Hope, Change, Historical Revisionism

Is there nothing that Obama can’t do?

[W]ithin a few short years, the world as it was ceased to be. Make no mistake: this change did not come from any one nation alone. The Cold War reached a conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many years, and because the people of Russia and Eastern Europe stood up and decided that its end would be peaceful.

Just as WWII would not have been won if not for the pivotal event known as “Woodstock”.
What sort of President shortchanges his nation’s greatest modern foreign policy achievement before a foreign audience?

44 Replies to “Hope, Change, Historical Revisionism”

  1. As far as history is concerned, I cannot help but wonder whether the Messiah is really as stupid as he comes across, or if he just thinks everyone else is. I am not sure which conclusion is worse.

  2. Obama knows that whatever ‘mistruths’ he may make,
    the media will silence or soften the blow.
    The media is the enemy of truth. They’re simply there to sell soap.

  3. bob c **As far as history is concerned, I cannot help but wonder whether the Messiah is really as stupid as he comes across, or if he just thinks everyone else is. I am not sure which conclusion is worse.**
    I think this is just a scary insight into the delusional world he occupies…..and has abducted the rest of us into…….

  4. After this putz, no black man will ever be President of US. for a century or two! Even if the white house becomes Mecca II in the coming…….

  5. This is horrible. Obama is the American President, but the truth is that he’s not an American, not really. He doesn’t love the United States, doesn’t think it represents anything important, doesn’t prefer it to anyplace else, doesn’t want to preserve what makes it unique. Walesa is a better American patriot than Obama.

    Now that the US has become a divine monarchy with Obama as its prophet and Michael Jackson as its savior, a new feeling of contentment spreads throughout the land.
    One unnamed Washington source said, “You know, we used to find it necessary to read new legislation, but now with the divine monarch we know that every word that issues forth from the president is ontologically and metaphysically in synch with our all-powerful savior Michael Jackson.”
    Canadians are aghast with pleasure. Canada has its Governor-General who acts on behalf of the Queen of England, and now America has a Senate and a House of Representatives whose job it is to simply pass on the divine revelations of President Obama to the citizens, i.e., the simple faithful.
    Rejoice, rejoice, hosannas to the highest! All problems have been erased, all difficulties soothed. All awkwardness rendered tranquil.
    The leader of the House of Representatives was recently heard to say, “I’m so much happier now that we know that we’re carrying out God’s will with every breath we take. I’ve never had such a feeling of serenity…”

  7. Just disgusting. The cold war won by Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II. And this moron, this idiot, this carpetbagger whose greasy presence disgraces the office he occupies says this crap?
    You deserve him America. You let your decisions be made by the urban liberal selfish garbage that run the mainstream media.

  8. Rasmussen today has Obama’s approval index at -5.
    Change you can believe in.

  9. Obama Democrats are doing to the USA exactly what commie Pierre Trudeau Liberals managed to do to Canada decades earlier.
    Turn the country into a socialist state.

  10. Nauseating.
    By his logic It was Hitler voluntarily committing suicide that helped bring an end to WW2.
    And wasn’t pontiuos pilate such a good guy to crucify Jesus? Otherwise there would have been no resurrection…
    and without stalin there would have been no berlin wall to tear down and we would have never had that great party.

  11. The cold war was won by the millions of patriotic men and women who VOLUNTEERED to wear the uniform of the NATO nations.
    Being one of those “cold war” warriors, I know for a fact how scared the “commie” soldiers were of us…..we were motivated and they were forced there at gunpoint.
    Reagan, Thatcher and company may have been the figureheads, but it was us grunts staring down the commie horde that won the cold war.
    No left wing jerk off artist will ever take that away from me and my brother-in-arms….NEVER!

  12. This type of phraseology by Obama irritates me:
    “Make no mistake: this change did not come from any one nation alone.”
    The manner in which it is constructed – I am right – so no arguing now . . . . . .

  13. “Is he capable of admitting that he’s an asshole?”
    Calling him an asshole is an insult to all loyal assholes everywhere.
    It is a wonderful invention that works despite the fact it has a hole in it, whereas Obammasiah is just full of crap . . more like an impacted colon.

  14. Sasquatch;
    What scares me is that this is calculated on his part, that he knows better but understands that there is a mass of the populace, enough to elect him, that does not. Sad to say, he just might be right.

  15. Obama may have some limits after all …. Near as I can tell, it’s over 3 days, and Michael Jackson is still dead … BHO apparently couldn’t resurrect him?

  16. All the neocom lies, spinning, economics and anti constitutional actions are taking their toll.
    ‘The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 32% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-seven percent (37%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –5.
    The number who strongly disapprove inched up another point to the highest level measured to date and the overall Approval Index is at the lowest level yet for Obama ‘

  17. bob c – exactly. that’s why it’s so upsetting to me.
    They are trying to erase all popular memory of anything good caused by the GOP POTUS’s. and it is why I think they are hoping that Iraq regresses into chaos – that they will not put troops back in to maintain stability – fight back Iranian-sponsored insurgency.
    This guy is a huge threat to all of the successes achieved since WW11. To them FDR pre-WW2 was the last great president. Even JFK is not someone they want to reference – he went to war and invaded Cuba and cut taxes. And they want to get everyone else on the same page. They are the real decendents of the fellow travellers.
    I’m pretty sure i’m not the only one who wakes up in the middle of the night worrying about the future this guy and his cadre are causing us to have.
    As an aside i would highly recommend everyone read amity schlaes “the forgotten man” – the real history of the Great depression – and a chilling foretellong of what these new new dealers are trying to do.

  18. If you read the works of “Carl Popper”, put on the Chicago Spin (big lie for truth)…. add some French Socialist philosophy = Obama lite.
    He is out of his pay group!

  19. Biden is already a laughingstock. Soon it may be the turn of

    Barak Obama (sic).

    Those of us who’ve spent any time in ivory towers already know there’s no fool like an educated fool.

  20. What sort of President shortchanges his nation’s greatest modern foreign policy achievement before a foreign audience?

  21. Americans are well on their way to becoming Canadians where “winning makes you a loser”-King of the Hill
    It galls Canadians and I suspect many others that Americans are accustom to winning. Rather than putting in the work and achieving success, the aforementioned would rather play victim and blame the U.S. for raising the bar too high.
    Agreed. BO and the Democrats know exactly what they are doing. How can I know this? It’s predictable.
    I love quoting JFK when arguing with left-tards. He has many quotes that would be considered conservative today. The funny thing is, all of those people (except one) hadn’t even heard the quotes before; yet, they assume JFK’s beliefs are in line with theirs.

  22. Joe Molnar @ 5:32, you are right about Trudeau. We are constantly dealing his handiwork.
    The best definition of Socialism came from Sir Winston Churchill: “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, it’s inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery”.

  23. i don’t think it is possible to express the discust felt for obama it is beyond words.

  24. The Cold War reached a conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many years, and because the people of Russia and Eastern Europe stood up and decided that its end would be peaceful.
    Well, several (probably not “many”) nations did the right things for a number of years, but when Karol Cardinal Wojtyla became Pope in 1978 and when Margaret Thatcher took office as PM in 1979, and even when Ronald Reagan became President in 1981, nobody thought that the Iron Curtain would fall within ten years. I remember The People Who Know Better telling us how stupid Ronald Reagan was for thinking that provoking an arms race with the USSR would exhaust the USSR. I remember the headshaking at the lack of “sophistication” and “nuance” when Ronald Reagan referred to the USSR as “an evil empire” in 1983. He was right. They were wrong, and they haven’t acknowledge it yet. Much credit is due to Prime Minister Thatcher, Pope John Paul II, Lech Walesa, and a handful of others, but it didn’t happen because “the people of Russia and Eastern Europe stood up and decided that its end would be peaceful.” It happened because we – the good people with courage – stood up to the evil empire and it had to stop oppressing its people and the people of its satellite countries. It wouldn’t have happened had the American people been foolish enough to re-elect Jimmy Carter in 1980.

  25. The Cold War never ended.
    The Russians downsized, just like most multi-nationals in the ’90s, and kept fighting their side of it while the Americans threw in the towel and declared a victory that never happened.

  26. Biden is already a laughingstock. Soon it may be the turn of
    In the American educational industry it is not important that you know how to spell, as long the reader knows what you mean. And that is the truth.
    The dumbing down over the past forty years gave us enough dumb shits to vote in the kind of the dumb shits. Brach Omaba.

  27. Gord Tulk: “They are trying to erase all popular memory of anything good caused by the GOP POTUS’s. and it is why I think they are hoping that Iraq regresses into chaos – that they will not put troops back in to maintain stability – fight back Iranian-sponsored insurgency.”
    Interesting thought. However, I think this administration realizes, and I think (but don’t know) that most Americans realize, that Iraq and its fortunes now belong to Obama et al., and that if it deteriorates, it’ll be on their watch.
    I know that many or even most Americans were once prepared to lay anything that goes wrong in Iraq at Bush’s feet, but that’s changing. This is one unwelcome (to Obama) result of BO’s constant presence in front of cameras: it conveys the point that he, not George Bush, is in charge and now responsible. It’s also a result of the fact that Bush is so rarely seen or heard of — so much so that an administration insider confided to a reporter that he wishes Bush would speak up much more so that he could continue to be the pinata that he was during the campaign.
    I believe the argument that “this is the mess we inherited” is fast approaching its best-before date.

  28. It’s interesting to note that Obama operates in a realm where words alone ‘make’ reality; that’s postmodernist phenomenology. He says that the people of Russia and Eastern Europe ‘decided that its end (the cold war) would be peaceful’.
    Of course, they did no such thing. A population in a dictatorship decides nothing; and the Soviet Union made no decision to end itself.
    What Obama is ignoring is..the economy. The Soviet Union could no longer sustain itself economically. It had focused its financial efforts on arms rather than an internal economic infrastructure and above all, had failed to develop a robust middle class.
    In addition, it is extremely difficult for a centralist government to control a large spatial territory, with large populations – and diverse history. Such an attempt, I suggest, is bound to fail.
    The postwar rapid increase in population and the failure to empower, economically, this new young population led to internal unrest, a weakening of central authority and eventual collapse of the larger governing central infrastructure.
    Certainly, the external pressures from the West in both arms development, technological development (race for the moon) and economic pressures, affected this transformation. But in my view, for these external pressures to succeed, there also had to be a gradual implosion of the internal infrastructure.

  29. What sort of President shortchanges his nation’s greatest modern foreign policy achievement before a foreign audience?
    The same sort that also refers to the Constitution as a “deeply flawed document”
    Obama also seemed not to take notice that Putin and Medvedev were both sneering at him.
    And Putin reminisced favorably about George W. Bush. I’ll bet Obama choked up his caviar at that point.

  30. “deeply flawed document”
    Interesting, I used those exact words to describe the Canadian Constitution when I was at the mic at the Conservative convention in WPG in Nov.
    The difference between me and BO?
    I am correct and BO is slagging the greatest document ever written after the magna carta and the US declaration of independence.
    It is about as deeply flawed as Bobby Orr’s skating ability was.

  31. What sort of President shortchanges his nation’s greatest modern foreign policy achievement before a foreign audience?
    A radical Marxist who blames their own Nation for the ills of the World. Or in his case a non American trying to pass for one to destroy an enemmy. Playing a socialist messiah to the World. By distancing himself from the Nation he’s supposed to represent.

  32. I am pretty sure that we have elected the intellectual equivalent of a lefty troll to the leadership of the country formerly known as “The most powerful nation on Earth”.
    God have mercy on us.

  33. Morning Gordon Tulk
    Please explain your problem with Bobby Orr’s skating ability.
    Am I missing something here with your analogy.
    don dow

  34. DD – even I got it first time.
    The Constitution isn’t flawed. It is the greatest. Now do you see Gord Tulk’s point?
    (I actually saw Bobby Orr playing hockey in our town rink when he was a teenager. Maybe that is why I got it so quickly.)
