72 Replies to “Google Commemorative Logos You’ll Never See”

  1. dp, agree
    albertaclipper – I too feel bad for the bulldozer driver.
    I still think there is a very large difference between someone who naively thinks they are there to help “peace”, and someone who straps bombs on their body and blows up innocent civilians, often children.
    I understand your point about co-option to a cause, but these situations are fundamentally different.

  2. I agree with OMMAG and Dante…I don’t find this the least bit funny at all. Speaking ill or derisively of the dead is a very lowbrow, uncouth thing to do, regardless of the circumstances.

  3. “By the way, the gopher at the top of the page was down on its little knees, begging for its life, when I shot it.”

  4. Everyone
    Some people find things funny that others don’t, get used to it! Thinking you are better than someone else because that someone has crossed an imaginary line that you’ve drawn is stupid.
    Funny observations:
    -Black people are late
    -White people are devils
    -Chinese people can turn a radio into a wrist watch
    -Some Muslims wear towels on their heads even if they didn’t shower
    -Women can be B’s
    -Handicapped people do funny things
    -Old people are annoying
    Okay, I guess I’m a bad person.
    Suck it up princess!

  5. Nice Homez!
    Ya the joke is a little shameless. Whatever. Move along if you don’t like it. Tell you the truth I find the leftist prattling and incensed outrage funnier, given a few months ago I could go to a leftist blog and see all sorts of anti-semite slurs and outright hatred literally seeping through my laptop monitor.
    Although the joke here is in bad taste, at least it’s not in bad company. I don’t see any Hamas (jihadists, cowards, etc) supporters here except for the few leftard trolls who sadly, couldn’t know better, given their obvious deficit in critical thinking.

  6. Only the mentally ill would find humour in such an event. Say what you will about the left, you wouldn’t find such a ghastly display of inhumanity on their sites.
    Posted by: bleet at March 16, 2009 11:21 PM
    I will pass that on to Tony Snow’s family from the kiddies at KOS bleet.

  7. The cartoon is about a campaign which exploits corrie’s death for a political purpose. The only time she is treated as a human being is when the left wants to feign outrage, hoping to shut down discussion. Then they show up waving the bloody shirt and claiming the moral high ground.
    It’s a time honoured leftist tactic; find a victim who seems sacred and use them, then scream whenever there is any push back.
    And although i had no respect for her cause, I won’t insult the woman by claiming she didn’t know what she was doing.

  8. Cartoon in bad taste? Maybe so. If you are of this opinion, move on. But please spare us the feigned outrage, the pious lecturing and the sanctimonious crap.

  9. Oh who gives a flying fruitcake, bleeding heart, lefty retards? All you who said, “Good!”, when you heard Reagan died. It’s payback time and it’s a byotch, as the kids say. It’s Kate’s party and she’ll laugh if she wants to. Now like the lady says, “You should probably stomp away in a huff and threaten never to come back.” Or stay and be our bitches. Like dear little Rachel, your choice.

  10. “Stupidity is the only universal capital crime. The sentence is carried out automatically, and there is no appeal.”
    — R.A.H.

  11. Well well well
    64 posts down the thread and no-one can find a similarly soulless monstrosity from a left-wing site that approaches the sick cartoon above. And they never will.
    And aside from the fring-dwelling (basement-dwelling) collection of “leftard!”-spouting semi-literate nutbags no-one else runs to dear Kate’s defence. And all the moderates spurn her.
    A word to the wise: MacMillan and Shaidle aren’t consrvatives. They’re haters. They’ve adopted the trappings of conservatism as a platform for their hate-spewing. But that’s it.
    Isn’t it obvious? What on earth does MacMillan’s repeated postings of flagrantly racist cartoons – or Shaidle’s delineation of Muslims & Indians as “parasites” – have to do with conservatism, smaller gov’t., lower taxes?
    What does any of it have to do with mocking the death of a kid?
    You might want to ask yourself why your ideology lends itself so easily to such hate-spewing. After that, you might consider pitching in for some much-needed therapy for the hate-spewers before they further discredit your ideology.

  12. bleet- It obviously has nothing to do with smaller gov’t, etc. These sites are cashing in on an ideology they don’t really understand, or believe in.
    It was amusing for a while, but I think I’ll say adios.

  13. Bleet….You lose your argument when you call this woman a kid. She was not a kid. I wasn’t a kid when I went to Vietnam at 17 and this little fellow traveler wasn’t a kid when she went to Israel at the age of 23 to celebrate the deaths of Jews with Hamas! I have no problem laughing at the death of a little Eichmann wannabe….she was a maroon!

  14. Reading comprehension sucks as well eh bleet?
    Try again, five (5) posts above your last.

  15. Hey Louise
    I wouldn’t be throwing the word ‘impotent’ around if I were you. Judging by this thread I’ve mobilized a fair number of dissenters to Kate’s “hey, let’s laugh at dead young women” party.
    And of course the rest are frothing-at-the-mouth haters no subtantively different than the ones who cheered at the twin towers going down.
    Hey Atlantic Jim
    I’m not the one with reading comprehension problems. You have presented nothing. Grotesque diplays of vicious mental sickness remain the province of far-right whacko sites.

  16. Congrats…you guys and fivefeetofsh*t have both been sent off to Rachel Corrie’s parent’s email address. What you can say to each other you can surely say to them.

  17. A Leftist soulless monstrosity? Hmm.
    Banning DDT, and thus condemning millions to die of malaria.
    Giving nuclear secrets to the Soviets in the ’40s and ’50s, thereby creating the Cold War and dooming hundreds of millions of people to suffer through communist rule.
    Allowing the North Viet Namese to invade the south after a peace treaty was signed and did NOT come to their aid, well that ended badly for several million people in the area.
    There’s a few more around here somewhere. But the above are a couple of their lesser evils.

  18. can anyone direct me to a soulless monstrosity such as is displayed by Kate here which occurs on a ‘left’ website?
    Posted by: bleet at March 16, 2009 11:59 PM
    Hmmm… this wasn’t on a ‘left’ website (but have you browsed through Kos/Huffington for the classy eulogies of Tony Snow or Jerry Falwell?) but some very charitable and warming comments from anti-capitalist leftist haters
    “All the executives and their families should be executed with piano wire around their necks, my greatest hope. If the government cannot do this properly, we, the people will take it in our own hands and see that justice is done. I’m looking for all the CEO’s names, kids, where they live…”
    Does that qualify? Do you find it less offensive (or perhaps threatening) than this thread? And if your reply is along the lines of, “Well, who knows if that came from somebody on the left”, don’t bother to respond: you’re not worth debating.
    at gmail d0t calm
