44 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Let’s tally up here for a second.
    NFL head coach. Check.
    Best Actress Oscar. Check.
    President of the United States. Check!
    Anything else on the to-do list?

  2. Awesome column by David smithee over at americanthinker.com on how Obama’s election is the best thing that could have happened for Conservatives. Very well written and argued. I would provide the exact link but iPhones do not support cut and paste.

  3. No wonder britain banned weapons… Their entire political class would already be extinct !
    The councils who ban Latin words because they are ‘elitist and discriminatory’ and confuse immigrants
    Classics scholars have accused councils of ‘ethnic cleansing’ after they banned staff from using Latin words.
    The local authorities claim the terms are elitist and discriminatory, and have ordered employees to use often-wordier alternatives in documents or when speaking to the public.

  4. That is a really good column, Gord. Excerpt:
    “For the Democrats, it was an act of sublime short-term calculation to trot out Obama. A man whose easy, telegenic charm was able to narcotize into irrelevance all the facts that would have rendered him unelectable in anyone else’s skin. The sewage of slum lords, communist sympathizers and domestic terrorists swirl about his ankles. And yet a flash of smile and a few words in his soothing baritone captured the American imagination and soothed a majority of the electorate. But now the work is going to start. Results are going to matter, and if there’s one fact about Barry that the media was unable to obscure, it’s that he is a candidate truly uncluttered by moderation.
    “He is the proto-Democrat; liberalism’s gleaming new flagship. And that’s going to be a long-term problem for Democrats in ways they can scarcely now imagine.”

  5. Take a look at the National Newswatch this morning! “The Conservative Party supports legislation to remove authority from the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Tribunal etc.”————-How great would that be.
    Told them they will not get one red cent from me until they rectify that situation. Make this a confidence motion immediately while the opposition is still broke. hehehehehaw!

  6. Interesting article by Paul Wells in Macleans on the new Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page. This is another kept promise by Harper to create this important independent analysis and presentation to parliament and us on what the real status of Canada’s finances are. The 18 billion dollar cost of the Afghanistan war was his first document duly signed by those who worked on it, double what the official cost was.
    There is an attempt to shut down Page as he is seen as too public and independent. As Wells notes at first blush it would be Harper but no it is the Liberal Speaker of the house and the Red Tory Kinsella, speaker of the senate. These typical bureaucrats can’t stand any attempt to actually shine a light on the real cost of government.

  7. (Via SWJ) Noah Schachtman, Army Social Scientist Set Afire in Afghanistan
    Paula Lloyd was interviewing locals in the southern village of Maywand on Tuesday as part of her duties in a Human Terrain Team, which embeds civilian cultural experts into U.S. combat units. She approached a man carrying a fuel jug and they began talking about the price of gas. Suddenly, the man doused Lloyd in a flammable liquid and set her on fire. She suffered second- and third-degree burns over 60 percent of her body…
    The Taliban took credit for the attack on their website. The Taliban has a long history of setting women on fire as a way of punishing them for perceived immodesty.
    This is the latest in a series of attacks on Human Terrain personnel…

  8. Brandon Crisp tragedy: “‘Future Shop has decided to cancel all the festivities [for the launch of a new game] out of respect for the family of Brandon Crisp,’ said spokeswoman Stefanie Niewada.”
    That’s a good start. How about a step further, however? How about the manufacturers of these mind-numbing games stop foisting them on young people who have yet to develop a full sense of social responsibility and participation in the world around them?
    I know, I know, it’s never going to happen.
    So, next suggestion? Why don’t parents start to seriously engage in their children’s lives and not leave them to the computer-screen babysitter?
    The number-one reason why our children are in jeopardy in North America is parental neglect on a massive scale. Most of it is benign–meaning that the parents “don’t mean” to ignore their children’s needs, it’s just that their busy schedules preclude their spending much time with them.
    Disclaimer: I am not “blaming” Mr. and Mrs. Crisp. They have a personal tragedy to deal with which will change their lives forever.
    However, if the so-called adults, in general, in North America don’t quickly get their collective act together and realize that their children need their focused and concerned attention far more than they need all the latest fashions and mod-cons, we can expect increasing numbers of zombied-out children whose only concern is the next computer game. I see them in classrooms every day; they can’t even look the person who’s talking to them in the eye. It’s like others just don’t exist.

  9. The Second Coming of Fidel
    “Liberal Justin Trudeau sworn in as MP”
    There was a clip on this @ctv.ca but for some strange reason it has vanished.

  10. Frank Hoffman, CNAS, From Preponderance to Partnership: American Maritime Power in the 21st Century
    One of the most important national security challenges facing the next president of the United States will be preserving America’s maritime power. The U.S. Navy has been cut in half since the 1980s, shrinking steadily from 594 to today’s 280 ships. The fleet size has been cut by 60 ships during the Bush administration alone, despite significantly increased Pentagon budgets…
    [Full report in PDF only.]

  11. Your Morning Laugh brought to you by Dion
    “No more Free Rides, Dion warns Harper”
    Globe & Mail
    If you want a real good laugh go to Bourque he has the link to the comments on this article, Priceless.

  12. I already posted on this But I got caught up in the Editors review(sorry Kate), Me bad so will edit it went like this.
    Found the clip on The Trudeau swearing in as an MP. Its over at MDL under Dosanhj interview at the start of the clip.
    Trudeau is so Humbled, But Iam but only one…..blah,blah
    In other words His nose is so far up ones own BLANK and Ones own BLANK dont stink

  13. There is an attempt to shut down Page as he is seen as too public and independent. As Wells notes at first blush it would be Harper but no it is the Liberal Speaker of the house and the Red Tory Kinsella, speaker of the senate. These typical bureaucrats can’t stand any attempt to actually shine a light on the real cost of government.
    Posted by: Dave at November 7, 2008 8:28 AM
    No Dave – as promised by the Cons, the Accountability Act would include an independent budget officer. The Cons legislation though placed the office under the umbrage of the library of parliament – which is in turn governed by the speakers. Thus making the office political – ie: politicians and bureaucrats determine what information becomes public.
    As mentioned in recent news articles, there is no mechanism outside of this budget office in government that could provide a costing of Afghanistan efforts as quickly, and with as high a quality, as this office has.
    Which in turn, has put the noses out of joint of bureaurats and politico ghouls alike.
    The problem can quickly be solved by legislation that has the office report directly to Parliament. Unfortunately, the Cons gerrymandered the thing in as is to ultimately retain control, breaking a promise of the Accountability Act.
    This wasn’t the Libranos. This was the doings of Librano Lite.

  14. Adolf had his Hitler Jugend, Stalin had his Komsomol, Mao had his Red Guards, Kennedy built the Peace Corps, PET built Katimavik.
    Count O’s Corps: 1,2,3,4,5,6, > ?.
    The shining path of socialism:
    “Our Enemy, The State*.
    “The body politic
    Change.Gov, the President-Elect’s website, has this announcement to make:
    The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation’s challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in underserved schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start.
    Four new corps. Does this mean an expanded federal government or at least expanded government spending?”
    Our Enemy The State
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as HTML
    Our Enemy The State. By Albert Jay Nock. In Memoriam Edmund Cadwalader Evans A sound economist, one of the few who. understand the nature of the state …

  15. Well, if they don’t have sufficient character to be in Special Forces, they can settle for becoming “change agents” and, eventually, hegemon.
    (PDF warning) Brig. Gen. Bennet Sacolick, Character and the Special Forces Soldier
    Character is a fundamental demand that our operational environment places upon our force. The men who don the Green Beret will be sent to the ends of the earth and in most cases they alone will represent and make decisions on behalf of the United States of America. Our Special Forces Soldiers routinely work in small isolated detachments, alone and far removed from the support and protection or daily guidance of the U.S. Government. They will only have each other to depend upon so we must insure that every single one of them has the character and integrity to function, maneuver and operate in these very complex environments. When our young men are thousands of miles away from their leadership, can we depend upon each and every one of them to do what is right? Can their fellow teammates count on them, without regard to the dangers involved? Of course they can and I am very, very confident that our graduates will always achieve their assigned mission. This is the expectation that our country, and all those who have gone before them, places upon our Regiment…

  16. So much for proportional representation. Guess the Cons don’t want to bother with the idea of democracy – that each individual’s vote counts.
    Proposed by: Brandon Souris and Toronto Centre
    i) A Conservative Government will consider changes to electoral systems, including the use of fixed election dates,(REMOVED ‘proportional representation, the single transferable ballot,’ END REMOVAL) and the use of referendums
    Do you support this amendment? ____ Yes ____ No
    Now we get to watch as the Cons move directly into Librano territory. Aside from the lie of the independence of the budget officer, a metastasizing cabinet, and the dodge of HRC’s being considered in their national policies (as opposed to simply introducing legislation duh!), the reverse takeover by the faux-cons is beginning to gel.

  17. Mea culpa and a climbdown…
    Looks like the proportional representation possibility has been moved into a subsequent policy, with a couple of new caveats. It has not been removed.
    My bad.
    Now if the Cons would simply move on it….I’d be happy 8-D

  18. Great gorgeous gams with your selection Vitruvius!
    I mean the horse of course, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    2nd Squadron: Ulanen-(Lancers) Regiment GroĂźherzog Friedrich von Baden(Rheinisches) Nr.7(Saarbrucken)
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

  19. bryanr: “There was a clip on this [Justin Trudeau’s swearing in as MP] @ctv.ca but for some strange reason it has vanished.”
    As it turns out, it didn’t vanish, but if it had, I figured it would be because of the embarrassing comments of Maggie Trudeau, uber-Mom.
    When asked if she had any advice to give Justin, just after she’d gushed that he’d been inside the HOC as a babe in arms, she blushed, giggled, and said, oh no, she didn’t think he’d listen “to Mummy.”

  20. First there were Pet Rocks – now also Pack-Man Carbon Eating Rocks !!
    [NEW YORK — A rock found mostly in Oman can be harnessed to soak up carbon dioxide – the main greenhouse gas – at a rate that could help slow global warming, scientists say.]G&M (Who else?)
    You just know the whole article is bunk after the first line; “the main greenhouse gas” – Truth is, CO2 is a very minor GH gas.

  21. “…. the fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you are not very well-acquainted with failure. You might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success. Indeed, your conception of failure might not be too far from the average person’s idea of success, so high have you already flown academically.”
    “Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by passing examinations. Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had suspected; I also found out that I had friends whose value was truly above rubies.”
    “The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive. You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more to me than any qualification I ever earned.”
    J.K. Rowling at Harvard Commencement,June 2008.
    President-Elect Barack Obama graduated from Harvard Law School Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude.

  22. (Via Contentions) Obamatrons sing ‘Obamalujah’ over Barackisms
    First there was “Obamamania,” punctured in places by naysayers crying “Nobama!”
    Now, as President-elect Barack Obama prepares for the White House, his message of change, resounding both at home and abroad, seems to have unleashed a barrage of Barackisms. Or maybe they should be called Obamanyms.
    Here’s a glossary, culled from Web sites, news reports and the blogosphere:
    OBAMAPHORIA: The postelection rapture that swept over Obama’s supporters worldwide.
    OBAMANATION: A twist on “abomination,” expressed by evangelicals and other conservatives who oppose Obama’s stance on abortion, gay marriage and other social issues.
    OBAMARAMA: The celebrations around the Jan. 20, 2009, inauguration…

  23. Caroline Glick, Column One: Livni’s Obama Strategy
    Whatever the Obama administration’s position on Israel may be, it will not be more supportive of the country than the Bush administration has been. And over the past year, the supportive Bush administration has decided not to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and not to support an Israeli effort to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.
    If Israel’s next prime minister intends to prevent Teheran from acquiring the means to implement its stated aim of destroying Israel, he or she must be prepared to stand up to America. Indeed, the greatest diplomatic challenge he or she will likely face will be standing up to a popular new President Obama, supported by large Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress and the overwhelming majority of American Jewish voters…

  24. Joe the Plumber has new website to keep a close eye on President Obama and make Americans’ voices heard loudly…
    Excerpt from Joe’s site:

    …we pray he hearkens to our voice if ever we feel our American Dream is being threatened. It will be a loud voice, so good luck trying to ignore it.

  25. Giordano Bruno* ended his days as Vatican kindling. Bruno was burned alive at the stake for heresy in Rome in 1600 for saying/writing what this paper says.
    “Tenthly, since it is well that this world doth exist, no less good is the existence of each one of the infinity of other worlds.”
    “The presence of the extra-universal matter suggests that our universe is part of something bigger—a multiverse—and that whatever is out there is very different from the universe we know,”
    “Unknown “Structures” Tugging at Universe, Study Says”
    *Giordano Bruno: On the Infinite Universe and Worlds (Introductory …
    GIORDANO BRUNO. THE NOLAN. On the Infinite Universe and Worlds. To the Most Illustrious Monsieur de Mauvissière. Printed in Venice in the year 1584 …

  26. Duplicity, “science”, and politicians: the GHG Pyramid Scheme.
    “Scientists study impact of climate on NV
    Researchers are launching a $21 million study to determine the impacts of a warming climate on Nevada and its precious water supply.
    The five-year project ..”
    Meanwhile, this report …
    “Observed Climate Change in Florida
    Written by Robert Ferguson
    Tuesday, 04 November 2008”
    “Observed Climate Change and the Negligible Global Effect of Greenhouse-gas Emission Limits
    in the State of Florida”
    >>>> “The Governor’s Action Team on Energy and Climate Change has a dirty little secret it doesn’t want you to know about—
    the Action Plan will have absolutely no meaningful impact on the future course of global (much less statewide) climate change.”
    “Additionally, we review Florida’s long-term climate history and find little in the way of evidence that greenhouse gas build-up in the atmosphere has altered Florida’s climate. There has been no long-term change in state wide average temperature, precipitation, or drought frequency. Natural cycles in the state and regional climate can largely explain changes in patterns of hurricane activity and vector-borne disease outbreaks. The state’s population has largely adapted to the region’s weather and is virtually immune from occurrence of heat waves. The rate of future sea level rise is not projected to be largely different from the on-going rate of sea level rise along Florida’s coast—a rise that has been well-adapted to as Florida’s rising coastal development and population attests.
    All told, Floridian’s have been little impacted by global “climate change” and regulations prescribing a reduction in the state’s greenhouse gas emissions, such as those recommended by the Energy and Climate Change Action Plan will have no detectable effect on future climate change. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about the impact of emissions regulations on the state’s economy, which have been projected to be large and negative.”

  27. More, and faster.
    “Harper government cancels portrait gallery
    OTTAWA — The long dream of a national portrait gallery to showcase Canada’s famous faces is dead.
    The Harper government abruptly announced late Friday that it is killing the project, which has been in the works for seven years.
    Newly minted Heritage Minister James Moore announced that none of the proposals received by developers is acceptable to the government, “and we are therefore terminating the selection process.”
    “In this time of global economic instability, it is important that the federal government continue to manage its own affairs prudently and pragmatically,” Mr. Moore said in a news release.”
    Commenter said:
    ” Antonio San from Canada writes: How about the Human Right garbage museum?”
    The greater majority of the other comments are the standard moonbat tripe.

  28. From Comments:
    “Michael Powers from Canada writes: Once again the Liberals form a circle and shoot towards the center.”
    Yup. It’s a “crow circle”*.
    “[Quebec]Motion would bar prominent MPs from Liberal leadership race”
    *Wild Animals: crows, carrion crows, hooded crows
    Unfortunately, the most likely explanation of their behaviour is that the crows … At crow courts, the prisoner stands alone in the centre of a circle of a …
