6 Replies to “Not Watching For The Asteroid”

  1. Much truth to this. Party affiliation is always pointed out by MSM when it’s a Republican embroiled in scandal. Not so for Blagojevich or Spitzer, for example. They are (were, in the case of Blago) simply “governors” of their respective states. Same happens in Canadian politics often times. When the Harper gov’t does something positive it’s “Ottawa is increasing funding for…” or “The federal gov’t is increasing funding for…”. But when it’s an action that the MSM deems unpopular then it becomes “The Harper gov’t is…” or (my favourite) “The Harper Conservative gov’t is…” As opposed to the Harper Liberal gov’t?
    It may all seem minor but adding such terms (omitting those terms with dems/liberals) does have a conditioning effect on people that builds up over time, having them associate negative feelings whenever hearing terms like “Republican” and “Conservatives”

  2. One thing I noticed about this “asteroid” series is that you never see any journalists popping out to defend their slimy occupation.
    There are three possible reasons for this.
    1) No journalists EVER read SDA. (Unlikely since more than once I have read columnists refer to postings in SDA almost word for word except (of course)without saying the name of the blog).
    2) Journalists are too chickenshit to publically appear on this site and expose themselves to the wrath of the commenters (quite likely).
    3) Journalists know the hypocrisy, bias and dishonesty of their slimy occupation, so they are unable to defend it convincingly. Also, they choose to enter into a kind of wiling self delusion where they can convince themselves that they are noble truth-tellers and everyone ELSE is somehow corrupt. (Again quite likely).

  3. Damn, all the way to Argentina for a hooker? He deserves to be caught and shamed. Did he collect air miles?
    Even the Dems know that they can fly half price to Miami for an imitation J-Lo blow during the hurricane season.

  4. knight, was the guy not separated from his wife at the time, you know , a legal separation?

  5. old white guy>
    I honestly don’t know. I wasn’t actually taking any pokes at infidelity (They all seem to be in that class). I was taking a poke at the blatant abuse of tax payer’s money for his own selfish gratifications.
