39 Replies to “And Don’t Forget To Vote!”

  1. Sounds like a daytime program along the lines of Coast to Coast overnight, formerly Art Bell show.
    If you are not familiar with it, the program deals with UFO, before life, afterlife, aliens and so on and so on….

  2. This is a typical liberal/statist thought process. Take two things that have no bearing on one another and see if you can get someone else to investigate the nothing that it really is. Sharpton seemed open to the idea, shame on him!

  3. If the idiot woman is the level of intelligence of Obama supporters America is screwed. Maybe Palin can now go and get dumbarse Letterman.

  4. Are you kidding? Michael Jackson voted for her. The Nation of Islam found out, and killed him. Just like they killed Malcolm X for trying to mix with Whitey.
    I’m just putting that out there.

  5. Someone asked if she was typical of Obama supporters.
    There really are some constitutional amendments the US needs to revisit.
    As someone who listens to American call in talk shows for hours a day, I can assure you that I’m surprised leftwing black activists aren’t calling for the “uninvention” of the “white man’s” telephone, between the likes of the caller above,
    and this guy on the other side of the aisle:

  6. Sarah Palin left her Governor’s position because America desperately needs a sane voice of reason in a free world gone totally mad. She has more clout and respect than Rush Limbaugh and might be a major beacon for a much needed revolution.
    IMO, she must first abandon the corrupt Republican party who are no longer distinguishable from the Democrat party.
    If Washington is not ‘cleansed’ soon, the Republic will start breaking up. Texas and Alaska might be first on the list.
    Sep 12th is the next major tea party date. This time it’s Washington…I’m hoping for a huge (1 million +) mobilization. Let’s see how the MSM will ignore that one.

  7. ROFL!!
    I keep telling myself: “There are sane blacks, there are sane blacks, there are sane blacks!”
    Then I watch Al Sharpton ‘debating’ O’Reilly. As sharp as Bill is, he loses every time. Motor mouth’s mind and mouth mows down reason and rationality effortlessly.

  8. I just have to say this as well: Like rats in a garbage can were Sharpton and Jesse Jackson when the story broke about MJ’s death. Shameless publicity rats.

  9. Just slightly off topic.
    Timing is everything.
    Iranian protests resumed this morning. They’re claiming a crackdown kept them off the streets for the last week.
    It’s a strange coincidence that protests got rolling the day after Michael Jackson’s memorial service. Do you think they’ll take a break when the Jackson autopsy reports are revealed?

  10. Just when you think you’ve heard it all, another social/democrat/liberal nutbar hangs their intelligence out on the line for all to see. Next we’ll be hearing that George did it, oh wait that ones been done before.

  11. well, the timing of Palin’s resignation AND MJ’s death are suspiciously close…..it’s just a little too convenient…too pat and neat and tidy…..also there have been recent reports of rather large llamas at Neverland…..antlered llamas….very large antlered llamas …..rutting llamas in the moonlight…
    so i think i’ll just put that out there and see whether two plus two equals four with you people….anyway be ready for traces of moose hairs in the official autopsy report….you heard it here first….and anyway where the hell was joe the plumber when all this was going down ?

  12. aaahhh no. It wasn’t Palin. It was Joe the Plumber with the Swine Flu Vaccination in the Drawing Room.

  13. Rush Limbaugh says he’s on “a golf-holiday”, but who can believe that? Maybe he used his golf clubs for something other than golf?

  14. Sarah Palin involved in Jacko’s death?
    Now that’s nonsense.
    She resigned because she fears the word will get out that she permitted the 103rd WMD Civil Support Team of the Alaska Army National Guard to assist in the Bush-Cheney clandestine demolition of the World Trade Center.
    Say, where’s my tinfoil hat? I had it right here…
    Are those black helicopters?

  15. Al Sharpton should go as The Bell Curve for Halloween. ~ Kathy Shaidle
    I’m not sure who’s stupider here, the caller or Al Sharpton…~ Soccermom
    I believe the caller would be a minus-2 sigma, while old Al clocks in at a cool minus-one sigma.

  16. This hasn’t been made official, since they were waiting for the memorial to be over…
    They discovered a SALMON EMBEDDED in Michael Jackson’s LIVER!!!
    Foul play is suspected, and while there aren’t any suspects yet, but there are several women in Alaska who have been brought in for questioning.

  17. What do you expect from a guy who chases ambulances & is a race whore.

  18. I do hope the 9/11 truthers are taking note of this revelation.It should keep them busy and off the streets for a couple of years. My question about his death is much more important,will he buried or melted down into candles?

  19. After listening to that “caller” I do believe the fans have been in MJ’s bags of pharmacuticals to have a thought process like that.

  20. “Sarah Palin should take Al Sharpton out hunting sometime.”
    I’d rather Sharpton went hunting with Dick Cheney.

  21. That woman is so naive she’ll believe anything – Like MJ’s even really dead!

  22. If it was Palin, she would have used a 30 odd 6 or bigger, or perhaps an axe like the turkey behind her on the Thanksgiving interview. Not something lame like a drug overdose. Duh.

  23. Since I moved to the States seven years ago, I have seen more people who are prepared to believe anything. There are plenty more conspiracy theories in USA than Canada. That may just be my observation, but… wow.

  24. US of A is the nuttiest nation in the history of civilization.
    its all that leisure time they have. previously from the high std of living, now due to the massive layoffs from the recession.
    there are thousands of religious cults south of the 49th, only the big ones like scientology and the moonies make the headlines and even then not all the time.
    wacko jacko? HA. you wish it was just jacko. it’s the entire friggin nation gone wacko including the leadership sector both public and private. kim jong il got a loooooong way to go to catch up with amerkuh on the nutbar register.

  25. Hmnn, better call Andrew Sullivan. (Cause you just know that Sarah’s the mystery surrogate to Michael’s youngest kid)That nasty barricuda woman was blackmailing Michael , and when he paid up, she slithered off with the cash, retiring from politics.(For now) Little did Michael realize that he was the man who knew too much……

  26. Hmnn, better call Andrew Sullivan. (Cause you just know that Sarah’s the mystery surrogate to Michael’s youngest kid)That nasty barricuda woman was blackmailing Michael , and when he paid up, she slithered off with the cash, retiring from politics.(For now) Little did Michael realize that he was the man who knew too much……

  27. Here’s another take on the matter: Mark Levin on Al Sharpton.
    I have listened to Rush Limbaugh’s podcasts for quite some time now, and have only recently started listening to Mark Levin. I’m hooked; he’s a great announcer and I get more laughs at his exasperation and dissecting of liberal callers. This is a great excerpt.
    Note – I’ve sped up the mp3 a bit, so Levin is talking at 133% of normal speed, which is why it seems a bit fast. It’s slow compared to how I normally redub podcasts, however (182x, or 55% of original time). Enjoy!
    at gmail d0t calm
