8 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Just wondering if any other big cities are having an anti-racism week as in Montreal. Tremblay is trying to get 50,000 signtures on an anti-racism petition instead of fixing potholes and other useful functions.

  2. What a prima-donna he is, Nicola.
    Just another feel good propaganda program to make the over taxed working stiffs feel better.

  3. Leon is so cool.
    Just the music for summertime, in a swing, sipping a mint whatever……

  4. I saw Leon Redbone as a warm up act to Tom Waits years ago in Victoria. To my mind that is still the best concert I ever attended.

  5. Thanks for the great tune, Vit. I’ve performed it many times myself, dedicated to an ex who I’m not sure would see the humour.
