49 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. I hear today that Obambi is deeply concerned about the increase in unemployment in the US of A.
    Just google “deeply concerned” and see how this is just an empty rhetorical device Barry Owe uses when he doesn’t give a damn.

  2. RW – I completely agree with Obama’s rhetorical device. He’s incapable of empathy with anyone. and of acknowledging the gap between his rhetoric and reality.
    What I’m wondering is what he and his gang will do, as his ratings decrease..as they are now doing.
    Vitruvius – yes, hilarious. But, what about Mr. Bean? His visit to the dentist? And his session at church? Different style, I admit, but heck, marvellous.

  3. Back to the post – 75% of the fun was watching Harvey Korman trying to keep a straight face.

  4. No one could get Korman to break character in a sketch like Conway.  Even Carol Burnett couldn’t always keep it together when Conway started flexing his comedic muscles.

  5. on this Honduran thing, lemme see if I got this right.
    it’s ok to carry out a military coup so long as it’s a marxist getting ousted?
    that’s a rather narrow view isn’t it? but that’s typical of the hard right wing. mayhem and chaos as long as the interests of the right wing are served.
    as far as the ants are concerned, they are like, TOTALLY not right wing. so how do we overthrow them?

  6. When you are done watching the dentist skit stay with the changing video options and click on what is probably my favorite – starring these two masters. The old firefighter called to rescue the rich aristocrat on the first floor penthouse suite.
    This one continues to give me the uncontrolled giggles.

  7. curious_george – ask your teachers … or MSM … they will tell you what to think.

  8. William Gross, of PIMCO, the largest bond firm in the world has this to say:
    What this all means to you as an investor is near obvious as well. Unsurprisingly, what still can be modeled is the direct correlation of real profit growth to real economic growth, assuming a constant division of the “pie” between profits, labor and government. If long-term economic growth declines by 1½% then profit growth will as well. This, after settling at perhaps half of absolute peak profit levels of 2007, because of the rise of savings rates from 0 to 8% or higher. But to add to the woes of the investor class, one has only to observe that their share of the pie is shrinking. What does the General Motors example tell us all about the rebalancing of power between the investor class and the proletariat? What do trillion-dollar deficits and the recent reinitiation of PAYGO government programs tell you about the future of corporate tax rates? They’re headed higher. Do you really think that a national health care program can be paid for with cost-cutting as opposed to tax hikes at insurance companies and benefit-paying corporations throughout all sectors of the American economy? The new normal will not be investor-friendly unless your forecasting dial is turned to “Pollyanna” or your intelligence quotient is significantly less than 100.

  9. curious_george
    Zeaya and the general whom he fired were friends. Got that George?
    Zeaya asked the general to help him to do the popular vote, Got that George?
    The general told Zeaya that this might be ilegal under the Honduran constitution and that he would seek another opinion. Got that Goerge?
    Zeaya fired his friend the general for doing the right thing. Got that Goerge?
    And the rest,well you know the rest.
    And by the way Goerge this was not a military coup. The army was ordered by the civilian power to remove this Chavez wanna be and civilians were put back in charge of government not some tin pot general with a chest full of medals. Got that Goerge?
    Go read a chapter of Das Kapital and cry yourself to sleep tonight Goerge.

  10. The Honduran constitutional process for amending the constitution is outlined under Articulo 373… and the problem of having consecutive terms of office is dealt with under Articulo 374.
    it’s right here George… There is no ambiguity. The Supreme Court of Honduras, dealt the only hand it could, that is to uphold the law… and not to make it.
    and military officers are not allowed to hold public office.

  11. Free speech for sale.
    “”One Nigerian in Lagos said: ‘White people are making too much of this.
    ‘As long as the Russians pay us, they can call it what they like.””
    “Racism debate after Russian and Nigerian gas companies combine to form ‘Nigaz’
    When a $2.5billion international venture is being planned you might expect there to be hours of debate over what to call it.
    Yet branding is not the forte of some companies, it seems.
    Russian Energy giant Gazprom has inadvertently walked into a racism row with the announcement of its joint venture in Nigeria – Nigaz.
    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his Nigerian counterpart Umaru Yar’Adua last week agreed the deal to build refineries, pipelines and gas power stations in Africa’s most populous nation.
    The name is meant to be an amalgamation of ‘Nigeria’ and ‘Gazprom’, pronounced ‘nye-gaz’, but it can be read phonetically as an offensive term for those of black African origin.
    ‘How more derogatory can it be. Let’s join forces in making our government rename this,’ said the creator of ‘Nigerians No Nigaz’, a group on Facebook.
    Many comments on the blunder were from white bloggers.
    But others mocked the mistake – one African-American suggested a playlist of songs from U.S. hip-hop artists for the Nigaz launch party.
    One Nigerian in Lagos said: ‘White people are making too much of this.
    ‘As long as the Russians pay us, they can call it what they like.”

  12. Just a thought; The perpetually offended vow ‘more hostility’ towards France. A day or two later an airplane carrying French citizens plunges directly into the sea. I wonder if there is a connection?

  13. Ummm wallyj, what crash are you talking about. If it is flight 447 then you have your dates messed up I am afraid.
    447 went into brick mode on June 1st, a few weeks before the more hostility threat from the imams after Sarkozy’s comments about the burka.

  14. O is failing/falling. Why?
    Socialists never look back to history in order to learn. Socialists only move forward into the future.
    O and his cadres have forgotten tukhta. O better bring in tukhta ASAP.
    Tukhta* was the bestest ever.
    Wait … O’s Waxman/AGW is tukhta.
    Say Amen, O.
    Amen O.
    “6.5 Million U. S. Jobs Lost
    Jobless rate hits 9.5%, a 28-year high”
    “The U. S. economy has lost the equivalent of every job created in the past nine years.”
    >>> “”It is apparent that, despite the substantial positive impact of the February recovery package, the economy’s dramatic deterioration from November to March was even greater than anticipated.””
    Engineer and zek, A. Solzhenitsyn, helped build the bestest. Not what he wanted to do, however. Right, Ivan?
    “One of the most vivid and scathing chapters, “What the Archipelago Stands On”, comes in the middle of the second volume.
    Here, in the forced labour camps, the principle of tukhta is introduced.
    The timber-fellers are set impossibly high production targets. So the boss credits his teams with fictitious cubic yards of wood cut, thus increasing the zeks’ bread allowance. The log-ratters, who launch the timber down river, do not denounce this mistake. It helps their production figures to pass on the fictitious amount. The lumber yards downstream do the same, adding a little to the figure.
    So tukhta goes higher and higher. The principle of ‘rubber’ assists it – stretching things out with interminable delays.
    Eventually, the Ministry of the Timber Industry makes serious use of these fictitiously inflated figures in their reports. Thus the entire GNP of the Soviet Empire becomes founded on a fiction.
    “They simply could not stand up against people’s pressure to live.””

  15. Easy one. It’s a free country. No bans on burqas. And no bans on refusing to serve / sell to / accommodate in any way people who wear burqas
    Jay Currie suggests a very sensible and fair approach to the cultural issue of mask-wearing.

  16. Carol Burnet Show is NOT to be confused with “Carol The Socialist”
    Obambo’s Energy Czar
    “Until last week, Carol M. Browner, President-elect Barack Obama’s pick as global warming czar, was listed as one of 14 leaders of a socialist group’s Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for “global governance” and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change.”
    By Thursday, Mrs. Browner’s name and biography had been removed from Socialist International’s Web page, though a photo of her speaking June 30 to the group’s congress in Greece was still available.”
    “On her last day in office, nearly eight years ago, Browner oversaw the destruction of agency computer files in brazen violation of a federal judge’s order requiring the agency to preserve its records. This from a public official who bragged about her tenure: “One of the things I’m the proudest of at EPA is the work we’ve done to expand the public’s right to know.”
    Asked to explain her track-covering actions, the savvy career lawyer Browner played dumb. Figuratively batting her eyelashes, she claimed she had no clue about a court injunction signed by U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth on the same day she commanded an underling to wipe her hard drives clean. Golly gee willikers, how could that have slipped by her?
    According to testimony in a freedom of information lawsuit filed against EPA by the Landmark Legal Foundation, a Virginia-based conservative legal watchdog group, Browner commanded a computer technician on Jan. 19, 2001: “‘I would like my files deleted. I want you to delete my files.” Not coincidentally, the Landmark Legal Foundation had been pressing Browner to fully and publicly disclose the names of any special interest groups that may have influenced her wave of last-minute regulatory actions. Two days before she told her technician to purge all her records, EPA had gone to court to file a motion opposing the federal court injunction protecting those government documents.
    Plausible deniability? Not bloody likely.
    Incredibly, Browner asserted that there was no work-related material on her work computer. ”

  17. Top U.S. general honoured by Calgary
    Petraeus said while he and Natynczyk will discuss business, “we’re also here for the Stampede. It’s great being one of those wearing a white hat,” he chuckled.
    Calgary Mayor Dave Bronconnier presented Petraeus with the traditional honour.
    The general paid tribute to Canadians in Afghanistan.
    “It’s a privilege to do the job that I do and it’s a particular privilege to do it with great troopers from a lot of different nations and the people of Canada foremost among them,” he said.

  18. From the what on earth could go wrong department.
    GM, Chrysler sales tank while Ford soars.

  19. Liberals have a mint machine**.
    Liberal Pride and I-Iggy.
    Yes, says Jamie, Liberals* are entitled to their pride.
    Liberal Dingwall said**….
    *Jamie says: “they are entitled* to be proud, too.”
    *”Counterpoint: The Liberals are back. Eat your heart out” (Jamie Carroll)
    urlm.in/crme (NP)
    **Dingwall formerly knows as the Mint* was also entitled:
    **”CTV.ca | Dingwall defends his spending as Mint president
    He insisted reports stating he charged the mint for the lease of a BMW car … Dingwall said: “”I think I’m ethically entitled to the entitlements which I …
    **”Mint says missing gold may have been stolen‎ – 3 days ago
    Christine Aquino, the director of communications for the Royal Canadian Mint, said it’s possible that the millions of dollars worth of gold missing from the … (cbc)

  20. Alberta’s Oilsands
    On the sympatico.msn.ca home page there is a poll about if you are in favour of expansion of the oil sands. I just voted and it is 59% yes, 28% no.

  21. Islam.
    Canadian Taliban JackLaytoNDP and his socialists are allies of the murderous Muslim Taliban.
    Islam = Taliban = child murderers.
    “Taliban Paying Thousands to Use Kids as Homicide Bombers
    The Taliban is buying children as young as 7 to be used as homicide bombers against U.S., Afghan and Pakistani targets, The Washington Times reported.
    Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistan’s top Taliban leader, is paying between $7,000 and $14,000 for each child bomber, according to a Pakistani official who spoke to the newspaper with the contingency he not be named because of the sensitive nature of the topic.
    The business of child bombers is lucrative in Pakistan where the average per-capita income is about $2,600 a year, the Times reported.
    “[Mehsud] has turned suicide bombing into a production output, not unlike [the way] Toyota outputs cars,” a U.S. Defense Department official recently told reporters.
    The price paid for the child depends mostly on how fast the bomber is needed and how close the child will get to the target.”

  22. I don’t want to be a zek. and neither do my kids.
    it ought to be required reading, yes, I know it’s hundreds of pages too much for the kids today that cannot read at anything close to the sustained pace necessary to tackle this work head on… but surely it could be taken as a “Jean Val Jean” bit of War y Peace like we did in grade 8…. I doubt that’d be taken well by the teachers unions. So, it’s given in small doses at home, clandestine like.
    can you imagine? going to school and be singled out as 1 of 2 kids, the only ones from a class of 30, that don’t just absolutely love “O” ?
    but the connection is there, B.Hussien, the great leader? just wow.

  23. and yes I know, it isn’t from War and Peace… but it’s a ton of words all the same.

  24. From the be-careful-what-you-ask-for department.
    The knee-slapper is the line about ‘intense Obama scrutiny during the campaign’. Huh !!?? Surely he wasn’t referring to “media scrutiny” ?? And I always liked Collin. (Bet this was just another case of ‘media as sole source info’)
    [Colin Powell, one of President Obama’s most prominent Republican supporters, expressed concern Friday that the president’s ambitious blitz of costly initiatives may be enlarging the size of government and the federal debt too much.] Wash Times
    Gotta be a juxtapose here somewhere. Many, even.
    That didn’t take long – Bing found it in less than a heartbeat !

  25. Breaking bombshell…Palin is stepping down as Alaska governor within the next few weeks. No details on her future plans.

  26. Call for Philip Morris.
    Internet, line 1, Mr. Morris.
    “Why Do People Trust The Internet More?
    John Zogby”
    It’s the same information, delivered differently.
    We’ve done a lot of polling recently on how people get their news and what sources they most trust. We wanted to find out more about why the Internet is in rapid ascendance, while newspapers are on the media endangered species list.
    The results come from two Zogby Interactive surveys taken in the past month, one in conjunction with 463 Communications and the other a Zogby project. One question produced a particularly curious result.
    We asked which of the four primary information sources was most reliable. The Internet was way out front with 37%, with the others closely bunched as follows: television 17%, newspapers 16% and radio 13%.”

  27. A Garden of Piggish Delights
    Waxman-Markey is part power-grab, part enviro-fantasy. Here are 50 reasons to stop it.
    By Stephen Spruiell & Kevin Williamson
    The stimulus bill was the legislative equivalent of the famous cantina scene from Star Wars, an eye-popping collection of the freakish and exotic, gathered for dubious purposes. The Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill, known as ACES (the American Clean Energy and Security Act), is more like the third panel in Hieronymus Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights — a hellscape that disturbs the sleep of anybody who contemplates it carefully.

  28. on this Honduran thing, lemme see if I got this right.
    it’s ok to carry out a military coup so long as it’s a marxist getting ousted?
    that’s a rather narrow view isn’t it? but that’s typical of the hard right wing. mayhem and chaos as long as the interests of the right wing are served.
    as far as the ants are concerned, they are like, TOTALLY not right wing. so how do we overthrow them?
    Posted by: curious_george at July 3, 2009 12:24 AM

    Jack Kelly (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) has the details.
    Manuel Zelaya, a Hugo Chavez wannabe, was elected president of Honduras in November, 2005. He wanted to serve a second term. But there was a difficulty. Under the constitution of Honduras, the president may serve only a single four year term.
    Mr. Zelaya proposed to circumvent that difficulty by holding a popular referendum on whether he should be allowed to run for a second term. But there was a difficulty with that, too. The constitution of Honduras provides only one way for the constitution to be amended. That is by a two-thirds vote of all the members of the national congress in two consecutive regular annual sessions.
    The supreme court of Honduras ruled the referendum was unconstitutional, and the national congress passed a law forbidding referenda within 180 days of a national election. (Honduras’ next is this November.) But Mr. Zelaya pressed on. When the army — acting on an order from the supreme court — refused to distribute ballots for the referendum (which had been printed in Venezuela), the president fired its chief of staff. The supreme court unanimously declared the firing illegal, and Honduras’ attorney general asked congress to oust the president.
    Push came to shove on Sunday (6/18). The army, acting on a warrant issued by the supreme court, arrested Mr. Zelaya and sent him into exile (in his pajamas, to Costa Rica). This was described as a “coup” by the news media, and was denounced by, among others, Hugo Chavez, who threatened military action to restore Mr. Zelaya to power, and the Obama administration.

  29. it’s ok to carry out a military coup so long as it’s a marxist getting ousted?
    Continuing to quote Mr. Kelly:
    “Knowing trouble was brewing in Honduras over several weeks, the Obama administration warned power players there, including the armed forces, that the United States and other nations in the Americas would not support or abide a coup,” the AP quoted “officials” as saying. “They said Honduran military leaders stopped taking their calls.”
    It seems more accurate to say that Mr. Zelaya, with Venezuelan help, was trying to execute a coup against the Honduran constitution than to accuse the military — which was acting on orders from the supreme court and with the support of the legislature (124 of 128 deputies in the unicameral congress endorsed Mr. Zelaya’s removal Sunday afternoon) — of having done so.
    Daniel Lopez Carballo, a retired Honduran general, told CNN that if the military hadn’t acted, Mr. Chavez, the Venezuelan dictator, would have been running Honduras by proxy.
    Typically in a coup, the military seizes control of the government. But the military quickly surrendered power to an acting president — from Mr. Zelaya’s own party — chosen by the national congress.
    The streets of Tegucigulpa were quiet after Mr. Zelaya’s removal, perhaps because not many Hondurans like him. In a Mitofsky poll taken in April, Mr. Zelaya had an approval rating of 25 percent, the lowest of 18 regional leaders.

  30. Palin steps down.
    Will Governor Palin become Senetor Palin, Speaker Palin…President Palin.

  31. as noted by Pamela Geller at atlassshurgs2000, no teleprompter was used by Governor Palin…

  32. “Hitler? He got things done, says Formula One chief Bernie Ecclestone”
    “Mr Ecclestone endorsed the concept of a government based on tyranny.”
    Bernie is a socialist, NSDAP Branch.
    Translation: Bernie is a socialist, National Socialist German Workers Party Branch.
