Reader Tips

Good evening ladies, and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Tonight, well, you know, we have to, at some point, or other, in the history of SDA LNR, do this, so, tonight, here, for your delectation, and without further ado, are Mr. Lester Flatt, and Mr. Earl Scruggs, and the Foggy Mountain Boys, performing Foggy Mountain Breakdown ¤, at the Grand Ole Opry, in 1965 (1:47). By the way, shouldn’t I get some kind of award, or other, for run-on comma-phrases, yet, already?

I mean seriously: there were 25 commas in that paragraph!

Your Reader Tips are, as always, welcome, in the comments, eh, what?

44 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. I have to admit you have done for English Grammar what Jim Hansen has done for verbal diarrhea. LOL

  2. The natural end result of socialism: rats and ?*.
    “Health problems detected at six temporary dumps
    Updated: Thu Jul. 09 2009 6:50:59 PM
    CTV Toronto has learned the city hs(sic) declared six of its temporary dump sites to be potential public health hazards.”
    ?”A hero for our times | Books | The Guardian
    17 Nov 2001 … La Peste, Albert Camus’s fable of the coming of the plague to the …. to the surface which up to then had been devouring it inside. …. the plague will rouse its rats and send them to die in some well-contented city.

  3. Hemingway or Faulkner, Vitruvius?
    Here’s Arthur McBride by Paul Brady in 1977 for anyone in a more mellow frame of mind.
    Bluegrass fires up my blood.

  4. Michael Coren asks two left-wingers if Islamic fundamentalism is a problem and they get into all kinds of contortions of denial and deflection. I highly recommend you

  5. Whats with the pic on Drudge of Obama checking out that girls ass? Shouldnt we be discussing that.

  6. Thanks for that Michael Coren clip, Missisauga Matt. His guests WILL NOT admit “islam fundamentalists” are a danger even when the evidence is right there in front of them.
    Speaking of which, I saw the infamous Zainab Khader (in signature black niqab) today in Ottawa with her moonbat husband. Her cute daughter with hijab (and all of what, 7 years old) bouncing around. The daughter and her stepdad get along well but I think that Zainab is one cold, calculating woman. Didn’t appear to give her daughter the time of day. JMHO.

  7. Mississauga Matt; thanks for the direct link to the Michael Coren interview, it was most revelatory. These people come totally unprepared with no knowledge of history or present day facts. I have listened to this drivel while traveling the various transit systems, and in at least one case, when a young man was explaining to another that there were no Jews in the World Trade towers on 9/11, they having been told to stay home (by whom?), I challenged him to give me any proof of this, and whether he really believed that crap. He seemed astonished that I would even question his claims.

  8. Coren’s at his best when he calls out one of the guests for talking out their ass; He doesn’t do it nearly enough.
    Michael should have called Dude from York when he said McVeigh is never referred to as a terrorist like Muslims are.
    I’ve never heard McVeigh referred to as anything other than a “domestic terrorist”.
    “No TAYLORS were harmed in the typing of this post.”

  9. hi Matt – thnx for vid – really good – Coren really lacerates the moonbats. None so blind as those who wont see. Coren keeps his humor and perspective throughout – something I could never do with these toons.

  10. Sat in the chairs from Lester Flatt’s bus in the Station Inn in Nashville. Flatt, Scruggs and Bill Monroe and missed. Its one of those days when I miss Lester Flatt!

  11. Sat in the chairs from Lester Flatt’s bus in the Station Inn in Nashville. Flatt, Scruggs and Bill Monroe are missed. Its one of those days when I miss Lester Flatt!

  12. Was Helen Thomas “in bed” with “Obozo”?
    “Top Press Secretly Parties With Obama on Fourth of July (Presstitures caught in bed with Obozo)
    John Cook of the gossip website Gawker discovered that the White House press elite partied down with President Obama on ahem, Independence Day:
    Reporters from roughly 30 television networks, newspapers, magazines, and web sites celebrated the Fourth of July with Barack Obama at the White House last weekend. Why didn’t you know that? Because they were sworn to secrecy.”
    “The reporters were invited to attend on the following condition:
    “You are being invited to attend this event as a guest. Blogging, Twittering or otherwise reporting on this event is not permitted. If you feel that you cannot agree to abide by these ground rules, please don’t claim a ticket.””

  13. Time for Jeopardy!!
    Answer : John Mellencamp
    Question : Why ma nature made breathing an autonomic function because this idiot is too stupid to remember to breath.
    “Freedom of speech is really about assembly — for us to collectively have an idea. We want to get our point of view out so we can assemble and I can appoint you to be the spokesman. That’s freedom of speech — to be able to collectively speak for a sector of people.”
    Um, wow…….. John, if the singing thing does not work out, I am sure you can scam a job at a Canadian HRC!!

  14. Scandal in Beefeating Britain.
    Vegan Socialist snubs host/hostess.
    Uninformed experts say Mrs. Brown suffers from depression.
    Brown did “it”, the Snub, twice! Oh My Gaia, ‘s’awful.
    “Sarah Brown has twice declined to eat veal during her visit to Italy for the G8 summit, it was disclosed today.”
    BTW, veal is deelicio with crackers in egg sauce with a shake of worrcesterrshurrshurr sauce.
    “Sarah Brown declines to eat veal at G8
    Prime minister’s wife has long-standing objections to the meat, a popular delicacy in Italy”

  15. Pig bites man. Pig dies.
    Slow newsday for al-Reuters.
    “Pigs at risk from people as new flu spreads”

  16. O’pic included. Free.
    It’s anOther O’keeper.
    “ABC explains Obama leering
    On first glance, the snapshot appears to show President Obama caught in a moment of less than lofty analysis. But upon looking at the video, the moment seems to appear quite innocent — one of those times when a picture can be misleading. The president was on a higher step and was stepping down — so he looked down to assure his footing as the woman was walking up the stairs.”
    (Excerpt) Read more at …
    Check out Sarkozy.
    Commenter at FR says:
    “Just another of OUR mistakes—the king is perfectly innocent—in a pig’s @$$!!!!!”

  17. Oh good grief. Watching a news conference from the scene of the gravedigging/reselling grave plots crime in Illinois, and who is standing at the mic, noneother than Rev. Jesse Jackson.
    Not five minutes after we heard of the death of MJ, Al Sharpton and Jackson were blah blah blah blah on the TV.
    I mean, come on! Are they in competition to be first on the scene at every black “event”? I’m sure Al will be next up on this one. I’m almost starting to think they are behind some of these “events” just so they can get some face time.
    Maybe THAT’s why Al didn’t tell that woman how dumb her “Sarah Palin offed MJ” theory was. He’s covering his own ass!!!LOL

  18. Political opposition is not a hate crime
    Rep. Alcee Hastings – the impeached Florida judge Nancy Pelosi tried to install as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee until her own party members rebelled – introduced an amendment to the defense authorization bill that gives Attorney General Eric Holder sole discretion to label groups that oppose government policy on guns, abortion, immigration, states’ rights, or a host of other issues. In a June 25 speech on the House floor, Rep. Trent Franks, R-AZ, blasted the idea: “This sounds an alarm for many of us because of the recent shocking and offensive report released by the Department of Homeland Security which labeled, arguably, a majority of Americans as ‘extremists.'”
    Another Hastings bill (HR 645) authorizes $360 million in 2009 and 2010 to set up “not fewer than six national emergency centers on military installations” capable of housing “a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster.” But Section 2 (b) 4 allows the Secretary of Homeland Security to use the camps “to meet other appropriate needs” – none of which are specified. This is the kind of blank check that Congress should never, ever sign.

  19. Did you know, that as soon as you authorize anyone to do a direct deposit into your account, the bank would understand it as authorization for that party to reverse the payments out of your account too?
    I just had to fight (and win) a small war with my bank to get them to admit that they can put the account into ‘deposit only mode’ at my request.

  20. File under “you don’t say?”
    Reporter: ‘We Took Sides, Straight and Simple’ Against Palin
    “…long-time White House reporter Carl Cannon bluntly declared that the political press gave Sarah Palin a raw deal in the 2008 campaign, and seriously failed to scrutinize Joe Biden, especially his fact-mangling and odd statements in the vice presidential debate. Cannon summed up:
    In the 2008 election, we took sides, straight and simple, particularly with regard to the vice presidential race. I don’t know that we played a decisive role in that campaign, and I’m not saying the better side lost. What I am saying is that we simply didn’t hold Joe Biden to the same standard as Sarah Palin, and for me, the real loser in this sordid tale is my chosen profession.”
    (Of Biden:)
    “Lord, would Tina Fey have had fun with this jumble of misinformation – if only Palin had said it!”
    There is much, much more in this article.

  21. Whiff of Eugenics: Ginsburg Tells NYT Roe Was About ‘Populations That We Don’t Want …. Too Many Of’
    In a July 7 New York Times Magazine article (“The Place of Women on the Court”; HT to an e-mailer) apparently scheduled to appear in its July 12 print edition (based on its URL), Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told the Times’s Emily Bazelon that “at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”
    Who is this “we” Ginsburg refers to?
    Alleged reporter Bazelon did not follow up on this astounding admission.

  22. Here is MSM with Islam-denial.
    MSM does not use the words: Islam or Muslim.
    It’s the natural end result of Liberal PET’s multiculturalism.
    “PC riding group shelved after sex raps surface”
    “Riding association president Sarfraz Warraich, 42, of Barrie, has been charged with gang sexual assault and attempting to obstruct justice.
    A second board member, 43-year-old Barrie resident Arif Mehmood, has also been charged with gang sexual assault.”
    “Also charged with gang sexual assault are Ashfaq Gondal, 50, of Barrie; Sardar Muhammad, 45, of Barrie; and Zaidy Hussian, 37, of Innisfil. None of them are linked to the riding association, according to sources.”
    “An interpreter in Erdu, an official language in Pakistan, has also been requested for the court proceedings.
    There is a publication ban on information that could identify the complainant or witnesses.”

  23. Take note that CNN is the only source I found reporting this and I think it’s only because Anderson Cooper is following Barry on his African visit this weekend.
    Why all the media secrecy or, uh umm, Oversight?
    (CNN) — “President Barack Obama was due in Ghana Friday, generating excitement in the west African nation and envy among its neighbors with many seeing his visit as sending a message to governments over their poor records on stability…
    …As Ghana basked in the glow, media across Africa asked different variations of the same question: Why not us?
    Obama summed up the answer in two words: democratic commitment…
    …The peaceful election in the nation of 23 million is a far cry from recent votes in Zimbabwe and Kenya, where Obama’s father hails from. The two countries plunged into postelection chaos last year, forcing leaders to form contentious coalition governments…”
    Snub Kenya because it’s not “democratic” enough? And here I thought big O was a worshipper of Countries like Venezuela and Cuba. Heck, he just kissed Putin’s ass venering Russia’s “accomplishments”.
    Could it be because of this event when Barry was senator: The Obama Odinga Connection.
    Could it also be he’s skipping Kenya because of the birth issue fearing potential embarrassing questions on that too?

  24. revnant dream – the reason the arab buildings are ‘illegal’ is because Israel won’t give them permits to build. Google something like ‘Israel and refusal to give Arabs building permits’. Or remove the word ‘refusal’.
    Here’s from one article: “Palestinian residents of Al-Quds complain about “a harsh and indescribably racist policy that always discriminates against non-Jews.”
    “People apply for a building license, but the Israeli authorities refuse to give them licenses. They simply want Arabs to leave the city,” said Jihad Abu Zneid, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council representing Al-Quds.
    “Israel simply wants to expel as many Arabs from here as possible, their ultimate goal is to obliterate the Arab identity of Al-Quds.”
    The Israeli Interior Ministry in coordination with the Jerusalem’s Jewish Municipality decided recently to demolish as many 88 Arab homes at East Jerusalem’s Silwan neighborhood, alleging that the targeted houses had been built without proper building licenses.
    Israeli officials said a park for settlers would be built in the area.
    Last month, Israeli occupation authorities issued demolition orders for more than 88 houses in Silwan neighborhood which abuts the Old City of Al-Quds.”
    And here’s one from ‘New Israel Fund’.
    In Israel, 93 percent of the land is owned by the Israeli government or quasi-governmental agencies like the Jewish National Fund. Few Israelis own the land they live on; instead, private dwellings are granted 99-year leases by the government. And, as in most modern countries, building new housing, or adding to existing housing, requires permits from the municipal government. In a country with a growing population, the landscape is filled with construction cranes and bulldozers building houses and apartment blocks where none existed before. With one caveat: Since Israel’s founding, almost every new development, town, neighborhood and even city constructed for the growing population has been reserved for Jews.
    The contrast is most obvious in Israel’s five “mixed cities” – Haifa, Jaffa, Acre, Lod and Ramle. More than 90,000 Arab citizens comprise 15 to 20 percent of the population of each of these cities. Jewish neighborhoods expand easily, granted permits for new dwellings. In Lod and Ramle, for example, the new Ganei Aviv Jewish neighborhoods accommodate thousands of Jewish families with all the necessary infrastructure – schools, roads, power lines and water. Meanwhile, Gan Khakal alone contains 80 Arab families in homes unrecognized by the government despite the town’s long history; neither schools nor physical infrastructure are provided, and the inhabitants live with the daily fear of home demolition by the authorities for their “un-permitted” homes.
    Why do Arab Israelis build homes without permits? Because for a group with a 3.9 percent birthrate, keeping a growing family under one original roof eventually becomes impossible. Applications by Arab Israelis for permits to build or expand are almost always denied – and moving to a Jewish neighborhood is usually impossible, either because of legal restrictions or outright discrimination against the minority.
    “The housing situation in Israel is the single biggest reminder of the second-class citizenship of Palestinian citizens of Israel,” said Nidal Abed el-Gafer, Legal Advisor to the New Israel Fund’s Mixed Cities Project for the Promotion of Housing Rights. “Without access to building permits, and with our ‘illegal’ dwellings under constant threat of demolition, we are a growing population caged in substandard neighborhoods, without hope of coexistence with our Jewish neighbors.”
    It isn’t as simple as you outline it.

  25. cal2 – right. Our MSM ignored that Ignatieff signed the Coalition scam.
    And, that Ignatieff was the one who wanted the Motion of ‘Quebec is a nation’..which he proposed because he wanted Quebec votes. No matter how badly such a motion would divide the country. He wanted the votes.
    Harper saved the day by changing the Motion to ‘the Quebecois are a nation within a united Canada’. …which refers only to the people not the geographic terrain.
    Ignatieff is unethical to his core.
    Just like our MSM.
