21 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: What Would We Do Without Statistical And Dynamical Models?”

  1. Yup. Good eye, Kate. Maybe you ought to check back on you funny stat and weather sites, and you might catch this keeper, just added to the University of Florida page:
    Note!!! The Drudge Report headline is incorrect — it is “Northern Hemisphere” Tropical Cyclone Activity Lowest in 30 years. This includes the Pacific ocean as well, which has seen dramatically below average activity. When combined, historically LOW levels of “hemispheric” activity are being experienced. The North Atlantic has seen an “above-average” season with another tropical storm forming this week near Central America.
    Kate, you might want to go down to Galveston and ask the folks there how much of a bust this year’s Atlantic hurricane season has been. You might also want to think back to the Republican convention.

  2. Now that Barack Obama has been elected POTUS the GW scare tactics will completely disappear in about 2 years. A positive side effect of having a Democrat in the White House is that the lefties are extremely reluctant to criticize anything he does or doesn’t do. I, for one, am looking forward to Global Warming going the way of Save the Whales, Ozone depletion, Y2K, etc.
    BTW, I am still waiting to hear the cries of the lefties for the outlawing of gay marriage on the LEFT COAST.

  3. What’s the the line?
    Everyone always talks about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it.

  4. “Kate, you might want to go down to Galveston and ask the folks there how much of a bust this year’s Atlantic hurricane season has been.”
    And this in a nutshell is a prime example of how the left is driven by emotion instead of facts and logic.
    In other words, let’s continue the Gore/UN scam of taxing billion of people around the globe in the loony attempt to control nature like a thermostat knowing full well it’s impossible and more so that overall hurricanes are not increasing in number or intensity. MORON!
    Keep taxing and thus reducing overall wealth around the world and see how places like Galveston will fare from private donation and charity in the long run. MORON!

  5. Mark, I created the page prior to the update being added to the link, and it was auto-posted this morning. Thanks for alerting me to it.
    That said, the fact that a hurricane hit Galveston has no bearing on whether or not there were more or fewer hurricanes than forecast.

  6. Go to Galvaston. LOL. Fair enough.
    Then please explain that gigantic hurricane Galvaston was devasted by in 1900. If you are trying to conclude that global warming is driving hurricanes then how to explain the hurricane of 1900. If it was a fluke of the time then the same can be said for any other hurricane at any other time.

  7. As far as I know William M. Gray, one of the tropical storm forecasters, does not believe there is any relationship between global warming and hurricane activity. He’s one of the good guys although his forecasts have not been very accurate the last few years.

  8. Kate: North American Hemisphere? I knew that the US election changed a lot of things, but I didn’t know it changed the geography of the world that much!
    Anyway, just to highlight Mark’s point:
    Predicted Actual
    Names Storms 15 16
    Hurricanes 8 7
    ACE 150 131
    So the prediction seems to be pretty good.

  9. Check out California’s Kyoto/green propositions that were on the ballet. Soundly defeated. Even the “Green” Left Coast is not scared enough to bow down to the Kyoto Gods.
    What ? You didn’t hear about it in the media ? Of course not. The media knows it’s job is to spread fear. A fearful population is easier to control. Easier to tax. Easier to state-run.
    Hurricanes fit nicely into all this as Canes are the scariest weather phenomena. A compliant Media will give blanket coverage to any Jackass predicting a bad Cane season. But will bury the good news when the fear mongering turns out to be just that. Sick.

  10. As usual,ole Johnny Cross jumps in without reading Kate’s correction in the post. Did he even read the post?
    And gotta a link for those figures,John? Or do only deniers have to provide them?

  11. Justthinkin: You really lost me here. I pointed out that Kate made a slip and said North American Hemisphere when she meant Northern Hemisphere. She corrected it and case closed. Please explain what you are getting at.
    In regards to the Hurricane figures, the easiest place to get them is Wiki. I don’t like Wiki for looking at complex topics but it is usually OK for stats (or as a place to start). Please feel free to check their sources and let me know if they have made an error.

  12. Related:
    “Nunavut rejects call to curb polar bear hunt
    Decision leaves controversial Baffin Bay region quota at 105 bears”
    http://tinyurl.com/6ab2sa (G-M)
    From comments:
    “F/A josquin from Canada writes:
    Maybe our conservative/republican government can apply a bit of environmental pressure. Perhaps the newly installed northern cabinet minster can weigh in on the problem.
    We are, and will remain an international farce, as long as we succumb to conservatives and their warped world view.”

  13. John…you posted @12:07…Kate had made note of change at 10:23. Let me correct myself a bit…did he read the post OR comments before posting his. And I trust wikki just as much as I trust any politico.They are both self-serving a&&hats.Give me some NASA or at least some sorta scientific chart/table.

  14. Push marketer of AGW = John Cross. Modern Herb Tarlek.
    BTW: My lying hide doesn’t realize that I’m boiling to death (like the frog fallacy) … thank you Mann(and computer models) for correcting our actual experiences.

  15. Justthinkin: Please note Kate’s response to me at 12:23. In regards to the wiki numbers. You asked for a source, I gave you one. Check the references if you wish more information.
