The Sound Of Suppressed Science

Canada’s top authority on polar bears is barred from ….
……an international meeting on polar bears, of course!

Dr Mitchell Taylor has been researching the status and management of polar bears in Canada and around the Arctic Circle for 30 years, as both an academic and a government employee. More than once since 2006 he has made headlines by insisting that polar bear numbers, far from decreasing, are much higher than they were 30 years ago. Of the 19 different bear populations, almost all are increasing or at optimum levels, only two have for local reasons modestly declined.
Dr Taylor agrees that the Arctic has been warming over the last 30 years. But he ascribes this not to rising levels of CO2 – as is dictated by the computer models of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and believed by his PBSG colleagues – but to currents bringing warm water into the Arctic from the Pacific and the effect of winds blowing in from the Bering Sea.
He has also observed, however, how the melting of Arctic ice, supposedly threatening the survival of the bears, has rocketed to the top of the warmists’ agenda as their most iconic single cause. The famous photograph of two bears standing forlornly on a melting iceberg was produced thousands of times by Al Gore, the WWF and others as an emblem of how the bears faced extinction – until last year the photographer, Amanda Byrd, revealed that the bears, just off the Alaska coast, were in no danger. Her picture had nothing to do with global warming and was only taken because the wind-sculpted ice they were standing on made such a striking image.
Dr Taylor had obtained funding to attend this week’s meeting of the PBSG, but this was voted down by its members because of his views on global warming. The chairman, Dr Andy Derocher, a former university pupil of Dr Taylor’s, frankly explained in an email (which I was not sent by Dr Taylor) that his rejection had nothing to do with his undoubted expertise on polar bears: “it was the position you’ve taken on global warming that brought opposition”.
Dr Taylor was told that his views running “counter to human-induced climate change are extremely unhelpful”.

By the way, the average temperature in the arctic this year is still below zero, “the latest date that this has happened in 50 years of record-keeping”.
But don’t expect our Canadian mainstream fact-filterers to notice.

26 Replies to “The Sound Of Suppressed Science”

  1. And it’s overcast and cool here in the Ottawa Valley today.
    That global warming is sure making for a hot Canada Day this year…

  2. The warmists are proving Einstein’s little quip that only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity… and he wasn’t sure about the universe

  3. We had a hot spell coupled with torrential rains the last several weeks. This week, however, it’s in the high 70s, mid-80s and magnificent. You appreciate this weather when the winters extend to half the year.

  4. ” The feds could help pipe Alberta oil east for refining, says Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff.
    “Governments have a role in saying there’s energy demand out east; are there ways of moving some of that Alberta oil east to Sarnia for refining?” he said after meeting 600 Alberta Liberals for a barbecue fundraiser yesterday. ”
    And in other news, Iggy is saying it will be official Liberal policy to confiscate Quebec’s hydro power and ship it to Ontario to make up for Dulton’s inability to wean Ontario off coal fired electrical generation.

  5. The wheels are coming off the AGW cart and you can see it happening, when you try and sheild the faithful from the faithless (ala Jonestown) then shortly you will find that the jig is up when people on the inside start finding out the truth. Guess what! they just want their old lives back.
    Then when the faithful start defecting and you lose control of the situation there is only one thing left to do……
    be charged and tried in a court as many have called for against their opponents today. I say they all must pay for their crimes against humanity for wasting nearly 20 years and uncounted trillions of USD around the world on this Catastrophic Global Warming fantasy.(you did not think I wanted them dead, did you?)
    I am going to miss the speeches, ads and op-eds of Suzuki, Gore, Hansen, Romm, Monboit, Stern, Krugman, Jaccard and the rest just for the amusement factor but I am quite excited by the prospect of years of endless ridicule.
    We can add a plaque to a windmill for each of them as a permanent reminder of their folly and when the blades are still it will symbolize the lack of any activity in their heads during this time.

  6. Another thing I don’t expect our mainstream fact filtering media to do is even pick up this story.
    Here is a totally Canadian issue and there is a virtual MSM blackout on it. I think there was a small blurb in the Financial Post by Lawrence Solomon but that’s about the extent of it. I also Hear Dr. Tim Ball on US channels more than Canadian MSM where he is virtually unknown.
    I get real deep giggles from Canadian progressives who think they are fully informed but their sole source is the Canadian MSM. LOL!

  7. Polar bears have existed for hundreds of thousands of years in the artic. They have lived through both warming periods, and ice ages. If the world is warming (which no science has proven yet), then the polar bears will adapt as they have in the past.
    And considering that satellite images of the artic ice only goes back to the 70’s, we really have no idea what sorts of cycles the ice goes through.

  8. Sarah Palin urged people to read the suppressed EPA memos the other day – which were suppressed for similar reasons. She opposed making polar bears and endangered species and was demonized.

  9. “The warmists are proving Einstein’s little quip that only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity… and he wasn’t sure about the universe”
    LO effing L!
    Maybe engineers should have to get into “journalism” and clear out all the morons as part of their education before they get the Iron Ring.
    But then we will have the problem of where will the idiots go after that.
    Maybe involved in the production of reality TV shows and those magazines we see at the checkout stands in grocery stores? Obviously there can be no sharp objects, possible dangers of falling or risk of communication with intelligent people, so sociologists, safety executives and government managers will be busy for a few years re-defining job descriptions.
    “Paper cuts can be extremely painful and debilitating (and possibly worthy of disability insurance claims). Always handle paper not by the edges to avoid injuring yourself.”

  10. Sarah Palin urged people to read the suppressed EPA memos the other day – which were suppressed for similar reasons. She opposed making polar bears and endangered species and was demonized.
    Posted by: Elizabeth at July 1, 2009 12:53 PM

    I’d bet that if you took just about any speech of Obama’s and told people “look at what Sarah Palin said today” they’d laugh and say how stupid she is.

  11. I’d bet that if you took just about any speech of Obama’s and told people “look at what Sarah Palin said today” they’d laugh and say how stupid she is.
    Posted by: ex-VanIslander at July 1, 2009 1:22 PM
    Can’t recall which show did it, but something similar occurred during the presidential campaign sometime last fall. A fellow went out interviewing Obama supporters, and, after quoting a policy plank from the McCain/GOP platform (without attributing it as such), asked them how they felt about that particular Obama policy.
    Every respondent answered that it was a great idea!
    Sadly, these people were still able to cast a vote.

  12. More *“‘cozy relationships‘ involved in the Green Movement.””
    Does this smack/smell of corporate fascism?
    Yes, it smacks/smells of corporate fascism.
    “Critics see holes in Alberta’s CO2 plan
    Calgary Herald – ‎18 minutes ago‎
    CALGARY – The Stelmach government has given tentative approval to three carbon capture projects that will share in$2 billion in public money–but critics say the plan still faces a difficult battle during a period of deficit spending and budget cuts”
    “Gas prices going up in BC
    Times Colonist – ‎2 hours ago‎
    The fuel tax will increase by 50 per cent, from $10 per tonne of carbon dioxide emissions to $15 per tonne. It means the additional price at the pump will be 3.5 cents per litre of gasoline, up from 2.4 cents per litre.”
    *”Beware ‘cosy relationships’
    Climate hysterics need to stop focusing on foolish criticism, beware of hot air pushers

  13. When Suzuki the fruit fly & his ilk like Gore are under 3 feet of snow in their mansions. They will still claim Global warming. They have to much money invested in this madness. Its bree X magnified thousands of times. Based on silly putty science.

  14. piper said
    “Maybe engineers should have to get into “journalism” and clear out all the morons as part of their education before they get the Iron Ring.”
    “But then we will have the problem of where will the idiots go after that.”
    which of the two groups of idiots are we refering to here, engineers or journalists?????

  15. Out with science, in with politics and, dare I say, religion.
    AGW is a wholesale fraud assisted by the neo-liberal media, the majority of which, in Canada at least, seem to disallow the publishing or broadcast of criticism of the environmental line, though they now it exists.
    As you say, Kate, you would think that the Canadian media would be all over this story like a fat kid on a Caramilk bar, but no — the facts run counter to the environmental mantra therefore it will be scrubbed.
    I will be very surprised if any outlet besides National Post publishes or broadcasts anything about the plight of Dr. Mitchell Taylor.
    And happy Dominion Day to you, Kate. 🙂

  16. “Dr Taylor was told that his views running “counter to human-induced climate change are extremely unhelpful”.
    Facts are sunch irksome things. They do get in the way of our righteous agenda.

  17. Oh my God, has anyone seen the Repors coming out, Obama was seen walking on Lake Michigan.
    Jeezz, just like the Man said, I remember when they called it Summer.

  18. “which of the two groups of idiots are we refering to here, engineers or journalists?”
    You may be a useless “journalist” if:
    – attracting attention is your primary purpose in life
    – you attribute to yourself qualities which you don’t actually possess
    – you like to tell people what to think, regardless of what you think
    – you compare to peers freebies/perks you are able to get from powerful people
    – you think the “underdog” must always win, regardless of the facts
    – can only remember what happened during the last news cycle
    – you think history or critical analysis gets in the way of a good story
    – your editor “frames” your stories
    – you are afraid of your readers/viewers
    – you have 32 shirts and 18 ties but only 3 pairs of pants
    – you think teeth whitening is a great investment
    – you practice smiling in the mirror and do fake double-takes
    Feel free to add more.

  19. Here in BC we were saddled with another 2.5 cent carbon tax on our fuel today. Happy Dominion Day.

  20. It just got warm here, and the weather starts to cool, usually, about five weeks from now.

  21. Juxtapose:
    The Dead Freak and Waxman.
    “U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman admitted to L.A. hospital – Yahoo! Canada News
    Henry Waxman admitted to L.A. hospital. Module body. 35 minutes ago … was a leading co-sponsor of landmark climate change legislation passed by the House on Friday. … Jackson’s will cuts out ex-wife. » Photos: Michael Jackson …”…/politics_us_usa_politics_waxman

  22. The way the weather has been here, I would not be at all surprised to spot a forlorn polar bear standing on a melting ice floe – floating down Lake Michigan.
    I’ve been wearing jackets to work. I wonder when global warming is going to come to Wisconsin. I sure hope it gets here before summer’s over.
    In the meantime, a idiot relative further south is convinced that global warming has arrived – because she just came back from Florida, and boy, was it hot! Florida was hot in June, well, now, there’s a change.

  23. Coca-Cola had to use computer generated polar bears in their advertising campaigns because no real bears were available. If that doesn’t convince you that the bears are disappearing,nothing will. Sheesh,watts with you people.
