18 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. Hey, T.Boone, Call Dalton @ 1-800-iNeedWind coz we all know T.O. sucks.

  2. Syncrude/Suncor/CNRLShell could use them around the tailings ponds to “protect” waterfowl.
    And GREEN up their images.

  3. No need to hook em up to the grid, just let em spin.
    Makes everyone feel good……….
    Who’s to know?

  4. T Boone is the consummate capitalist. He smelled an opportunity to cash in on this madness.
    Guess he guessed wrong on this one.

  5. Hey puddin, T. Boone needs sucking only on the back end of this white elephant to write off his oil profit tax load with the revenue black hole of wind farming. To make them big fans work he needs hot wind blowing, and we all know even if TO sucks its city hall blows.
    Should put that TO wind to work reducing the carbon butt print of its wide bottomed city hall organisms.

  6. I saw a 1.5″ column inch filler on this in the back pages of the Toronto Star‘s business section today. The first thing I said to myself was, “Gee, I wonder if he found out that he wasn’t going to get a 100% write-off or the like from the government,” explaining his change of plans.

  7. andycanuck
    **I saw a 1.5″ column inch filler on this in the back pages of the Toronto Star’s business section today. The first thing I said to myself was, “Gee, I wonder if he found out that he wasn’t going to get a 100% write-off or the like from the government,” explaining his change of plans.**
    Yeah pretty much!!!!!
    I suspect he is making this announcement to get “hope and change” funding…..I doubt his orignal plan was to finance it himself—-beyond profit taking……

  8. T Boone wanted the Gov to buy his fans with taxpayer’s $ and then sell the natural gas he owns to keep them turning.
    Didnt work out so well for T Boone.(Yet)

  9. HaHa..Thats a great quote……But T Bone might still get the last laugh if he gets subsidized until/to ensure profitability…Obama is still cutting cheques….

  10. T-bone will likely come out ahead, but his worst problem is the price of natural gas. He’s financing all this with revenues from his natural gas distribution.
    If his plan had worked, he would have seen tremendous revenue from wind, and gas, since the two compliment each other. By cornering the market on both, he’d have no downside. Just goes to show, even tycoons take a hit sometimes.

  11. A 2 billion dollar investment and they can’t get the power from the proposed site?
    You’d think they would have all their ducks in a row before they invested that kind of money.

  12. TBP was all over CNBC today, talking his book. “Free ourselves from foreign oil” with his miniscule 4 GW (peak and unsustained) of power. Uh, right you are, Boone.
    Gore, Pickens – I get so tired of these guys with enormous conflicts of interest telling us what we should do.

  13. All those giant fans could blow all the C02 out into space, or maybe TB could hook them all up and face them all the same way, there by causing the earth’s rotational spin to increase and we could outrun all the C02. I hope the MSM sees this plan and runs with it.

  14. 12 billion for 4 GW of power at peak with no cosing of tie-in to the grid. assuming that peak is hit at best 35% of the time (most wind generators never get close to that) and assuming that they are available at peak demand all of the Time – i.e. they need no NG or coal-fired back-up and the capital costs that go with it – the capital cost per KWH of steady supply is $8751. When I was trying to get into the power business 20 yrs ago a project that displaced bunker C crude at 25$/bbl had to come in at 1000/KWH. and that was for 95plus% on-demand hydro power WITH transmission tie-in included.
    I am a big fan of what t boone did back in the corporate raider days, but what the hell was he thinking to get into this nonsense?

  15. [quote]I get so tired of these guys with enormous conflicts of interest telling us what we should do. [/quote]Kevin
    But.. But TBP has a goal we can measure “get off Foreign oil”. That pisses off Pelosi & her EU
    friends.. and the “Zombie investors” that Wall street is complaining about in the OIL futures
    (A zombie is a mythical creature that appears in folklore and popular culture typically as a reanimated corpse or a mindless human being.)
    aka Tiny Tim & California teachers union &&&&

  16. A few years ago when Pickens plans for wind energy was first coming to light, a hardcore leftist acquaintance of mine was singing his praises until I pointed out his bio. I said something like, Gee I never would have thought I would see the day when lefties would get behind a Texas oilman, a guy with financial interests in nuclear power, and a big time supporter and contributor to GW Bush.
    The look she got on her face after hearing all that was priceless. I still kick myself for not having my camera with me that day.

  17. Toronto should buy all those wind turbines, line ’em up all along the 401 facing southward to the lake and power them up as giant fans.
    If that garbage is going to continue piling up and the summer does get warmer, they’re going to have to find some way to dissipate the stench…
