years of laughs!

  6. …what happens when the inflated expectations of what BO was going to do collide with reality.
    Posted by: loki at November 6, 2008 3:15 PM
    My bet: The escapists who fell for the “hope” and “change” BS will remain escapists. They’ll snort what little remains of their retirement savings and die of overdoses. Pharm out, man.

  7. Cloudy in GERMAN town. No kidding. The dark clouds are gathering all across the land. My guess is brown will be a popular shirt fashion next year. With fancy armbands as an accessory.

  8. The good thing is they have found themselves, they are now on the inside of American society as so many of them have said over the past couple of days, not the outside. It should also mean that along with greatest hurtle of all being conquered there are no excuses left to becoming successes within American society, should it not? It is now up to the black community to prove to all that these past injustices were indeed the cause of their failure within American society, should it not? The ball is now firmly in the black communities court.

  9. Yes, but no media bias here. After all bias would imply a slight leaning from the midline toward a pre-selected preference with at least a pretense of objectivity.. This is more like the ship capsized to the left, keel in the air with no intention of righting itself.

  10. I don’t know what disgusting, redistributionist, totalitarian policies Mr. ‘bama is going to try to impose on America but I do know this. He is going to find this evildoing a LOT easier thanks to the nearly limitless powers which have accumulated in the executive branch thanks to the machinations of GWB, Cheney, Rove et al. and the connivance of corrupt congresscritters, supine supremes and bootlicking media.
    It will be interesting to see which of the former Bush cheerleaders remain in opposition to BHO and which ones are seduced by the sheer giddiness of the dictatorial power being wielded. Probably the lifelong Republicans will start gravitating back to traditional values of freedom and limited government (as espoused by Ron Paul) and will be opposed to ‘bama whereas the infamous ex-Trotskyite neo-cons who are johnny-come-latelies to the Republican party will decide that BHO is the reincarnation of Lincoln and FDR (which unfortunately may be true) and jump onto the socialist bandwagon. Or rather, they’ll remain on the socialist bandwagon and ‘bama will simply slide into the driver’s seat.

  11. considering your last 94 posts in a row have been about obama, looks like your riding the train as often as anyone else.

  12. Notice how the one poor pathetic kid is walking backwards on the track and leaning to the left.

  13. jeffie, maybe we should take a cue from your gang: to hell with impeaching Obama, let’s start the purges!
    Just replace “Obama” with “Bush.” sound familiar now?

  14. You betcha, Jeff. It was boring around here with conservatives in power in Saskatchewan, Ottawa, Italy, France, Germany and Washington. Now that the Messiah has come, it’s like blogging Christmas!

  15. Matthews spills the beans! The Media of today is a propaganda machine ! (As if we didn’t already know)
    Even in it’s heyday, Pravda Journalists were not this corrupt.

  16. Gee, Jeffie, 3:30 in the PM – photogy biziness slow today? Kate’s right, blogger heaven! Four years of poking a stick into those big ears – ain’tcha gonna luv it?!

  17. I will call Mathews “Crissy Tingles” forever. (Or, at least for the 70 more seconds he has a career – whichever comes first.)

  18. jeez, some of the msm are wondering who obama might be. what a bunch of assholes. a day late and a dollar short.

  19. Where are all the big posters celebrating Joe Biden? For the first time in its history didn’t the United States manage to elect its first retard as vice President?

  20. CBC is whining, Election of Obama unlikely to help Khadr: defence lawyer.
    CBCpravda All Khadr all the Time.
    the old mothercorpse goes out it way to write stories about canaduhs first family of terrorism.
    wonder if his bag lady sister has starved herself to death in her hunger strike, the least we could do is cut her off the food portion of her welfare check.

  21. Well Matthews probably just blew that last thin hair of credibility. There is a difference between being sympathetic or having leanings, his past as a democratic operative is open and well known….but this just blows it for him.
    As one said, I assume he will be runnig for the Senate soon.

  22. “Borat Obama” could teach Sacha Baron Cohen a thing or two about impersonating a character. Cohen fooled a few people for the sake of movie, Borat Obama fooled almost 120,000,000 voters for sake of winning an election.

  23. Wow! For a minute I thought I was looking at Stalin along Red Square.
    Last night I watched a bunch of ecstatic revelling among Obama supporters.
    Man, are they in for a surprise.
    I remember watching Cornell West on a TV show some years ago explaining how blacks had once regarded the idea of middle class achievement as some kind of paradise.
    Then, he went on to say, one-third of blacks in the US became middle class, only to discover that despite this achievement, they were still beset by problems. They still had to worry about the bills, the kids didn’t suddenly begin to act right, their houses still needed repairs, the car still broke down, etc., etc. And this was kind of a disillusioning slap in the face for them.
    I think that they are about to discover that the idea of some wish-fulfillment about a black president is not going to result in the realization of any of these hopes.
    It will be interesting in a couple of years to see the disgruntled faces on people who put all of their hopes on some guy who gets the top job.
    Incidentally, our next Congressional elections are in 2 years, and Republicans are already starting to target various seats.
    Remember, all we have to do to stop the juggernaut is to capture a majority in one of the chambers.

  24. Chris Matthews is well on his way of supporting BO and thus putting himself out of a job. Happy talk doesn’t sell. Same goes for the rest of the MSM that is fawning over BO.
    As I posted somwhere else, the biggest losers are the daily KOS and the Huff post. The biggest winner by a country mile: Rush Limbaugh.

  25. And while I empathize with the desire by many to see a first black POTUS and all that that represents, do they really want that person to also be the worst POTUS ever? – BO has the makings of being precisely that.

  26. KKK Kate is on a cross burning.
    No one can screw up as much as that last guy. Already forgot his name.
    I hope someone asks the big O, when it counts, if he had a meeting with the Bilderbergs, and if so, what was discussed.

  27. Ah yes.  For a moment there I thought I was looking at a Triumph of the Will still.
    Leni R. would be so proud.

  28. Canadian here and never owned for 60 years except when I used to watch the Texas Rangers as a kid and had my two little six shooters. Well, this year I will ensure I get my long and short. Never know what’s going to happen in the next few years.

  29. Obama looks to the left and sees the RED in the posters. Yup, he’s a frickin’ commie.

  30. Has Obama has been set up for the big take down?
    Can you imagine the race riots and all those new laws? Not looking forward flying n’ked. Scan this, scan that and kiss the net privacy goodbye.
    Just thinking and watching the world turn.

  31. Times up:
    “No one can screw up as much as that last guy. Already forgot his name.”
    That’s EXACTLY what they said about Carter. and they were proven wrong in so many ways.

  32. As the ancient pharaohs used to erase their predecessors names and images and replace them with their own, Obama’s shall replace Jesus in the Bible.
    So let it be written.

  33. The theme of the narrative is utopia, with plenty of redemption thrown in. Obama planned it and milked it with lines like:
    “…generations from now we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs for the jobless.”
    And the classic,
    “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
    And lo and behold, the zombie minds had vision and purpose.
    But, all they had to do was look north:
    “Watch a cheerleading establishment media — the Fourth Estate as a veritable Fifth Column — actually back these lefty maneuvers. It’s all in the name of one-man/one-vote democracy, dontcha know?”
    “They’ll wait until Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Mark Levin says something innocent they can twist out of context and call “hate speech” — and then they’ll highlight some schoolyard fight where a member of a “victim group” gets the worst of it as if the “attack” were caused by…” – spectator
    Hell, they’ll wait.
    Welcome to Canada, Democrats. A rather bloodless takeover.

  34. Amongst all the cheering for Obama, it’s interesting to watch the reaction from the financial sector: thus far, investors have given a major thumbs-down to Obamanomics. Yet when you read about the continuing stock market decline, the MSM would have you believe this is all due to some mysterious economic “woes”, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that America just elected a president who feels that the best tonic for the economy is to take a tax bulldozer to incomes.
