Source: Reuters

Hunter Smith, July 5th;

“He did see an older man in a white shirt reach down into the blood pool and cover his hands. He then wiped them on his shirt to make it look like his blood or that he had been involved. Hunter saw what he thought was an AP photographer take the man’s picture. Hunter said if you see it on the web, don’t believe it. It was faked.”


More at Gateway Pundit.

32 Replies to “Source: Reuters”

  1. La Gringa’s Blogicito: CNN (Español) using Zelaya imposter
    As crazy as this may sound, CNN is using feeds from Hugo Chávez’s Telesur network. Telesur have stooped to using a Zelaya impostor in a supposed phone-in interview with the Telesur reporter.

  2. I didn’t catch it, but I was waiting for it, as I’d read the original item warning that a staged photo might be on the horizon.

  3. This deserves a dead dinosaur, Kate. Al Reuters runs with yet another obviously staged pic, this time with eye witnesses.
    its almost as if they don’t want us to believe them.

  4. Phantom – you’d think they could employ an intern or two to just, yannow, hang out on line or something. Check stuff out, read blogs, get on Twitter…
    Or are they bad rather than incometent? But even if so, they had to know they’d be caught out… so I guess they’re incompetently bad…
    Anyhoo, yup, dead dinosaur.

  5. We were warned this pic was coming and like clockwork here it is. Goebbels would probably be embarrassed by the crudeness of it all. Thankfully there is the internet – Al Gore is probably kicking himself for inventing it. Why didn’t they re-run ‘bullet lady’ again?

  6. Jesse is a Jackson who only comes in one shade (because it’s never too soon)…
    Hamas does this sort of thing and worse a lot.

  7. CBC should be picking this up any time now. It’ll be a helpful supplement to the all Khaddar, all tasers, all Schrieber all the time. It’ll be helpful in relieving the unbearable tedium of their routine.

  8. It’s real citizen journalism in action. I wonder if he’s going to try to match the protesters’ shell casings to the weapons the police were issued.
    [In the next update, he did mention a witness who said that the police used tear gas on the demonstrators and merely fired bullets into the air.]

  9. I wonder if there’s a particular pattern blood makes when it’s rubbed on a shirt. Maybe it looks tie-dyed with blood, or smeared, or in some other recognizable configuration. Certainly, a shirt with no hole (or one inconsistent with the blood pattern) is a tip-off.
    This isn’t the first staged incident, and the next one may not have any eyewitnesses willing to report on any behind-the-senses staging.

  10. Amazing that the sheeple buy into this nonsense!!!!
    The scutlebutt is the anti’s (pro-government demonstrators out number the commies….despite Radio Managua’s(Venuzulla) claims…….
    At this point only the rabid far-left in the US should be buying BamBam’s nonsense….
    I have e-mailed my MP who fortunately is a CPC,,,,,,,
    Iell them where you stand…….

  11. Amateurs!
    Nothing in comparison too a good “Paliwood” production I must critique. You would think that with the limitless benefits of good blood propaganda and the ever abundant Liberal bleeding heart suckers, that they would invest a little money in studying the Palestinian methods more closely. 30 years of production, billions in profits, and the satisfied smirks of millions of latte lapping liberal left sympathizers cannot be wrong. As with any growing industry I suspect that time will mature & professionalize their art, but can we wait that long?

  12. Amateurs indeed. If they want to make the front pages worldwide they need to snap a pic of a little child crying uncontrollably while holding a dead puppy. Damn I had better copyright that before they do.

  13. Maybe this guy can be reuters new IRB. Haven’t seen a pic of him in ages.

  14. A commentor on my site said that Honduras is the new Israel…
    Obviously. They’ve already got their own Pallywood, in the form of lying Leftist supporters of the Leftist outlaw Zelaya, with the AP providing the cameras…

  15. ctv is still calling it a coup as is cnn in spite of more than adequate info informing them otherwise. with lies and bs spread by the msm i don’t know how the u.s. is going to get rid of the big o.

  16. It wasn’t a coup. It was enforcement of the Constitution, the law, the democratic will of their legislature, and according to the ruling of the Supreme Court that Zelaya was in breach of the law and the Constitution. He was properly, lawfully, constitutionally, democratically impeached and lawfully, constitutionally removed. It’s a purely internal matter, and the “international community” is supposed to mind its own business, which they always do with China, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia et al.
    But the Leftist Old Media will NOT pay attention to the truth, and will LIE like they do with respect to Israel. The Old Media is perpetuating yet another Big Lie.

  17. Canadian Sentinel summed it up above. Yet the Commie “leaders” in the Americas-including the Castro bros, Hugo Chavez and Barack Hussein Obama-are holding out for their own, wannabe Commie tyrant Zelaya.
    Yet I don’t see any of the presstitutes of the American MSM mentioning these facts nor questioning why Hussein Obama is on the same side in this issue as Hugo Chavez and the Castro bros. That ought to be tipoff, to any rational freedom-loving person.

  18. Marxists at play. We don need no stinkin’ ‘lections.
    Street theater is the election process in the Marxist world.
    Chavez is salivating to jump in.
    Will Barry let him?
    Where is the UN, or are they aiding the Marxist insurgency?
    PS> There were reports of arrests of Nicaraguan Sandinistas who were caught attacking government buildings last week.

  19. Kind of makes me long for the days of Green Helmet Guy. At least that guy tried.

  20. Here is an excellent outline and commentary at the Wall Street Journal
    Honduras at the Tipping Point
    Some parts of it, which show that this is in large part, the agenda of Chavez of Venezuala, to take over the area. Note that Chavez is enabling Zelaya’s attempt to take over Honduras and remove its democratic infrastructure.
    ” Mr. Chávez grew more aggressive, emboldened by his “legitimate” status. He set about using his oil money to destabilize the Bolivian and Ecuadorean democracies and to help Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega and Argentina’s Cristina Kirchner get elected. Soviet-backed Fidel Castro was able to intimidate his neighbors in the 1960s and ’70s, and Mr. Chávez has done the same thing in the new millennium. This has given him vast power at the OAS.
    Hondurans had the courage to push back. Now Chávez-supported agitators are trying to stir up violence. Yesterday afternoon airline service was suspended in Tegucigalpa when Mr. Zelaya tried to return to the country and his plane was not permitted to land. There were reports of violence between his backers and troops.
    This is a moment when the U.S. ought to be on the side of the rule of law, which the Honduran court and Congress upheld. If Washington does not reverse course, it will be one more act of appeasement toward an ambitious and increasingly dangerous dictator.”
    The fact that Obama is supporting this violation of democracy, and supporting dictators, makes one wonder about not merely his profound ignorance of history and foreign affairs, but his agenda.
    Does Obama support democracy? Or dictatorships? So far, it seems to be the latter.

  21. There’s a nice article in the Wall Street Journal that outlines how Zelaya is subverting democracy in Honduras, how Chavez is deeply involved in it, how Chavez runs the OAS…
    I tried to post but the filter caught it. Called ‘Honduras at the Tipping Point’.
    What is going on with Obama, that he supports Zelaya and therefore, Chavez?

  22. Pajamas Media also has some good analysis of Zelaya and Chavez’ attempt to destroy democracy in Honduras.
    Zelaya was trying to subvert the Constitution and rule of law of Honduras. Victor Davis Hanson writes:
    “Consider: the U.S. reacted quickly and meddled unambiguously in condemning the Honduran arrest of President Zelaya. It mattered little that for the first time in memory we Americans now were on the side of autocrats like Castro, Chavez, Morales, and Ortega in showing revolutionary solidarity with Zelaya ( and of course the UN as well).
    We cared little that both the Honduran Supreme Court and Parliament had acted lawfully in ordering their President’s removal on grounds that he had acted unconstitutionally, in bold, unlawful efforts to obtain a third presidential term through a likely rigged plebiscite.
    (It would be analogous to an Obama or Bush demanding a third term, illegally acquiring ballots to force a plebiscite, ignoring a Congressional conviction of impeachment, and a Supreme Court edict of unconstitutionality, only to be arrested by the Joint Chiefs and escorted out of the country).”
    Note that Zelaya was acting illegally, trying to get a referundum to change the constitution to enable him to have another term. The Congress and Supreme Court had both refused it. Zelaya had the ballots printed up, in Venezuala, and shipped in, by Venezuala and was trying to get them, when the military stopped him.
    The OAS? Run by Chavez, so their condemnation is expected because Chavez is attempting to take over the whole C. American area as a socialist ‘European Union’. Run by him.
    The UN? Enough said.
    Our MSM – they are repeatedly, ignorantly, calling it a ‘coup’ when it is nothing of the sort. The military is not running the country; Congress and the rule of law are – both of which were rejected by Zelaya. The interim president is a member of Congress, and elections for President are to be held in November.
    Obama? He supports dictators. I wonder why. Notice that Obama also rejects Congress, insisting that congress pass ‘his’ bills without reading them. Notice how Obama also creates crisis situations where he insists that ‘his’ bills must be passed immediately or ‘the apocalypse’ will happen.
    Notice how Obama snubs democratic states and wines and dines dictators. Why? Because democratic leaders are immune to his manipulations, while Obama, in his narcissism, thinks that he can charm and manipulate thugs.

  23. 7 million people in a country most of us couldn’t find on a map, showing us all that they, at least, won’t put up with the slow destruction of their hard won freedoms. Viva Honduras!

  24. Amazing how one can get blood all over the shirt and magically stop at the belt line. The pants probably are a bit expensive. And for someone trying to simulate having been (shot?), beaten or whatever, he seems to be in remarkably good shape.
    It reminds me of those Israeli missiles that were amazingly able to knock off the sunroof and headlights from a car and yet leave the frame and windshield intact — clever lads!

  25. Can. Sentinel:
    Sorry, my friend, Zelaya was not impeached. Apparently, there is no provision in the Honduran constitution for impeachment.
    I’m not saying the Hondurans did the wrong thing by kicking the guy out, but there are some people in Honduras who think that the way it was done just ended up making Zelaya seem like a martyr rather than the wannabe despot he is.
    There’s an excellent site “” that gives an excellent overview and analysis of the situation. Here’s just a sample of his balanced analysis:
    If the President and the survey is so popular, why are there not massive riots?
    The country right now is divided at least in three parts of unknown size:
    * Those who want the President back, I will call the pro-Zelaya. This group is lead by the Unions, small farmers, UD party – which is a socialist/communist party-, student unions and are the ones rioting.
    * Those who do not want the President back, I will call them against-zelaya. This group is lead by the political parties, part of the private sector, some of the media and with support of part of the upper and upper-middle class.
    * Those who did not want the President to violate the law but are not in favor of the methods to remove him and control the population, I will call them the non-aligned. This group is, to my point of view, the largest, silent and appears to be just waiting for everything to solve by itself.
    If you read nothing else from the site, the post “11 Questions to Zelaya and Micheletti a journalist should ask” is well worth going over. It made me realize that although Zelaya definitely broke multiple laws first, both sides have made errors, and with the left-wing slant of the MSM, the Honduran government handed Zelaya a public relations bonanza by exiling him without a public perception of due process. – thought provoking and balanced.

  26. Unfortunately the pilot of his plane, as it circled, kept an eye on his fuel guages.

  27. Kevin B, take note:

    The Attorney General then asked Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against Zelaya due to his blatant disregard for the country’s democratic laws. Undeterred, Zelaya assembled his supporters, who marched on the military base where the ballots were being stored. The military handed them over rather than risk a violent confrontation. Zelaya and his supporters then distributed the ballots, and local authorities were ordered to assemble polling stations nationwide. Against this background, there was every reason to think that Zelaya intended to install himself as a president-for-life in the mold of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.
    But even if strategically unwise, the coup cannot be called undemocratic – as it has been by many so world leaders, including President Obama. It was ordered by Congress and the Supreme Court, who felt Zelaya had to be removed for unconstitutionally acting in defiance of the other branches of power. In deposing Zelaya and exiling him to Costa Rica, the military merely enforced the law. Rather than form an undemocratic military regime, the President of the National Congress, Roberto Micheletti, was sworn in as the country’s leader, as constitutionally required, and the presidential elections for November 29 are still planned to be held. In contrast to the country’s political direction under Zelaya, Honduras has not become a dictatorship.
    Note that Ryan Mauro is an international-stuff expert.
    Call it an “impeachment” or not, Zelaya was legally, constitutionally removed.
    The “international community” must mind its own business, not interfere in the internal, sovereign affairs of Honduras. If they interfere, then they must also interfere in China, which is not democratic and is a totalitarian regime. And the IC ought to demand that the Islamic regime in Iran surrender and return power to the Shah. Hell, why not demand that power be returned to the Persians/Zoraostrians, from whom it was stolen by the maurading, invading, occupying Islamic jihadists?
    Please, no double standards.
    If Obama were to thumb his nose at the Constitution…
    …oh, wait…
