31 Replies to “Ontario: Not Have-Not Enough”

  1. Please someone take on Miller at the next election !!! and get rid of the idiot and his cronies.

  2. Remember when Flaherty told them to lower corporate taxes last year and they said no, it will take away from Health Care.
    Now corporations are leaving or dying and Health Care is losing money.
    If a small city in Switzerland can become an oil corporate capital of the world due to reduced corporate taxes, surely Toronto could have done so – being relatively next to two provinces that produce the stuff…
    Its that Liberal advantage.

  3. McChimp refused to listen, lied, did the wrong things, stole from Ontario taxpayers, bribed ethnic/special interest groups and is now going to slither away and leave the mess behind.

  4. An election is coming. Universal peace is declared, and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry. ~George Eliot, Felix Holt, Chapter 5
    Pretty much say’s it all, dosent it?

  5. In the far future archaeologists will ask the question why people have abandoned once the great city without any sign of a natural disaster.

  6. That’s what I’m saying, langman. It IS possible to kill the Golden Goose, and Mayor Dave, Duh-lton and the boys are banging away as hard as they can to kill this one.
    American companies are FLEEING the insane idiots running their federal government, and what are OUR government geniuses doing? Making sure those companies do not flee to here.
    Any of you guys want to see the ruins of a formerly great center of manufacturing, take a drive down Burlington St. in Hamilton, maybe go up to Barton on the way back. We’re talking BIG buildings that used to have hundreds of people working in them, making all the stuff you can imagine for the people of Canada and for the export trade. All empty.
    All going to stay empty too, or at best get made over into el-cheapo studio space for arteests to crank out t-shirts and painted handbags, maybe a bit of pottery.
    That damage all got done in the 1970’s and 1980’s when it was decided this country doesn’t need to make stuff. The damage being done now is closing the smaller companies in the newer buildings out in Stoney Creek. Buildings that merely employ dozens of people, not the hundreds of Old Hamilton. Same deal in Guelph, Kitchener, London, Windsor, Barrie, everyplace.
    Question I have for Dalton and Dave, who’s going to be your tax base when those guys are gone and its all little guys like The Phantom making chairs in the garage? Not much taxes to be squeezed from chairs, let me tell you.
    Who the hell is paying for all this?

  7. Two things I noticed today…
    1) 156 new Welfare case workers in Toronto – but (although not mentioned in the article) only 1 position to remove unwanted and unseemly ‘signs’. I’d rather get rid of the crap posted all over the city than figure out how to give more money away.
    2) I was in 2 taxis today – a rare occasion – the second one was driven by a gentleman from Pakistan – we had a detailed conversation – who was here because he needed a fourth surgery and his wife was about to deliver a baby…
    I was born in what is now the City of Toronto but have never really lived there. I’ve always been a surburbanite, so please don’t shoot the messenger.
    Man, this is one sorry City and Province.
    No wonder you folks in the west are pissed.

  8. @ Phantom: I agree with you about Hamilton. What keeps going unnoticed is Harper’s attempt to make Canada have the lowest corporate tax rate in the G7. I have yet to hear anyone in the MSM talk about that as a viable strategy.

  9. This post is a great juxtaposition of articles that feed on each other. Who would you like to see hired for those 1300 positions – auto workers? Should relieve some presure on the Unemployment Fund. Mind you, could cause a clash of civilizations – competing unions and such. Toronto my favorite dysfunctional city. David Miller couldn’t write a reasonable budget if his head was in the mouth of a croc. Dear Dalton McGinty is a typical liberal – head in the sand hoping and praying the lion doesn’t take a bite of the exposed parts. Reduce taxes, property assessments and either cut staff or have a hiring freeze. Used to work last century.

  10. No wonder you folks in the west are pissed.
    The angry right fringe is ALWAYS pissed about something, Brian. Geography’s got nothing to do with it.

  11. Get the “red” Star…..article posted at 4:30 and comments are closed already. Guess they are just another rail car on the Miller train wreck.

  12. The big business and professional classes in Toronto are by and large a supine and cowardly lot who have no interest in the needed long term commitment to make your way in the rough and tumble of city politics. Most of the time they think they are making a contribution by supporting the left wing idiot friends of their trust fund babies.
    The few voices of reason elected from the right are mainly self employed business people who were small town mayors before amalgamation. When they are gone it will be full speed ahead to NDP nirvana.

  13. Ontario and California are going in the same direction, about as fast. Arnold S. may have a clue, a little one, but Rat-face Al McGuinty doesn’t.

  14. Councillor Super Jack Layton would never have let all this sordid destruction of the Toronto city-state happen.
    And after today, he may want to return to city politics.
    Especially after the way Dave Rutherford ripped Selfish Jack on his radio show today about the Coalition Crap Party.
    In fact Selfish Jack may never come back West to converse with us magnanimous, friendly, direct talking Westerners.
    Now that was worth listening to.

  15. It was a huge mistake to create the GTA. They should have gone in the opposite direction and remade the cities of scarborough etobicoke etc. Competition for home and business owners would have kept costs far lower than this monopoly does.

  16. Just what a stressed tax base needs – 1,300 more public employees. Let’s just make everyone a gov’t worker, no need to worry who/what pays their wages/benefits. Miller and McGuinty 2 socialist ciphers.

  17. I’m from the West. I don’t care how crappy a city Toronto is. I don’t care how over taxed it is or how idiotic it’s mayor and council are. I don’t care how badly Ontario’s premier manages his provinces economy. BUT – don’t ask me to pay for it

  18. no matter how many times government is proven to be the problem canadians still think it is the solution. i’m sure there must be a word for this disconnect.

  19. it’s a communist plot
    their agenda is to spend money they don’t have
    destroy the middle class
    enslave everyone as a civil servant
    keep pushing taxes higher so that wealth cannot be accumulated
    lower the quality of life
    destroy Christianity
    this is their agenda
    Canadian “socialists” are pure evil

  20. Things seem really bad in Ontario. No wonder the CAW has agreed to freeze GM wages at the current level.

  21. Given the increased revenues from the current bylaw fine rackets carried out by Comrade Miller, they will be able to hire 1000s more bylaw bagmen to fine the city’s population back to prosperity.

  22. The only significant private activity in Toronto or Ontario is finance. Banks, mutual funds insurance and their supporting players. Well over 100,000+ jobs. These are the golden goose McLiar and Doofus are draining. High taxes and regulations. I’m waiting for a Western Prov. to make the industry an offer it can’t refuse. Remember Montreal!

  23. MikeW!!! Oh, SUCH a good point! All the insurance companies and all the banks etc. used to have their head offices in Montreal. Le Separatists killed that off and it only took ’em five or six years to do it. The whole of downtown was full of empty buildings for years. Now empty lots, or little boutiques with five employees where once were towers with hundreds.
    Everything could -easily- move to Calgary. Or anywhere, really. Its the modern age, there’s no physical, technological reason why these companies have to be any particular place anymore.
    Let ’em all relocate to frickin’ East Sh1tkicker New Brunswick, see how Mayor Dave likes that. I bet the E.S. City Council will cut ’em a deal on taxes and building permits, eh?

  24. I note one of the city positions was for a full time lawyer to attend human rights tribunal hearings. No word on whether that is to defend or help prosecute!
