Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!

Associated Press, February ’09“President Barack Obama promised a nation shuddering in economic crisis Tuesday night that he would lead it from a dire “day of reckoning” to a brighter future, summoning politicians and public alike to shoulder responsibility for hard choices and shared sacrifice.”
Accuracy in Media, July ’09Barack Obama’s White House is spending more than $80,000 a week to staff its old and new media offices. Add the price of speechwriters and the White House communications tab reaches nearly $100,000 a week, or nearly $5 million a year-and that is for salaries alone.
(Via The Virginian)

17 Replies to “Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!

  1. Here’s a comment from the Wall Street Journal, an article that ‘Obama Can’t Be Trusted with Numbers’.
    A few excerpts:
    “In February, President Barack Obama signed a $787 billion stimulus bill while making lavish promises about the results. He pledged that “a new wave of innovation, activity and construction will be unleashed all across America.” He also said the stimulus would “save or create up to four million jobs.” Vice President Joe Biden said the massive federal spending plan would “drop-kick” the economy out of the recession.
    But the unemployment rate today is 9.5% — nearly 20% higher than the Obama White House said it would be with the stimulus in place. Keith Hennessey, who worked at the Bush White House on economic policy, has noted that unemployment is now higher than the administration said it would be if nothing was done to revive the economy. There are 2.6 million fewer Americans working than Mr. Obama promised.
    The economy takes unexpected turns on every president. But what is striking about this president is how quickly he turns away from his promises.”
    Obama lives in a world made up, totally, of words. His reality is confined to his rhetoric. The real world of actual facts and actions, is alien to him and he is not interested in it. If you outline this real world to him, and show him the difference between his rhetoric and reality, he’ll blame others for causing this discrepancy, or you, for ‘expecting too much’. That leaves him free to misinform and manipulate the public as he wishes.

  2. “hard choices and shared sacrifice”
    Ya right . . . must have been a hard choice to triple, maybe even quadruple the US deficit level so all Americans can share in building a huge national debt.
    Borrowing their way into economic servitude . . . one Obamassiah decision at a time.

  3. Rasmussen’s daily presidential approval index today has it as minus 8. That’s the lowest rating he’s ever received, and it’s been in the minus range for over a week. Before that, it was steadily moving from its double digit positive approvals of March, to single digit and now, to the negative.
    His general approval vs disapproval went from his original 65% to 30, and is now at 51 and 48, which is statistically almost equal. That’s in five months, which is a significant change.
    The interesting question is, what will Obama and his backroom boys do about this? Who and what will they blame? And it is now time that Republicans start to move with a leadership agenda.

  4. “That leaves him free to misinform and manipulate the public as he wishes.”
    Posted by: ET at July 9, 2009 9:34 AM
    So ET what you are saying in a polite way is that Obama is ‘full of sh@* !!

  5. ‘Bright future’ is communist for ‘unreachable goal’. This is what the USSR communists kept promising for 70 years of their rule.

  6. keep laughing at the Obaminator. While he is a fish in a barrel – Canadian cabinet ministers (yes all, there is 42 now – more than Martin’s peak of 39) – get $1.9 million per year to ‘staff and run their offices’.
    You suckers ain’t bright enough to think a little closer to home huh?
    Or have all the Cons just rolled over for the Party?
    Laugh at the yanks while the CPC whores you.

  7. “Obama lives in a world made up, totally, of words. His reality is confined to his rhetoric. The real world of actual facts and actions, is alien to him and he is not interested in it. If you outline this real world to him, and show him the difference between his rhetoric and reality, he’ll blame others for causing this discrepancy, or you, for ‘expecting too much’. That leaves him free to misinform and manipulate the public as he wishes.”
    Reader’s Digest: Description of a socialist type Politician. AKA Jack Layton.
    When the CPC get there well deserved majority, I will start being more critical of this government.
    The reason why the CPC are still in minority territory is partly because of ‘hardboiled’ eggheads like yourself. People like you, totally ignorant of anything of importance are polled everyday and that’s why Obama is still popular in Canada although his Administration is the worst ever for Canada’s economy because of unleashed trade protectionalism…But I should’nt bore you with such trivial stuff…CNN is still talking about Micheal Jackson…I’ll let you go back to that sick and twisted depravity.

  8. Why did anyone who voted for Obama expect him to run the country as an economist rather than a socialist? It’s not HIS money he is spending, it’s the American public’s. Besides, it’s either squander the money on toadies or buy decent gifts for visiting dignitaries and he’ll be DAMNED if he does the latter.

  9. “Laugh at the yanks while the CPC whores you.”
    I repeat my question Hardboiled. Who did you vote for last federal election? Who do you support now?
    Obama promised universal healthcare, he supported auto bailouts, he supported bank bailouts, he promised not to raise taxes for 90%+ Americans; and, he said that Americans must tighten their belts.
    I know that public schools are doing a dismal job teaching math, but even a monkey can see that the numbers don’t add up. Americans knew exactly what they were voting for. They voted to absolve themselves of any responsibility for the current and future economic and social realities, and that’s putting it nicely.

  10. Hardboiled, do you agree with Harper and Prentice on climate change policy? Are you happy they’re doing what they are doing? You believe in cap and trade? come on, are you a “believer”?
    Of course you are! So you should have no problem with the CPC policies; in fact you should be praising them.

  11. All of them are nuts who believe this. History is gonna think we where all nuts in this era of the Chicken little syndrome & faith based science. I mean even the tyrants , warlords, religious leaders or Anyone with a brain cell in ancient times would not have the stupidity to declare they could control the Sun & Earth.
    I call this insanity. Co2 a poison? Gee tree’s breath it. This is faith based science. Not creationism.
    Even pagans of old would not have been so foolish. Nor dumb enough to destroy whole Nations to institute there opium dreams, by tanking there’re whole industries, peoples, & wealth, to allow politicians to create a self renewing slush fund scam for themselves based on climate lies.

  12. Well you are just being SO unfair –here the lightworker is employing extra people, doing his bit to counter the recession, and you are critical of the additional national debt. \sarc off

  13. Actually soccermom, Hardboiled is the “only” conservative around here. His job is to point the finger at everyone else and say they’re not conservative. HardBoiled is SDA’s Ron Paul. I’ve asked him a few times to enlighten us as to who he supports in Canadian politics. 90% of his comments are b*tching that PMSH isn’t conservative enough, or isn’t a conservative at all. So, hence the question, Who do you support Hardboiled?
    btw, I’m not harping on him, he has good comments when he’s offering his opinion on the issue instead of crapp’n on PMSH. Like I said, that’s around 10% of the time.
