48 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Glad you are back, vitruvius. I was a little worried. We need your delicious delectations, ‘with a bouquet in one hand and a bell in the other’.

  2. Via Drudge
    UW-Milwaukee Study Could Realign Climate Change Theory
    An actual university study is incorrect (the GW canon, as opposed to cannon, would say) in its new research of the climate. They devised a rather elegant test. Something to do with synchronized chaos as related to synchronized swimming. Somewhat reminiscent of the last Saturday presentation by Vitruvius.

  3. ulianov
    I saw that on the news. But just wondering why are you, well you know, contributing something useful here ?

  4. “ulianov:I always contribute something useful ………..it’s just that some people are too ideologically blind to notice.”
    Yeah, everyone but your heros Lenin and Marx.

  5. “ulianov:I always contribute something useful ………..it’s just that some people are too ideologically blind to notice.”
    hehe – despite everything nobody will ever accuse you of not having a sense of humor.

  6. Tax payers bonus to include pitchforks and torches. To be liberally distributed at the AIG rally.

  7. EBD you missed the best quotes:
    The organization’s reputation for financial probity had also taken a hit amidst rumors of billions in losses in private Kalooki games against Sheikh Hamad bin ‘Isa of Bahrain. According to inside sources, the organization also lost close to $1 trillion with disgraced investor Bernard Madoff.
    “I always used to complain that Jews ran the world,” said Reginald Weber, author of “Zionists and Zookeepers: The Unholy Alliance.” “But now I’m starting to worry that nobody’s in charge.”
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  8. C_Miner at 11:15 PM
    Thanks for the Peter Schiff vid. Very interesting take on the current Owebamma economic stimulus.
    Good stuff

  9. OK lefties (any that dare still post here), defend this one!
    The big “O” planning to force veterans to pay for their own medical treatment for injuries sustained in the line of duty (via drudge):
    While at the same time, “O” is pushing for socialised medecine that will cover every lazy ingrate!!
    Yah, this will end well!!

  10. CBC content?
    Fire. Them. All.
    “Canadian public broadcaster slammed over US fare
    Reuters – ‎2 hours ago‎
    By Etan Vlessing TORONTO (Hollywood Reporter) – Even as the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.’s top brass hold two days of strategy meetings in Ottawa, the public broadcaster is continuing to come under fire for scheduling too much American fare in primetime”
    “Everybody knows their names
    Toronto Star – ‎2 hours ago‎
    CBC’s ‘Canada’s Next Great Prime Minister’ airs tomorrow at 8 pm with host Alex Trebek, middle, and former prime ministers, from left, Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell, Joe Clark and Paul Martin”

  11. O Narcissist: “”Excuse me. I’m choked up with anger here.””
    “Obama’s exploding cigar
    Margaret Wente
    AIG is the cigar that keeps exploding in Barack Obama’s face.
    The giant insurance wreck is effectively owned by U.S. taxpayers, who’ve already bailed it out four times, to the tune of $170-billion (U.S.). Now they’ve discovered they’re on the hook for $170-million in “retention bonuses,” payable to the very idiots who crashed the company in the first place. On top of that, the most powerful men in the U.S. government say they can’t do anything to stop it.
    No wonder the public is in a lynching mood. “The AIG execs are rubbing our noses” in it, wrote one inflamed citizen.
    In an effort to get ahead of the public anger, Mr. Obama’s top propeller-heads fanned out to the weekend television shows to voice their disgust. “Outrageous,” said Lawrence Summers, who went on to explain why the payments, alas, could not be stopped. “I understand why the American people are angry,” said the Fed’s Ben Bernanke on 60 Minutes. He went on to repeat that that the government has no choice but to bail out these and other unsavoury characters. Yesterday, even the President tried (unconvincingly) to look miffed. “How do they justify this outrage …?” he asked, before stifling an unscripted cough. “Excuse me. I’m choked up with anger here.” He’s instructed his hapless Treasury Secretary to “pursue every avenue” to stop the bonuses.”
    urlm.in/bxpr (G-M)

  12. I near fell out of the chair laughing when I read this one!!
    Oh to be there to cheer the man on!!
    “The head of an anti-sealing group is upset that Halifax Regional Police aren’t pressing charges again a Metro Transit driver who stopped his bus, ran toward the protesters and pretended to attack a mock seal with an extendable baton.”

  13. AIG….lol. Bank of Montreal received about a billion of that bailout money. I wonder what other surprises the BOM has in store for us?
    As I have said earlier, until I see a thousand person perp walk, they don’t see a nickel of my money.
    Dems, GOP’ers, they are all complicit in this garbage…..tis a good time to be a slum landlord !

  14. Kevin Baker.
    “The American Legion Strongly Opposed to President’s Plan to Charge Wounded Heroes for Treatment
    The leader of the nation’s largest veterans organization says he is “deeply disappointed and concerned” after a meeting with President Obama today to discuss a proposal to force private insurance companies to pay for the treatment of military veterans who have suffered service-connected disabilities and injuries. The Obama administration recently revealed a plan to require private insurance carriers to reimburse the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in such cases. “It became apparent during our discussion today that the President intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan,” said Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion. “He says he is…”
    “Veteran on cross-country trek dies
    A disabled Gulf War veteran who left Norman earlier this month on a hand-propelled bicycle headed for Washington D.C. has died. Kevin Baker suffered a seizure Friday morning in his sleep at the home of some friends in Lake Charles, La. Norman resident Diane Zellner says he died in an ambulance en route to a local hospital. The 39-year-old Navy veteran had a history of seizures, stemming from a traumatic brain injury he suffered when a Scud missile struck his barracks while he was in Kuwait. He also had lymphoma.”

  15. Is the CBC selling its assets by trimming its fat?
    “Meanwhile, the CBC announced yesterday Judy Maddren, the voice of its morning news program World Report, will be leaving on March 27.”

  16. From Don Martin, anti-CPC Wind Bag Extraordinaire:
    “The CBC is in unprecedented upheaval as its board of directors winds up a two-day salvage session today — and the Conservatives couldn’t be happier.
    “The way the government sees it, these dire times create the perfect financial conditions to starve the television and radio network, which receive more than $1-billion per year from the public purse, into a reinvention revolution.”
    PU- LEEZE.
    The CPC couldn’t be happier “to starve the television and radio network”??? Maybe the government is concerned for the over-taxed, under-served Canadian taxpayer. That idea doesn’t seem to have occurred to Mr. Martin who admits he has many friends at the CBC.
    The The Canadian Biased Corporation already gets over $1-billion per year of taxpayer money. Any starving of the poor, hapless CBC is a direct result of the CEEB’s poor stewardship of its resources. They’ve had years to clean up their act and to actually fulfill their mandate to deliver “balanced” reporting on issues of importance to ALL Canadians, something their incessant lib-left, and often mean-spirited, bias has precluded, ensuring that roughly 95% of Canadians who could be tuning in have gone elsewhere for their news and entertainment.
    Perhaps if the CBC had taken “a reinvention revolution” to heart, in order to revamp ITSELF so as to be in line with its declared mandate, they wouldn’t be in the colossal mess they’re in today.
    Cry me a river, Mother Corpse (and Don Martin). Hubris is bringing you down. Not the CPC.

  17. Re Judy Maddren’s leaving the CBC on March 27.
    Look, she’s been around the hallowed halls of the CEEB for eons. Maybe it’s time for a lot of these anciens/anciennes to acknowledge their paid-off mortgages, pots of money in the bank, and move over for a younger generation.
    I’ve been wondering for a long time just how long I’m-Peter-Mansbridge-and-You’re-Not is planning to stick around. Till they have to prop him up at his desk? He must be costing the Canadian taxpayer a pretty penny.

  18. (Via Comment Central) Hello random tourist
    WHO’S that guy on the left? The muscular-looking tourist with the cameras around his neck. According to Peter Souza, Reagan’s official photographer, it’s none other than Vladimir Putin, who at that time was a colonel in the KGB. Did Mr Putin just happen to be touring Red Square at the same time as Reagan and Gorbachev (as the president was led to believe)? Not quite…

  19. Eric T. Olson, Rethink the Afghanistan surge
    What has not been tried (because it has been judged too painstaking) is a systematic effort to address problems in the Pashtun areas on a village-by-village, tribe-by-tribe basis. The tools of such an approach are readily available. They include precisely planned and executed military operations to attack extremist networks without killing innocent civilians, microloans, and microgrants that go directly to meet the needs of local markets and small enterprises (which could avoid the corruption that besets the national governments), and reconciliation agreements that target the interests of small groups and recognize the pitfalls associated with applying broad labels (“Taliban,” “militant,” “drug cartel,” and the like). President Obama took a step in the right direction this month when he suggested that he would support dialogue with Taliban moderates…

  20. Does anybody know what kind of salaries, perks, travel allowances, makeup and wardrobe allowances, hosting and hospitality allowances people like CBC’s Peter Mansbridge, Don Newman, Julie Van Whosit, George Strob-a-egotist, etc. draw?
    Since CBC is taxpayer funded and now open to Freedom of Information should they not post these on the internet like they are demanding the Conservatives do for all government expenditures?
    And, do any of you think any of these strangely out of touch with the real world radical “personalities” could ever ever ever survive in a non subsidized free market environment where ratings determine worth and merit?

  21. Language progressiveness:
    Was talking to a public sector employee the other day about her pension. She mentioned that new pensioners would be responsible for paying their group medical premiums but that persons who retired before such and such a date had been GRANDPARENTED.
    If your toes don’t tap furiously to this, go to Emergency NOW:
    “Big Country” by Bela Fleck and the Flecktones

  22. Mark Steyn sticks knife in General Motors in the National Review Online under ‘The Brokest Generation’.
    GM has only 96000 workers paying health benefits for over 1 million people.

  23. Re CBC: “They’ve had years to clean up their act and to actually fulfill their mandate to deliver “balanced” reporting”
    I think they should feature Ezra hosting his own interview show. That would go a long way to creating balance and beef up the “entertainment” side of CBC at the same time. Would this drive their traditional viewership away? Possibly, but it would defintely attrack a whole new batch of viewers. I think he is right up there with Don Cherry — slightly different focus.

  24. Rocky, GM has become Mark Steyn’s continuing example of precisely what’s wrong with the American and Canadian economies:
    “GM is a vast retirement home with a small money-losing auto subsidiary.”
    What’s even more sad is that many people don’t see anything wrong with this!

  25. LindaL: Driving away the CEEB’s “traditional viewership” wouldn’t be much of a hardship, seeing as hardly any Canadians (about 5% of the market share) watch it.
    If Ezra had his own show, I’ll bet he’d bring in more than that and, as you say, he’d provide the balance the Canadian Biased Corporation have been promising us forever.
    So, how about it, CEEBIES?

  26. How come O is torqued about bailout bonuses when he is not concerned about the pork? If the pork is “a small percentage of the bill.” then a portion of a portion of, shouldn’t have his ears all aquiver.

  27. Gimme trans fats. And malt vinegar.
    “Do you want trans fats or fascism with your fries?”

  28. “Another shocked polar explorer
    17 03 2009
    You may recall Lewis Pugh and his laughable “expedition” in Kayaks last summer to plant flags of nations on the ice. I came a little more respect for this group, since at least they are attempting some science. But given the media coverage and the problems they face in getting any meaningful data, I have my doubts about this project as well. – Anthony
    “Occasionally it’s disheartening too when you’ve slogged for a day and then wake up the next morning having drifted back to where you started.” – Pen Hadow”

  29. “Belarusian Builds Monument to Holocaust Victims
    Nikolai Ilyuchik was 11 when his mother first told him how the Nazis killed all the Jewish men in their Belarusian village during World War II.
    Three decades later, in defiance of the local government, Ilyuchik has built his own memorial to the six men shot Aug. 2, 1941, on the outskirts of Bogdanovka. It was something he just had to do.
    “I was shaken by my mother’s stories, because there was almost nothing in our textbooks about the Holocaust,” the 42-year-old fireman said. “I built the monument to honor the memory, not for money or glory.””

  30. “Oops: Caterpillar lays off thousands after Porkulus passes”
    Last month, Barack Obama challenged Congress to pass his stimulus package at a visit to the Caterpillar plant in East Peoria, Illinois, claiming that the company’s CEO assured him that it would allow Caterpillar to rehire laid-off workers. CEO Jim Owens disputed that, saying that the stimulus wouldn’t have enough effect, and that more layoffs would come regardless of whether Congress passed the bill. So who was right?”
    http://tinyurl.com/cqb2cb (Hotair)

  31. What happens after your protest against G.W. Bush has resulted in you having more protest material than can fit in your Smart Car?
    A) Get a saw
    B) Ask a friend for help
    C) Do both A & B
    D) Idle your Smart Car for an hour while you work it out
    E) All of the above
    They’ll be there for another 2 hours…

  32. O’NarcI$$I$t: 17 March, 2009.
    “Obama Received a $101,332 Bonus from AIG”*
    “Anger Over Firm Depletes Obama’s Political Capital
    President Obama’s apparent inability to block executive bonuses at insurance giant AIG has dealt a sharp blow to his young administration and is threatening to derail both public and congressional support for his ambitious political agenda.”
