6 Replies to “Not Waiting For The Asteroid”

  1. Climate change bullshit worldwide.
    Carbon trading is a scam (Enron, Lehman Brothers?) and Harper had better keep Canada clear of that rotten ponzi scheme for the good of us (Canadians) all!

  2. If you look at the numbers, I think he is spending more than political capital.

  3. Ahh, love it, the US is blocking climate change!
    “Obama himself, however, will see his hands tied in Copenhagen by the US’s new lax national climate law, assuming it doesn’t get rejected before then. The law calls for only a 4 percent reduction in CO2 emissions by 2020 compared to 1990 levels, not the 40 percent reduction environmentalists and climatologists say is necessary.”
    Hey there is still a 4 in the target, but its been reduced by an order of magnitude, namely a factor of 10 times.
    I mean why bother reducing C02 at all when enhanced C02 levels will bring back lush green growth, which is what all the green weenies want anyway? Tree planting is definitely a career choice for uber enviro-geeks.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. Canada WILL bring in Cap and Trade on unproven Climate Change/Global Warming. The way the Cons are talking, they have already accepted Global Wrming/Climate Change. I have yet to hear from ANY politician that there is NO man made Global Warming/Climate Change.
    The problem for them is to keep the truth under cover and forget the science. Those of us who do not believe in Global Warming/Climate Change will be treated as a Creationest by Evolutionest.
    The Cons are making several mistakes that I might be able to live with, yet by accepting the Global Warming lie they are no better than the LIEberals, Non Democradic Party, and Greenies and Bloc.
    I hope I am wrong. There are mo alternatives to the Conservatives.

  5. As the Dust My Broom link reveals, Jeffrey Simpson has got to be Canada’s most misinformed, biased and flaky journalist. I have had a few emails back and forths with him – he is perpetually out to lunch and swallows the Hoax whole. Daily !!
    No wonder scams and chain letters and spam never seem to run out of customers – our brightest journo at our best national media org falls for them also.
