97 Replies to “The Buck Stops Here”

  1. George Bush must be laughing his butt off. But on the other hand he might be too much of a patriot to find humour in this.

  2. Slowly but surly the MSM is realizing they have been played like a cheap violin. The great Salesman In Chief, the great orator, The One, is turning out to be as deep as puddle in a Walmart parking lot puddle in July.
    Wait until they finally get to see his Harvard admission papers . . . he’s resisting but they’ll eventually get exposed to the light.

  3. Yes, barackstelemprompter dot blogspot dot com is a marvellous site.
    Two months – and people are laughing at him already.

  4. Did you ever stop and think that maybe he’s using the Pockeestani pronunciation?

  5. Oh god. McCain couldn’t use a teleprompter to save his life and Obama can’t live without one. 2008 really had an all star line up of illiterate doofuses.

  6. Yeah, poor old McCain. All he has to rely on is his brain. What does Obama have? Nuthin’. He’s got nuthin’.

  7. Now, who was it who set up Obama to give a major speech today, Tuesday evening, on the very same day and time as Gov. Jindal’s keynote address to a Republican fundraiser? Was it the teleprompter who set it up?
    After all, Jindal’s speech was set some time ago; Jindal is an up and coming possibility for POTUS, not TOTUS, in the next election.
    And meanwhile, the Administration backs hastily away from taxing those AIG bonuses and even declares that most of them have been returned. I, myself, don’t believe this. I think that Obama and his guys had set up a mob hysteria, with Obama declaring that wealth is the result only of greed (not work) and that wealthy executives are like terrorists, like suicide bombers attacking our nation. If, on the basis of his words, any violence had hit any of those AIG executives, there’d be a clear legal case accusing Obama and his people of setting up such hysteria. They’ve therefore hastily, from one day to the next, attempted to deflate and divert the issue.

  8. Love the TOTUS graphic .png above, haha.
    This TOTUS shtick is growing legs; you find it more and more places online. I’m wondering if it’ll stick to obama as a long-term tagline. It might not, if he quit using it, but then it’d be even MORE fun to see how useless he is off prompter.
    The numerous photo-funnies are great, too: obama looking pensive & concerned, & TOTUS advising “1. Look pensive & concerned 2. Keep screwing things up”
    at gmail d0t calm

  9. keep your guns. these people are going to make our lives a living hell not withstanding potus or totus.

  10. Meanwhile Obama’s approval numbers remain tip-top as the hayseeds and other assorted racists here ineffectually shake their firsts as he speeds on by…
    Eat his dust, haters!

  11. Or-EE-on – tossing a bone to the Latinoamerican diaspora in the US. Or-EYE-on – keeping it real for the non-Latinoamerican diaspora in the US.
    Hitting both populations with one word in one short speech was a very savvy move by the teleprompter and whoever it was delivering the TOTUS message.
    Aureus Puer

  12. Obongo needs more phonetics, which is in direct opposition to what his grand educational system teaches under the tutelage of his pal and great education reformer, Bill Aires.
    Whole words whether they sound right or not. Kind of like whole wheat. It’s better for you.
    “Oh Ryan” = “Orion”

  13. bleet – what does criticism of Obama have to do with race?
    Surely you can’t be saying that skin colour determines ability. Therefore, since it doesn’t, then why can’t one criticize Obama’s words and actions?
    Do you think that the rising criticism of Obama is based on race? Or is it based on his actions?
    By the way, I’m sure most people have seen the video of Obama struggling, unable to say even one phrase, one coherent sentence, without that teleprompter. Quite something. That’s why he won’t have unscripted press questions; he can’t, on his own, think of the answers.

  14. With all of the rappers that freestyle, you’d think the Americans could have found a black guy who could spit-it off the top of his dome.

  15. actually bleet, obama’s approval rating is lower than Bush’s during the same duration in 2001.

  16. Leave POTUS alone! Let him continue to dig his own hole. So far he’s doing a superb job of it.

  17. Didnt the big 0 go to Harvard? Honestly, how stupid do you have to be to get in there? Orion being pronounced ORE-ee-on?
    Did he skip the day kids do Astronomy AND Greek mythology in the 4th grade or is he just really that stupid?
    C’mon Obama, quit making me repeat the phrase “and just when I thought my opinion of him couldnt get any lower, he does this!” I’m starting to sound like a broken record!

  18. For someone who has spent his entire adult life being groomed to play the lead role as the empty suit front man for a group of leftistas allied with a bunch of big time corporate carpetbaggers, he doesn’t seem to spend much time on his scripts. He could have tried “Oar run”, like “nation”.

  19. I saw Newt on O’Reilly the other day and he said something very interesting about Obongo.
    He said that even though many of us think things are going badly for him, actually it’s all going just fine from his point of view. He is simply not doing what we on the right want him to do.
    His agenda is moving along nicely. He has total power with all three houses. He is implementing his conversion of America from a strong capitalist democracy to a weak socialist secular state.
    I am not sure what can stop this atrocity, but it had better happen soon. There is a congressional election next year, but the damage he is doing right now may not be easily reversed.
    We are all in deep shit as long as that commie bastard is in power.

  20. “Bad TOTUS, bad.”
    Posted by: Texas Canuck at March 24, 2009 2:32 PM
    POTUS: “TOTUS, how come the gold in that pot at the end of that rainbow smells like crap?”
    TOTUS: “Well, Boss, it’s you who, right off the bat, just had to go and poop in it.”
    POTUS: “TOTUS, everything that hasn’t been Bush’s fault has been yours. You’re fired.”
    TOTUS: “OK, Boss. See ya’ around.”
    POTUS: “Ah, em-m-m, Hey!, ah, em, ah, RHAM, ah, how come that, ah, gold, em-m-m, smells like, ah,ah, eh, em…”

  21. Obama and race: they are connected, IMO, because it appears that he’s actually well beneath his “pay grade”. I believe that Obama’s an affirmative action president: a huge step backwards for blacks—and the rest of us—everywhere. (A Thomas Sowell he’s not.)
    Why do I think Obama’s the product of affirmative action? It has a lot to do with the fact that he can hardly construct a coherent sentence, let alone a paragraph, without his teleprompter. This would seem to belie the opinion of his cheerleaders who say what a clever and articulate man he is.
    What about the O-ree-on mispronunciation and his teleprompterless visit to “Iow…Ottawa”? What about his campaign statement—off teleprompter—that he’d visited 57 states, but not Hawaii or Alaska? What about reading the Irish PM’s teleprompter remarks, by mistake, so that Obama actually thanked himself? One would think that the meaning of the text would have alerted Obama to the fact that the words weren’t his: but no! It’s hard to believe that he makes so many gauche mistakes, but seeing—I mean, hearing—is believing.
    Intelligent and articulate? The evidence seems to show otherwise, not to mention Obama’s disrespectful and dangerous foreign policy gaffes with the UK, Eastern Europe, Mexico, and Iran. And even if he were the intelligent, temperate, considerate guy he’s been advertised as, he’s a liar. Remember all the promises he unequivocally made? Has he read each bill line by line? No. Has he saved the taxpayers’ hard earned dollars? No. Has he shown himself to be against pork and big government? No and no. And, remember, each one is a whopping NO! This man should keep his mouth shut because just about every time he opens it, he contradicts a clear statement he made earlier. What a snake oil salesman he is!
    Iowahawk’s TOTUS (Teleprompter of the US) spoof is brilliant. So is the TOTUS blog. Also, check out AlfonZo Rachel’s (Z)Obama spoof. The BIG OWE or ZERO will not be amused. As he might say to Tim Geitner, “Too bad, buddy, you’re stuck with it.”
    It couldn’t happen to a more deserving (and more dangerous) phony.

  22. Probably not a good idea of Obama to blame the Teleprompter, They did have a good thing going for a while there until he got elected and then he stopped paying attention to the Teleprompter and that’s when things started to go wrong for The Pres.
    Hell hath no fury like a teleprompter scorned

  23. What’s it been, just over two months now? Man oh man. We are all so screwed. Yes bleet, even you.

  24. when Bush screwed it up, the media was all over him, and he had a legitimate excuse, he’s a dyslexic, which everyone ignored
    ZerO is a narcissist, and thusly focused on himself, and therefore makes these mistakes

  25. Cripes! Did you really need to link to a story in HuffPo with a sentence like this: Even though I think it is probably true, but not for the reason the bigot who wrote it thinks: “For one, if you are a McCain/Palin/Bush voter, you and I do not have a difference of opinion. We have a difference in brain power.”

  26. Broken down teleprompters are part of the “Right Wing Conspiracies ” plan to ruin Obama. They know not the sublime Nascence ways. He will prevail with even superior teleprompter technology. Than the world will marvel at him. A trillion for a perfect teleprompter is chump change in the Obama Universe. Tele-ESP.

  27. bleet I would imagine that you disapproved Goerge W Bush. Is that because he is white???

  28. Hey ET
    To say as James did above – and echoed by ‘lookout’ – that Obama is an affirmative action president is racist. That’s why I spoke of a lot of the commenters here as racist. Their criticism has nothing to do with Obama’s abilities. They’re using his race to deman him = racism.
    I gather you think of yourself as some sort of intellectual, ET. How do you feel about Kate’s posting of racist cartoons with the defiant heading “Frankly My Dear…” How do you feel about the frequent racist comments in the threads here? Do you think they’re worthy of your intellectual aspirations? Do you ever wonder why conservatism so often is inseparable from racism?

  29. Where can I find the Obamaism site?
    TOTUS is accurate. I like “DJ Obama” too. I assume it stems from the comedian (American?) who said something to the effect of – all you have to do to lose creibility is ad DJ to the beginning of your name and then used Abraham Lincoln as an example. DJ Abe Lincoln.
    My only concern is that if he continues to be given such a hard time ppl may actually start to feel sorry for him and then he will garner sympthy votes or sympathy popularity.

  30. bleet, flinging accusations of racism is what the left does when it no longer has coherent arguments to counter the facts presented by reality (which is neither left nor right – it just is). Conservatives simply have a clearer view of reality as it is, while the left sees what it wants to see.
    Accuse away with the racism charges – it proves you have nothing meaningful to say.

  31. Tanker
    You don’t think calling Obama an affirmative action president is racist?
    What other interpretation is it possible to attach to such a statement?
    Of course it’s a racist statement – that was it’s intent.
    That I make this obvious observation does not mean I have nothing meaningful to say. It means you don’t like the truth and you’re trying to sidestep it.
    Your old “flinging accusations of racism is what the left does…” is a tired, hackneyed, unoriginal trope. Why don’t you investigate why your ideology is so attractive to racists?

  32. bleet,
    Do you think that Obama was forced to answer tough questions as a candidate? I don’t remember any. He has the least amount of experience of any president since 1860, and that guy in 1860 was far more personally accomplished.
    He was less than two years out of being a state senator when he started running for president. Any white candidate with a similar resume would have been laughed off the podium. Clinton was a successful governor, so was Carter, so was Bush, so was Reagan. It is obvious, by his unprecidented reliance on the teleprompter, that he does not have command of the job.
    If you can give me one accomplishment of Obama’s before he was elected, I will grant you that he is not an “affirmative action” president. I am not worried about having to cede this point, because we had a whole election cycle, and Obama supporters were only able to provide one, that he co-sponsored a bill with Dick Lugar – R Indiana, that the Bush WH requested.

  33. bleet: “Their criticism has nothing to do with Obama’s abilities.”
    EXCUSE ME? Re-read lookout’s post, bleet, or can you read? lookout has given ample examples of Obama’s gaffes and deficits. There is a litany of them, which is unfortunate seeing as he IS the President of the United States and he’s been in power for only 60 days.
    Further, why is he getting a comparatively free pass from the MSM? If President George W. Bush had pulled off even one or two of these gaffes or had failed to deliver on promises he had made, the press would have been all over him. How come Obama’s not getting it in the jugular?
    Do you think they’re afraid of being called “racist”?
    ‘Get it, bleet?

  34. What utter rubbish, bleet.
    You write, “Their [my] criticism has nothing to do with Obama’s abilities.” I guess you didn’t read my post. Not smart, bleet.
    Affirmative action, not available to individuals from “non victim” groups, means quotas—lower standards for both admission to certain academic programs and lower expectation re outcomes—and from Obama’s serious communication problems, he appears to be an affirmative action president. Yes, it happens that he’s black and that’s why he’d have been eligible for affirmative action.
    Perhaps it’s affirmative action that’s racist, not me.

  35. To say that Obama is the first affirmative action president would seem, to me, to imply that one thinks Obama was elected just because he was black.
    It seems to me that the person saying this is implying the the people who voted for Obama, at least some of them, are racists, or that racism was a factor in his election.
    How does pointing out racism make one a racist?
    That must mean bleet is a racists for pointing out racism on this thread.
    I just did it too. Now I have to turn myself in to the HRC’s

  36. bleet – you didn’t answer my question. What does criticism of Obama have to do with race? Are you saying that he ought to be immune to criticism?
    You wrote:
    “Meanwhile Obama’s approval numbers remain tip-top as the hayseeds and other assorted racists here ineffectually shake their firsts as he speeds on by…
    Eat his dust, haters!”
    This statement obviously states that anyone who is critical of Obama is a ‘hayseed’ and/or ‘racist’ and a ‘hater’.
    Therefore, I again ask you, why is criticism of Obama, defined by you, as an act of stupidity (hayseed), of racism and hatred?
    Don’t move into a red herring strategy of getting out of answering this question by bringing in examples of ‘racist’ remarks about other issues. Stick to THIS issue and THIS question.
    You specifically said that criticism of Obama is derived from stupidity, hatred and racism. I ask you to explain this.
    I strongly criticize Obama – for his misinformation of issues to the public, for his constant manipulation of the public using emotions of fear and hope; for his accusations that any criticism and any dissent is based on bias – racist bias and partisanship. Others criticize him the same way. What the heck has that to do with race?
    Others here and elsewhere criticize his ‘stimulus package’ with its pork; and his insistence that it be passed immediately – such that no-one had the time to read it! Don’t you think that ought to be criticized? Do you agree with earmarks? Do you agree with trillion dollar deficits?
    What about his AIG behaviour, and his rabble rousing, telling people that wealth is due to greed and that executives are akin to suicide bombers. Do you agree with such encitement to mob hysteria?
    Do you agree with his pretense that the govt could get these legal contract monies back? That he could override the Constitution? Don’t you think that should be criticized?
    What about his treatment of foreign leaders? His treatment of Brown,which was insulting. His letter to Chirac, which was insulting to Sarkozy. Same with the Italian president. What about his ‘let’s all love each other’ video to Iran? You may support such behaviour, but quite a number of people find it arrogant, ignorant and naive.
    Again, answer my question. What does being critical of Obama have to do with race? Are you seriously suggesting that because he is ‘black’, that he ought to be immune to criticism?

  37. bleet… let’s engage in a thought experiment, shall we, notwithstanding that your endless lamentations of racism point to a narrow view of the world…
    Let us imagine for a moment that Barack Hussein Obama were as lily-white as John McCain. Everything else remains the same… all of the existing strengths and weaknesses of the man. Would he still have beaten John McCain (think of how narrow the margin was), and if so, on what grounds?
    If there is any racism in this whole sorry mess it is the one perpetrated by the so-called progressives (including the media) who refused to see Obama the man as he truly is, getting instead wrapped in his blackness.
    Think about it – if you can get beyond your empty, hackneyed unoriginal trope of “conservatives=racists” The worst racists are on the left – the racists of lowered expectations who give so-called ethnic cultures a bye on matters they would have pilloried the mainstream.

  38. Tim in Vermont
    You admit that Obama has roughly the same amount of experence as Lincoln did when he was elected. I presume you feel that Lincoln did alright and was not an affirmative action president.
    If you have real concerns that Obama lacks experience it does not follow logically that he can thus be called an ‘affirmative action’ president – unless one is a racist making a racist argument. Hey, if the shoe fits, Tim.
    I read lookout’s post and found a hilarious collection of molehills you’re all desperately trying to massage into mountains as you try to come up with a line of attack on the new president. I have to wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes as I go down the list ’cause you’re still comin’ up with….nothin’.
    BTW, the Irish president teleprompter thing has been disproven, as eyewitnesses attest that Obama was *joking* when he was thanking himself.
    But keep tryin’ batb! It’s comedy gold!

  39. Go ahead, bleet. Laugh.
    We’ll see if you’re still laughing quite as hard as the Obamessiah’s presidency “progresses.” If you can call all of the ineptitude, deficits, and inexperience of this president “molehills,” I guess pigs can fly and the moon is made of blue cheese.
    Ha, ha, ha!

  40. TOTUS >>>> TVMOTUS.
    “Obama Upgrades From Teleprompters To Giant TV Monitor For News Conference”
    “He read that opening statement from one massive TV monitor from the back and middle of the East Room. White House officials removed the normal glass teleprompters that usually are positioned on both sides of the podium.”

  41. Tanker, well said: the racism of lowered expectations.
    E.g., A close family member was so excited about Obama becoming president: “It’s time for a black American to be president,” he said. I asked if he knew anything about Obama’s platform. No, he didn’t, “But I’m so excited to think that a black president will be in the White House.”
    His wife, on the other hand, is a person I would call racist: “No way do I want to see a black in the White House.” However, when I pointed out that both views were equally racist—because they were based solely on Obama’s race—the husband was quite indignant.
    Re Obama. I have no objection at all to him being black. I do, however, disagree with just about everything he wishes to do as president. I object to his grandstanding, his dissembling, and his out and out lying. I think he’s a political weasel. (That’s a metaphor.) And, if he were white—say, a Jack Layton—I’d be equally opposed.

  42. You’re right, Batb
    The deficit Obama is now presiding over is no ‘molehill’. It’s the biggest deficit in human history, created by George W Bush, with you cheering him along every step of the way.
    The biggest deficit before that was created by Reagan. Clinton cleaned up after him, created the largest surplus in history. Obama will likely do the same, but undoing 8 years of drunken spending takes time. At least the adults are in charge now.
    But shouldn’t you be poring over the press conference now? There’s always a chance Obama mispronounced something or said “uh” a few times. Nothing to compare to the addled, incoherent rambling of the Decider of course. But you should be able to find some grounds for impeachment! 😉
