25 Replies to “Hope, Change, Show Trials!”

  1. I’ve already got that bumper sticker on my car.
    And a deep sense of impending doom.
    So much for hope and change.

  2. post acquittal detention
    Paging George Orwell. Paging George Orwell. Please go to the nearest white courtesy phone, after which you will be escorted directly to Room 101.

  3. Show trials are what the commies engaged in all the time. Can’t say I’m surprised that these fellow traveller zealots have no probelm with them.
    But they are a disaster on two fronts. First it denigrates the finest judicial system in the world. Second it makes the US look like just another tyrannical nation – it puts people found not guilty into th gulag for the rest of thier lives. Imagine the propaganda value for our enemies.

  4. It is almost toooooo funny for words.
    All that hopey/changey thingy the leftoids were so into and now it is all gone POOF !
    And then there is his handling of the economy.
    Wait until the media turn on him. Michelle is going to become the Queen Bitch.

  5. ‘post-acquittal detention powers” eh? Somewhere Orwell weeps and Stalin rejoices.
    Do modern Americans have the sand to take back their republic from these fascists?

  6. I would like to think that a whole lot of lefty heads are going to pop over this one but they will not. For starters, the MSM will keep it contained by making sure that those who do will not have a platform for their outrage. Secondly, I think a lot of the squawking about Gitmo was phoney to begin with. Besides, its not as if your average lefty is going to go out and vote GOP next time in protest.

  7. So just where is the Zero going to build this new gulag to hold these people? Downtown D.C. would be my choice. And why oh why is this even being debated? I thought spies and non-uniformed combatants where summarily executed,no?

  8. post-acquittal detention power
    The only thing I miss about George W. is that stupid smirk he got when he was lying.

  9. Shaken is right. Obama is a much better liar than Bush, since Obama has infinitely more practice.
    Leaving aside “Just some guy in the neighborhood”, his iconic lie. What about, we are going to allow five days before signing any bill for public examination and debate of the final contents?
    What happened to “I taught the constitution for years, and I know what is constutional and I will never issue a signing statement. He issued six in the past month, BTW.
    How’s about lets go lie for lie, Bush and Obama. Remember that Obama has had so much less time to lie, so you should have the advantage. There’s thee for Obama, let’s hear four for Bush. Come on now, or were you just venting your OCD, I mean BDS.

  10. “So just where is the Zero going to build this new gulag to hold these people? Downtown D.C. would be my choice.”
    I thought downtown D.C was a gulag?

  11. Justthinkin
    **I thought spies and non-uniformed combatants where summarily executed,no?**
    According to the Geneva conventions/protocals (international law)…..
    However, if practiced…..having a chat(interrogation) with the bad guys would be futile…….

  12. Well, there is a difference between a criminal prosecution of war crimes and whatnot and the detaining of POW’s.
    If you are accused of war crimes, you get a trial and if convicted, you can be held for your prison term after the conflict is ended. It means that if you beat the charge you are still subject to detention as a POW.
    POW’s are held until the conflict is over. The difference is in treatment. Once acquitted, you are not allowed to interrogate a POW. You must accord them the same treatment any other combatant would get.
    So the problem here isn’t Obama et al’s newly found discovery of the truth, it’s their denial of said truth and demonization of Bush prior to Obama being elected. In other words, it’s the leftard’s glaring hypocrisy that’s at issue.
    So W wasn’t a “war criminal” or fascist after all…
    I did say after obama was elected that nothing would change but the PR and window dressing on this file. It makes up for my guess that he’d act in a pragmatic way on the economy. Ooops.

  13. I agree with Jason. My recollection of the Geneva conventions (It’s been a while since I taught them) was that a POW could be tried for criminal acts committed prior to capture, during detention or during an escape attempt and for violations of the laws of war. If acquitted, the POW never-the-less remained a POW. The real story here is the window dressing and holier-than-thou hypocrisy of the Dems generally and Obama in particular in trying to claim some non-existent moral high ground.
    Leftist hysterics notwithstanding, the previous administration’s treatment of detainees was perfectly reasonable, certainly in comparison to the way irregulars have been treated in the past and certainly in comparison to the way coalition troops have been treated by enemy irregulars.

  14. For starters, the MSM will keep it contained by making sure that those who do will not have a platform for their outrage.
    How can Zero have “show trials” without showing the trials?
    If the accused are acquitted then how can there be no coverage of the fact that they are detained afterward?
    I think there won’t be any who are acquitted at these trials.
    No Acquittals = No Detentions = No Outrage
    Besides, detention without charges can only happen to POWs or there will be an outrage.
    Didn’t everyone already know they were POWs?
    The thing the MSM will keep the lid on is the cost $$$ of the show trials, during a recession, which will make OJ’s trial look cheap in comparison.
    Jason, it does not contravene a Geneva Convention to interrogate a POW.

  15. “It makes up for my guess that he’d act in a pragmatic way on the economy. Ooops.” – Jason
    Let’s check again in three years and you can tell me then which issue carries more weight.

  16. OZ;
    I stand by the quote you refer to from my 8:46am post, namely **the MSM will keep it contained by making sure that those who do will not have a platform for their outrage.**
    These are not going to be public trials. There will not be reporters and cameras present. They are closed door military trials. No court TV. Hence, what the average person comes to understand from this will be based on how the MSM decides to report it, and how much volumn they choose to give it.
    We all know how much the media covered for Obama in the last election. What makes you think they are about to stop now. Let me make a prediction. It will not be, and most tellingly, is not now front page news. CNN and other broadcasters will not give this or that civil rights group nightly coverage. They will line up guests and talking heads to rationalize or excuse it whenever they do.
    Maybe I am wrong, but this much we know. The media gave Bush a rough ride over Gitmo. If he had committed to closing it, and was waffling the way Obama is, they would be on him like a bad smell. Has not happened with Obama. I am betting it continues.

  17. I wonder how O feels about post-acquital detention if his birth certificate ever surfaces and shows what people are surmising?
    What he does can be turned on him…
    “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

  18. Tim,
    That was more of a joke. In 5 years the media will be blaming whatever republican took over for the Obamination for the mess the democrats made.

  19. “Jason, it does not contravene a Geneva Convention to interrogate a POW.”
    With due allowances for rest, recreation and meals, prisoners of war may be interrogated by the detaining power every day for the duration of their internment in order to garner information for intelligence purposes.
    The reality of course, is that most are questioned and screened out early; interrogation is an intensive process that needs to focus on useful intelligence targets.
    You don’t waste much time on a private soldier when you’re holding a division commander.

  20. Tha answer is simple. Just send them to Kenya, where Obama had his begining.
    Send them all there.
    That or Chicago where they should fit in nicely.

  21. They are closed door military trials.
    ~BOB C
    I didn’t say they wouldn’t be.
    I did ask how they could be show trials if they weren’t shown to people.

  22. a half dozen mobiles out back of the WhiteHouse. Think of the photoops for Ohbie!!
