72 Replies to “Google Commemorative Logos You’ll Never See”

  1. poor misinformed idealistic girlwomanchild…and see how close her demise rounds upon Shrove Tuesday and all the pancaking in every form shape speed of delivery and ingredient incumbent upon that time in every European and South American country whether Catholic or Protestant…
    mine carefully prepared annually for me by a proddy Libberpuddleand friend made in spite of mine R.C. errors were crepe-like sprinkled with brown sugar and lemon….
    she is since deceased as Rachel is(though not with lemon squash!)…i enjoyed the symbolism the semiotic faith involved as much as i’m sure i would be missing the girlwomanchild Rachel Corrie today if i had known the poor idealistic misinformed girlwomanchild..

  2. Excellent – a guy who adopts the name of Lenin assuming the moral high ground.

  3. ulianov
    … is “compensating’ on behalf of the proletariat….every day when the mail comes he expects a ticket for that sealed railway carriage trip across Canada will be delivered…
    THEN he can get down to business…

  4. Geez, some kid got killed six years ago and MacMillan, Shaidle and the rest of the rightwing blogosphere are still cackling about it.
    Stay classy, guys.

  5. so bleet….
    tell me again exactly WHY poor rachel shouldn’t be an object of derision ?
    i DARE you to answer….and not with a pathetic misdirecting sneer…but with a reasoned objective factual argument…i hope you can and will but i very much doubt you have the patience or the integrity……….or the parts actually.

  6. Reminds me of a story my Father told when he had a few. It was during that unpleasantness in the early 40’s. He was driving lead in a multi-vehicle convoy in Some European country when a child ran across the road. Much to his grief, his commanding officer would not allow the convoy to stop.
    War is hell.

  7. Did Hugo not do in a lot of people with the same machine ? Hundreds, thousands even ? Media remember them ?

  8. “Hugo driving over a right winger is positively hilarious.”
    If a “right winger” put themselves in the middle of a dangerous foreign conflict and stood in the blindspot of a D9 I would also be unsympathetic.

  9. Alright, begley
    It should be obvious to any mature, reasoning individual that the kid was just that – a kid.
    Undoubtedly ‘misinformed, idealistic’ as you said in your post.
    She was killed by what the bulldozer operator
    said was an accident. You can deride her for the reasons she was there. But why is she – and her death – an object of derision and ridicule?
    Only the mentally ill would find humour in such an event. Say what you will about the left, you wouldn’t find such a ghastly display of inhumanity on their sites.

  10. Actually There’s a pretty good case that she was put in the path of the dozer and kept there by her pals the Paleos and the ISM.
    There is a web site Stop The ISM that claims to expose much of what the ISM does.
    see http://www.stoptheism.com …. may be under reconstruction at the moment…. however, I read a series of articles that they compiled that offered photo analysis of the AP (remember AP?) pics of the event.
    Nothing conclusive was offered in either case but … there certainly is more to her death than the MSM reported.

  11. Darwin awards. Overwhelming stupidity (in the line of political identity-seeking) becomes fatal.
    It pays to respect anything that can squish you like a little bug. She chose not to. Heavy equipment operators don`t have perfect vision, especially up close. If she couldn`t see the operator then she was in a blind spot.

  12. BTW her death is neither deserving of ridicule or phony and self serving angst.
    But those who promote their phony and self serving angst through the maudlin assertion such as those of KisParty Chairman SondraK … or Ulianov the sniveler.. or Bleet of the cognitive disfunction……
    sure do deserve it ….. in buckets full.
    Open up and say AHHHHHHH! Here comes another…

  13. oh dear me bleat…
    the sadness attendant on her demise is that she was wrong wrong wrong in her choice of victim…
    …SHE turned out to be the ultimate victim of her own wrongheaded misinformedness…she as you are useful idiots…to use an ironically apposite expression..
    i believe it was only three years previous that the cause she espoused was given every single concession they requested PLUS a titch more…which resolution ‘the cause she espoused’ walked away and started intafading again…
    now…bleat..you are a supranormally misinformed eedjit…this is obvious…
    the problem for this gentle reader is whether YOU are an anti-semite or an anti-Zionist?
    care to clarify ?
    and bleat ?…no havering waverin equivocating bafflegab please…just you speak strongly and compellingly why i am wrong in my estimation of events…

  14. No, OMMAG
    There isn’t anything ‘phony, self-serving,’ or ‘maudlin’ about observing that someone ‘celebrating’ a kid’s death with a picture of legs protruding from beneath a bulldozer, or by talking about pancakes, a la Shaidle – – there’s nothing maudlin about observing that these are the products of sick minds.
    That’s simply an observation of fact.

  15. a warning….
    i’ve dealt with twats like ulianov and bleat for decades…
    those of you expecting a reasonable rational argument from these twats wil be disappointed…it is NOT forthcoming…
    they are subnormal in intellectual development…it’s actually that simple.

  16. Sigh… I don’t think anyone is celebrating her death. It’s the campaign of martyrdom around Rachel Corrie that’s being mocked. Sanctimonious exploitative piety brings that out in some people.

  17. Well if you missed shrove Tuesday, or Mardi Gras, the Dutch make the thinnest pannekoeke.
    Just don’t say you don’t give a tinkers damn tommorrow on St. Paddy’s Day!
    This story reminds me of when the “8 Ball” safety truck was crushed by a 210 Manitowoc crane. The bozo for the week got to drive the “8 Ball” truck to denote the supervisor with the worst safety record of the week. The supervisor was studious enough to have left the vehicle on the crane pad unoccupied.
    Then of course there was the illustrious “Brain Surgeon” who got the pink slip for tossing 4×8 strong backs down 180 ft into the draft tubes, where people were walking below. Fortunately no one killed. “Brain Surgeon” didn’t wait for the crane to sling the 4x6s into place.
    A similar incident happened up in Mica, the D9 operator ran over a worker who was plunged into a hollow between two rocks and appeared to be crushed. The operator noticing what he has done promptly has a heart attack, while the worker managed to wriggle free muddy but otherwise unharmed.
    Luck of the Irish, I tell ya!
    Happy St. Paddy’s day.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  18. Hey Begley
    There was no equivocation in my post. I stated my position clearly.
    What’s in your post is a lot of smaller case word dancing and childish ad hominem insults.
    She was naive and put herself in a dangerous place. She was killed.
    I think that ridiculing her death reveals mental illness on the part of the ridiculers.
    My saying so does not make me an anti-Semite or any other of the insults you’ve chosen to fling my way.
    It is, however, revealing, that the only manner by which you feel you can defend your position is by levelling such ad hominems.
    And again: can anyone direct me to a soulless monstrosity such as is displayed by Kate here which occurs on a ‘left’ website?

  19. By the way, the gopher at the top of the page was down on its little knees, begging for its life, when I shot it.

  20. nice bleat bleet…
    ah…so she WAS naive !…now THAT’S a start bleety old boy !
    fyi bleety old boy…we’re not pissing on Rachel’s grave…what we’re doing is pissing on all YOU types that find some rationale no matter how slim to paint the poor dim MISINFORMED dear thing as a martyr…
    do you finally geddit?

  21. > Only the mentally ill would find humour in
    > such an event. Say what you will about the
    > left, you wouldn’t find such a ghastly display
    > of inhumanity on their sites.
    I’m mentally ill (schizophrenic) and I can’t say I find humour in it. While I recognize the point that both Kathy and Kate are making, I do feel there were better ways go to about it. Not everything requires over-the-top polemics.
    This … was not the way to do it.

  22. King Canute kept saying hope and change and it didn’t work out so well. Skinny believer and an armoured D9 is history repeating itself.

  23. “can anyone direct me to a soulless monstrosity such as is displayed by Kate here which occurs on a ‘left’ website?”
    No need to go any further than the DailyKos or HuffingtonPost. Just do a search for anyone who has passed away recently that didn’t fall in line with the “progressive” ideals of the posters on those sites.

  24. Hell, just look at what they have to write about in regards to Bush or Cheney. Too many death fantasies for my liking.

  25. Hell, just look at what they write about in regards to Bush or Cheney. Too many death fantasies for my liking.

  26. I don’t care who you are or what you believe in, that girl died a horrible death. She has a family out there who loved her unconditionally and undoubtedly still feel the pain of her death. What if they saw this?
    Not cool, not cool at all. This is right down there with “the classy left.”

  27. No-one’s told you that the lower-case writing and the attempts to be condescending just make you come off sad and childish, huh, Begley?
    And now you reach deep for another straw man argument: your concoction that ‘people like me’ regard Corrie as a martyr.
    I don’t regard her as a martyr. What in the world are you talking about? Or more to the point: do you not find it strange that you have to make stuff up in order to defend your position?
    My position is clear: it’s difficult to imagine anyone deriving amusement from the bulldozer cartoon above except sick, hate-filled losers.
    I’m still waiting for someone to provide a comparable image from left website.

  28. Rachel Corrie was a simple dupe who got involved with the wrong sort of people before she had a chance to grow up. She falls into the same category of those teenage homicide bombers. What I would ridicule and depise are the manipulative people who have attempted to canonize her.

  29. So Dante, we can only laugh at orphans who do something foolish? Or do we have to wait for test tube babies?

  30. albertaclipper, uh, no, in no way does she belong in the category of a teenage homicidal bomber.
    She died in an accident
    Agree with bleet, she was naive and put herself in a dangerous place

  31. Not being familiar with the story i scanned wiki and get the impression that she was an unfortunate dupe – misplaced youthful idealism, a stupid tragic incident.
    What jarred me was her parents and the Palestinians trying to sue Caterpillar afterwards.

  32. Rebarbarian said: So Dante, we can only laugh at orphans who do something foolish? Or do we have to wait for test tube babies?
    No, just snarky commenters.

  33. All I see is that idiot’s face twisted in hate as she screams her hatred of Jews and bonds with Hamas. Hamas that walked away from talks this week with Fatah on peace talks with the Zionist State with the assertion that there can be no peace while Israel exists and yet the stupid morons of the left bond together and demand that Israel “negotiate peace” with these f*cksticks…and appear oblivious to the fact that this is one of those irreconcilable differences. This is either a war of attrition or a genocide.
    I’m OK with using armored bulldozers on people who sincerely believe in genocide. I’ve seen the pictures of rage boy with his face twisted in hate. Dozer girl is the only picture I’ve ever seen outside an eco or save the whale riot which features a girl whose features are entirely distorted by hatred.
    Good riddance to bad rubbish; and you can tell her parents I said so. Empathy drives the believer to good works. They achieved the exact opposite.

  34. Re: “And again: can anyone direct me to a soulless monstrosity such as is displayed by Kate here which occurs on a ‘left’ website?”
    The entire leftist oeuvre is a soulless monstrosity. It delights in hamstringing the productive (i.e., the capitalists) while causing misery to the poor unfortunates who are victimized thereby (rarely the “rich”), who are then shuffled into social programs (that “define Canada”) and wonder when they’ll find work again. Meanwhile the architects of these depredations ensconce themselves into nicely paid but parasitical jobs in government or its favoured organizations. This has been going on for four or five decades.

  35. Almost as funny as Anne Frank’s diary.
    Just kidding.
    I realize it isn’t easy dealing with an alternate sexual orientation in a small town. I had a cousin that ended up moving to Toronto.
    Funny, haha.

  36. Yes, Erik, she is in the same category as a homicide bomber in that they are both immature people being exploited by organizers who would not put themselves into a dangerous or deadly situation but are willing to use naive dupes instead, to make political statements. My sympathy is with the young driver of the bulldozer who will have to live for the rest of his life with the guilt that goes with killing another human being.

  37. Ahhhhhhhh.Poor little twit got run over.Even Darwin would not count this one.As Forrest would say…stupid is as stupid does.Feel sorry for her?Nope. Useless idiot.One down,many more to go.

  38. I have always wondered about that case. It is the only person I have ever heard of being run over by a n Israeli military dozer. It makes one wonder, was she pushed by her Palestinian handlers? Was she convinced somehow to volunteer? My guess, the Palestinians killed her for the PR value.
    It would not be the first time they used the blood of someone in this way. It would not be the last time either. The myth of Jenin, the fable of Al Dura, the lie of the UN school. When will people stop taking part in helping their PR machine? Anyone who has ever spread one of these lies has blood on their hands.

  39. Nice to see you finally come out,and show what a twit you are,Erik.Stop feeding the Pali loving troll,people.His rocket ain’t that big.

  40. Shaidle needs to be reminded that the only reason Canadians are sticking up for Jews, is they hate them just slightly less than Muslims(Arabs). Stunts like this aren’t winning many converts.
    For someone who’s pretending to be conservative, this is sort of a dumbass posting. Belittling a tragic death, even your enemy’s, is not in keeping with conservative values. Shaidle is not a conservative, she’s a shit disturber.
    I realize people in rural Saskatchewan are on this bandwagon now, but the rest of us know you’re only one election away from another NDP government. You should tone it down a bit. You’re giving conservatives a bad name.
