129 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The World Is Being Run By Crazy People”

  1. Im quite certain “whatever needs to be done” will be the control of the price and supply of energy.

  2. Like a lot of the actions of government, talk a lot, sound good and do nothing. I think this is a scam like global warming, they puff up their chests with pronouncements, the sheeple feel good that something is being done and everyone carries on their merry way. BS to BS, stalemate.

  3. The world has been cooling over the last decade, and yet “The G8 countries have agreed to do whatever needs to be done to limit the world’s temperature to a two-degree increase.”
    Wow. Now THAT’S a challenging target!
    In a similar spirit of altruism and self-delusion, er … make that self-sacrifice, I pledge to do what needs to be done to limit my intake of coffee to less than 20 cups a day.
    Please send cash so that I can meet my target.

  4. Harper disappoints me so much. How refreshing it would have been to have seen a principled rational voice there! If he wasn’t willing to do that he could have at least mentioned the effects of that big burning ball of gas at least.
    I remember Harper’s comments about welfare, EI and the maritimes. As someone who lives here and is surrounded by people milking EI for all that it is worth (seriously, loved ones, friends, acquaintances, etc.), I cheered him on and expected great things from him as PM. Now we have Gail Shea here every second day delivering buckets upon buckets of money.

  5. More of the world is our thermostat garbage from the G8. If they want to do everything they can, simply stop exporting any fossil fuels to China and India, then send in military forces to blocade ME oil.
    Right? Wrong? Total posturing BS. When will a “journalist” ask the Pembina Institute et al how much will the earth’s temperature (fever?) will go down if we comply fully with Kyoto.
    They haven’t got a clue. They can’t even demonstrate that climate is warming for crying out loud.
    Feel good garbage like this won’t remove a single CO2 molecule, or real pollution for that matter, from the atmosphere.
    Mr Harper, don’t let these self-interested technocrats play their games with other people’s money. Wink and nudge all you have to, but don’t fall for the chicken little junk science.

  6. Harper should spend a little more time in his riding, the one right next to mine. Unless the weather is way better west of McLeod Trail, which I doubt, he would have noticed that this winter, spring and now summer has been cold. Yeah, I know, “warming means it’ll be colder”. :eye roll:
    There ought to be a law preventing politicians from making such long-range plans; by the time they’re proven to be inefficient, ineffective and bloody expensive, those responsible are long out of politics and completely unaccountable.

  7. My gut reaction to this story was to wonder who finally found Gaia’s thermostat.
    Then I noticed that they agreed to limit temperature increases to 2 degrees over “pre-industrial” levels.
    Two points spring to mind:
    (a) it’s getting colder, so that’s gonna be, you know, pretty easy; and
    (b) it’d be even easier if instead of picking 1850 as a “pre-industrial” starting temperature, we picked 4.3 billion years ago, when the Earth was a ball of boiling iron and silicon. It’s gonna take us a while to get to 1500 degrees celsius, even with my Jeep idling in the driveway.

  8. I, also, personally commit to doing whatever it take to limit temperature increases to not more than 2 deg (C of F – no prob).
    In other words, I will do SFA (or maybe a bit less)

  9. Well, I’m hoping for some global warming as I have had my coat on every single day in this July so far.

  10. We have actually come to a point in our western civilization that politicians can make a declaration that’s premised on the notion that have the ability to control the temperature of the planet
    …and it’s reported across the world media with a straight face.
    What’s wrong with these people? That’s not rhetorical. WHAT’S WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE???

  11. And by what miracle of modern technology will these brain-dead zombies of the granola-munching, dread-locked vocal minority drop world temperatures?
    I know, a really big tin-foil tent around the world that will momentarily divert sunlight away! And here I thought the ISS was for research, it’s actually the tin-foil deployment platform.
    Grrr! Stupid politicians. The fact that Harper was involved with this “non-binding” agreement makes me want to slap him upside the head and yell, “Smarten up you idiot!”.

  12. What a bunch of morons! Maybe we should limit their brain cell count to 2! No worries – we’re there already. Pathetic.

  13. Most of you are missing the point. What was on the G8 agenda was reduction in CO2 emissions of 80% by 2050. That was thrown out. The 2 degree target has long been the subject of agreement by the G8. So, the Italian meeting represents “no progress” from the perspective of the AGW fanatics.
    You’re missing an even larger point. The two degree target requires no reductions of CO2 at all if world average temperatures refuse to rise as IPCC theory projects. The G8 rejection of the 80% means that there is essentially no chance of agreement at Copenhagen on new CO2 emission reductions quotas for a Kyoto Part 2.

  14. “A Russian official even questioned the target just hours after President Dmitry Medvedev agreed to the number. “For us, the 80-per-cent figure is unacceptable and likely unattainable,” Arkady Dvorkovich, Mr. Medvedev’s top economic aide, told reporters.
    “We won’t sacrifice economic growth for the sake of emission reduction,” he added.”
    Hey Prime Minister Steve, go ask Arkady Dvorkovich about his balls.
    While you’re there, maybe you can ask him if buffing a mirror like finish on a fu#@ing tax to be paid to socialist douche-bags tricked out as green science helped much in his election.

  15. This is messaging, pure and simple spin, it is like listing the Polar Bear. A symbol to justify future action. This is NOT a good thing. They did not say that AGW was wrong, so remember that.
    The leaders realized they cannot sell GHG reductions to the populace anymore but by making a new messaging statement they can justify any action based on this agreement. It is far nore dangerous than climate change because it is much easier to justify because it quantifies the threat.
    GHGs = Increase in Temperature
    Increase in Temperature

  16. What’s wrong with these people ??
    My take: The two degree “fix” is the big ‘out’ for the politicians, eco-fanatics and especially for the hoax swallowing journalists.
    Two degrees is a much easier goal to fudge than emission limits.
    1) It is not possible to accurately measure the Earths average temperature so they can tell us anything.
    2) They now realize (thx Watts et al) that the Earth is cooling rendering their goal redundant.
    3) The two degree goal is easy to achieve – just move the weather station thermometers away from the BBQs as Hansen’s own handbook stipulates.
    The ecofanatics and the Media will go along with this ‘out’ as they see a horrendous pile of fraud litigation about to land on their desks.
    Am I wrong ??

  17. As usual, CGH is completely correct. Look, there is nothing wrong with those people, Kate, they are doing, and doing well, what they are hired and paid for: they are professional liars. Nobody wants leaders to tell the truth, people can’t handle the truth (and in democracies, people won’t vote for the truth). That’s why we are always lead by professional liars. Of course, the good news is that, as usual, our liar leaders have agreed to nothing, so there’s really nothing to report, and no reason to blog about it. The real question, then, is: why do so many people not understand this? What’s wrong with you people? That’s not a rhetorical question.

  18. “Unless the weather is way better west of McLeod Trail…” Kathryn 11:17 am
    Nope, same weather over here, maybe a bit more wind as we are a new subdivision. Most likely due to Harper Hot Air on doing sumpthin’ fer GHG reduction.

  19. It seems the height of megalomania to assume government to be so omnipotent that it can actually legislate a change in the weather, but this is the era we live in.
    Government worshipping lemmings who seek security from nature’s cycles through self destructive over regulation, and megalomanic legislators more than willing to assume pseudo deity. What a combination for cultural collapse.

  20. oh no! Its not working yet! It was 55 F this morning, and now it is up to 73 F!
    That is 18 F degrees differences, way above the 2 degrees that they agreed upon!!!! whatdowedo? whatdowedo???

  21. IMO it’s just Kyoto Redux. IOW, political theatre. All promise to reduce but in fact have no intention of doing so. To walk away from Italy without some sort of eco-deal would be politically folly.
    In the meantime, should one or two actors actually move towards reductions, it would make everyone else more attractive for investment and new jobs.
    A classic delaying action strategy when you’re in full retreat.

  22. “What’s wrong with these people? That’s not rhetorical. WHAT’S WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE???”
    This is why I come here. It’s comforting to see someone else exhibit this much incredulity with respect to current events.

  23. “Do these people even hear themselves anymore???”
    Well they certainly don’t hear “us”, do they? They also don’t hear the hundreds of scientists disavowing this theory. And it is a theory, politicians. WAKE THE HELL UP.

  24. “Government worshipping lemmings who seek security from nature’s cycles through self destructive over regulation, and megalomanic legislators more than willing to assume pseudo deity” is the it always has been and always will be, V.B. (although sometimes it’s religion, not government). Going from there to the same place cannot be considered to be a collapse.

  25. cgh – many thanks for your rational and lucid response. As vitruvius points out, cgh is exactly right.
    The key point is that the leaders, as Vitruvius pointed out, agreed to nothing. They threw out, (correctly), the reduction of CO2 by half by 2050, and any other such massive reductions (Russia); that would be ruinous to the economy. And their careers. China and India won’t sign on, so the Copenhagen agreement is dead before it hits the table.
    And 2 degrees is nothing; difficult to measure, open to debate and, the climate is cooling.
    These leaders are all in a difficult political position. They have a brainwashed electorate, the majority of whom are steeped in Al Gore’s, Suzuki’s, and IPCC nonsense – taught in the schools, endlessly repeated in, for example, Canadian MSM.
    Therefore, to reject the notion of ‘global warming’ (which has been backroom rejected anyway by the switch in terms to ‘climate change’)..would lose a lot of adoring electors. So, they have given the electors what the electors want: words rather than actions.
    After all, if they instead chose a reduction in CO2 to pre-industrial levels (that 80%), which would mean a reversal of the economy to preindustrialism..that would not be much appreciated by this same electorate.

  26. Kevin S said “Shouldn’t be a problem since the temp is going down”
    That will make the target very easy to meet. Then when the next election comes around Harper can claim to have met with World Leaders and devised goal. Then met the goal. Compare that to the Liberal record on the Kyoto Accord the Conservatives have the moral high ground in any debate on Climate Change.
    Of course that will only matter if the MSM points this out to the electorate.

  27. they also hear a environmental lobby, a renewable energy lobby, and a eco-guilt lobby that has a lot of momentum right now. Yep they hear them loud and clear.

  28. ‘ Meet the man who has exposed the great climate change con trick:
    James Delingpole talks to Professor Ian Plimer, the Australian geologist, whose new book shows that ‘anthropogenic global warming’ is a dangerous, ruinously expensive fiction, a ‘first-world luxury’ with no basis in scientific fact. Shame on the publishers who rejected the book
    Prof. What makes you sure that you’re right and all those scientists out there saying the opposite are wrong? ‘I’m a geologist. We geologists have always recognised that climate changes over time. Where we differ from a lot of people pushing AGW is in our understanding of scale. They’re only interested in the last 150 years. Our time frame is 4,567 million years. So what they’re doing is the equivalent of trying to extrapolate the plot of Casablanca from one tiny bit of the love scene. And you can’t. It doesn’t work.’
    What Heaven And Earth sets out to do is restore a sense of scientific perspective to a debate which has been hijacked by ‘politicians, environmental activists and opportunists’. It points out, for example, that polar ice has been present on earth for less than 20 per cent of geological time; that extinctions of life are normal; that climate changes are cyclical and random; that the CO2 in the atmosphere — to which human activity contributes the tiniest fraction — is only 0.001 per cent of the total CO2 held in the oceans, surface rocks, air, soils and life; that CO2 is not a pollutant but a plant food; that the earth’s warmer periods — such as when the Romans grew grapes and citrus trees as far north as Hadrian’s Wall — were times of wealth and plenty.
    All this is scientific fact — which is more than you can say for any of the computer models turning out doomsday scenarios about inexorably rising temperatures, sinking islands and collapsing ice shelves. Plimer doesn’t trust them because they seem to have little if any basis in observed reality ‘
    Ian Plimer’s Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science, a must read for debunking the AGW con.

  29. I agree with CGH, Vit and especially ET.
    I’m of the view that AGW is a hoax, and I also agree with PMSH with respect to this for reasons I’ve stated before. We are long past a transfer of wealth to the third world, our politicians are much too greedy to give their “hard earned” tax dollars away. The real issue is the fluidity of trade between Canada and the U.S.; that’s what PMSH is protecting.

  30. From Bill Bragg’s link
    [Imagine how wonderful the world would be if man-made global warming were just a figment of Al Gore’s imagination. No more ugly wind farms to darken our sunlit uplands. No more whopping electricity bills, artificially inflated by EU-imposed carbon taxes. No longer any need to treat each warm, sunny day as though it were some terrible harbinger of ecological doom. And definitely no need for the $7.4 trillion cap and trade (carbon-trading) bill — the largest tax in American history — which President Obama and his cohorts are so assiduously trying to impose on the US economy.] Ian Plimer

  31. Sometimes the irony of life is overwhelming. In another thread today, I referred to King Canute. For those who don’t know the true legend, Canute, tired of his courtiers telling him he was a god, waded out into the ocean and commanded the tide to turn. When it wouldn’t, he used that to demonstrate there was a limit to his powers.
    Now, we have a group of modern-age Canutes. In true Bizarro fashion, instead of commanding the tide to turn, today when it is rushing out, they command it not to come rushing in! And when it doesn’t come in, they’re going to turn to us and say “See, what a great job we’ve done!”.
    Now, I need to take an Aspirin and lie down for a while…

  32. So this is brilliant. A 2 degree increase cap by 2050.
    Well that’s a no-brainer. Given the trend line that started in late 2000’s and the absolute temperature drop in the last 9 years, given the projection by the non-rent seeker scientists that says the current cooling period will continue for 30+ years, we can have all the energy burning and carbon production we want ans not break that 2 degree cap.
    Gotta love the Law of Unintended Consequences.

  33. Gosh! Golly!
    Next they’re jolly well going to do whatever needs to be done to bring about world peace, feed all the poor Africans and find a cure for the common cold!
    Gee Willikers!

  34. “Do these people even hear themselves anymore???”
    I’m sure they hear themselves. The question is whether they listen to themselves…

  35. As commented above, meeting the 2 deg C limit
    shouldn’t be a problem with the currently falling
    temperatures. If the temperatures actually clearly
    rose unambiguously by 2 deg C we even might be
    concerned, although what if anything we could do
    is not clear.
    Defining and measuring the mean temperature of the Earth is an interesting topic.
    Determining the start of the Industrial Revolution is even
    more so (see the article on Coalbrookdale in
    Wikipedia as a beginning). Wrangling about the
    mean temperature of the Earth at the beginning
    of the Industrial Revolution should keep
    chatterers chattering for many a decade.

  36. Vitruvius: “What’s wrong with you people?”
    I dunno … maybe it’s my believe that “cow farts” influencing global climate started out as a joke.

  37. I have to agree with those that see this announcement as a cleverly-worded agreement to do nothing, and to take credit for having done something in order to solve a problem which doesn’t exist.
    They are slaying the Snark, more or less.

  38. The politicos are going through the motions. Not one of them believes a word of it.
    Harper has gone along with it because it’s easier than being attacked every day by lunatic wankers. He’s announced the same funging (which will NEVER arrive) about 15 times and will announce it every day until pigs fly before it actually happens.
    Chretien was the same.

  39. Ron in Kelowna, I pray that you are right. Lawsuits must be launched in Canada and the United States with with Gore, Suzuki and Chairman Mo called as witnesses. There, they can be grilled by capable lawyers to explain, despite the abundance of data to the contrary, they continue to prostelatyze the AGW message. Since they refuse to debate the issue, this is our best chance. Of course, here in Canada, the courts are stacked with good, Lieberal appointed hacks so they would never force their boss, Chairman Mo to have to testify.

  40. Kate,
    Of course it is reported that way and even stated that way. We must self flagelate for any success we have had, hairshirts to be worn by all, except thise who can afford to be otherwise.
    It is ridiculous but hardly unprecendented. Humanity does this all of the time. We were small tribes of 10’s of thousands of years suject to being scared by certain events. We have been “rational” for only a few thousand years (debateable to say the least. Which trait do you think has a stronger pull on us.
    Sure we have dressed it up as rational and scientific. But promises that can’t be kept won’t be kept. So I wouldnt be too concerned one way or another. Eventually we coe to our senses, if only because some event or the results of our own folly slap us upside the head.
    Yup, another couple of years of falling temps and this should be about wrapped up.
    Long game.

  41. Actually this declaration is clever….
    Basically a plan to do nothing as the climate is, at this point apparently well into a 30 year cooling…..
    Reality is that by the time the 30 year cooling Gore, Hansen and Suzuki will be long dead….and the current world leaders as well–including BamBam…..long since replaced by more pragmatic types…….
    that sorta thing goes in cycles as well………

  42. “[A]nd the current world leaders as well–including BamBam…..long since replaced by more pragmatic types…….”
    I think you should have stopped at “replaced”. Everything up to that point was true.

  43. The Babe is announced by Gaia’s NOAA-Gov on earth.
    NOAA* knows what yer talking ’bout here. NOAA understands, too.
    NOAA* built Noah’s Ark for MaoStlong, (Hi. I’m … Uncle Mo Strong from Canada.) who stole/re-christened Noah’s biblical Ark the Gaia Ark.
    Mo Stlong waved a wafer and It Was Blessed by ARkBishop Hansen and the MSM Choir sang in chant: Gaia is Our Saverus.
    “NOAA understands and predicts changes in the Earth’s environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and conserves and manages our coastal and marine resources. Visit http://www.noaa.gov.”
    *”NOAA announces the arrival of El Niño”
    urlm.in/csei (WUWT?)
